资源名称 [点击查看]
- ; File : $BIOSINIT.A86$
- ;
- ; Description :
- ;
- ; Original Author : DIGITAL RESEARCH
- ;
- ; Last Edited By : $CALDERA$
- ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; Copyright Work of Caldera, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;
- ; *** Current Edit History ***
- ; *** End of Current Edit History ***
- ;
- ; $Log$
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.43 93/12/03 00:38:19
- ; Fix bug in AllocHMA when base not para aligned
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.42 93/11/29 21:40:03
- ; Fill in name field of system DMD's (owner=8) with 'SC'
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.41 93/11/18 15:43:14
- ; Add primitive multi-master checking
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.40 93/11/11 12:25:29
- ; VDISK header changes
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.39 93/11/08 23:19:22
- ; SetupHMA does CALL5 initialisation
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.38 93/10/29 20:03:48
- ; BIOS relocation services restored for possible 3rd party memory manager use
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.37 93/10/29 19:42:27
- ; Change HIDOS default to off
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.36 93/09/22 15:22:14
- ; Change int21/4458 to les bx,cs:drdos_ptr (smaller, faster)
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.35 93/09/03 20:10:55
- ; Support intl YES/NO
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.34 93/09/02 22:34:42
- ; Add header to system allocations
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.33 93/09/01 17:36:57
- ; increase stack size for aspi4dos.sys
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.31 93/08/06 20:55:16
- ; re-arrange device init order for SCREATE.SYS on a VDISK.SYS
- ; BIOSINIT.A86 1.28 93/08/02 14:45:43
- ; hide preload drives from func_device
- include i:msdos.equ ; DOS Function Equates
- include i:psp.def ; PSP Definition
- include i:f52data.def ; Internal DOS data area
- include i:doshndl.def ; Dummy DOS structures
- include config.equ
- include i:fdos.equ
- include i:modfunc.def
- TRUE equ 0FFFFh ; value of TRUE
- FALSE equ 0 ; value of FALSE
- ;
- ; Equates for INIT_FLAGS which can be modified by the BIOS
- ; the default is a RAM based BDOS (Code and Data) with INIT_DRV
- ; specifing the default drive and the initial drive for COMSPEC
- ;
- INIT_ROMCODE equ 0001h ; Rom based DOS CODE
- INIT_COMSPEC equ 0002h ; COMSPEC_DRV specifies the default
- ; Command Processor Drive
- INIT_WINDOWS equ 0004h ; Disable windows support
- COMMAND_BASE equ 000E0h ; must cover FFFF:D0 for CALL5 fixup
- COMMAND_SIZE equ 015C0h
- eject
- ;
- ; The DOS Code Segment is formatted as follows.
- ;
- DOS_OFFSET equ word ptr .0008h ; Offset of code in segment
- HISTORY_CODE equ word ptr .000Ch ; Start of history code
- INIT_CODE equ word ptr .000Eh ; Start of initialisation code
- DOS_FLAG equ word ptr .001Ch ; Compressed Data Flag
- DOS_CODE equ word ptr .001Eh ; DOS Code Length (Bytes)
- DOS_DATA equ word ptr .0020h ; DOS Data Length (Bytes)
- NO_YES_CHARS equ word ptr .0028h ; DOS Data No/Yes characters
- INT31_SEGMENT equ word ptr .00C6h ; DOS Data Segment pointer
- ; for ROM systems
- JMPF_OPCODE equ 0EAh ; 8086 JMPF instruction
- extrn cleanup:near ; BIOS Clean Up routine
- extrn config_init:near ; CONFIG Code Init
- extrn config_finish:near ; Update DOS with Device Info
- extrn config:near ; CONFIG.SYS Processor
- extrn crlf:near ; Output CR/LF to screen
- extrn resident_device_init:near ; Device Driver Init
- extrn read_dos:near ; load DOS file
- extrn setup_ldt:near
- extrn setup_stacks:near
- extrn dos_version_check:near
- db 'Copyright (c) 1983,1996 '
- db 'Caldera, Inc. All Rights Reserved '
- db 'XXXX-0000-987654321X'
- Public biosinit
- ;========
- biosinit:
- ;========
- ; entry: MEM_SIZE = memory size in paragraphs
- ; DEVICE_ROOT = address of 1st resident device driver
- ; INIT_DRV = boot drive (0 = A:, 1 = B:, etc.)
- ; INIT_BUF = minimum # of disk buffers
- ; CURRENT_DOS = code segment of DOS (if loaded)
- ; INIT_FLAGS = Control Flags
- ; COMSPEC_DRV = Drive for Command Processor
- ;
- ;
- ; we set up the following variables
- ; BIOS_SEG = low memory BIOS code/data (static)
- ; DOS_DSEG = low memory DOS data area (static)
- ; RCODE_SEG = relocated BIOS code segment
- ; DOS_CSEG = relocated DOS code segment
- ; INIT_DSEG = segment based initialisation data
- ;
- cld
- cli
- mov ax,cs ; Initialise our stack and Data Segment
- mov ds,ax
- mov ss,ax
- mov sp,offset stack
- sti
- mov bios_seg,ax ; Save the BIOS Segment
- ; Now some code which allows Remote Program Loader to reserve some memory
- ; which will be safe from being trampled on by the system.
- ; The RPL takes over Int 2F and has a magic signature "RPL" at offset 3 from
- ; it's entry point. If this is detected an Int2f is issued
- ;
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = 4A06, DX = Segment address of top of memory
- ; On Exit:
- ; DX = segment address of the RPL
- ;
- ; On return the system will build a DMD entry for the RPL, with an owner field
- ; of 8 (ie. System). The RPL can poke this entry to 0 when it wishes to free
- ; the memory.
- ;
- ; In addition we now look for "RPLOADER", and if found we remember the address
- ; of the entry point so we can call it with status information
- mov dx,mem_size ; get existing size
- dec dx ; one para less for upper mem DMD link
- xor ax,ax
- mov es,ax ; point to vectors
- mov bx,4*2fh ; we want Int 2F vector
- les bx,es:dword ptr [bx] ; pick up the contents
- lea di,3[bx] ; point to magic signature "RPL"
- mov si,offset rpl_name
- mov cx,3
- repe cmpsb ; does the signature match ?
- jne biosinit20
- mov cx,5 ; look also for "RPLOADER"
- repe cmpsb
- jne biosinit10
- mov rpl_off,bx ; save entry point for use later
- mov rpl_seg,es
- biosinit10:
- mov ax,4a06h ; magic number for RPL
- int 2fh ; does anyone want to steal memory ?
- inc dx
- cmp dx,mem_size ; is memory size unchanged ?
- jnb biosinit20
- dec dx ; point back at start of memory
- dec dx ; then one below for DMD start
- mov es,dx ; ES points to DMD
- mov DMD_ID,IDZ ; make it last in the chain
- mov DMD_PSP,8 ; owned by system
- lea di,DMD_NAME ; point to name field
- mov si,offset rpl_name
- mov cx,(length rpl_name)/2
- rep movsw ; initialise name field too
- inc dx ; skip the DMD for real top
- xchg dx,mem_size ; replace memory size with new value
- sub dx,mem_size ; whats the difference ?
