资源名称:drdossrc.zip [点击查看]
- title 'BUFFERS - buffer handling routines'
- ; File : $BUFFERS.A86$
- ;
- ; Description :
- ;
- ; Original Author : DIGITAL RESEARCH
- ;
- ; Last Edited By : $CALDERA$
- ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; Copyright Work of Caldera, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;
- ; *** Current Edit History ***
- ; *** End of Current Edit History ***
- ;
- ; $Log$
- ;
- ; BUFFERS.A86 1.13 94/11/30 16:26:08
- ; added support for using multiple FAT copies on reads if one fails
- ; BUFFERS.A86 1.12 93/08/06 16:19:11
- ; make geblk public
- ; BUFFERS.A86 1.8 93/07/07 21:06:25
- ; Smirnoff'd
- ; BUFFERS.A86 1.6 93/03/16 22:30:29
- ; UNDELETE support changes
- ; BUFFERS.A86 1.5 93/03/05 18:00:26
- ; Fix bug clearing cluster of new sub directory
- ; Date Who Modification
- ; --------- --- ---------------------------------------
- ; 9 Sep 91 Initial version created for VLADIVAR
- ; 3 mar 93 correct zeroblk bug
- eject ! include i:fdos.equ
- eject ! include bdos.equ
- eject ! include i:doshndl.def
- eject
- eject
- extrn current_ddsc:dword
- extrn fdos_stub:dword
- endif
- BDOS_DATA dseg word
- fatrec rw 1 ; current FAT record
- fatbytl rb 1 ; low byte of split FAT entry
- fatbyth rb 1 ; high byte of split FAT entry
- split_fat rb 1 ; 0/FFh to indicate split entry
- eject
- extrn adrive:byte
- EXTRN chdblk:WORD
- EXTRN clsize:WORD
- EXTRN cur_dma:WORD
- EXTRN cur_dma_seg:WORD
- extrn dosfat:WORD
- EXTRN fatadd:WORD
- extrn lastcl:word
- EXTRN mult_sec:WORD
- EXTRN nfatrecs:WORD
- EXTRN nfats:WORD
- extrn pblock:dword
- extrn physical_drv:byte
- extrn psecsiz:word
- extrn rwmode:byte ; data/directory/FAT, read/write
- extrn secperclu:word
- extrn bcb_root:dword ; PCMODE disk buffer root
- extrn deblock_seg:word
- BDOS_CODE cseg
- extrn clus2sec:near
- extrn discard_dirbuf:near
- extrn fdos_error:near
- extrn flush_dirbuf:near
- extrn hshdscrd:near
- extrn read_block:near
- extrn select_adrive:near ; select drive AL
- extrn write_block:near
- public alloc_cluster ; allocate data block
- public alloc_chain ; allocate a chain
- public buffers_check ; check if buffers exist for this drive
- PUBLIC delfat ; release data blocks
- PUBLIC discard_all ; discard all buffers on ADRIVE
- public discard_dir ; discard directory buffers on ADRIVE
- public discard_dirty ; discard directory buffers on ADRIVE
- PUBLIC fixfat ; set value of FAT entry
- public flush_drive ; flush buffers to disk
- public locate_buffer ; locate a buffer
- PUBLIC update_dat ; flush write pending buffers
- public update_ddsc_free ; count free blocks on drive
- PUBLIC update_dir ; update directory entry
- PUBLIC update_fat ; write out modified FAT records
- public zeroblk ; zero cluster (MKDIR)
- public allocate_cluster ; allocate free cluster on adrive
- public change_fat_entry ; write a new value into the FAT
- endif
- update_ddsc_free:
- ;----------------
- ; make sure DDSC_FREE is up to date
- ; a by-product of this is to checksum the FAT, so we can spot changes
- ; of removable media
- push es
- les bx,ss:current_ddsc
- mov cx,es:DDSC_FREE[bx] ; get current free space
- jcxz update_ddsc_free30 ; if none recount to make sure
- inc cx ; is count uninitialised ? (=FFFF)
- jz update_ddsc_free30 ; if so better count the free space
- update_ddsc_free10:
- pop es
- ret
- update_ddsc_free30:
- ; rebuild our free space count
- xor ax,ax ; assume no free space yet
- lea di,DDSC_BLOCK[bx] ; ES:DI -> DDSC_BLOCK
- stosw ; DDSC_BLOCK = 0
- stosw ; DDSC_FREE = 0
- inc ax ; skip reserved block #'s 0 and 1
- update_ddsc_free40:
- inc ax ; move to next data block #
- cmp ax,lastcl ; are we beyond end of disk
- ja update_ddsc_free10 ; stop if all free blocks counted
- push ax ; save current index
- call getblk ; get contents of FAT entry, update ZF
- pop ax ; restore current FAT index
- jnz update_ddsc_free40 ; try next block if not free
- inc es:DDSC_FREE[bx] ; one more free block
- jmps update_ddsc_free40 ; try next block
- discard_dirty:
- ;-------------
- ; This gets called after a write-protect error is returned
- mov ah,BF_DIRTY ; discard dirty FAT, dir & data
- jmps discard_buffers
- discard_all:
- ;-----------
- jmps discard_buffers ; discard all the buffers
- discard_dir:
- ;-----------
- mov ah,BF_ISDIR ; dir only, leave data and FAT
- ; jmps discard_buffers
- discard_buffers:
- ;---------------
- ; entry: adrive = drive to discard
- ; AH = flags for type to discard i.e. BF_ISFAT, etc.
