资源名称:drdossrc.zip [点击查看]
- title 'DIRS - dos directory support'
- ; File : $DIRS.A86$
- ;
- ; Description :
- ;
- ; Original Author : DIGITAL RESEARCH
- ;
- ; Last Edited By : $CALDERA$
- ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ; Copyright Work of Caldera, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;
- ; *** Current Edit History ***
- ; *** End of Current Edit History ***
- ;
- ; $Log$
- ; DIRS.A86 1.13 94/12/01 13:16:24
- ; changed error code if directory entry cannot be allocated;
- ; DIRS.A86 1.12 93/08/27 18:49:04
- ; hash code fixup on previously unused entries resets hash count
- ; pcformat bug where an extra (zero-length) command.com was left on disk
- ;
- ; Date Who Modification
- ; --------- --- ---------------------------------------
- ; 19 Aug 91 Initial version created for VLADIVAR
- eject
- include bdos.equ
- include i:mserror.equ
- include i:fdos.equ
- eject
- extrn fdos_stub:dword ; for calling delwatch TSR
- endif
- BDOS_DATA dseg word
- extrn adrive:byte
- EXTRN clsize:WORD
- extrn diradd:word
- extrn dirinroot:word
- EXTRN dirperclu:WORD
- EXTRN dosfat:WORD
- extrn hashroot:dword
- extrn hashmax:word
- EXTRN info_fcb:BYTE
- extrn lastcl:word
- extrn psecsiz:word
- eject
- hash rw 2 ; hash code work area
- ; The dirbcb says what is in the local dirbuf
- dirbcb db 0ffh ; drive of dirbuf entry
- dirbcb_cl dw 0 ; cluster of dirbuf entry
- dirbcb_dcnt dw 0 ; directory index of dirbuf entry
- dirbcb_block rw 2 ; block of dirbuf entry
- dirbcb_offset dw 0 ; byte offset in block of dirbuf entry
- public dirbuf
- dirbuf rb 32 ; local directory buffer
- public dirp
- dirp dw 0 ; directory entry pointer
- public dcnt
- dcnt dw 0 ; directory index count
- public finddfcb_mask
- finddfcb_mask dw 0800h ; hi byte = reject DA_VOLUME attribs
- ; lo byte = accept non-0 start clusters
- ; 00FF = include labels, but not
- ; pending deletes
- ; 0000 = include everything
- public chdblk
- chdblk dw 0 ; current cluster # of directory
- BDOS_CODE cseg
- extrn alloc_cluster:NEAR
- extrn clus2sec:near
- extrn hdsblk:near ; get current directory block
- extrn fdos_error:NEAR
- extrn fixfat:NEAR
- extrn getnblk:NEAR
- extrn locate_buffer:near
- extrn update_dir:NEAR
- extrn update_fat:NEAR
- extrn zeroblk:near
- eject
- public allocdir
- public discard_dirbuf
- public finddfcb
- public finddfcbf
- public fill_dirbuf
- public flush_dirbuf
- public getdir
- public hshdscrd
- public mkhsh
- public setenddir
- eject
- ;----------
- fill_dirbuf: ;get 32 byte directory entry
- ;----------
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = cluster to read (0=root)
- ; BX = dir within cluster
- ; On Exit:
- ; DI -> dirbuf entry
- call discard_dirbuf ; invalidate block in case of error
- mov dirbcb_cl,ax ; remember which cluster
- mov dirbcb_dcnt,bx ; and dir entry we want
- test ax,ax ; are we in the root ?