- mov DMD_LEN,dx ; save it's this length
- biosinit20:
- ; End of RPL support
- mov ax,mem_size ; get top of memory
- sub ax,MOVE_DOWN
- mov mem_max,ax ; last available paragraph
- mov init_dseg,ax ; initialisation data lives here
- mov cl,4
- mov dx,offset DYNAMIC_DATA_END+15
- shr dx,cl ; we need this much dynamic data
- add ax,dx
- ; Now we try to relocate the BIOS
- mov dx,rcode_len ; we want to keep this much BIOS code
- add systemSize,dx ; so add to reserved space in HMA
- mov dx,icode_len ; how much do we want to move ?
- shr dx,cl
- jz biosinit30 ; if ROMed we have nothing to relocate
- mov rcode_seg,ax ; relocated BIOS lives here
- add ax,dx ; remember how much we allocated
- mov dx,rcode_offset
- mov si,dx
- mov di,dx
- shr dx,cl ; DX = para offset of data
- sub rcode_seg,dx ; adjust our segment value
- mov es,rcode_seg
- mov cx,icode_len
- rep movsb ; copy it up
- biosinit30:
- mov dos_cseg,ax ; a relocated DOS image will live here
- mov ax,offset biosinit_end+32
- mov cl,4 ; Leave the Last Paragraph Free for
- shr ax,cl ; himem DMD
- neg ax ; Calculate the destination
- add ax,mem_size ; Segment for the BIOS relocation
- mov cx,offset biosinit_end ; Relocate the BIOSINIT code to
- mov si,offset biosinit ; the top of available memory
- mov di,si
- sub cx,si ; Size of BIOSINIT
- mov es,ax ; Initialize ES and copy CX words
- rep movsb
- push es ; fiddle RETF to relocated code
- mov ax,offset relocated_init
- push ax
- retf
- ;
- ; Generic BIOS INIT Patch area
- ;
- include i:patch.cod
- ;
- ; BIOSINIT CODE and DATA have now been relocated to high memory
- ;
- relocated_init:
- mov ax,cs
- cli
- mov ss,ax
- mov sp,offset stack
- sti
- mov ds,ax ; All Segment registers now point
- mov es,ax ; to the relocated BIOSINIT
- call config_init ; initialize setup module
- call dd_fixup ; fixup relocatable device drivers
- les di,device_root ; initialize all the resident
- call resident_device_init ; device drivers
- push cs ! pop es
- mov dx,1 ; phase one of RPL initialisation
- call rploader ; inform RPLoader if present
- call Verify386 ; CY set if not a 386
- mov ax,mem_current ; get ending address returned by BIOS
- jc dont_align
- cmp ax,0100h
- jae dont_align ; lets be 4 KByte aligned to benefit
- mov ax,0100h ; the multi tasker (386 or above)
- dont_align:
- mov free_seg,ax ; and save as first Free Segment
- cmp current_dos,0 ; does the OEM want us to read
- jnz dos_reloc ; the DOS file from disk?
- mov ax,dos_cseg
- mov current_dos,ax ; the file is held on the INIT_DRV with
- call read_dos ; the name specified in DOS_NAME
- eject
- ;
- ; The following code will relocate the DOS code.
- ;
- dos_reloc:
- ;
- ; We now move the DOS data to low memory
- ;
- mov ax,current_dos
- mov dos_cseg,ax ; Update the DOS Code Segment
- mov ds,ax
- mov cl,4
- mov ax,ds:DOS_CODE ; get size of DOS code
- add cs:systemSize,ax ; and add to the system size
- shr ax,cl ; convert to para's
- mov cs:dosCodeParaSize,ax ; save for EMM386.SYS
- mov ax,ds:DOS_OFFSET ; remember we have padding
- add cs:dos_coff,ax ; and adjust DOS init offset
- shr ax,cl ; also adjust DOS segment
- sub cs:dos_cseg,ax ; to account for padding
- xor ax,ax
- mov es,ax ; ES -> interrupt vectors
- mov ax,ds:DOS_DATA ; get # of bytes of DOS data
- shr ax,cl ; get para size of DOS data
- xchg ax,cs:free_seg ; get seg for DOS data
- add cs:free_seg,ax ; remember how much we used
- mov es:INT31_SEGMENT,ax ; update the segment value of INT31
- mov es,ax ; so ROMMED systems can find PCM_DSEG
- mov cs:dos_dseg,ax ; we need to remember where too...
- mov si,ds:DOS_CODE ; offset of DOS Data
- xor di,di ; destination offset
- test DOS_FLAG,1 ; has the DOS Data been compressed
- jnz dos_r20 ; yes so call the decompress routine
- mov cx,ds:DOS_DATA ; otherwise just copy the data.
- rep movsb
- jmps dos_r40
- ;
- ; This routine will decompress the DOS data area which has
- ; been compressed after linking using Andy Wightmans data
- ; compression algorithm.
- ;
- dos_r20:
- lodsw ; get control word
- mov cx,ax ; as a count
- jcxz dos_r40 ; all done
- test cx,8000h ; negative ?
- jnz dos_r30 ; yes do zeros
- rep movsb ; else move in data bytes
- jmps dos_r20 ; and to the next
- dos_r30:
- and cx,7fffh ; remove sign
- jcxz dos_r20 ; none to do
- xor ax,ax
- rep stosb ; fill with zeros
- jmps dos_r20
- dos_r40:
- push cs ! pop ds
- push cs ! pop es
- mov cl,4 ; reserve space for resident DDSC's
- mov ax,DDSC_LEN
- mul dev_count ; AX byte are required
- add ax,15
- shr ax,cl ; AX para are required
- xchg ax,free_seg
- add free_seg,ax ; we have allocated the space
- mov res_ddsc_seg,ax ; point res_ddsc_ptr at the space
- mov dx,dos_dseg
- sub ax,dx ; DOS resident DDSC_'s use DOS data seg
- cmp ax,1000h ; surely we must fit ?
- jae dos_r50
- shl ax,cl ; offset within pcmode data segment
- mov res_ddsc_off,ax
- mov res_ddsc_seg,dx ; setup pointer to resident DDSC's
- dos_r50:
- ;
- ; Call the DOS INIT Code passing all the information setup
- ; by the BIOS.