- mov al,adrive ; get the work drive
- call discard_dirbuf ; discard 32-byte directory buffer
- call hshdscrd ; discard hashing info for drive
- les si,bcb_root ; get first buffer
- discard_buffers10:
- cmp al,es:BCB_DRV[si] ; does the drive match?
- jne discard_buffers20 ; try next one if not
- test ah,es:BCB_FLAGS[si] ; does the type match?
- jz discard_buffers20 ; try next one if not
- mov es:BCB_DRV[si],0FFh ; else discard the buffer
- mov es:BCB_FLAGS[si],0
- discard_buffers20:
- if DOS5
- mov si,es:BCB_NEXT[si] ; get next buffer address
- cmp si,word ptr bcb_root
- else
- les si,es:BCB_NEXT[si] ; get next buffer address
- cmp si,0ffffh
- endif
- jne discard_buffers10 ; and repeat until all done
- discard_buffers30:
- push ds ! pop es ; restore ES and return
- ret
- ;-------------
- buffers_check:
- ;-------------
- ; entry: AL = drive to check (preserved)
- ; AH = flags
- ; exit: ZF = 1 if all buffers clean on this drive
- push ds ; we use DS here cause it's quicker...
- lds si,ss:bcb_root ; start with most recently used
- buffers_check10:
- cmp al,BCB_DRV[si] ; check if for different drive
- jne buffers_check20 ; skip if not our problem
- test ah,BCB_FLAGS[si] ; test if its one we are looking for
- jnz buffers_check30 ; return with non-zero condition
- buffers_check20:
- if DOS5
- mov si,BCB_NEXT[si] ; get next buffer address
- cmp si,ss:word ptr bcb_root
- else
- lds si,BCB_NEXT[si] ; get next buffer address
- cmp si,0ffffh
- endif
- jne buffers_check10 ; loop back if more to do
- xor dx,dx ; set ZF = 1
- buffers_check30:
- pop ds ; restore DS after BCBs done
- ret
- eject
- ; entry: AX = first block to release
- ; exit: AX and following released
- delfat: ; release chain of clusters
- ;------
- cmp ax,2 ; is block number too small?
- jb delfat10 ; yes, then stop it
- cmp ax,lastcl ; is block number too large?
- ja delfat10 ; yes, then stop it
- push ax ; else save the number
- call getblk ; get the next link
- xchg ax,cx ; CX = link
- pop ax ; AX = this block
- sub bx,bx ; set it to 0000
- push cx ; save the link for next pass
- call fixfat ; release the block
- pop ax ; AX = next block or end
- jmps delfat ; try again until all released
- delfat10: ; all blocks in chain freed
- ret
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = block to read
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = next FAT block index
- ;
- Public getnblk
- getnblk: ;UWORD getnblk(blk);
- ;-------
- ;
- push ax
- call getblk ; get current setting
- pop bx
- jz getnblk10 ; return if something there
- ret
- getnblk10:
- mov ax,dosfat ; if unallocated then allocate it
- push ax
- xchg ax,bx ; AX = blk, BX = i
- call fixfat
- pop ax
- mov dx,ax ; DX = end of chain
- xor cx,cx ; no blocks follow this one
- ret
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = block to read
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = contents
- ; ZF = 1 if AX == 0000h (disk full)
- Public getblk
- ;------
- getblk:
- ;------
- push es ! push bx
- call fatptr ; get address of block AX in buffer
- mov ax,es:[bx] ; get the word from FAT
- jnz getblk10 ; skip if on odd address (must be 12 bit)
- cmp dosfat,FAT12 ; else check if 16 or 12 bit
- je getblk20 ; skip if even 12 bit
- pop bx ! pop es
- test ax,ax ; update ZF
- ret
- getblk10:
- shr ax,1 ; shift top 12 bits down
- shr ax,1
- shr ax,1
- shr ax,1
- getblk20:
- and ax,0FFFh ; leave bottom 12 bits only
- pop bx ! pop es
- ret
- alloc_cluster:
- ;-------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = previous cluster (hint for desired start)
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = start of chain
- ; CY set on failure
- ;
- mov cx,1
- ; jmp alloc_chain
- alloc_chain:
- ;-----------
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = previous cluster (hint for desired start)
- ; CX = # clusters wanted
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = start of chain, 0 on failure
- ; CY set on failure
- ;
- ; We want to allocate a chain of CX clusters, AX was previous cluster
- ; We return with CY clear and AX = 1st cluster in chain on success,
- ; CY set on failure
- ;
- ; When allocating a new chain we first ask SSTOR how much physical space is
- ; present on the disk. Until SSTOR reports at least 2 clusters free we
- ; repeatedly call DELWATCH to purge files and recover space. If DELWATCH is
- ; unable to free space we return "disk full".
- ;
- ; When allocating a block we normally are normally given a target block to
- ; start searching from. We allow DELWATCH to alter this value when it frees
- ; space to optimise the search.
- ;
- push ax ! push cx ; save entry parameters
- call update_ddsc_free ; make sure DDSC_FREE is correct
- alloc_chain10:
- pop dx ! push dx ; DX = clusters wanted
- les bx,ss:current_ddsc
- mov cx,es:DDSC_FREE[bx] ; CX = clusters available
- mov al,adrive ; AL = current drive
- cmp cx,dx ; do we have enough room in the FAT ?
- jb alloc_chain20 ; if not ask DELWATCH to purge
- mov ah,SSTOR_SPACE ; does Superstore have room for data?