- jz fill_dirbuf10
- mov cl,FCBSHF
- shl bx,cl ; BX = byte offset in cluster
- call clus2sec ; DX:AX -> sector
- jmps fill_dirbuf20 ; BX = offset in sector
- fill_dirbuf10:
- mov ax,FCBLEN
- mul bx ; DX:AX = byte offset
- div psecsiz ; AX = sector offset, DX = byte offset
- mov bx,dx ; BX = byte offset in sector
- xor dx,dx
- add ax,diradd ; add in start of root dir
- adc dx,dx
- fill_dirbuf20:
- mov dirbcb_block,ax ; we want this sector
- mov dirbcb_block+WORD,dx
- mov dirbcb_offset,bx
- xchg ax,dx ; DX = low word of sector
- mov ah,al ; AH = low byte of high word
- push bx ; save byte offset in sector
- mov cx,0FF00h+BF_ISDIR ; locate directory sector
- call locate_buffer ; ES:SI -> BCB_
- pop bx ; BX = offset within sector
- push es ! pop ds ; DS:SI -> buffer control block
- lea si,BCB_DATA[si+bx] ; DS:SI -> data in buffer
- push ss ! pop es
- mov di,offset dirbuf ; ES:DI -> dir buffer
- push di
- mov cx,32/WORD ; copy into local buffer
- rep movsw
- pop di ; DI -> dir buffer
- push ss ! pop ds
- mov al,adrive ; remember where we are
- mov dirbcb,al ; so we can write it back
- ret
- ;------------
- flush_dirbuf:
- ;------------
- mov al,0FFh
- xchg al,dirbcb ; do we have anything to flush ?
- cmp al,adrive
- jne flush_dir20 ; skip if invalid contents
- mov si,offset dirbcb_block
- lodsw ; get low word of block
- xchg ax,dx ; put it in DX where it belongs
- lodsw ; get high word of block
- mov ah,al ; AH:DX -> block to find
- mov cx,0FF00h+BF_ISDIR ; look for directory
- call locate_buffer ; locate physical sector
- or es:BCB_FLAGS[si],BF_DIRTY; mark this buffer as modified
- mov bx,dirbcb_offset ; BX = offset within buffer
- lea di,BCB_DATA[si+bx] ; ES:DI -> offset in buffer
- mov al,es:[di] ; AL = 1st character of dir entry
- mov si,offset dirbuf ; get CP/M buffer address
- mov cx,32/WORD
- rep movsw ; copy modified entry back
- push ax
- xor dh,dh ; we only want HCB_ if it's there
- mov cx,dirbcb_cl ; and it's this cluster
- call find_hcb ; does an HCB_ exist for this entry ?
- pop ax
- jc flush_dir20 ; no, skip update
- mov di,dirbcb_dcnt ; we want this dir entry
- cmp di,es:HCB_CNT[bx] ; is this within the hashed entries ?
- jae flush_dir20 ; no, skip the fixup
- test al,al ; are we using a never used entry ?
- jnz flush_dir10 ; if so don't trust subsequent hash
- inc di ; codes as they have never been read.
- mov es:HCB_CNT[bx],di ; Truncate table to force a read of the
- dec di ; next dir entry (which will normally
- flush_dir10: ; also be never used)
- shl di,1 ; DI = offset of hashed entry
- lea di,HCB_DATA[bx+di]
- mov si,offset dirbuf ; this is the dir entry
- call mkhsh ; AX = hash code of our entry
- stosw ; update hash code for dir entry
- flush_dir20:
- push ds ! pop es ; ES = local data segment
- ret
- ;--------------
- discard_dirbuf:
- ;--------------
- mov dirbcb,0FFh ; invalidate dirbuf
- ret
- ;--------
- rd_pcdir:
- ;--------
- ; Exit: AX = offset of directory entry
- ; = 0 if end of directory
- mov bx,dcnt
- inc bx
- mov dcnt,bx ; dcnt=dcnt+1
- call hdsblk ; AX = current directory block
- jz rd_pcdir40 ; skip if we're at the root
- ; we we in a subdirectory - lets follow the chain
- xchg ax,cx ; keep subdir cluster in CX
- mov ax,FCBLEN ; AX = size of dir entry
- mul bx ; DX:AX = offset of set entry we want
- div clsize ; AX = # clusters to skip, DX = offset in cluster
- xchg ax,dx ; DX = # to skip, AX = offset in cluster
- xchg ax,cx ; AX = start of chain, CX = offset in cluster
- xchg bx,cx ; BX = offset in cluster, CX = dcnt
- jcxz rd_pcdir20 ; 1st subdir entry, we are already there
- mov cx,chdblk ; do we already know where we are ?
