- <Chapter Id="start">
- <Title>Getting Started</Title>
- <Abstract>
- <Para>
- How to begin work with <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> for a new user.
- </Para>
- </Abstract>
- <Para>
- Some of the steps required to use <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- can be performed by any Postgres user, and some must be done by
- the site database administrator. This site administrator
- is the person who installed the software, created
- the database directories and started the <Application>postmaster</Application>
- process. This person does not have to be the UNIX
- superuser (<Quote>root</Quote>)
- or the computer system administrator; a person can install and use
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> without any special accounts or privileges.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- If you are installing <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> yourself, then
- refer to the Administrator's Guide for instructions on installation, and return
- to this guide when the installation is complete.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- Throughout this manual, any examples that begin with
- the character <Quote>%</Quote> are commands that should be typed
- at the UNIX shell prompt. Examples that begin with the
- character <Quote>*</Quote> are commands in the Postgres query
- language, Postgres <Acronym>SQL</Acronym>.
- </Para>
- <Sect1>
- <Title>Setting Up Your Environment</Title>
- <Para>
- This section discusses how to set up
- your own environment so that you can use frontend
- applications. We assume <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> has already been
- successfully installed and started; refer to the Administrator's Guide
- and the installation notes
- for how to install Postgres.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> is a client/server application. As a user,
- you only need access to the client portions of the installation (an example
- of a client application is the interactive monitor <Application>psql</Application>).
- For simplicity,
- we will assume that <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> has been installed in the
- directory <FileName>/usr/local/pgsql</FileName>. Therefore, wherever
- you see the directory <FileName>/usr/local/pgsql</FileName> you should
- substitute the name of the directory where <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> is
- actually installed.
- All <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> commands are installed in the directory
- <FileName>/usr/local/pgsql/bin</FileName>. Therefore, you should add
- this directory to your shell command path. If you use
- a variant of the Berkeley C shell, such as csh or tcsh,
- you would add
- <ProgramListing>
- % set path = ( /usr/local/pgsql/bin path )
- </ProgramListing>
- in the <FileName>.login</FileName> file in your home directory. If you use
- a variant of the Bourne shell, such as sh, ksh, or
- bash, then you would add
- <ProgramListing>
- % PATH=/usr/local/pgsql/bin:$PATH
- % export PATH
- </ProgramListing>
- to the .profile file in your home directory.
- From now on, we will assume that you have added the
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> bin directory to your path. In addition, we
- will make frequent reference to <Quote>setting a shell
- variable</Quote> or <Quote>setting an environment variable</Quote> throughout
- this document. If you did not fully understand the
- last paragraph on modifying your search path, you
- should consult the UNIX manual pages that describe your
- shell before going any further.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- If your site administrator has not set things up in the
- default way, you may have some more work to do. For example, if the database
- server machine is a remote machine, you
- will need to set the <Acronym>PGHOST</Acronym> environment variable to the name
- of the database server machine. The environment variable
- <Acronym>PGPORT</Acronym> may also have to be set. The bottom line is this: if
- you try to start an application program and it complains
- that it cannot connect to the <Application>postmaster</Application>,
- you should immediately consult your site administrator to make sure that your
- environment is properly set up.
- </Para>
- </Sect1>
- <Sect1>
- <Title>Starting the Interactive Monitor (psql)</Title>
- <Para>
- Assuming that your site administrator has properly
- started the <Application>postmaster</Application> process and authorized you to
- use the database, you (as a user) may begin to start up
- applications. As previously mentioned, you should add
- <FileName>/usr/local/pgsql/bin</FileName> to your shell search path.
- In most cases, this is all you should have to do in
- terms of preparation.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- As of <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> v6.3, two different styles of connections
- are supported. The site administrator will have chosen to allow TCP/IP network connections
- or will have restricted database access to local (same-machine) socket connections only.
- These choices become significant if you encounter problems in connecting to a database.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- If you get the following error message from a <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- command (such as <Application>psql</Application> or <Application>createdb</Application>):
- <ProgramListing>
- % psql template1
- Connection to database 'postgres' failed.
- connectDB() failed: Is the postmaster running and accepting connections
- at 'UNIX Socket' on port '5432'?
- </ProgramListing>
- or
- <ProgramListing>
- % psql -h localhost template1
- Connection to database 'postgres' failed.
- connectDB() failed: Is the postmaster running and accepting TCP/IP
- (with -i) connections at 'localhost' on port '5432'?
- </ProgramListing>
- it is usually because (1) the <Application>postmaster</Application> is not running,
- or (2) you are attempting to connect to the wrong server host.
- If you get the following error message:
- <ProgramListing>
- FATAL 1:Feb 17 23:19:55:process userid (2360) != database owner (268)
- </ProgramListing>
- it means that the site administrator started the <Application>postmaster</Application>
- as the wrong user. Tell him to restart it as
- the <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> superuser.