- callf ss:fdos_stub ; call stub routine
- test cx,cx ; are we out of space ?
- jnz alloc_chain40 ; no, go ahead and allocate the chain
- mov es:DDSC_FREE[bx],cx ; SSTOR says there's none, lets agree
- call update_fat ; flush FAT to bring SSTOR up to date
- jmps alloc_chain10 ; go round again and ask DELWATCH to
- ; free up some more space
- ; we loop until either SSTOR says OK
- ; or DELWATCH frees all it can
- alloc_chain20:
- mov ah,DELW_FREECLU ; ask DELWATCH to purge a file
- callf ss:fdos_stub ; call stub routine
- cmp cx,es:DDSC_FREE[bx] ; can DELWATCH free up any space ?
- jne alloc_chain10 ; yes, go and try again
- alloc_chain30:
- pop cx ! pop ax ; failure, restore stack
- jmps alloc_chain80 ; and exit in failure
- alloc_chain40:
- endif
- pop cx ! pop ax ; restore entry parameters
- push cx ; save # required
- call allocate_cluster ; try to allocate 1st cluster
- pop cx ; recover # required
- test ax,ax ; could we ?
- jz alloc_chain80
- dec cx ; one less to allocate
- push ax ; save head of chain
- jcxz alloc_chain60
- alloc_chain50:
- push cx
- push ax ; save current end of chain
- call allocate_cluster ; allocate another cluster
- pop bx ; BX = end of chain
- test ax,ax ; could we allocate anything ?
- jz alloc_chain70 ; no, bail out and free partial chain
- xchg ax,bx ; AX = previous cluster, link cluster
- push bx ; BX to end of the chain
- call fixfat
- pop ax ; AX = new end of chain
- pop cx
- loop alloc_chain50
- alloc_chain60:
- pop ax ; return the start of the chain as it's
- clc ; long enough now...
- ret
- alloc_chain70:
- ; We haven't enough free clusters - lets free what we allocated so far
- pop cx ; discard count
- pop ax ; AX = start of chain
- call delfat ; release the chain
- alloc_chain80:
- xor ax,ax
- stc ; we couldn't manage it
- ret
- allocate_cluster:
- ;----------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = cluster to start from (AX = none known)
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX = cluster allocated
- ;
- test ax,ax ; previous block known?
- jnz alloc_cl10 ; skip if it is
- push ds
- lds bx,ss:current_ddsc
- mov ax,ds:DDSC_BLOCK[bx] ; else continue from last allocated block
- pop ds
- alloc_cl10:
- mov bx,lastcl ; highest block number on current disk
- cmp ax,bx ; is it within disk size?
- jb alloc_cl20 ; skip if it is
- sub ax,ax ; start at the beginning
- alloc_cl20:
- mov si,ax ; remember start of search
- test ax,ax ; is this the 1st block?
- jnz alloc_cl30 ; no
- inc ax ; start at beginning
- alloc_cl30: ; main loop:
- inc ax ; skip to block after current
- push ax ! push si ; quick save
- call getblk ; get the content of this block
- pop si ! pop ax
- jz alloc_cl50 ; return if free
- cmp ax,bx ; are we at the end yet?
- jb alloc_cl30 ; no, try next block
- xor ax,ax ; wrap to start of disk
- mov bx,si ; remember starting position last time
- test bx,bx ; have we been all the way round ?
- jnz alloc_cl20 ; no, lets search from start
- push ds
- lds bx,ss:current_ddsc
- mov ds:DDSC_FREE[bx],ax ; we definitely have none left
- pop ds
- ret ; return (0);
- alloc_cl50:
- push ds ; block # AX is available
- lds bx,ss:current_ddsc
- mov ds:DDSC_BLOCK[bx],ax ; remember for next time
- pop ds
- push ax
- mov bx,dosfat ; mark this block as end of file
- call fixfat ; for convenience
- pop ax
- test ax,ax ; update ZF from AX
- ret ; return block number
- ; Update a FAT entry with a new value
- change_fat_entry:
- ;----------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = block number to change
- ; DX = new value
- ; On Exit:
- ; None
- ;
- mov bx,dx
- ; jmps fixfat
- endif
- ; entry: AX = block number to change
- ; BX = new value
- ; exit: DS,ES = sysdat
- ;------
- fixfat:
- ;------
- push bx ; save new value
- push ax
- call update_ddsc_free ; make sure DDSC_FREE is correct
- pop ax
- cmp dosfat,FAT16 ; check if 16-bit FAT
- jne fixfat30 ; skip if 12 bit FAT
- call fatptr ; ES:BX -> FAT word to modify
- pop ax ; restore new value
- xor dx,dx ; get a zero (no change of space)
- test ax,ax ; are we setting to 0 or non-zero?
- xchg ax,es:[bx] ; set the word in the buffer
- jnz fixfat10 ; skip if releasing block
- test ax,ax ; check if word was 0 before
- jz fixfat20 ; skip if setting 0 to 0
- inc dx ; DX = 0001h, one free cluster more
- jmps fixfat15
- fixfat10: ; allocating or fixing block
- test ax,ax ; check if word was 0 before
- jnz fixfat20 ; skip if setting non-0 to non-0
- dec dx ; one free cluster less now
- fixfat15: ; DX = change in free space (-1,1)
- les si,current_ddsc
- add es:DDSC_FREE[si],dx ; update free space count
- fixfat20:
- les si,bcb_root ; ES:SI -> buffer control block
- or es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_DIRTY
- ; mark the buffer as dirty
- push ds ! pop es ; ES back to local DS
- ret
- ; We're dealing with a 12-bit FAT...
