资源名称:drdossrc.zip [点击查看]
- ; File : $DISK.A86$
- ;
- ; Description :
- ;
- ; Original Author : DIGITAL RESEARCH
- ;
- ; Last Edited By : $CALDERA$
- ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; Copyright Work of Caldera, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;
- ; *** Current Edit History ***
- ; *** End of Current Edit History ***
- ;
- ; $Log$
- ; DISK.A86 1.26 94/12/01 10:05:21
- ; added attribute support for open/move/unlink during server call
- ; DISK.A86 1.24 93/11/16 13:46:21
- ; Generate critical error on int21/36 (get free space)
- ; DISK.A86 1.23 93/10/25 21:58:02
- ; Tighten up error checks on int21/6C modes (DL bits 0-3 = 3 rejected)
- ; DISK.A86 1.22 93/10/18 17:40:51
- ; fix for >255 open files (PNW Server)
- ; DISK.A86 1.21 93/09/03 20:28:02
- ; Add "no critical errors" support (int 21/6C)
- ; DISK.A86 1.20 93/08/04 15:15:15
- ; Int21/6C allows DH=1
- ; DISK.A86 1.19 93/07/22 20:32:12
- ; don't check AL on int 21/6c
- ; DISK.A86 1.18 93/07/22 19:28:02
- ; correct bug in extended open/create
- ; DISK.A86 1.15 93/06/23 04:05:38
- ; more int21/6C - we still need no critical errors support
- ; DISK.A86 1.14 93/06/23 03:00:27
- ; fix bug in int21/6C
- ; DISK.A86 1.13 93/05/07 15:09:29
- ; Move delwatch free space adjust call inside the MXDisk
- ; DISK.A86 1.12 93/03/16 22:33:49
- ; UNDELETE support changes
- ; DISK.A86 1.11 93/03/05 18:10:55
- ; Add UNDELETE definition
- ;
- ; All FCB based PCMODE functions are translated to FDOS function
- ; calls in this file.
- ;
- ; 22 May 87 Support the extended CHMOD function to get/set the
- ; password mode.
- ; 28 May 87 Support the Update Handle Count Function
- ; 5 Nov 87 Remove MAJOR_VER reference from func0D
- ; 15 Mar 88 Return Attributes in CX and AX
- ; 3 May 88 Return correct disk size from functions 1B, 1C and 36
- ; 17 May 88 Add valid drive check routine used by FUNC29 and FUNC4B
- ; 30 Jun 88 Call FDOS to build DDSC for INT21/53
- ; 18 Aug 88 FUNC67 correctly fill new handle table with 0FFh
- ; Sorcim ACCPAC Plus
- ; 27 Sep 88 Return error codes from Read and Write Random.
- ; 19 Feb 89 Allowing SHARE to be disabled with DR DOS
- ; 16 May 89 Include Random Record field on func23 (file size)
- ; 23 May 89 func3F (Read) now allows Ignore on errors (CopyIIpc)
- ; 11 Sep 89 MSNET Flush hook added
- ; 20 Sep 89 func3B "d:=" form fills in LDT (func4B support)
- ; 24 Oct 89 func32 (getdpb) sets top bit of drive on fdos_getdpb
- ; to indicate free space count not required
- ; 27 Oct 89 mutilate the code to save space
- ; 24 Jan 90 valid_drive uses dos_entry, doesn't peek at HDS's
- ; 8 Feb 90 func_43 updated for new password support
- ; 27 Feb 90 func57 gives ED_FUNCTION if not get/set (HEADROOM bug)
- ; 7 Mar 90 Convert to register preserved function calls
- ; 14 Mar 90 Share func3D_mask bodge move to FDOS
- ; 28 Sep 90 Return sectors xfered on Int21/27 even if error (CALC.EXE>64k)
- ; 14 mar 91 add delwatch hook to func36 (disk free space)
- ; 14 jun 91 correct error codes from func3F during func4B
- ; 8 aug 91 func3B (chdir) now maintains LDT name for all cases
- ; 1 oct 91 Valdivar it
- ; 27 feb 92 func3E returns previous open count
- ; 3 mar 92 fill in default search attribute in Func3D for future
- ; 23 mar 92 func67 will now shrink #handles
- ;
- include pcmode.equ
- include fdos.def
- include i:doshndl.def
- include i:fdos.equ
- include i:psp.def
- include i:msdos.equ
- include i:mserror.equ
- include i:redir.equ
- FCB_LEN equ 32
- extrn dbcs_lead:near
- extrn dos_entry:near
- extrn fdos_nocrit:near
- extrn fdos_crit:near, fdos_ax_crit:near
- extrn fcbfdos_crit:near
- extrn set_retry:near
- extrn set_retry_RF:near
- extrn error_exit:near
- extrn error_ret:near
- extrn fcberror_exit:near
- extrn reload_registers:near
- extrn reload_ES:near
- extrn return_AX_CLC:near
- extrn return_BX:near
- extrn return_CX:near
- extrn return_DX:near
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 0D ***