- ;
- mov ax,mem_size ; pass the Memory Size, the first free
- mov bx,free_seg ; segment and the initial
- mov dl,init_drv ; drive to the DOS init routine
- cli
- mov ds,dos_dseg ; DS -> DOS data segment
- callf cs:dos_init
- mov es,cs:dos_dseg
- mov bx,26h ; ES:BX -> list of lists
- mov ax,es:word ptr F52_FCBPTR[bx]
- shr ax,1 ! shr ax,1
- shr ax,1 ! shr ax,1
- and es:word ptr F52_FCBPTR[bx],15
- add es:word ptr F52_FCBPTR+2[bx],ax
- sti
- push cs ! pop ds
- mov es,current_dos ; internationalise the yes/no chars
- mov di,es:NO_YES_CHARS
- mov es,dos_dseg ; ES:DI -> internal table
- mov ax,word ptr no_char
- stosw ; replace default no chars
- mov ax,word ptr yes_char
- stosw ; replace default yes chars
- push cs ! pop es
- add dos_coff,3 ; next dos_init call just fixes up
- ; segment relocations
- mov dx,2 ; phase two of RPL initialisation
- call rploader ; inform RPLoader if present
- call config_start ; get free memory
- call config ; read and process CONFIG.SYS
- call config_end ; relocate DOS code and free memory
- mov ax,(MS_X_OPEN*256)+2 ; Open for Write
- mov dx,offset idle_dev ; Get the IDLE Device Name#
- int DOS_INT ; Open the device
- jc dos_r70 ; Quit on Error
- push ax ; Save the Handle
- mov ax,4458h ; Get the address of the IDLE data
- int DOS_INT ; area in ES:AX
- pop bx ; Restore the Handle
- mov idle_off,ax ; Save the data area offset and
- mov idle_seg,es ; segment
- mov ax,4403h
- mov dx,offset idle_off
- mov cx,DWORD
- int DOS_INT
- mov ah,MS_X_CLOSE
- int DOS_INT
- dos_r70:
- call mark_system_memory ; ensure any memory we have allocated
- ; is marked as system
- mov bios_offset,offset cleanup
- callf bios ; execute BIOS cleanup code
- mov ax,(MS_M_STRATEGY*256)+3
- xor bx,bx ; unlink in upper memory region
- int 21h
- mov dx,3 ; phase three of RPL initialisation
- call rploader ; inform RPLoader if present
- mov ax,12ffh ; magic cleanup call to MemMAX
- mov bx,5 ; to do any tidy ups it wishes
- xor cx,cx
- xor dx,dx
- int 2fh
- push cs ! pop es
- load_e10:
- mov ax,(MS_X_EXEC * 256)+0 ; Exec the Command Processor
- mov bx,offset exec_env ; Get the Parameter Block Address
- mov dx,offset shell ; and the Command Processor
- mov exec_clseg,ds
- mov exec_fcb1seg,ds
- mov exec_fcb2seg,ds
- int DOS_INT ; Go for it
- mov ah,MS_C_WRITESTR ; Print an error message and wait for
- mov dx,offset bad_exec ; the user to enter new name
- int DOS_INT
- mov ah,MS_C_READSTR ; get user to input new COMMAND
- mov dx,offset shell_ask ; location
- int DOS_INT
- call crlf ; tidy up with CR/LF
- xor bx,bx
- mov bl,shell_end
- mov shell[bx],bh ; replace CR with NULL
- jmps load_e10
- eject
- ;
- ; Initialise the PSP and inform DOS of the
- ; location of the BIOSINIT PSP. The MS_P_SETPSP *MUST* be the first
- ; INT21 function call because the PSP Address is used during the
- ; entry code except when the INDOS flag is set and certain function
- ; calls are made.
- ;
- ; Then open the Resident character devices so that the dynamically
- ; devices can output messages to the screen etc.
- ;
- config_start:
- mov cl,4
- mov bx,ds
- mov ax,offset psp ; Now force DOS Plus to use the
- shr ax,cl ; internal PSP for all disk and
- add bx,ax ; character I/O
- mov xftbl_seg,bx ; Update the Handle Table Pointer
- mov parent_psp,bx ; and make this the root process
- mov ah,MS_P_SETPSP ; Set the current PSP
- int DOS_INT
- if DOS5
- mov ax,3306h
- int 21h ; get true version
- mov dosVersion,bx ; and plant in initial PSP
- endif
- call dos_version_check ; make sure we are on correct DOS
- mov ax,4458h
- int DOS_INT ; we need to access local data
- mov drdos_off,bx ; so save a pointer to it
- mov drdos_seg,es
- mov ax,ext_mem_size
- mov es:DRDOS_EXT_MEM[bx],ax ; save extended memory size in DOS
- mov ax,5200h
- int DOS_INT
- mov func52_off,bx
- mov func52_seg,es ; save pointer to internal data
- if DOS5
- mov ax,ext_mem_size
- mov es:F52_EXT_MEM[bx],ax ; save extended memory size in DOS
- endif
- mov ax,(offset TEMP_LDT)/16 ; use our temporary LDT's
- add ax,init_dseg ; during system init
- mov es:F52_PATHOFF[bx],0 ; point at the LDT's
- mov es:F52_PATHSEG[bx],ax
- push cs ! pop es
- mov ah,MS_M_ALLOC ; Allocate all available memory
- mov bx,0FFFFh ; BX is returned with the maximum
- int DOS_INT ; available block size
- mov ah,MS_M_ALLOC
- int DOS_INT
- mov mem_first_base,ax ; Base of 1st allocated block
- mov mem_current_base,ax ; Base of allocated memory
- mov mem_current,ax ; Next available Segment
- call config_finish ; Update DOS with the information
- ; obtained from loading the resident
- ; drivers.
- mov ah,MS_DRV_SET ; Select the Default Drive
- mov dl,init_drv ; passed to us by the BIOS
- int DOS_INT
- mov ah,MS_F_DMAOFF ; Initialise the DMA address for
- mov dx,offset search_state ; the Search First State data
- int DOS_INT
- mov al,init_drv ; get the boot drive then check
- test init_flags,INIT_COMSPEC ; flags to see if this is the
- jz config_s05 ; default COMSPEC drive.
- mov al,comspec_drv
- config_s05:
- add shell,al ; update the drive letter of shell
- add shell_drv,al ; and the reload path
- call open_stdaux ; Open STDAUX as internal handle #0
- call open_stdcon ; Open Standard CON Devices as #1
- mov ah,MS_X_CLOSE ; now close AUX again
- mov bx,STDAUX ; for CONFIG processing
- int DOS_INT
- ret
- ;
- ; Relocate the DOS CODE from high memory to immediately above
- ; the device drivers, buffers etc. Then call the DOS_CLEANUP code
- ; so that any self segment pointers maintained in the DOS DATA
- ; can be updated. Then free all the unused memory and reopen the
- ; standard devices.
- ;
- config_end:
- push es
- mov al,last_drv ; get lastdrive value
- les bx,func52_ptr
- cmp al,es:F52_PHYDRV[bx] ; less than the # of Physical drives ?
- ja config_end10
- mov al,es:F52_PHYDRV[bx] ; ensure minimum of # physical drives
- config_end10:
- mov es:F52_LASTDRV[bx],al ; set # of drives installed
- mov cl,4 ; we will be converting byte-paras
- mov ah,LDT_LEN ; we need this many bytes per drive
- mul ah ; *lastdrive
- add ax,15 ; round LDT's size up to para
- shr ax,cl
- mov dl,'L' ; allocate LDT's
- call alloc_instseg ; Allocate memory AX is destination
- mov es:F52_PATHOFF[bx],0 ; point at the LDT's
- mov es:F52_PATHSEG[bx],ax ; save seg we just allocated
- pop es
- call setup_ldt ; initialise LDT structures
- call setup_stacks ; allocate stacks
- call relocate_system ; relocate system as requested
- push es ; Free all of the unused memory
- mov es,mem_current_base ; ES: Base Allocated Memory
- mov bx,mem_current ; Get the currently allocated memory
- sub bx,mem_current_base ; and subtract mem_current_base to
- mov ah,MS_M_SETBLOCK ; give the number of paragraphs used
- int DOS_INT ; and modify block accordingly
- ; Kludge - if the CONFIG file has had a line of the form INSTALL= to load a TSR
- ; then that TSR will have inherited the handles, so bumping the open count, but
- ; the func 31 exit leaves all these files open. As a result we will get the
- ; wrong internal file numbers unless we force complete closure. So we keep
- ; trying to close each internal handle until we get an error.