- fixfat30: ; changing 12-bit FAT entry
- call fatptr ; get address of block AX in ES:BX
- pop cx ; get new value
- mov dx,es:[bx] ; get old value
- jz fixfat40 ; skip if even word
- mov ax,0FFF0h ; set mask for new value
- add cx,cx ; else shift new value into top bits
- add cx,cx
- add cx,cx
- add cx,cx
- jmps fixfat50 ; set the new word
- fixfat40:
- mov ax,00FFFh ; set mask for new value
- and cx,ax
- fixfat50: ; AX = mask, CX = new, DX = old
- mov si,0 ; assume space doesn't change
- jnz fixfat60 ; skip if new value is zero
- test dx,ax ; test if old value was zero as well
- jz fixfat70 ; yes, no change in free space
- inc si ; else one more block available
- jmps fixfat70
- fixfat60: ; new value is non-zero
- test dx,ax ; is old value non-zero as well?
- jnz fixfat70 ; yes, no change in free space
- dec si ; else one block less free now
- fixfat70:
- not ax ; flip the mask bits around
- and dx,ax ; zero out old value
- or dx,cx ; combine old & new value
- mov es:[bx],dx ; update the FAT
- xchg ax,si ; AX = free space change (-1, 0 , 1)
- les si,current_ddsc
- add es:DDSC_FREE[si],ax ; update free space count
- les si,bcb_root ; get buffer control block
- or es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_DIRTY
- ; mark the buffer as dirty
- cmp split_fat,0 ; is 12-bit entry split across sectors
- je fixfat80 ; need some magic if so
- ; handle a split FAT update
- mov dx,fatrec ; lower sector number
- inc dx ; get the upper sector
- call locate_fat ; find the buffer
- or es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_DIRTY
- ; mark buffer as write pending
- mov al,fatbyth ; get the high byte
- mov es:BCB_DATA[si],al ; store the high byte at the beginning
- mov dx,fatrec ; get the previous sector
- call locate_fat ; read into memory
- or es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_DIRTY
- ; mark buffer as write pending
- mov bx,psecsiz
- dec bx ; BX = sector size - 1
- mov al,fatbytl ; get the low byte
- mov es:BCB_DATA[si+bx],al
- fixfat80:
- push ds ! pop es ; ES back to local DS
- ret
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = cluster number
- ; On Exit:
- ; AX preserved
- ; ES:BX -> address of word
- ; BCBSEG = segment of FAT FCB
- ; ZF = 1 if word on even address
- ; SPLIT_FAT = 0FFh if xing sector boundary
- ;
- ; CX = entries left in sector (if FAT16 - performance optimisation)
- ;
- Public fatptr
- fatptr:
- ;------
- push ax ; save block number
- mov bx,ax
- sub dx,dx ; AX/DX = cluster #
- cmp dosfat,FAT16 ; is it 16 bit FAT?
- je fatptr10
- shr ax,1 ; shift for 1 1/2 byte, else 2 byte
- fatptr10:
- add ax,bx ; AX = offset into FAT
- adc dx,0 ; AX/DX = 32 bit offset
- mov cx,psecsiz ; CX = sector size
- div cx ; AX = sector offset
- dec cx ; CX = sector size - 1
- push dx ; DX = offset within FAT sector
- push cx
- add ax,fatadd ; make it absolute sector address
- mov fatrec,ax ; save FAT sector for FIXFAT
- xchg ax,dx ; DX = FAT sector
- call locate_fat ; locate the sector
- pop cx ; CX = sector size - 1
- pop bx ; restore offset within FAT sector
- pop ax ; restore cluster #
- sub cx,bx ; CX = bytes left in sector - 1
- lea bx,BCB_DATA[si+bx] ; ES:BX -> buffer data
- cmp dosfat,FAT16 ; is it 16 bit media
- jne fatptr20 ; skip if 12 bit media
- shr cx,1 ; CX = extra entries left in sector
- cmp ax,ax ; always set ZF = 1
- ret ; return ES:BX -> word in FAT
- fatptr20: ; it's a 12 bit FAT, is it a split FAT?
- mov split_fat,0 ; assume no boundary crossing
- jcxz fatptr30 ; end of sector, it's a split FAT
- test al,1 ; ZF = 1 if even cluster
- ret ; return ES:BX -> word in FAT buffer
- fatptr30: ; block split across two sectors
- push ax
- mov split_fat,0FFh ; yes, the difficult case
- mov al,es:[bx] ; get the low byte from 1st sector
- mov fatbytl,al ; save it for later
- mov dx,fatrec ; get the FAT record is
- inc dx ; get 2nd sector
- call locate_fat ; read the 2nd sector
- sub bx,bx
- lea bx,BCB_DATA[si+bx] ; ES:BX -> buffer data
- mov al,es:[bx] ; get 1st byte from next sector
- mov fatbyth,al ; save the high byte
- push ds ; ES = local DS
- pop es
- mov bx,offset fatbytl ; ES:BX -> <fatbytl,fatbyh>
- pop ax
- test al,1 ; set non-zero condition, odd word
- ret
- if DOS5
- ; entry: DX = sector number to read
- ; exit: ES:SI = BCB
- locate_fat:
- ;----------
- mov ah,0 ; set sector address overflow = 0
- mov cx,0ff00h+BF_ISFAT ; request a FAT buffer w/ preread
- locate_buffer:
- ;-------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; AH:DX = sector to locate
- ; adrive = driver
- ; CH = 0FFh if preread required
- ; CL = buffer type
- ; On Exit:
- ; ES:SI -> BCB_
- ;
- mov al,adrive ; get our drive number
- les si,bcb_root ; get it from the right buffer list
- locate10:
- cmp dx,es:BCB_REC[si] ; does our sector address match?