- jcxz rd_pcdir10 ; if not trace from start of chain
- xchg ax,cx ; AX = cluster of last dir entry
- test bx,bx ; have we moved onto next cluster?
- jnz rd_pcdir20 ; no, trust me..
- mov dx,1 ; move on to next entry in the chain
- rd_pcdir10:
- or dx,dx ; skip along chain until we arrive
- jz rd_pcdir20 ; at the destination cluster
- dec dx
- push bx
- push dx
- call getnblk ; AX = next cluster in chain
- pop dx
- pop bx
- cmp ax,lastcl ; have we fallen off the end of the chain ?
- jbe rd_pcdir10
- jmps rd_pcdir30 ; yes, set end of directory
- rd_pcdir20:
- mov chdblk,ax ; remember this cluster for next time
- mov cl,FCBSHF ; to divide by fcb size
- shr bx,cl ; BX = dir offset in cluster
- jmps rd_pcdir50 ; now go and find the entry
- rd_pcdir30:
- call setenddir ; yes, set dcnt to end of directory
- jmps rd_pcdir60
- rd_pcdir40:
- ; we are in the root directory
- cmp bx,dirinroot ; end of the root directory ?
- jae rd_pcdir30
- rd_pcdir50:
- call fill_dirbuf ;locate directory entry
- xchg ax,di ; AX -> dir entry
- cmp dcnt,ENDDIR
- jnz rd_pcdir70
- rd_pcdir60:
- xor ax,ax ; return 0 if endofdir
- rd_pcdir70:
- mov bx,ax
- ret
- ;---------
- setenddir: ;set dcnt to the end of directory (dcnt = 0ffffh)
- ;---------
- mov dcnt,ENDDIR
- mov chdblk,0
- ret
- chk_wild: ;check fcb for ? marks
- ;--------
- ; On Entry:
- ; bx -> FCB
- ; On Exit:
- ; ZF set if ? found
- ; BX preserved
- push ds ! pop es ; ES -> SYSDAT
- lea di,byte ptr FNAME[bx] ; ES:DI -> name to scan
- mov cx,11
- mov al,'?' ; scan for wild cards
- repne scasb
- ret
- eject
- eject
- ;---------
- finddfcbf: ; Find matching directory fcb(dfcb) from beginning of directory
- ;---------
- call setenddir ; set up for search first
- ;--------
- finddfcb: ; Find matching directory fcb(dfcb)
- ;--------
- mov cx,2
- ;------
- getdir:
- ;------
- ; entry: CH = offset info_fcb (always 0 except from rename)
- ; CL = search length
- ; 0 = return next fcb
- ; 1 = return empty fcb
- ; 2 = find match (Based on info_fcb)
- ; 3 = find match? Based on info_fcb
- ;
- ; exit: AX,BX,DIRP = pointer to dfcb
- ; 0 = no match (end of directory)
- ; other = offset of requested directory entry
- ; ZF = zero flag is set based on AX
- ;
- ; Note: The most common call for this function is with CX =
- ; 2 (match with name, not extent) with 'dcnt' set to
- ; 0FFFFh (search from beginning of the directory
- ; (e.g. open, create, delate, rename, etc.).
- ; Therefore we try to optimize directory searches
- ; using a dynamic hash table...
- ;struct dirfcb *getdir(offset,srchl);
- cmp dcnt,0FFFFh ;if ((dcnt == 0xffff) &&
- jne gtd_next
- mov hash+2,cx ; Save off calling option
- xor ax,ax ; hash code 0 for free entry
- cmp cx,1 ; what kind of search?
- je gtdo15 ; CL=1: find free entry (AX=0)
- jb gtd_next ; CL=0: find any entry (unhashed)
- or ch,ch ; name in INFO_FCB+1?
- jnz gtd_next ; no, unhashed search
- mov bx,offset info_fcb
- call chk_wild ; wildcards used in search?