- mov ah,MS_P_GETPSP
- int DOS_INT ; get current PSP
- mov es,bx
- mov cx,PSP_XFNMAX ; Close all the standard handles
- les di,PSP_XFTPTR ; and then reopen them in case a
- mov bx,0 ; dynamicly loadable device has
- cfg_e10: ; replaced the BIOS driver
- mov dl,es:[di+bx] ; save old internal handle
- mov ah,MS_X_CLOSE
- int DOS_INT ; try and close this handle
- mov es:[di+bx],dl ; put the internal handle back
- jnc cfg_e10 ; and try and close it again
- mov es:byte ptr [di+bx],0ffh
- inc bx ; mark as closed and try next handle
- loop cfg_e10
- pop es
- ;; jmps open_std
- open_std:
- call open_stdaux ; open AUX device as STDAUX
- call open_stdcon ; now STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR
- ; jmp open_stdprn ; finally STDPRN
- open_stdprn:
- mov ax,(MS_X_OPEN * 256) + 1
- mov dx,offset printer ; Open the PRN device
- int DOS_INT
- jc open_sp10 ; No PRN device
- cmp ax,STDPRN ; If all the previous Opens were
- jz open_sp10 ; successful then this is STDPRN
- mov bx,ax ; otherwise force this to STDPRN
- mov cx,STDPRN
- mov ah,MS_X_DUP2
- int DOS_INT
- mov ah,MS_X_CLOSE
- int DOS_INT
- open_sp10:
- ret
- open_stdcon:
- mov ax,(MS_X_OPEN * 256) + 2
- mov dx,offset console ; Open the CON device
- int DOS_INT
- jc open_sc10 ; No CON device
- mov bx,ax ; First Open should be STDIN
- mov cx,STDOUT ; Force Duplicate to STDOUT
- mov ah,MS_X_DUP2
- int DOS_INT
- mov cx,STDERR ; Then Force Duplicate to STDERR
- mov ah,MS_X_DUP2
- int DOS_INT
- open_sc10:
- ret
- open_stdaux:
- mov ax,(MS_X_OPEN * 256) + 2
- mov dx,offset auxilary ; Open the AUX device
- int DOS_INT ; to get internal handle 0
- jc open_sa10 ; No AUX device
- mov bx,ax ; Force DUP to STDAUX
- mov cx,STDAUX
- mov ah,MS_X_DUP2
- int DOS_INT
- mov ah,MS_X_CLOSE
- int DOS_INT
- open_sa10:
- ret
- eject
- relocate_system:
- push ds ! push es
- cmp dos_target_seg,0FFFFh ; is the OS going high ?
- jne relocate_system10
- call SetupHMA ; make sure HMA chain is established
- xor cx,cx
- xchg cx,systemHMA ; free up any space reserved for the OS
- call FreeHMA
- call ReserveCommandHMA ; reserve space for COMMAND.COM
- relocate_system10:
- call reloc_bios ; move down relocatable drivers
- call reloc_dos ; move DOS above drivers if RAM based
- xor cx,cx
- xchg cx,commandHMA
- call FreeHMA ; return HMA space to pool
- cli
- mov ds,dos_dseg ; DS -> DOS data segment
- callf cs:dos_init ; (in case of CS relative fixups)
- sti
- pop es ! pop ds
- ret
- eject
- reloc_dos: ; move DOS down to just above drivers
- ;----------
- push ds
- push es
- test init_flags,INIT_ROMCODE ; Run the DOS code in ROM
- jz $+5 ! jmp reloc_dos90 ; at CURRENT_DOS - No Code Reloc
- mov es,current_dos
- mov cx,es:DOS_CODE ; get DOS code size in bytes
- mov ax,dos_target_seg ; get DOS target
- cmp ax,0FFFFh ; it it seg FFFF ?
- jne reloc_dos10
- mov es,current_dos
- mov dx,es:DOS_OFFSET
- call AllocHMA ; allocate CX bytes, offset < DX
- jnc reloc_dos50 ; if we can use high memory
- xor ax,ax ; can't, so try auto-allocation
- reloc_dos10:
- test ax,ax ; has a specific address been
- jnz reloc_dos40 ; specified ?
- push cx ; save DOS code size
- xchg ax,cx
- mov cl,4
- shr ax,cl ; convert to paragraphs
- pop cx
- cmp hidos,0 ; do we want to relocate DOS ?
- je reloc_dos20 ; no, allocate conventionally
- call alloc_upper ; else allocate space for the DOS
- jnc reloc_dos40 ; in upper memory if possible
- reloc_dos20:
- mov es,current_dos ; if conventional memory we
- mov ax,es:INIT_CODE ; can discard INIT code
- cmp history_flg,0 ; is history enabled ?
- jne reloc_dos30
- mov ax,es:HISTORY_CODE ; no, discard history code as well
- reloc_dos30:
- push cx
- add ax,15
- mov cl,4 ; convert to paragraphs
- shr ax,cl
- pop cx
- call alloc_seg_with_padding ; allocate in conventional memory
- reloc_dos40:
- xchg ax,dx ; save segment address
- mov es,current_dos ; point at code
- mov ax,es:DOS_OFFSET ; get offset of code start
- xor di,di
- mov es,dx ; ES:DI -> destination address
- push cx ; save DOS size
- mov cl,4
- shr ax,cl ; AX = header size in para's
- sub dx,ax ; adjust DOS segment accordingly
- pop cx ; CX = DOS size in bytes
- reloc_dos50:
- ; At this point
- ; CX = # bytes to move
- ; ES:DI -> destination
- ; DX = segment to fixup
- ;
- mov dos_cseg,dx ; new code segment for DOS
- mov ds,current_dos ; DS -> DOS code
- xor si,si
- shr cx,1 ; CX = # of words in DOS
- rep movsw ; copy DOS down
- reloc_dos90: ; fixups performed
- pop es
- pop ds
- ret
- Public HookInt2F
- HookInt2F:
- ;---------
- ; Hook Int 2F during device driver initialisation so we can intercept
- ; some broadcasts
- ; On Entry:
- ; None (beware DS/ES can be anything)
- ; On Exit:
- ; None (All regs preserved)
- ;
- push es
- push ax
- push bx
- les bx,cs:drdos_ptr
- mov bx,es:DRDOS_INT2F[bx] ; ES:BX -> Int 2F hooks
- mov ax,offset Int2FHandler
- xchg ax,es:4[bx] ; get Int 2F offset
- mov cs:int2FOff,ax
- mov ax,cs
- xchg ax,es:6[bx] ; get Int 2F segment
- mov cs:int2FSeg,ax
- pop bx
- pop ax
- pop es
- ret
- Public UnhookInt2F
- UnhookInt2F:
- ;-----------
- ; Device driver initialisation has finished, so unhook from Int 2F
- ; On Entry:
- ; None (beware DS/ES can be anything)
- ; On Exit:
- ; None (All regs preserved)
- ;
- push es
- push ax
- push bx
- les bx,cs:drdos_ptr
- mov bx,es:DRDOS_INT2F[bx] ; ES:BX -> Int 2F hooks
- mov ax,cs:int2FOff
- mov es:4[bx],ax ; restore Int 2F offset
- mov ax,cs:int2FSeg
- mov es:6[bx],ax ; restore Int 2F segment
- pop bx
- pop ax
- pop es
- ret
- ; During device driver init we provide some services on Int 2F
- ; eg. 12FF for EMM386.SYS and 4A01/4A02 for Windows HIMEM.SYS
- Int2FHandler:
- ;------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; callers DS on stack
- ; On Exit:
- ; if not handled pass on to BIOS, callers DS on stack, all regs preserved
- ;
- pop ds ; pop DS from stack
- cmp ax,4A01h ; Query Free HMA Space ?