- jne locate20 ; skip if it doesn't
- cmp ah,es:BCB_REC2[si] ; does record address overflow match?
- jne locate20 ; skip if not
- cmp al,es:BCB_DRV[si] ; does the drive match?
- je locate30 ; found if it all matches
- locate20: ; MRU buffer doesn't match
- mov si,es:BCB_NEXT[si] ; try the next
- cmp si,word ptr bcb_root ; while there are more buffers
- jne locate10
- push ax ! push cx ! push dx ; save all registers
- mov si,es:BCB_PREV[si] ; recycle least recently used buffer
- call flush_buffer ; write buffer to disk
- pop dx ! pop cx ! pop ax ; restore all registers
- mov es:BCB_DRV[si],al ; fill in the BCB: drive
- mov es:BCB_REC[si],dx ; record low,middle
- mov es:BCB_REC2[si],ah ; record high
- mov es:BCB_FLAGS[si],cl ; mark as clean, ISFAT,ISDIR or ISDAT
- test ch,ch ; is preread required?
- jz locate30 ; skip if it isn't
- call fill_buffer ; read it from disk
- locate30:
- cmp si,word ptr bcb_root ; are we already at the head ?
- jne locate40 ; if not move ourself there
- ret
- locate40:
- mov bx,es:BCB_NEXT[si] ; BX = next buffer
- mov di,es:BCB_PREV[si] ; DI = previous buffer
- mov es:BCB_NEXT[di],bx ; unlink buffer from the
- mov es:BCB_PREV[bx],di ; chain
- mov bx,si
- xchg bx,word ptr bcb_root ; become the new head, BX = old head
- mov es:BCB_NEXT[si],bx ; old chain follow us
- mov di,si
- xchg di,es:BCB_PREV[bx] ; back link to our buffer, DI = LRU buffer
- mov es:BCB_PREV[si],di ; link ourselves to LRU buffer
- mov es:BCB_NEXT[di],si ; forward link to our buffer
- ret
- ; Flush all dirty FAT buffers for drive AL
- ; entry: AL = drive to flush (0-15)
- ; exit: CY = 0 if no error
- ; ax,bx,cx,dx,es preserved
- flush_fat:
- ;---------
- ; entry: AL = drive for FAT flush
- mov ah,BF_ISFAT ; flush all dirty FAT buffers
- jmps flush_drive ; shared code for all flushes
- ;----------
- update_dir:
- ;----------
- call flush_dirbuf ; flush local dirbuf to buffers
- ;---------
- flush_dir:
- ;---------
- mov ah,BF_ISDIR ; write out dirty directories
- jmps flush_adrive ; update the disk
- ;----------
- update_dat:
- ;----------
- mov ah,BF_ISDAT ; write out dirty data
- jmps flush_adrive ; update the disk
- ;----------
- update_fat: ;write out modified FAT buffers
- ;----------
- mov ah,BF_ISFAT ; flush all dirty FAT buffers
- ; jmp flush_adrive ; update the disk if dirty
- flush_adrive:
- ;------------
- mov al,adrive ; AL = currently selected drive
- ; jmp flush_drive
- ; Write out all dirty data buffers for a given drive
- ; entry: AL = drive to be flushed
- ; AH = mask of buffer types to be flushed
- ; exit: AX,DX preserved
- ; Note: sector buffers will be written in the
- ; sequence in which they appear on disk (low to high)
- flush_drive:
- ;-----------
- push es
- push si
- flush_drive10:
- les si,bcb_root ; start with the first buffer
- mov bx,0FFFFh ; assume no buffer found
- flush_drive20:
- test es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_DIRTY
- ; has buffer been written to?
- jz flush_drive40 ; no, do the next one
- test es:BCB_FLAGS[si],ah ; is it one of these buffers?
- jz flush_drive40 ; no, do the next one
- cmp al,es:BCB_DRV[si] ; does the drive match?
- jne flush_drive40 ; skip if wrong drive
- ; we've found a buffer to flush
- cmp bx,0FFFFh ; first buffer ever found in list?
- jz flush_drive30 ; yes, save as new best candidate
- ; else check if < previous lowest addr
- mov dx,es:BCB_REC[si]
- sub dx,ds:BCB_REC[bx]
- mov dl,es:BCB_REC2[si] ; compare the disk addresss
- sbb dl,ds:BCB_REC2[bx]
- jnb flush_drive40 ; CY = 0 if new BCB higher
- flush_drive30: ; else ES = best BCB so far
- mov bx,si ; save it for later
- flush_drive40:
- mov si,es:BCB_NEXT[si] ; get next buffer address
- cmp si,ss:word ptr bcb_root
- jne flush_drive20
- cmp bx,0FFFFh ; did we find a dirty buffer?