- ; *** Disk Reset ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func0D
- func0D:
- call fdos_nocrit ; flush buffers
- mov ax,0FFFFh
- push ax
- mov ax,I2F_FLUSH
- int 2fh ; magic INT2F flush remote buffers
- pop ax
- push ss ! pop ds
- ret
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 0E ***
- ; *** Select Disk ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func0E
- func0E:
- ;
- ; Entry:
- ; DL == drive to set as default (0 == A:)
- ; Exit:
- ; AL == Number of Drives in System (from SYSDAT)
- ;
- xchg ax,dx ; drive in AL
- cbw ; make that AX
- mov FD_DRIVE,ax
- call fdos_nocrit ; ask the FDOS to try to select it
- mov al,last_drv ; Return the number of valid drives
- ret
- ;
- ; Return with the ZERO flag set if the drive passed in AL is
- ; valid. This function is used to set the initial AX value
- ; when a program is loaded.
- ;
- ; On Entry:- AL 00 - Default Drive
- ; 01 to 26 - A: to Z:
- ;
- ; On Exit:- ZF If AL referenced a valid drive
- ;
- Public valid_drive
- valid_drive:
- push dx
- mov dl,al ; get drive in DL
- dec dl ; make drive zero based
- js valid_drive10 ; if current drive always OK
- mov ah,MS_DRV_GET
- call dos_entry ; get current drive
- push ax ; save for later
- mov ah,MS_DRV_SET
- call dos_entry ; try and select new drive
- mov ah,MS_DRV_GET ; if we can select it
- call dos_entry ; then it's valid
- sub al,dl ; AL = 0 if drive valid
- pop dx ; recover old drive
- push ax ; save result
- mov ah,MS_DRV_SET
- call dos_entry ; reset to original drive
- pop ax ; recover result
- valid_drive10:
- pop dx
- test al,al ; set ZF if valid drive
- ret
- eject
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 0F ***
- ; *** Open File (FCB) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func0F
- func0F:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 10 ***
- ; *** Close File (FCB) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func10
- func10:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 11 ***
- ; *** Search First (FCB) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func11
- func11:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 12 ***
- ; *** Search Next (FCB) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func12
- func12:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 13 ***
- ; *** Delete File (FCB) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func13
- func13:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 14 ***
- ; *** Sequential Read (FCB) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func14
- func14:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 15 ***
- ; *** Sequential Write (FCB)***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func15
- func15:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 16 ***
- ; *** Create File (FCB) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func16
- func16:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 17 ***
- ; *** Rename File (FCB) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func17
- func17:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 21 ***
- ; *** Random Read (FCB) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func21
- func21:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 22 ***
- ; *** Random Write (FCB) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func22
- func22:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 23 ***
- ; *** File Size (FCB) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func23
- func23:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 24 ***
- ; *** Set Relative Record ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func24
- func24:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 27 ***
- ; *** Random Block Read ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func27
- func27:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 28 ***
- ; *** Random Block Write ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func28