- jz unhshd1 ; yes, can't use hashing
- mov si,offset info_fcb+1 ; else compute hash code
- call mkhsh ; for name to find
- gtdo15:
- mov hash,ax ; save it for search
- call hdsblk ; get directory block
- gtdo3:
- push ax ; save dir block for later
- call hashsrch ; try and use hashing to find a match
- jnc gtdo4 ; look closer if we get possible match
- add dcnt,ax ; else skip known non-matches
- pop ax ; recover current dir block
- test ax,ax ; if we are in the root
- jz unhashed ; we must search the hard way
- xchg ax,bx
- mov ax,dcnt ; should we go onto next cluster ?
- inc ax ; only if next entry is the start
- xor dx,dx ; of a cluster
- div dirperclu
- xchg ax,bx
- test dx,dx ; at start of cluster ?
- jnz unhashed
- call getnblk ; onto next cluster until we are
- cmp ax,lastcl ; at the end of the chain
- jbe gtdo3
- jmps unhashed ; out of luck
- gtdo4:
- add dcnt,ax ; we have found a match, so start
- pop ax ; search here
- ; jmps unhashed
- unhashed: ; /* locate entry */
- mov chdblk,0
- unhshd1:
- mov cx,hash+2 ;}
- gtd_next:
- ;--------
- push cx
- call rd_pcdir ; Get Next DFCB
- pop cx
- gtd_exit:
- mov dirp,ax ; assume this is the one
- mov bx,ax
- or ax,ax ; should we exit with not found ?
- jz gtd2
- cmp cl,NEXT ; Caller wishes next dfcb?
- jne gtd3 ; NO
- gtd2:
- mov ax,bx ; return BX (DIRP or NULLPTR)
- or ax,ax ; return ZF (1 = not found)
- ret
- gtd3:
- cmp cl,EMPTY ; Caller wishes an empty dfcb?
- jne gtd4 ; NO
- mov al,DNAME[bx] ; Get directory type
- or al,al ; Is it free?
- jz gtd2 ; YES (00 -> never used)
- cmp al,0E5h ; Is the dfcb empty?
- je gtd2 ; YES (E5 -> erased)
- jmps gtd_next ; NO, try the next
- gtd4: ; looking for particular entry
- call hdsblk ; Are we at the root?
- jnz gtd5 ; skip if not
- mov ax,dcnt ; check for end of directory
- cmp ax,dirinroot ; have we reached end of root?
- mov ax,0 ; assume we have
- jae gtd_exit ; exit if we have
- gtd5:
- mov al,DNAME[bx] ; Get dfcb type
- cbw
- or ax,ax ; Are we at End Of Directory(EOD)
- jz gtd_exit ; YES
- cmp al,0E5h ; Is this a free fcb?
- je gtd_next ; Yes, try again
- mov ax,finddfcb_mask ; do we want labels/pending deletes
- test DATTS[bx],ah ; filter out volume labels?
- jnz gtd_next ; we normally reject them
- cbw ; we want labels - do we want
- test word ptr DBLOCK1[bx],ax ; DELWATCH pending deletes
- jnz gtd_next ; ie. labels with fat chain
- endif
- push cx ; we are interested - but does
- mov al,ch ; the name match ?
- cbw
- add ax,offset info_fcb+1
- xor si,si ; we want SI = entry to match and
- xchg ax,si ; AL = 0 indicating assumed match
- mov cx,11 ; 11 chars in filename
- mov di,bx ; ES:DI -> directory entry
- match3:
- jcxz match4 ; stop if we have done all 11
- repe cmpsb ; compare if 11 bytes the same
- je match4 ; skip if all bytes the same
- cmp byte ptr 0-1[si],'?' ; else was INFO_FCB byte = '?'
- je match3 ; in that case it matches too
- inc ax ; else we didn't match (AL<>0)
- match4:
- pop cx
- or al,al ; did we match ?
