- <Chapter Id="xaggr">
- <Title>Extending <Acronym>SQL</Acronym>: Aggregates</Title>
- <Para>
- Aggregates in <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- are expressed in terms of state
- transition functions. That is, an aggregate can be
- defined in terms of state that is modified whenever an
- instance is processed. Some state functions look at a
- particular value in the instance when computing the new
- state (<Acronym>sfunc1</Acronym> in the
- create aggregate syntax) while
- others only keep track of their own internal state
- (<Acronym>sfunc2</Acronym>).
- If we define an aggregate that uses only
- <Acronym>sfunc1</Acronym>, we
- define an aggregate that computes a running function of
- the attribute values from each instance. "Sum" is an
- example of this kind of aggregate. "Sum" starts at
- zero and always adds the current instance's value to
- its running total. We will use the
- <Acronym>int4pl</Acronym> that is
- built into <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- to perform this addition.
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE AGGREGATE complex_sum (
- sfunc1 = complex_add,
- basetype = complex,
- stype1 = complex,
- initcond1 = '(0,0)'
- );
- SELECT complex_sum(a) FROM test_complex;
- +------------+
- |complex_sum |
- +------------+
- |(34,53.9) |
- +------------+
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- <Para>
- If we define only <Acronym>sfunc2</Acronym>, we are
- specifying an aggregate
- that computes a running function that is independent of
- the attribute values from each instance.
- "Count" is the most common example of this kind of
- aggregate. "Count" starts at zero and adds one to its
- running total for each instance, ignoring the instance
- value. Here, we use the built-in
- <Acronym>int4inc</Acronym> routine to do
- the work for us. This routine increments (adds one to)
- its argument.
- <ProgramListing>
- sfunc2 = int4inc, -- add one
- basetype = int4,
- stype2 = int4,
- initcond2 = '0'
- );
- SELECT my_count(*) as emp_count from EMP;
- +----------+
- |emp_count |
- +----------+
- |5 |
- +----------+
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- <Para>
- "Average" is an example of an aggregate that requires
- both a function to compute the running sum and a function
- to compute the running count. When all of the
- instances have been processed, the final answer for the
- aggregate is the running sum divided by the running
- count. We use the <Acronym>int4pl</Acronym> and <Acronym>int4inc</Acronym> routines we used
- before as well as the <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> integer division
- routine, <Acronym>int4div</Acronym>, to compute the division of the sum by
- the count.
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE AGGREGATE my_average (
- sfunc1 = int4pl, -- sum
- basetype = int4,
- stype1 = int4,
- sfunc2 = int4inc, -- count
- stype2 = int4,
- finalfunc = int4div, -- division
- initcond1 = '0',
- initcond2 = '0'
- );
- SELECT my_average(salary) as emp_average FROM EMP;
- +------------+
- |emp_average |
- +------------+
- |1640 |
- +------------+
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- </Chapter>