- func28:
- ; All FCB function come through here
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- mov ax,FD_FCB ; FCB file function
- xchg ax,FD_FUNC ; recover function number
- mov FD_FCBFUNC,ax ; pass FCB function number
- mov FD_FCBOFF,dx ; Initialise the FCB Pointer
- mov FD_FCBSEG,es
- mov FD_FCBCNT,cx ; we may need record count
- call fcbfdos_crit ; Execute the function
- jc fcb_error ; Check for an Error
- mov cx,FD_FCBCNT ; Get the number of records
- jmp return_CX ; processed and return in CX
- fcb_error:
- jmp fcberror_exit ; Use default Error handler
- eject
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 19 ***
- ; *** Current Disk ***
- ; *****************************
- Public func19
- func19:
- mov al,current_dsk ; Get the current logical disk
- ret ; and return
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 1A ***
- ; *** Set Disk Trans Adr ***
- ; *****************************
- Public func1A
- func1A:
- mov dma_offset,dx ; set the PCMODE DMA Offset
- mov dma_segment,es ; and then the DMA Segment
- ret
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 1B ***
- ; *** Def. Disk Info ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func1B
- func1B:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 1C ***
- ; *** Sel. Disk Info ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func1C
- func1C:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- xor dh,dh ; Pass the drive requested
- call fdos_DISKINFO ; find out about drive
- jc fdos_DI_error
- mov cx,es:DDSC_SECSIZE[bx] ; Get the Physical Sector Size
- call return_CX ; in bytes
- mov dx,es:DDSC_NCLSTRS[bx] ; Convert the last cluster no
- dec dx ; returned in DDSC to maximum
- call return_DX ; number of clusters and return
- mov al,es:DDSC_CLMSK[bx] ; get (sectors per cluster)-1
- inc ax ; return sectors per cluster
- lea bx,DDSC_MEDIA[bx] ; return address of media byte
- f1B1C1F32_common:
- push ds
- lds di,int21regs_ptr
- mov reg_DS[di],es
- mov reg_BX[di],bx
- pop ds
- ret
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 1F ***
- ; *** Get Default DPB ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func1F
- func1F:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 32 ***
- ; *** Get Requested DPB ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func32
- func32:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- mov dh,80h ; set top bit - free space not needed
- call fdos_DISKINFO ; and make the function call
- jnc f1B1C1F32_common ; exit using common code
- fdos_DI_error:
- jmp fcberror_exit ; exit thru FCB error
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 36 ***
- ; *** Disk Free Space ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func36
- func36:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- xor dh,dh ; clear out DH
- call fdos_DISKINFO ; find out about drive
- jnc f36_OK ; CY set if we had a problem
- push es
- push bx
- call error_exit ; generate a critical error
- pop bx
- pop es
- mov ax,0FFFFh ; Invalid Drive Return 0FFFFh
- jc f36_exit ; No Carry
- f36_OK:
- mov cx,es:DDSC_SECSIZE[bx] ; Get the Physical Sector Size
- call return_CX ; in bytes
- mov dx,es:DDSC_NCLSTRS[bx] ; Convert the last cluster no
- dec dx ; returned in DDSC to maximum
- call return_DX ; number of clusters
- mov cx,es:DDSC_FREE[bx] ; get number of free clusters
- add cx,FD_ADJUST ; now add in DELWATCH adjustment
- endif
- xor ax,ax
- mov al,es:DDSC_CLMSK[bx] ; get the sectors per cluster -1
- inc ax ; AX = sectors per cluster
- mov bx,cx
- call return_BX ; return free clusters
- f36_exit:
- jmp return_AX_CLC
- fdos_DISKINFO:
- ;-------------
- ; Called by func1B, func1C, func1F, func32, func36
- ; Even number functions have drive in DL
- ; Odd numbered function use default drive (0)
- ;
- mov ax,FD_DISKINFO ; get information about drive
- xchg ax,FD_FUNC ; while getting orginal function #
- test al,1 ; is it func1B/func1F ?