- je HMAQueryFree
- cmp ax,4A02h ; Allocate HMA Space ?
- je HMAAlloc
- cmp ax,12FFh ; is it a relocation service ?
- jne OldInt2F
- sti ; if we RETF don't leave IF disabled
- cmp bx,9 ; register upper memory link
- je DOSUpperMemoryRoot
- cmp bx,1 ; Relocate BDOS
- jb DOSQuerySize ; what's the size of DOS
- je DOSRelocate ; where to put it
- cmp bx,3 ; Relocate BIOS
- jb BIOSQuerySize ; what's the size of BIOS
- je BIOSRelocate ; where to put it
- OldInt2F:
- push ds ; DS on stack as expected
- int2FOff dw 0
- int2FSeg dw 0
- ; Enquire DOS size
- DOSQuerySize:
- ;------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; None
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = 0
- ; DX = DOS Size in para's
- ;
- mov dx,cs:dosCodeParaSize ; DX = para's required for DOS code
- jmps RelocExit
- ; Relocate DOS
- DOSRelocate:
- ;-----------
- ; On Entry:
- ; DX = para to reloacte to (FFFF=HMA)
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = 0
- ;
- mov cs:dos_target_seg,dx ; save where
- jmps RelocExit
- ; Enquire BIOS size
- BIOSQuerySize:
- ;-------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; None
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = 0
- ; DX = BIOS Size in para's
- ;
- mov dx,cs:rcode_len ; DX = bytes required for BIOS code
- add dx,15
- mov cl,4
- shr dx,cl ; DX para's required
- jmps RelocExit
- ; Relocate BIOS
- BIOSRelocate:
- ;------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; DX = para to reloacte to (FFFF=HMA)
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = 0
- ;
- mov cs:bios_target_seg,dx ; save where
- ; jmps RelocExit
- RelocExit:
- xor ax,ax ; indicate success
- retf 2
- DOSUpperMemoryRoot:
- ;------------------
- les bx,cs:drdos_ptr
- mov es:DRDOS_DMD_UPPER[bx],dx ; remember upper memory link
- if DOS5
- les bx,cs:func52_ptr
- mov es:F52_DMD_UPPER[bx],dx ; remember upper memory link
- endif
- xor ax,ax
- retf 2
- HMAAlloc:
- ;--------
- ; On Entry:
- ; BX = # bytes to allocate
- ; On Exit:
- ; ES:DI -> start of allocated block
- ; BX trashed
- ;
- push ds
- push ax
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push bp
- push cs ! pop ds ; establish data seg
- mov cx,bx ; CX = bytes wanted
- mov dx,0FFFFh ; anywhere is OK
- call AllocHMA ; ES:DI -> allocated data
- pop bp
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop ax
- pop ds
- iret
- HMAQueryFree:
- ;------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; None
- ; On Exit:
- ; BX = Size of block remaining (0 if no HMA)
- ; ES:DI -> start of available HMA (FFFF:FFFF if no HMA)
- ;
- push ds
- push ax
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push bp
- push cs ! pop ds ; establish data seg
- call SetupHMA ; allocate the HMA for OS use
- les bx,cs:drdos_ptr
- mov di,es:DRDOS_HIMEM_ROOT[bx]
- mov ax,0FFFFh ; get offset of HMA entry
- mov es,ax
- test di,di ; do we have a himem root ?
- jz HMAQueryFree10 ; no, return failure
- mov bx,es:2[di] ; BX = size of region
- mov ax,di ; para align the base
- add ax,15 ; because the allocation will
- and ax,not 15
- sub ax,di ; AX bytes left in the para
- add di,ax ; bias the starting location
- sub bx,ax ; that many less available
- ja HMAQueryFree20 ; if non-zero, return it
- HMAQueryFree10:
- xor bx,bx ; BX = zero on failure
- mov di,0FFFFh ; ES:DI -> FFFF:FFFF
- HMAQueryFree20:
- pop bp
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop ax
- pop ds
- iret
- Public AllocHMA
- AllocHMA:
- ;--------
- ; On Entry:
- ; CX = bytes to allocate
- ; DX = offset of allocation
- ; On Exit:
- ; CY set if no can do and ES:DI = FFFF:FFFF
- ; else
- ; ES:DI -> memory allocated (para aligned)
- ; CX preserved
- ; DX = segment to fixup
- ;
- les bx,cs:drdos_ptr
- mov di,es:DRDOS_HIMEM_ROOT[bx]
- test di,di ; have we a HIMEM chain ?
- jz AllocHMA20
- cmp di,dx ; low enough for us
- ja AllocHMA20
- mov ax,0FFFFh ; relocate to magic segment
- mov es,ax ; lets examine high memory
- mov ax,es:2[di] ; get size of himem entry
- mov si,es:[di] ; and get himem link
- mov bx,di
- add bx,15
- and bx,not 15 ; BX is now para aligned
- sub bx,di ; BX is bytes left in para
- sub ax,bx ; so we only have this much
- jc AllocHMA20 ; less than a para ?
- add di,15 ; para align the base, dropping
- and di,not 15 ; non-aligned bit on floor
- cmp ax,cx ; is himem entry big enough ?
- jb AllocHMA20 ; no, allocate from 1st MByte
- je AllocHMA10 ; just made it!
- sub ax,cx ; how much is left
- cmp ax,2*WORD ; is it to small to keep ?
- jb AllocHMA10 ; no, discard the remainder
- mov bx,di ; point to new entry
- add bx,cx ; this many byte up
- mov es:[bx],si ; fill in link field
- mov es:2[bx],ax ; and length
- mov si,bx ; make this new root
- AllocHMA10:
- push cx ; save length of CODE
- push dx ; and offset of CODE
- les bx,cs:drdos_ptr
- mov es:DRDOS_HIMEM_ROOT[bx],si
- pop ax ; AX = offset of CODE
- mov cl,4
- shr ax,cl ; make it paras
- mov dx,0ffffh
- mov es,dx ; ES:DI -> destination of CODE
- mov dx,di
- mov cl,4
- shr dx,cl ; DX = offset from FFFF in para's
- dec dx ; DX = offset from 10000
- sub dx,ax ; DX = fixup segment
- pop cx ; CX = bytes to move
- clc ; made it!
- ret
- AllocHMA20:
- mov di,0FFFFh ; set ES:DI = FFFF:FFFF
- mov es,di
- stc ; can't do it
- ret
- Public SetupHMA
- SetupHMA:
- ;--------
- ; We have a client for the high memory area at segment FFFF
- ; We should try and setup a high memory free chain
- ; XMS only supports allocation of the complete area, so try and grab
- ; it all and do our own sub-allocations within it.
- ;
- push es
- les bx,cs:drdos_ptr
- cmp es:DRDOS_HIMEM_ROOT[bx],0; do we already have a chain ?
- jnz SetupHMA10 ; if so skip XMS allocation
- mov ax,4300h ; check for XMS installation
- int 2fh
- cmp al,80h
- jne SetupHMA20
- mov ax,4310h ; get address of XMS driver
- int 2fh
- mov word ptr xms_driver,bx
- mov word ptr xms_driver+2,es
- mov ah,0 ; version number check
- callf xms_driver
- cmp dx,1 ; does HiMem exist ?
- jne SetupHMA20
- mov ah,1 ; allocate whole HiMem
- mov dx,0ffffh
- callf xms_driver
- cmp ax,1 ; did we succeed ?