- jz flush_drive50 ; no, all buffers cleaned
- mov si,bx ; ES:SI -> BCB to flush
- call flush_buffer ; write sector to disk
- jmps flush_drive10 ; check if more dirty buffers
- flush_drive50:
- pop si
- pop es
- ret
- else
- ; entry: DX = sector number to read
- ; exit: ES:SI = BCB
- locate_fat:
- ;----------
- mov ah,0 ; set sector address overflow = 0
- mov cx,0ff00h+BF_ISFAT ; request a FAT buffer w/ preread
- locate_buffer:
- ;-------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; AH:DX = sector to locate
- ; adrive = driver
- ; CH = 0FFh if preread required
- ; CL = buffer type
- ; On Exit:
- ; ES:SI -> BCB_
- ;
- mov al,adrive ; get our drive number
- les si,bcb_root ; get it from the right buffer list
- mov bx,0FFFFh ; no previous buffers yet
- locate1:
- cmp dx,es:BCB_REC[si] ; does our sector address match?
- jne locate2 ; skip if it doesn't
- cmp ah,es:BCB_REC2[si] ; does record address overflow match?
- jne locate2 ; skip if not
- cmp al,es:BCB_DRV[si] ; does the drive match?
- je locate6 ; found if it all matches
- locate2: ; MRU buffer doesn't match
- cmp es:BCB_LINK_OFF[si],0FFFFh
- je locate3 ; are there more buffers?
- push es ! pop ds
- mov bx,si ; remember previous buffer
- les si,es:BCB_NEXT[si] ; move on to next buffer
- jmps locate1
- locate3: ; we found the LRU buffer
- push ax ! push cx ! push dx ; save all registers
- call pick_cheapest ; determine cheapest buffer
- ; ES:SI -> cheapest buffer
- ; DS:BX -> previous link
- test es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_DIRTY
- jz locate5 ; skip if buffer not dirty
- mov al,es:BCB_DRV[si] ; get the buffer's drive
- mov ah,es:BCB_FLAGS[si] ; flush all buffers of same type
- push ss ! pop ds
- call flush_drive ; gives us burst mode behaviour
- ; but might re-arrange buffers
- call find_prev ; find preceding BCB for re-link
- ; so DS:BX -> BCB_LINK == ES:SI
- locate5:
- pop dx ! pop cx ! pop ax ; restore all registers
- mov es:BCB_DRV[si],al ; fill in the BCB: drive
- mov es:BCB_REC[si],dx ; record low,middle
- mov es:BCB_REC2[si],ah ; record high
- mov es:BCB_FLAGS[si],cl ; mark as clean, ISFAT,ISDIR or ISDAT
- test ch,ch ; is preread required?
- jz locate6 ; skip if it isn't
- push es ! push si
- push ds ! push bx ; save the previous buffer segment
- push ss ! pop ds ; for unlinking our buffer
- call fill_buffer ; read it from disk, don't return
- ; on physical errors
- pop bx ! pop ds
- pop si ! pop es
- locate6:
- cmp bx,0FFFFh ; are we the MRU buffer
- jz locate9 ; yes, leave it at the head
- locate8: ; arrive here if found as not 1st
- mov ax,es:BCB_LINK_OFF[si]
- mov BCB_LINK_OFF[bx],ax
- mov ax,es:BCB_LINK_SEG[si]
- mov BCB_LINK_SEG[bx],ax ; unlink this buffer
- ; we now want to attach the
- push ss ! pop ds ; BCB at ES:BX to the root
- mov ax,ds:word ptr bcb_root
- mov es:BCB_LINK_OFF[si],ax
- mov ax,ds:word ptr bcb_root+2
- mov es:BCB_LINK_SEG[si],ax
- mov ds:word ptr bcb_root,si ; insert the new entry
- mov ds:word ptr bcb_root+2,es
- locate9:
- push ss ! pop ds ; DS back to normal
- ret
- pick_cheapest: ; find cheapest replacement sector
- ;-------------
- ; entry: ES:SI = least recently used BCB
- ; DS:BX = previous buffer
- ; exit: ES, BX unmodified if LRU buffer marked as cheap
- ; or no other cheap buffer found
- ; -or-
- ; ES:SI, DS:BX modified to cheapest buffer and previous buffer
- test es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_DIRTY
- ; is this buffer very expensive?
- jz pck_chp5 ; return if it is cheapest "cheap" buffer
- ; else is cheapest "expensive" buffer
- ; find the cheapest "cheap" buffer
- les si,ss:bcb_root ; as we start at the root with
- mov ax,0FFFFh ; no previous buffer
- pck_chp1: ; check if buffer at DS is cheap
- ; check the "not cheap" flag
- jnz pck_chp2 ; skip if expensive buffer
- mov ds,dx
- mov bx,ax ; remember previous buffer
- pck_chp2:
- mov dx,es ; remember this buffer
- mov ax,si ; when we move onto next one
- les si,es:BCB_NEXT[si] ; get next buffer
- cmp si,0FFFFh ; end of the line ?
- jne pck_chp1 ; go again if still buffers
- pck_chp3: ; done all buffers
- cmp bx,0FFFFh ; did we find the root ?
- jne pck_chp4
- les si,ss:bcb_root ; return ES:SI -> root
- ret
- pck_chp4:
- les si,ds:BCB_NEXT[bx] ; ES:SI = cheapest buffer
- pck_chp5: ; ES:SI = cheapest buffer
- ret ; DS:BX = previous
- find_prev:
- ;---------
- ; entry: ES:SI = BCB to find previous buffer for
- ; exit: DS:BX = predecessor, BX = FFFF if first
- ;
- mov ax,es
- mov dx,si ; AX:DX -> buffer we want to find link for
- mov bx,0FFFFh ; assume it's the first buffer
- les si,ss:bcb_root ; we start at the root with
- find_prv1:
- mov cx,es
- cmp dx,si ; does offset match ?