- jz fdos_DI10 ; if so these use the default
- xor dl,dl ; drive so zero DL
- fdos_DI10:
- mov FD_DRIVE,dx ; drive in DX
- call fdos_crit
- les bx,FD_DPB ; get the DPB pointer
- ret
- eject
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 2F ***
- ; *** Get Disk Trans Adr ***
- ; *****************************
- Public func2F
- func2F:
- les bx,dword ptr dma_offset ; current dma address
- push ds
- lds di,int21regs_ptr
- mov reg_ES[di],es
- mov reg_BX[di],bx
- pop ds
- ret
- eject
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 41 ***
- ; *** Delete File(s) ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func41
- func41:
- cmp ss:remote_call,0
- jne fdos_common41
- mov cl,06h
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 39 ***
- ; *** Create SubDirectory ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func39
- func39:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 3A ***
- ; *** Delete SubDirectory ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func3A
- func3A:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 3B ***
- ; *** Change SubDirectory ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func3B
- func3B:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 4E ***
- ; *** Find First File ***
- ; *** DOS Function 4F ***
- ; *** Find Next File ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func4E
- func4E:
- Public func4F
- func4F:
- ; Func 4F has no parameters, but using the same routine saves code
- fdos_common41:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- ; jmps fdos_name
- fdos_name:
- mov FD_NAMEOFF,dx ; Initialise Pointer
- mov FD_NAMESEG,es
- mov FD_ATTRIB,cx ; and attributes
- jmp fdos_ax_crit
- eject
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 5B ***
- ; *** Create New File ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func5B
- func5B:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 3C ***
- ; *** Create a File ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func3C
- func3C:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- cmp FD_FUNC,MS_X_CREAT ; is it a standard create ?
- je f3C_10
- mov FD_FUNC,FD_NEW ; no, create a new file
- f3C_10:
- mov FD_MODE,DHM_RW ; create as read/write
- jmps fdos_name ; go do it
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 3D ***
- ; *** Open a File ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func3D
- func3D:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- cmp ss:remote_call,0
- jne funcExtendedOpenCreate
- mov cl,06h ; default search mode for local
- ; jmp funcExtendedOpenCreate ; calls (remote it's in CL)
- funcExtendedOpenCreate:
- ; On Entry:
- ; FD_FUNC = function to carry out
- ; ES:DX -> name
- ; AX = open mode
- ; CX = file attributes
- ;
- push ax
- cmp al,DHM_DENY_NONE ; any funny share bits ?
- pop ax
- ja open_mode_err
- push ax
- and al,DHM_RWMSK
- cmp al,DHM_RW ; check RW bits are valid
- pop ax
- ja open_mode_err
- mov FD_MODE,ax ; Set Open Mode
- jmps fdos_name
- open_mode_err:
- mov ax,ED_ACC_CODE ; This is an illegal open mode
- jmp error_exit ; return an error
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 3F ***
- ; *** Read from Handle ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func3F
- func3F:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 40 ***
- ; *** Write to a Handle ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func40
- func40:
- mov al,OK_RIF ; Valid to RETRY,IGNORE or FAIL
- call set_retry
- mov FD_BUFOFF,dx
- mov FD_BUFSEG,es
- mov FD_COUNT,cx
- call fdos_handle
- mov dx,FD_COUNT
- jnc f40_10 ; no error, return # xfered
- push FD_HANDLE
- push dx ; an error, try critical error
- call error_exit ; and if we get back here that
- pop dx ; means we Fail/Ignore it
- pop bx
- jc f40_20 ; are we returning an error ?