- jne SetupHMA20
- mov ah,3 ; enable a20 gate
- callf xms_driver
- cmp ax,1 ; did we succeed ?
- jne SetupHMA20
- les bx,cs:drdos_ptr
- mov ax,0FFFFh ; one entry of FFF0 bytes covers
- mov es,ax ; the complete HMA
- inc ax
- mov es:word ptr .COMMAND_BASE,ax
- mov es:word ptr .COMMAND_BASE+2,-COMMAND_BASE
- mov di,10h ; copy a dummy VDISK header
- mov si,offset dummyVDISK
- mov cx,10h
- rep movsw ; copy up 0x20 bytes
- push ds ; now fixup JMPF in hi-memory for CALL5
- mov ds,ax ; link for PC-NFS
- mov si,4*30h ; DS:SI -> Int 30 vector
- lea di,10h[si] ; ES:DI -> himem alias
- movsw ! movsw ! movsb ; copy the JMPF
- pop ds
- SetupHMA10:
- les bx,cs:drdos_ptr ; private data area in ES:BX
- cmp dx,es:DRDOS_HIMEM_ROOT[bx]
- jne SetupHMA20 ; should we be reserving space for OS?
- mov cx,systemSize ; we should reserve this much
- call ReserveHMA ; for the OS in the HMA
- jc SetupHMA20
- mov systemHMA,ax ; save for re-use
- SetupHMA20:
- pop es
- ret
- Public alloc_instseg
- alloc_instseg:
- ; allocate AX paragraphs for data that will have to be instanced during
- ; multitasking. if Vladivar kernel available ask that, or else just
- ; try for normal upper memory
- push ax
- push bx ; save registers
- push cx
- mov cx,F_Version ; is the multi-tasker loaded ?
- mov ax,OS386_FUNC
- int OS386_INT
- int 2Fh ; check for Vladivar
- test cx,cx ; CX=0 if it's there
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- jnz alloc_hiseg ; no, allocate normally
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- mov dx,ax ; DX = paragraphs required
- mov cx,F_RealAllocI ; ask nicely for memory
- mov ax,OS386_FUNC
- int OS386_INT
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- jc alloc_intseg10 ; did we get any ?
- add sp,WORD
- clc ; we've done it !!
- ret
- alloc_intseg10:
- pop ax ; we didn't manage it...
- ; jmp alloc_hiseg
- Public alloc_hiseg
- alloc_hiseg:
- ; allocate AX paragraphs in high memory if possible, otherwise allocate
- ; it in conventional memory
- cmp hidos,0 ; do we want to relocate DOS ?
- je alloc_seg ; no, allocate conventionally
- call alloc_upper ; try to allocate some upper memory
- jc alloc_seg ; can't, so allocate conventional
- ret ; else return address of allocated mem
- alloc_seg_with_padding:
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = para's required
- ; DX = minimum acceptable offset
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = base para
- ;
- ; If gate A20 is enabled we can't use negative offset's for DOS/BIOS so
- ; we pad conventional memory to avoid this. Avoid seg=0 while here.
- push cx
- push dx
- add dx,15+16 ; DX is the offset we will be using
- mov cl,4 ; so make sure base is high enough
- shr dx,cl ; convert "offset" to a segment value
- cmp dx,mem_current ; make sure we don't generate a
- jbe alloc_seg_nopad ; negative segement value as this
- mov mem_current,dx ; will crash if a20 enabled
- alloc_seg_nopad: ; pad if necessary
- mov dl,'M' ; allocate for DOS
- call alloc_seg ; now we can allocate OK
- pop dx
- pop cx
- ret
- Public alloc_seg
- alloc_seg:
- ;---------
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = para's required
- ; DL = subsegment type
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = base para
- ;
- push ds
- push cx
- mov cx,ax ; remember how much was wanted
- inc ax ; allow an extra para for a header
- add ax,mem_current ; Return a pointer to AX paragraphs
- cmp ax,mem_max ; of memory to the calling routine.
- jae alloc_s10
- xchg ax,mem_current
- mov ds,ax ; DS:0 -> header
- inc ax ; AX:0 -> buffer
- mov ds:DMD_ID,dl ; remember the type
- mov ds:DMD_PSP,ax ; owner = itself
- mov ds:DMD_LEN,cx ; size in para
- xor cx,cx ; zero rest for cosmetic reasons
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME-3,cx
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME-2,cx
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME,'S'+256*'D'
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME+2,cx
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME+4,cx
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME+6,cx
- pop cx
- pop ds
- ret
- alloc_s10:
- hlt ; ##jc##
- jmps alloc_s10
- alloc_upper:
- ;-----------
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = paragraphs required
- ; On Exit:
- ; CY clear: AX = paragraphs address of allocated memory
- ; CY set: cannot allocate memory (All regs preserved)
- ;
- push bx
- push ax ; save para required
- cmp himem_base,0 ; we have already allocated some ?
- je alloc_upper10 ; nothing to grow, allocate new block
- mov bx,himem_size ; himem was this big
- add bx,ax ; try and extend it
- push es
- mov es,himem_base ; point at existing himem
- mov ah,MS_M_SETBLOCK ; and try and set to new size
- int DOS_INT
- pop es
- jc alloc_upper10 ; can't grow, so allocate new block
- mov ax,himem_base
- add ax,himem_size ; return seg above old alloc
- pop bx ; recover para required
- add himem_size,bx ; add into himem size
- pop bx
- clc ; success..
- ret ; return AX = seg
- alloc_upper10:
- mov ax,(MS_M_STRATEGY*256)+1; set allocation strategy
- mov bl,41h ; to best fit, high only
- int DOS_INT
- pop bx ! push bx ; recover para required in BX
- mov ah, MS_M_ALLOC ; and try to allocate them
- int DOS_INT
- pushf ! push ax ; save CF and possible address
- mov ax,(MS_M_STRATEGY*256)+1; set allocation strategy
- mov bl,0 ; to first fit
- int DOS_INT
- pop ax ! popf ; restore CF and possible address
- jc alloc_upper20 ; can't allocate, use conventional
- cmp ax,mem_size ; is it from upper memory ?
- ja alloc_upper15 ; yes, we can use it
- push es ; it's conventional, free it up
- mov es,ax ; seg address in ES
- mov ah,MS_M_FREE
- int DOS_INT ; free up this memory
- pop es
- jmps alloc_upper20 ; try again with XMS
- alloc_upper15:
- mov himem_base,ax ; save base value
- pop himem_size ; save size
- pop bx ; and return seg in AX
- clc ; success..
- ret
- alloc_upper20:
- pop ax
- pop bx ; restore regs
- push ds ! push es
- push bx ! push cx ! push dx ! push si ! push di ! push bp
- push ax ; save allocation size
- mov ax,4300h ; check for XMS installation
- int 2fh
- cmp al,80h
- jne alloc_upper30
- mov ax,4310h ; get address of XMS driver
- int 2fh
- mov word ptr xms_driver,bx
- mov word ptr xms_driver+2,es
- pop dx ! push dx ; DX = allocation size
- mov ah,10h ; allocate upper memory block
- callf xms_driver
- cmp ax,1 ; did we succeed ?
- jne alloc_upper30
- pop ax ; recover allocation size
- mov ax,bx ; return para address of himem
- pop bp ! pop di ! pop si ! pop dx ! pop cx ! pop bx
- pop es ! pop ds
- clc ; success
- ret
- alloc_upper30:
- pop ax ; recover allocation size
- pop bp ! pop di ! pop si ! pop dx ! pop cx ! pop bx
- pop es ! pop ds
- stc ; failure....