- jne find_prv2
- cmp ax,cx ; does segment match ?
- je find_prv3 ; yes, return this one then
- find_prv2:
- mov ds,cx ; remember previous link
- mov bx,si
- les si,es:BCB_NEXT[si] ; else have a go at the next one
- jmps find_prv1 ; and repeat until match
- find_prv3:
- ret
- ; Flush all dirty FAT buffers for drive AL
- ; entry: AL = drive to flush (0-15)
- ; exit: CY = 0 if no error
- ; ax,bx,cx,dx,es preserved
- flush_fat:
- ;---------
- ; entry: AL = drive for FAT flush
- mov ah,BF_ISFAT ; flush all dirty FAT buffers
- jmps flush_drive ; shared code for all flushes
- ;----------
- update_dir:
- ;----------
- call flush_dirbuf ; flush local dirbuf to buffers
- ;---------
- flush_dir:
- ;---------
- mov ah,BF_ISDIR ; write out dirty directories
- jmps flush_adrive ; update the disk
- ;----------
- update_dat:
- ;----------
- mov ah,BF_ISDAT ; write out dirty data
- jmps flush_adrive ; update the disk
- ;----------
- update_fat: ;write out modified FAT buffers
- ;----------
- mov ah,BF_ISFAT ; flush all dirty FAT buffers
- ; jmp flush_adrive ; update the disk if dirty
- flush_adrive:
- ;------------
- mov al,adrive ; AL = currently selected drive
- ; jmp flush_drive
- ; Write out all dirty data buffers for a given drive
- ; entry: AL = drive to be flushed
- ; AH = mask of buffer types to be flushed
- ; exit: AX,DX preserved
- ; Note: sector buffers will be written in the
- ; sequence in which they appear on disk (low to high)
- flush_drive:
- ;-----------
- push ds
- push es
- push bx ; save registers
- push si
- flush_dr0:
- les si,ss:bcb_root ; start with the first buffer
- mov bx,0FFFFh ; assume no buffer found
- flush_dr1:
- test es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_DIRTY
- ; has buffer been written to?
- jz flush_dr3 ; no, do the next one
- test es:BCB_FLAGS[si],ah ; is it one of these buffers?
- jz flush_dr3 ; no, do the next one
- cmp al,es:BCB_DRV[si] ; does the drive match?
- jne flush_dr3 ; skip if wrong drive
- ; we've found a buffer to flush
- cmp bx,0FFFFh ; first buffer ever found in list?
- jz flush_dr2 ; yes, save as new best candidate
- ; else check if < previous lowest addr
- mov dl,es:BCB_REC2[si] ; compare the disk addresss
- sub dl,ds:BCB_REC2[bx]
- mov dx,es:BCB_REC[si]
- sbb dx,ds:BCB_REC[bx]
- jnb flush_dr3 ; CY = 0 if old BCB lower
- flush_dr2: ; else ES = best BCB so far
- push es
- pop ds
- mov bx,si ; save it for later
- flush_dr3:
- les si,es:BCB_NEXT[si] ; get next buffer address
- cmp si,0ffffh
- jne flush_dr1
- flush_dr4: ; DS:BX = best BCB
- cmp bx,0FFFFh ; did we find a dirty buffer?
- jz flush_dr5 ; no, all buffers cleaned
- mov si,bx ; ES:SI -> BCB to flush
- push ds ! pop es
- push ss ! pop ds
- call flush_buffer ; write sector to disk
- jmps flush_dr0 ; check if more dirty buffers
- flush_dr5:
- pop si
- pop bx
- pop es
- pop ds ; restore registers
- ret
- endif
- flush_buffer:
- ;------------
- ; entry: ES:SI = address of BCB
- ; exit: buffer flushed if BCB_FLAGS & BF_DIRTY
- ; note: preserves AX,BX,CX,DX,ES
- test es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_DIRTY
- ; is the buffer dirty?
- jz flush_buf9 ; skip update if not modified
- flush_buf1:
- push es ! push si
- push ax ! push bx ; else save all registers
- push cx ! push dx
- mov al,es:BCB_DRV[si] ; get the buffer drive
- cmp al,adrive ; same as the selected drive?
- je flush_buf2 ; skip if already selected
- push es ; save the BCB
- push si
- push ds ! pop es ; ES = SYSDAT
- call select_adrive ; select drive AL, ZF = 1 if logged in
- pop si
- pop es ; recover BCB
- jc flush_buf5 ; don't flush to bad drive
- flush_buf2:
- mov cx,nfats ; else FAT sectors written CX times
- mov al,0000$0011b ; mark as FAT write
- test es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_ISFAT
- jnz flush_buf3 ; go ahead
- mov cx,1 ; directory/data written once only
- mov al,0000$0101b ; mark as directory write
- test es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_ISDIR
- jnz flush_buf3 ; if not dir, must be data
- mov al,0000$0111b ; mark as data buffer write
- flush_buf3: ; CX = # of times to write sector
- mov rwmode,al
- sub ax,ax ; offset for write = 0
- flush_buf4: ; loop back to here for other copies
- push ax
- push cx ; save loop variables
- call setup_rwx ; compute disk address
- call write_buff ; write the sector
- pop cx
- pop ax
- add ax,nfatrecs ; move to next FAT copy
- loop flush_buf4 ; repeat for all FAT copies
- flush_buf5:
- and es:BCB_FLAGS[si],not BF_DIRTY
- ; mark it as no longer dirty
- mov al,physical_drv ; work drive for BDOS function
- cmp al,adrive ; drive from last IO_SELDSK
- je flush_buf6 ; skip if flush to work drive
- ; else reselect BDOS drive after flush
- push ds ! pop es ; ES = SYSDAT
- call select_adrive ; reselect the work drive
- flush_buf6:
- pop dx ! pop cx ; restore all registers
- pop bx ! pop ax
- pop si ! pop es
- flush_buf9: ; all done, CY = 0 if O.K.