- push dx ; no, we are ignoring it
- xor cx,cx ; CX:DX offset to skip
- mov ax,(MS_X_LSEEK*256)+1 ; seek to current+offset
- call dos_entry
- pop dx ; finally return # we wanted
- f40_10: ; to xfer
- xchg ax,dx ; AX = return code
- jmp return_AX_CLC
- f40_20:
- ret
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 42 ***
- ; *** Move R/W Pointer ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func42
- func42:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- mov word ptr FD_OFFSET+0,dx
- mov word ptr FD_OFFSET+2,cx
- mov FD_METHOD,ax
- call fdos_handle
- jc f42_error ; Do not return the current
- mov ax,word ptr FD_OFFSET+0 ; file position if
- mov dx,word ptr FD_OFFSET+2 ; an error occurs
- call return_DX
- jmp return_AX_CLC
- f42_error:
- jmp error_exit
- fdos_handle:
- mov FD_HANDLE,bx
- jmp fdos_crit
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 43 ***
- ; *** Change File Mode ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- ; Concurrent Password Support:-
- ;
- ; *WO* *GR* *OW* This is the format of the Password
- ; P---$RWED$RWED$RWED mode word which is compatible with
- ; the FlexOS F_PROTECT field.
- ; *WO* World (Ignored)
- ; *GR* Group (Ignored) The P flag is only used to designate
- ; *OW* Owner (Used) that the password is being updated.
- ;
- Public func43
- func43:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- mov FD_FLAG,ax ; Requested Attributes ignored
- call fdos_name ; if flags are not being set
- jc f42_error
- call reload_registers ; get back AL
- test al,81h
- jnz f43_exit
- mov cx,FD_ATTRIB
- call return_CX ; Return Attribs/Password
- xchg ax,cx ; Also in AX
- f43_exit:
- jmp return_AX_CLC
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 46 ***
- ; *** Force Dup Handle ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func46
- func46:
- xchg bx,cx ; destination handle in BX
- mov ah,MS_X_CLOSE ; try to close it but ignore
- call dos_entry ; errors as it may be already
- xchg bx,cx ; now fall thru to handle func
- mov ah,MS_X_DUP2 ; do do the duplicate
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 45 ***
- ; *** Duplicate Handle ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func45
- func45:
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 3E ***
- ; *** Close a File ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func3E
- func3E:
- mov al,OK_FAIL
- call set_retry ; Valid to FAIL
- mov FD_NEWHND,cx ; (in case it's force dup)
- ; jmps fdos_ax_handle
- fdos_ax_handle:
- mov FD_HANDLE,bx
- jmp fdos_ax_crit
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 5C ***
- ; ***Lock/Unlock File Access***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func5C
- func5C:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- mov FD_FUNC,FD_LOCK ; Lock/Unlock File
- mov word ptr FD_OFFSET+0,dx ; Lock Offset (LOW)
- mov word ptr FD_OFFSET+2,cx ; Lock Offset (HIGH)
- mov word ptr FD_LENGTH+0,di ; Lock Length (LOW)
- mov word ptr FD_LENGTH+2,si ; Lock Length (HIGH)
- mov FD_LFLAG,ax ; Lock Type
- jmps fdos_ax_handle
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 47 ***
- ; *** Get Current Dir ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func47
- func47:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- mov FD_PATHOFF,si ; Initialise Pointer
- mov FD_PATHSEG,es
- xchg ax,dx ; drive in AL
- cbw ; make that AX
- mov FD_DRIVE,ax
- jmp fdos_ax_crit ; return garbage in AH (SPJ bug)