- ret
- mark_system_memory:
- ;------------------
- ; ensure any memory we have allocated is owned by PSP 0008, a magic value
- ; used to indicate system memory
- push es
- les bx,func52_ptr ; get internal data in ES:BX
- mov es,es:F52_DMDROOT[bx] ; get 1st DMD entry
- mov ah,MS_P_GETPSP
- int DOS_INT ; get our PSP in BX
- mark_sm10:
- cmp es:DMD_ID,'M'
- je mark_sm20 ; check we have a valid DMD
- cmp es:DMD_ID,'Z'
- jne mark_sm50 ; stop if we don't
- mark_sm20:
- cmp bx,es:DMD_PSP ; is it ours ??
- jne mark_sm30
- mov es:DMD_PSP,0008 ; mark as system
- mark_sm30:
- cmp es:DMD_PSP,0008 ; if system mark as SC
- jne mark_sm40
- xor ax,ax ; zero rest for cosmetic reasons
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME-3,ax
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME-2,ax
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME,'S'+256*'C'
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME+2,ax
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME+4,ax
- mov ds:word ptr DMD_NAME+6,ax
- mark_sm40:
- cmp es:DMD_ID,'Z' ; is it the last DMD ?
- je mark_sm50 ; then stop
- mov ax,es
- inc ax ; skip DMD header and add
- add ax,DMD_LEN ; length to find next DMD
- mov es,ax
- jmps mark_sm10 ; now go and look at that
- mark_sm50:
- pop es
- ret
- ; Relocate the BIOS code from top of memory
- reloc_bios:
- mov dx,rcode_offset
- mov cx,rcode_len ; we need to relocate this much
- test cx,cx ; do we need to move anything ?
- jnz reloc_bios10
- ret
- reloc_bios10:
- add cx,15 ; round rcode size up to a para
- and cx,not 15
- mov ax,bios_target_seg ; where do we go
- test ax,ax
- jz reloc_bios20 ; zero - do it ourselves
- inc ax ; FFFF - unlikely as it's not
- jz reloc_bios25 ; currently supported
- dec ax ; else we've been given a seg
- jmps reloc_bios40
- reloc_bios20:
- cmp dos_target_seg,0FFFFh ; if DOS goes up, so does BIOS
- jne reloc_bios30
- reloc_bios25:
- call AllocHMA ; in HIGH memory
- jnc reloc_bios50
- reloc_bios30:
- mov ax,cx ; allocate conventionally
- shr ax,1 ! shr ax,1 ; in para's of course
- shr ax,1 ! shr ax,1
- cmp hidos,0 ; do we want to relocate DOS ?
- je reloc_bios35 ; no, allocate conventionally
- call alloc_upper ; try to allocate some upper memory
- jnc reloc_bios40 ; can't, so allocate conventional
- reloc_bios35: ; padding out if required
- call alloc_seg_with_padding
- reloc_bios40:
- mov es,ax
- xor di,di ; ES:DI -> destination
- shr dx,1 ! shr dx,1 ; convert offset to para's
- shr dx,1 ! shr dx,1
- sub ax,dx ; bias segment appropriately
- xchg ax,dx ; and have in DX
- reloc_bios50:
- push es
- push cx
- push di
- push ds
- mov si,rcode_offset
- mov ds,rcode_seg
- rep movsb
- pop ds
- mov rcode_seg,dx ; new RCODE location
- call dd_fixup ; fixup any device drivers
- pop di
- pop cx
- pop es
- ret
- ;
- ; The following code performs the fixups necessary for RELOCATABLE executable
- ; internal device drivers.
- dd_fixup:
- ; On Entry:
- ; None
- ; On Exit:
- ; None
- push es
- mov di,rcode_seg ; fixup to this segment
- mov si,rcode_fixups ; get fixup table
- test si,si ; is there one ?
- jz dd_fixup20
- mov es,bios_seg
- dd_fixup10:
- lodsw ; get a fixup offset
- test ax,ax ; last of the fixups ?
- jz dd_fixup20
- xchg ax,di ; point to the fixup
- stosw ; do the fixup
- xchg ax,di ; save segment again
- jmps dd_fixup10
- dd_fixup20:
- pop es
- ret
- ReserveOSHMA:
- ;------------
- ; reserve space in HMA for OS
- ; On Entry:
- ; None
- ; On Exit:
- ; None
- ;
- ReserveCommandHMA:
- ;----------------
- ; reserve space in HMA for COMMAND.COM
- ; On Entry:
- ; None
- ; On Exit:
- ; None
- ;
- cmp commandHMA,0 ; been here already ??
- jne ReserveCommandHMA10
- call ReserveHMA ; reserve the space in HMA
- jc ReserveCommandHMA10 ; if we can
- mov commandHMA,ax ; save for re-use
- ReserveCommandHMA10:
- ret
- ReserveHMA:
- ;----------
- ; reserve some space in the HMA
- ; On Entry:
- ; CX = size require
- ; DX = maximum offset acceptable
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = offset of reserved space
- ;
- push es
- call AllocHMA ; allocate space in HIGH memory
- jc ReserveHMA10
- mov es:word ptr [di],0 ; no link, it's this big
- mov es:word ptr 2[di],cx
- mov bx,es
- mov ax,0FFFFh
- sub ax,bx ; AX = para offset adjustment required
- mov cl,4
- shl ax,cl ; convert to byte offset
- add ax,di ; AX = offset from FFFF:0
- ReserveHMA10:
- pop es
- ret
- FreeHMA:
- ;-------
- ; Return reserved HMA space to pool
- ; On Entry:
- ; CX = offset of HMA block to relink (0 = noblock)
- ; On Exit:
- ; None
- ;
- jcxz free_himem10 ; no block, don't recycle
- push es
- push cx ; save offset
- les bx,cs:drdos_ptr
- pop ax ; recover offset
- mov di,ax ; remember offset for later
- xchg ax,es:DRDOS_HIMEM_ROOT[bx]; become new head of HMA
- mov bx,0FFFFh
- mov es,bx ; point ES:DI at our section
- stosw ; chain on rest of HMA
- pop es
- free_himem10:
- ret
- rploader:
- ;--------
- ; On Entry:
- ; DX = phase code
- ; On Exit:
- ; None, All regs preserved
- push es
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- mov ax,rpl_off ; do we have an RPL sitting on
- or ax,rpl_seg ; Int 13h
- jz rploader10
- mov ax,12ffh ; magic cleanup call to RPL
- mov bx,5 ; to do any tidy ups it wishes
- xor cx,cx ; following resident BIOS
- mov dx,1 ; initialisation
- pushf
- cli
- callf rpl_entry ; fake an INT
- rploader10:
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- pop es
- ret
- Public Verify386
- Verify386:
- ;---------
- ; On Entry:
- ; None
- ; On Exit:
- ; CY clear if 386 or above
- ;
- push sp ; really old CPU's inc SP
- pop ax ; before pushing
- cmp ax,sp ; newer ones push original SP
- jne Verify386fail
- mov ax,3000h ; now try to set IOPL = 3
- push ax
- popf
- pushf
- pop bx
- and ax,bx ; any IOPL bits set ?
