- <sect1 id="terminology">
- <title>Terminology</title>
- <para>
- In the following documentation,
- <firstterm>site</firstterm>
- may be interpreted as the host machine on which
- <Productname>Postgres</Productname> is installed.
- Since it is possible to install more than one set of
- <Productname>Postgres</Productname>
- databases on a single host, this term more precisely denotes any
- particular set of installed
- <Productname>Postgres</Productname> binaries and databases.
- </para>
- <para>
- The
- <Productname>Postgres</Productname> <firstterm>superuser</firstterm>
- is the user named <replaceable>postgres</replaceable>
- who owns the <Productname>Postgres</Productname>
- binaries and database files. As the database superuser, all
- protection mechanisms may be bypassed and any data accessed
- arbitrarily.
- In addition, the <Productname>Postgres</Productname> superuser is allowed to execute
- some support programs which are generally not available to all users.
- Note that the <Productname>Postgres</Productname> superuser is
- <emphasis>not</emphasis>
- the same as the Unix superuser (which will be referred to as <firstterm>root</firstterm>).
- The superuser should have a non-zero user identifier (<firstterm>UID</firstterm>)
- for security reasons.
- </para>
- <para>
- The
- <firstterm>database administrator</firstterm>
- or <acronym>DBA</acronym>, is the person who is responsible for installing
- <Productname>Postgres</Productname> with mechanisms to
- enforce a security policy for a site. The DBA can add new users by
- the method described below
- and maintain a set of template databases for use by
- <application>createdb</application>.
- </para>
- <para>
- The <application>postmaster</application>
- is the process that acts as a clearing-house for requests
- to the <Productname>Postgres</Productname> system.
- Frontend applications connect to the <application>postmaster</application>,
- which keeps tracks of any system errors and communication between the
- backend processes. The <application>postmaster</application>
- can take several command-line arguments to tune its behavior.
- However, supplying arguments is necessary only if you intend to run multiple
- sites or a non-default site.
- </para>
- <para>
- The <Productname>Postgres</Productname> backend
- (the actual executable program <application>postgres</application>) may be executed
- directly from the user shell by the
- <Productname>Postgres</Productname> super-user
- (with the database name as an argument). However,
- doing this bypasses the shared buffer pool and lock table associated
- with a postmaster/site, therefore this is not recommended in a multiuser
- site.
- </para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="notation">
- <title>Notation</title>
- <para>
- <quote>...</quote> or <filename>/usr/local/pgsql/</filename>
- at the front of a file name is used to represent the
- path to the <Productname>Postgres</Productname> superuser's home directory.
- </para>
- <para>
- In a command synopsis, brackets
- (<quote>[</quote> and <quote>]</quote>) indicate an optional phrase or keyword.
- Anything in braces
- (<quote>{</quote> and <quote>}</quote>) and containing vertical bars (<quote>|</quote>)
- indicates that you must choose one.
- </para>
- <para>
- In examples, parentheses (<quote>(</quote> and <quote>)</quote>) are used to group boolean
- expressions. <quote>|</quote> is the boolean operator OR.
- </para>
- <para>
- Examples will show commands executed from various accounts and programs.
- Commands executed from the root account will be preceeded with <quote>></quote>.
- Commands executed from the <Productname>Postgres</Productname>
- superuser account will be preceeded with <quote>%</quote>, while commands
- executed from an unprivileged user's account will be preceeded with
- <quote>$</quote>.
- <acronym>SQL</acronym> commands will be preceeded with <quote>=></quote>
- or will have no leading prompt, depending on the context.
- </para>
- <note>
- <para>
- At the time of writing (<Productname>Postgres</Productname> v6.5) the notation for
- flagging commands is not universally consistant throughout the documentation set.
- Please report problems to
- <ulink url="">the Documentation Mailing List</ulink>.
- </para>
- </note>
- </sect1>
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