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 53 ***
- ; *** Build DPB from BPB ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- ; This function takes the BPB at DS:SI and builds a DDSC at ES:BP
- ;
- Public func53
- func53:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- mov FD_BPBOFF,si ; Segment and Offset of BPB
- mov FD_BPBSEG,es
- mov FD_DDSCOFF,bp ; Segment and Offset of DDSC
- call reload_ES
- mov FD_DDSCSEG,es
- jmp fdos_nocrit
- ;
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 56 ***
- ; *** Rename/Move a File ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func56
- func56:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- mov FD_NNAMEOFF,di ; New FileName
- push es
- call reload_ES ; callers ES:DI
- mov FD_NNAMESEG,es ; point to new filename
- pop es
- mov FD_ONAMEOFF,dx ; Old FileName
- mov FD_ONAMESEG,es
- cmp ss:remote_call,0
- jne func56_10
- mov cl,17h
- func56_10:
- mov FD_ATTRIB,cx
- jmp fdos_crit
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 57 ***
- ; *** Get/Set File Time ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func57
- func57:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- mov FD_DATE,dx
- mov FD_TIME,cx
- mov FD_SFLAG,ax
- cmp al,1 ; allow get/set only
- mov ax,ED_FUNCTION ; all else fails horribly
- ja f57_error
- call fdos_handle
- jc f57_error
- call reload_registers
- test al,al
- jnz f57_exit
- mov cx,FD_TIME
- call return_CX ; return TIME in CX
- mov dx,FD_DATE
- jmp return_DX ; and DATE in DX
- f57_exit:
- ret
- f57_error:
- jmp error_exit
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 5A ***
- ; *** Create Unique File ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func5A
- func5A:
- mov ax,ED_ACCESS ; assume we will have an error
- test cx,DA_FIXED ; because of silly attributes
- jnz func5A_40 ; did we ?
- mov si,dx ; find end of pathname
- xor ax,ax ; no previous char
- func5A_10:
- xchg ax,bx ; BL = previous char
- lods es:al ; get next char
- test al,al ; is it the end of the string?
- jz func5A_20
- call dbcs_lead ; is it a KANJI char?
- jnz func5A_10
- inc si ; skip 2nd char of pair
- jmps func5A_10
- func5A_20:
- dec si ; SI -> NUL
- cmp bl,'' ; was last char a '' ?
- je func5A_30
- cmp bl,'/' ; (or a '/' for unix freaks)
- je func5A_30
- mov es:byte ptr [si],'' ; append a '' to name
- inc si
- func5A_30:
- ; Here ES:DX -> start of name, ES:SI -> position to append <unique name>,0
- ; CX = attribute for file.
- ; We generate a unique name based upon the time and date - if this already
- ; exists we keep retrying knowing the number of files is finite and we must
- ; succeed eventually
- push cx ! push dx ! push si ; append a unique'ish name
- call func5A_append_unique_name
- pop si ! pop dx ! pop cx
- mov ah,MS_X_MKNEW ; try to create unique file
- call dos_entry
- jnc func5A_50 ; exit if we succeeded
- mov es:byte ptr [si],0 ; else forget extention
- cmp ax,ED_EXISTS ; we only retry if it already exists
- je func5A_30
- func5A_40:
- jmp error_exit ; return error to caller
- func5A_50:
- jmp return_AX_CLC ; return handle to caller
- func5A_append_unique_name:
- ;-------------------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; ES:DX -> start of name
- ; ES:SI -> position to append <unique name>,0
- ; CX = attribute for file.
- ; On Exit:
- ; None
- ;
- ; We append a unique 8 character filename to this based upon the current
- ; date/time.