- jz Verify386fail
- ; clc ; it's at least a 386
- ret
- Verify386fail:
- stc ; it's not a 386
- ret
- include initmsgs.def ; Include TFT Header File
- extrn history_flg:byte
- extrn next_drv:byte
- extrn dev_count:byte
- ;
- ; PUBLIC Variables which are initialised by the BIOS before the
- ; BIOSINIT code has been executed.
- ;
- data_start rb 0 ; used to para-align PSP & ENV
- Public func52_ptr
- func52_ptr rd 0 ; address of internal BDOS variables
- func52_off dw 0 ; offset " " "
- func52_seg dw 0 ; segment " " "
- Public drdos_ptr
- drdos_ptr rd 0 ; address of internal BDOS variables
- drdos_off dw 0 ; offset " " "
- drdos_seg dw 0 ; segment " " "
- Public res_ddsc_ptr
- res_ddsc_ptr rd 0
- res_ddsc_off dw 0
- res_ddsc_seg dw 0
- Public rcode_offset, rcode_seg, icode_len, rcode_len, rcode_fixups
- rcode_offset dw 0 ; current offset of relocated code
- rcode_seg dw 0 ; current segment of relocated code
- icode_len dw 0 ; initial size of relocated code
- rcode_len dw 0 ; final size of relocated code
- rcode_fixups dw 0 ; offset of rcode fixup table
- Public current_dos
- current_dos dw 0 ; Current Segment Address of DOS Code
- Public dos_target_seg, bios_target_seg
- dos_target_seg dw 0 ; target address for DOS relocation
- bios_target_seg dw 0 ; 0000 - auto-relocate
- ; FFFF - high memory (not allocated)
- ; xxxx - driver allocated address
- dosCodeParaSize dw 0 ; Size of DOS code in para's
- systemSize dw COMMAND_SIZE ; BIOS+DOS code sizes are added to
- ; give total size to reserve in HMA
- systemHMA dw 0 ; offset of area in HMA reserved
- commandHMA dw 0 ; offset of area in HMA reserved
- Public device_root
- device_root rd 1 ; Root of Resident Device driver Chain
- Public mem_size, ext_mem_size, comspec_drv
- Public init_flags, init_drv
- mem_size dw 0 ; Total Memory Size (in Paragraphs)
- ext_mem_size dw 0 ; Total Extended Memory Size (in KB.)
- init_flags dw 0 ; BIOS INIT Flags
- init_drv db 0 ; Boot Drive (A is 0 .....)
- comspec_drv db 0 ; Default COMSPEC Drive
- Public num_stacks, stack_size
- num_stacks dw DEF_NUM_STACKS
- stack_size dw DEF_SIZE_STACK
- Public num_files, num_fcbs, num_fopen
- Public country_code, code_page
- num_files dw DEF_NUM_FILES ; # of file handles
- num_fcbs dw DEF_NUM_FCBS ; # of fcb file handles
- num_fopen dw -1 ; "unset" value for fast open
- country_code dw DEF_COUNTRY ; Country Code
- code_page dw DEF_CODEPAGE ; Code Page
- Public dos_name
- dos_name db 'DRBDOS SYS',0
- dos_name db 'IBMDOS COM',0 ; default DOS filename
- rpl_name db 'RPLOADER'
- rpl_entry rd 0 ; remember RPL entry point for
- rpl_off dw 0 ; startup broadcasts
- rpl_seg dw 0
- eject
- ;
- ; Internal variables used by the BIOSINIT code
- ;
- Public bios_seg
- bios rd 0 ; Far pointer to the BIOS Cleanup
- bios_offset rw 1 ; routines.
- bios_seg rw 1
- Public init_dseg
- init_dseg dw 0 ; Init data segment
- Public dos_dseg
- dos_dseg dw 0 ; DOS Data Segment Address
- Public mem_current_base, mem_current, mem_max
- mem_first_base rw 1 ; Base of First Allocated Memory
- mem_current_base rw 1 ; Base of Current Allocated Memory
- mem_current rw 1 ; Next Free Paragraph
- mem_max rw 1 ; Last available Paragraph
- dos_init rd 0 ; DOS Initialization Code
- dos_coff dw 0 ; DOS Init Code Offset
- dos_cseg rw 1 ; DOS Init Code Segment
- free_seg rw 1 ; First available paragraph.
- xms_driver rd 1 ; address of himem driver
- Public hidos
- hidos db 0 ; set true if HIDOS requested
- himem_base dw 0 ; base of HIMEM seg allocations
- himem_size dw 0 ; length of HIMEM seg allocations
- Public last_drv
- last_drv db 5 ; default is "E:"
- console db 'CON',0 ; Default Console Device
- printer db 'PRN',0 ; Default Printer Device
- auxilary db 'AUX',0 ; Default Auxilary Device
- idle_dev db '$IDLE$',0 ; Idle Device Name
- idle_off rw 1 ; Idle Data Area Offset
- idle_seg rw 1 ; Idle Data Area Segment
- dummy_fcb db 0,' '
- exec_env dw 0 ; Environment Segment
- exec_cloff dw shell_cline ; Command Line Offset
- exec_clseg dw 0 ; Command Line Segment
- dw dummy_fcb
- exec_fcb1seg dw 0 ; FCB 1 Offset and Segment
- dw dummy_fcb
- exec_fcb2seg dw 0 ; FCB 2 Offset and Segment
- rd 1 ; SS:SP
- rd 1 ; CS:IP
- Public shell_cline
- shell_cline db length shell_drv; Initial Command Line
- shell_drv db 'A: /P'
- db 0Dh
- rb 126 - length shell_drv
- dummyVDISK db 0, 0, 0 ; jump instruction
- db 'VDISK3.3' ; OEM name
- dw 128 ; bytes per sector
- db 1 ; sectors per allocation unit
- dw 1 ; number of reserved sectors
- db 1 ; number of FATs
- dw 40 ; number of root directory entries
- dw 512 ; total number of sectors
- db 0FEh ; media descriptor byte
- dw 6 ; sectors per FAT
- dw 8 ; sectors per track
- dw 1 ; number of heads
- dw 0 ; number of hidden sectors
- dw 1024+64 ; KB of extended memory used
- search_state rb 43 ; Search First/Next State
- rw 384 ; big stack for ASPI4DOS.SYS driver
- stack rw 0
- db 'Z' ; dummy DMD header
- dw 0008h ; owner is system
- dw 0010h ; length of PSP
- rb 3 ; pad to 8 bytes
- db 'DOS',0,0,0,0,0 ; name field (must be 8 bytes)
- psp rb 16h ; Zero Fill PSP Header
- parent_psp dw 0 ; parent, patched to itself
- db 0FFh, 0FFh ; STDAUX, STDPRN
- db 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh ; Remainder CLOSED
- db 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh
- db 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh
- db 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh
- db 0FFh, 0FFh, 0FFh
- dw 0000 ; PSP Environment Pointer
- dw 0000, 0000 ; DOS User SS:SP
- dw 20 ; Maximum of 20 Handles
- dw offset PSP_XFT ; Handle Table Offset
- xftbl_seg dw 0 ; Handle Table Segment
- rb offset PSP_VERSION - offset PSP_RES1
- Public dosVersion
- dosVersion dw 7 ; DOS version is 7.0
- rb PSPILEN - offset PSP_VERSION - 2
- ; PAD to Partial PSP Size
- shell_ask db 79 ; max len
- shell_end db 0 ; end of the line
- Public shell
- shell db 'A:COMMAND.COM', 0
- rb 80-length shell
- Public biosinit_end
- biosinit_end rb 0
- end