- ret
- ;-------
- zeroblk: ; AX = blk
- ;-------
- xor bx,bx ; Start at begining of cluster
- call clus2sec ; translate to sector address
- xchg ax,dx ; DX = low 16 bits of address
- mov ah,al ; AH:DX = 24 bit sector address
- mov cx,secperclu ; CX == sectors/cluster
- zeroblk10: ; repeat for all sectors in cluster
- push ax
- push cx
- push dx
- mov cx,BF_ISDIR ; locate directory sector w/o preread
- call locate_buffer ; this will find the cheapest buffer
- or es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_DIRTY
- lea di,BCB_DATA[si] ; ES:DI -> disk buffer
- mov cx,psecsiz ; CX = byte count for REP STOSB
- xor ax,ax
- rep stosb ; zero the whole data buffer
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop ax
- add dx,1 ; onto the next block
- adc ah,0
- loop zeroblk10 ; repeat for all sectors in cluster
- jmp flush_dir
- fill_buffer:
- ;-----------
- ; On Entry:
- ; ES:SI = address of BCB to be filled
- ; On Exit:
- ; ES:SI preserved
- ; data read into buffer
- ;
- test es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_ISFAT
- ; are we reading a FAT sector?
- jz fill_buf1 ; skip if directory/data
- mov al,es:BCB_DRV[si] ; get the drive
- call flush_fat ; write out all dirty buffers
- mov al,0000$0010b ; reading from FAT area
- jmps fill_buf3 ; go ahead
- fill_buf1:
- mov al,0000$0100b ; else mark as directory
- test es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_ISDIR; test if directory read
- jnz fill_buf3 ; go ahead
- fill_buf2: ; neither FAT nor directory => data
- mov al,0000$0110b ; mark read as data buffer read
- fill_buf3:
- mov rwmode,al
- push cx
- xor cx,cx
- cmp al,0000$0010b
- jne fill_buf4
- mov cx,nfats
- dec cx
- fill_buf4:
- mov es:BCB_DRV[si],0FFh ; discard in case of error
- sub ax,ax ; no offset for 2nd copy yet
- fill_buf5:
- push ax
- call setup_rwx ; compute disk address
- call read_buff ; read the sector
- pop ax
- jns fill_buf6
- ; we can end here only if CX was non-zero above and we failed to read a
- ; FAT copy while there is still another one we could use
- add ax,nfatrecs
- dec cx
- jmps fill_buf5
- fill_buf6:
- pop cx
- mov al,adrive ; restore the drive
- mov es:BCB_DRV[si],al ; set the drive #
- ret
- read_buff:
- ;---------
- push es
- push si ; save BCB_
- push cur_dma_seg
- push cur_dma ; save DMA address
- push cx
- mov cx,ss:deblock_seg
- jcxz read_buff10
- mov cur_dma_seg,cx
- mov cur_dma,0 ; xfer via deblocking buffer
- read_buff10:
- pop cx
- call read_block
- pop cur_dma ; restore DMA address
- pop cur_dma_seg
- js read_buff20 ; can happen only on FAT read
- mov cx,ss:deblock_seg ; if deblocked, copy data
- jcxz read_buff20
- les di,dword ptr cur_dma ; point to destination
- mov cx,psecsiz ; CX = sector size
- shr cx,1 ; CX = words per sector
- push ds
- mov ds,ss:deblock_seg
- xor si,si ; DS:SI = source
- rep movsw ; copy the data
- pop ds
- read_buff20: ; SF still indicating error here
- pop si ; recover BCB_
- pop es
- ret
- write_buff:
- ;----------
- push es
- push si
- push cur_dma_seg
- push cur_dma
- mov cx,ss:deblock_seg ; if deblocking we have to
- jcxz write_buff10 ; copy the data first
- push ds ; save SYSDAT
- les si,dword ptr cur_dma ; ES:SI -> source
- push es ; save source seg
- mov es,cx
- xor di,di ; ES:DI -> deblocking buffer
- mov cur_dma_seg,es
- mov cur_dma,di ; do xfer via deblocking buffer
- mov cx,psecsiz ; CX = sector size
- shr cx,1 ; CX = words per sector
- pop ds ; DS:SI -> source
- rep movsw ; copy to deblocking buffer
- pop ds ; restore SYSDAT
- write_buff10:
- call write_block
- pop cur_dma
- pop cur_dma_seg
- pop si
- pop es
- ret
- setup_rwx:
- ;---------
- ; entry: AX = sector offset (multiple FAT writes)
- ; ES:SI = BCB, BCB_REC filled in
- ; exit: all values set up for RWXIOSIF
- mov cur_dma_seg,es ; segment = BCB_SEGMENT
- lea dx,BCB_DATA[si]
- mov cur_dma,dx ; offset
- xor dx,dx
- add ax,es:BCB_REC[si]
- adc dl,es:BCB_REC2[si]
- mov word ptr pblock,ax ; xfer starts at this block
- mov word ptr pblock+WORD,dx
- mov mult_sec,1 ; single sector transfer
- ret