- push si
- mov ax,120dh
- int 2fh ; get date/time in AX & DX
- pop di
- add ax,unique_name_seed ; randomise the date otherwise we would
- inc unique_name_seed ; have one second wait between names
- call func5A_app_AX ; store 4 ascii bytes
- xchg ax,dx ; was DX = time
- call func5A_app_AX ; store 4 ascii bytes
- xor ax,ax
- stosb ; and a terminating NUL
- ret
- func5A_app_AX:
- ; On Entry AX = word, ES:DI -> string
- ; Store 4 ASCII chars at ES:DI, based upon value in AX
- call func5A_app_AL ; do low byte, falling thru to do high
- func5A_app_AL:
- call func5A_app_NIB ; low nibble, falling thru for high
- func5A_app_NIB:
- push ax
- and al,0fh ; mask out a nibble
- add al,'A' ; make it ASCII character
- stosb ; plant the string
- pop ax
- mov cl,4
- shr ax,cl ; shift nibble
- ret
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 60 ***
- ; ***Perform Name Processing***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- ; DS:SI point to a source string which contains a relative path
- ; specification ES:DI points to a buffer which is at least 80
- ; bytes longer than the source string.
- ;
- ; The carry flag is set and AX contains an error code if the
- ; source string is mal formed. This function is used by the
- ; Ryan-McFarland COBOL compiler.
- ;
- Public func60
- func60:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- mov FD_FUNC,FD_EXPAND ; Expand a relative Path
- mov FD_ONAMEOFF,si ; Initialise Source Pointer
- mov FD_ONAMESEG,es
- mov FD_NNAMEOFF,di ; Initialise Destination
- call reload_ES ; pointer
- mov FD_NNAMESEG,es
- jmp fdos_crit
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 67 ***
- ; *** Set/Handle Count ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- ; We impose a minimum of 20 handles regardless of what the caller
- ; requests. If the request is <=20 we use the default handle table in
- ; the PSP, else we allocate a memory block for the new table.
- ; If the old handle table was in a memory block (ie. zero offset) we
- ; will free that block up afterwards.
- ; When shrinking the handle count the error ED_HANDLE will be given if
- ; open files would have been lost.
- ;
- Public func67
- func67:
- push ds
- mov ds,current_psp ; DS -> current PSP blk
- cmp bx,20 ; force to minimum value of 20
- jae f67_10
- mov bx,20 ; never have less than 20 handles
- f67_10:
- mov cx,ds:PSP_XFNMAX ; we have this many handles
- sub cx,bx ; are we growing ?
- jbe f67_20 ; if shrinking make sure none open
- les di,ds:PSP_XFTPTR ; point to existing handle table
- lea di,[di+bx] ; point to 1st handle we will lose
- mov al,0FFh ; they must all be closed
- repe scasb ; or we fail
- mov ax,ED_HANDLE ; fail if we are in danger of losing
- jne f67_error ; open handles
- f67_20:
- push bx ; save # of handles wanted
- push ds ! pop es
- mov di,offset PSP_XFT ; ES:DI -> new handle table
- cmp bx,20 ; if we are setting to the
- je f67_30 ; default size
- add bx,15 ; calculate memory required
- mov cl,4 ! shr bx,cl ; num of paragraphs required
- xor di,di ; offset will be zero
- mov ah,MS_M_ALLOC ; allocate the memory
- call dos_entry
- mov es,ax ; ES:DI -> new handle table
- f67_30:
- pop bx ; BX = # handles wanted
- jc f67_error ; ES:DI -> new handle table
- mov cx,bx ; CX = new # handles
- xchg cx,ds:PSP_XFNMAX ; Update the Handle Count
- mov si,di ; Update the Table Offset
- xchg si,ds:PSP_XFTOFF
- mov ax,es
- xchg ax,ds:PSP_XFTSEG ; Update the Table Segment
- mov ds,ax ; DS:SI -> old handle table
- ; ES:DI -> new handle table
- ; CX = # old handles to copy
- ; BX = # new handles desired
- sub bx,cx ; BX = # extra "closed" handles
- jae f67_40 ; negative if we are shrinking
- add cx,bx ; CX = # handles we inherit
- xor bx,bx ; BX = no extra "closed" handles
- f67_40:
- push si ; save offset old handle table
- rep movsb ; Copy the existing Handles
- pop si ; SI = offset old handle table
- mov al,0FFh ; AL = unused handle
- mov cx,bx ; mark extra handles as unused
- rep stosb ; mark as unused
- test si,si ; do we have memory to free ?