- </Para>
- </Sect1>
- <Sect1>
- <Title>Managing a Database</Title>
- <Para>
- Now that <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> is up and running we can create some
- databases to experiment with. Here, we describe the
- basic commands for managing a database.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- Most <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- applications assume that the database name, if not specified, is the same as the name on your computer
- account.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- If your database administrator has set up your account without database creation privileges,
- then she should have told you what the name of your database is. If this is the case, then you
- can skip the sections on creating and destroying databases.
- </Para>
- <Sect2>
- <Title>Creating a Database</Title>
- <Para>
- Let's say you want to create a database named <Database>mydb</Database>.
- You can do this with the following command:
- <ProgramListing>
- % createdb mydb
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- <Para>
- If you do not have the privileges required to create a database, you will see
- the following:
- <ProgramListing>
- % createdb mydb
- WARN:user "your username" is not allowed to create/destroy databases
- createdb: database creation failed on mydb.
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- <Para>
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> allows you to create any number of databases
- at a given site and you automatically become the
- database administrator of the database you just created. Database names must have an alphabetic first
- character and are limited to 32 characters in length.
- Not every user has authorization to become a database
- administrator. If <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> refuses to create databases
- for you, then the site administrator needs to grant you
- permission to create databases. Consult your site
- administrator if this occurs.
- </Para>
- </Sect2>
- <Sect2>
- <Title>Accessing a Database</Title>
- <Para>
- Once you have constructed a database, you can access it
- by:
- <ItemizedList Mark="bullet" Spacing="compact">
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- running the <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> terminal monitor programs
- (e.g. <Application>psql</Application>) which allows you to interactively
- enter, edit, and execute <Acronym>SQL</Acronym> commands.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- writing a <Acronym>C</Acronym> program using the LIBPQ subroutine
- library. This allows you to submit <Acronym>SQL</Acronym> commands
- from <Acronym>C</Acronym> and get answers and status messages back to
- your program. This interface is discussed further
- in <citetitle>The PostgreSQL Programmer's Guide</citetitle>.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </ItemizedList>
- You might want to start up <Application>psql</Application>,
- to try out the examples in this manual.
- It can be activated for the <Database>mydb</Database>
- database by typing the command:
- <ProgramListing>
- % psql mydb
- </ProgramListing>
- You will be greeted with the following message:
- <ProgramListing>
- Welcome to the POSTGRESQL interactive sql monitor:
- Please read the file COPYRIGHT for copyright terms of POSTGRESQL
- type ? for help on slash commands
- type q to quit
- type g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
- You are currently connected to the database: template1
- mydb=>
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- <Para>
- This prompt indicates that the terminal monitor is listening
- to you and that you can type <Acronym>SQL</Acronym> queries into a
- workspace maintained by the terminal monitor.
- The <Application>psql</Application> program responds to escape codes that begin
- with the backslash character, <Quote></Quote> For example, you
- can get help on the syntax of various
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> <Acronym>SQL</Acronym> commands by typing:
- <ProgramListing>
- mydb=> h
- </ProgramListing>
- Once you have finished entering your queries into the
- workspace, you can pass the contents of the workspace
- to the <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> server by typing:
- <ProgramListing>
- mydb=> g
- </ProgramListing>
- This tells the server to process the query. If you
- terminate your query with a semicolon, the <Quote>g</Quote> is not
- necessary.
- <Application>psql</Application> will automatically process semicolon terminated queries.
- To read queries from a file, say myFile, instead of
- entering them interactively, type:
- <ProgramListing>
- mydb=> i fileName
- </ProgramListing>
- To get out of <Application>psql</Application> and return to UNIX, type
- <ProgramListing>
- mydb=> q
- </ProgramListing>
- and <Application>psql</Application> will quit and return you to your command
- shell. (For more escape codes, type <Command>h</Command> at the monitor
- prompt.)
- White space (i.e., spaces, tabs and newlines) may be
- used freely in <Acronym>SQL</Acronym> queries. Single-line comments are denoted by
- <Quote>--</Quote>. Everything after the dashes up to the end of the
- line is ignored. Multiple-line comments, and comments within a line,
- are denoted by <Quote>/* ... */</Quote>
- </Para>
- </Sect2>
- <Sect2>
- <Title>Destroying a Database</Title>
- <Para>
- If you are the database administrator for the database
- <Database>mydb</Database>, you can destroy it using the following UNIX command:
- <ProgramListing>
- % destroydb mydb
- </ProgramListing>
- This action physically removes all of the UNIX files
- associated with the database and cannot be undone, so
- this should only be done with a great deal of forethought.
- </Para>
- </Sect2>
- </Sect1>
- </Chapter>
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