- jnz f67_50
- mov ah,MS_M_FREE
- call dos_entry ; free up old handle table DMD
- f67_50:
- pop ds
- jmp return_AX_CLC ; clear carry on return
- f67_error:
- pop ds ; restore DS
- jmp error_exit ; and return error AX to caller
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 68 ***
- ; *** Commit File ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func68
- func68:
- call set_retry_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- mov FD_FUNC,FD_COMMIT ; Close a File Handle
- jmp fdos_handle
- ; *****************************
- ; *** DOS Function 6C ***
- ; *** Extended Open ***
- ; *****************************
- ;
- Public func6C
- func6C:
- mov al,OK_RF ; Valid to RETRY or FAIL
- test bh,20h ; should we allow critical errors ?
- jz f6C10
- or al,NO_CRIT_ERRORS ; no, so remember that
- f6C10:
- call set_retry
- mov ax,ED_FUNCTION ; assume an illegal action code
- test dx,not 0113h ; now check for sensible bits
- jnz f6C_error
- inc dx
- test dl,4 ; also reject bits 0-3 = 3
- jnz f6C_error
- dec dx
- xchg ax,si ; ES:AX -> name
- xchg ax,dx ; AX = action, ES:DX -> name
- xchg ax,bx ; AX = open mode, BX = action
- test bl,010h ; should we create if not there ?
- jz f6C_open ; no, skip the attempt at make new
- and ah,(DHM_COMMIT+DHM_NOCRIT)/100h
- mov FD_FUNC,FD_NEW ; create only if not there
- call funcExtendedOpenCreate ; try to open/create the file
- mov cx,2 ; CX = file created
- jnc f6C_exit ; return this if we succeeded
- f6C_open:
- call reload_registers ; all registers as per entry
- xchg ax,si ; ES:AX -> name
- xchg ax,dx ; AX = action, ES:DX -> name
- xchg ax,bx ; AX = open mode, BX = action
- push bx ; save action
- and ah,(DHM_COMMIT+DHM_NOCRIT)/100h
- mov FD_FUNC,MS_X_OPEN ; try an open an existing file
- call funcExtendedOpenCreate
- pop bx ; recover action
- jc f6C_error ; return error if we can't open file
- mov cx,1 ; CX = file opened
- test bl,001h ; should we open if it exists ?
- jnz f6C_exit ; yes, return the handle
- xchg ax,bx ; BX = handle, AX = action
- test al,002h ; should we replace the file ?
- mov ax,ED_EXISTS ; if not close and return error
- jz f6C_close_on_error
- mov ah,MS_X_WRITE
- xor cx,cx ; write zero bytes to truncate file
- call dos_entry
- jc f6C_close_on_error ; on error AX = error code, return it
- xchg ax,bx ; AX = handle
- mov cx,3 ; CX = file replaced
- f6C_exit:
- jmp return_CX ; return CX to caller
- f6C_close_on_error:
- ; File exits, but open should be failed (error code in AX)
- push ax
- mov ah,MS_X_CLOSE
- call dos_entry ; close that file
- pop ax
- f6C_error:
- jmp error_exit ; generate critical error
- extrn current_psp:word
- extrn current_dsk:byte
- extrn dma_offset:word
- extrn dma_segment:word
- extrn int21regs_ptr:dword
- extrn last_drv:byte
- extrn remote_call:word
- extrn fdos_stub:dword
- endif
- GLOBAL_DATA dseg word
- ; When creating unique files we use the date/time to make the name.
- ; We add this seed value to "randomise" things, INCing on failure so the next
- ; attempt usually succeeds.
- unique_name_seed dw 0 ; so we don't have to wait 1 second
- end