- jnz gtd_next ; no, try for another
- mov bx,dirp ; Return (BX)
- jmp gtd2
- eject
- find_hcb: ; find HCB_ for given drive
- ;--------
- ; On Entry:
- ; CX = cluster we are looking for
- ; DH = 00 if exact match required
- ; FF if we want to recyle oldest HCB_
- ; On Exit:
- ; CY set, AX=0 if HCB_ not found
- ; CY clear ES:BX = offset of HCB_ (moved to head of list)
- ; (AX/DX trashed, All other regs preserved)
- ;
- les bx,hashroot ; get our hashing pointer
- mov ax,es
- or ax,bx ; is hashing enabled ?
- jz find_hcb30
- mov dl,adrive ; look for this drive
- cmp cx,es:HCB_CLU[bx] ; does cluster match?
- jne find_hcb10 ; goto next if not
- cmp dl,es:HCB_DRV[bx] ; does drive match?
- jne find_hcb10 ; goto next if not
- ; clc
- ret ; we have a match on the 1st one
- find_hcb10:
- ; no match, so look futher along the chain
- mov ax,es:HCB_LINK[bx] ; onto the next entry
- test ax,ax ; is there one ?
- jz find_hcb20
- xchg ax,bx ; AX = previous entry, BX = current
- cmp cx,es:HCB_CLU[bx] ; does cluster match?
- jne find_hcb10 ; goto next if not
- cmp dl,es:HCB_DRV[bx] ; does drive match?
- jne find_hcb10 ; goto next if not
- ; we have a match, but it's not the first so recycle it
- mov dx,es:HCB_LINK[bx] ; get link to the rest of the chain
- xchg ax,bx ; BX = previous entry
- mov es:HCB_LINK[bx],dx ; unlink ourselves from chain
- mov bx,ax ; BX = current entry
- xchg ax,word ptr hashroot ; put current entry at the head
- mov es:HCB_LINK[bx],ax ; and relink the rest of the chain
- ; clc
- ret
- find_hcb20:
- ; we have been all along the chain with no luck
- xor ax,ax
- test dh,dh ; no HCB_ - do we want to recyle ?
- jz find_hcb30 ; if not skip
- mov es:HCB_CNT[bx],ax ; we need to recycle oldest HCB_
- mov es:HCB_CLU[bx],cx ; so mark as us, but with nothing
- mov es:HCB_DRV[bx],dl ; in it
- ; clc
- ret
- find_hcb30:
- stc ; return failure
- ret
- eject
- ;-----
- mkhsh:
- ;-----
- ;
- ; entry: SI = 11 byte FCB to convert to hash code
- ; exit: AX = 1..FFFF is hash code (00/E5 == 0)
- ; uses: DX
- ; saves: BX,CX,DI,BP
- ;
- ; used for hashing the INFO_FCB &
- ; directory entries for DOS media
- xor dx,dx ;assume hash code is 0000
- lodsb
- cmp al,0E5h ;if deleted file
- je mkhsh2 ; or
- cmp al,0 ;if virgin entry
- je mkhsh2 ;then hash code = 0;
- push cx ;else save CX
- and al,7fh
- mov dh,al ;initialize hash code MSB
- mov cx,10 ;involve other 10 characters
- mkhsh1:
- lodsb ;get next character
- rol dx,1 ;rotate hash code by one bit
- and al,7fh ;strip top bit off character
- xor dl,al ;XOR the character into the hash code
- loop mkhsh1 ;repeat for all characters
- pop cx ;restore CX
- test dx,dx ;test if zero by any chance
- jnz mkhsh2 ;skip if non-zero
- inc dx ;else force it to 1
- mkhsh2: ;return hash code in AX
- xchg ax,dx
- ret
- eject
- Public fixup_hashing
- ;
- ; update hashing for current drive if DELWATCH changes a directory entry
- ;
- fixup_hashing:
- ;-------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; AX = segment of dir buffer
- ; CX = cluster to fixup (0 = root)
- ; DI = directory entry index (clipped to cluster if subdir)
- ; AX:SI-> dir entry (single entry for hashing)
- ;
- ; On Exit:
- ; None
- ;
- push ds
- push es
- xor dh,dh ; we only want HCB_ if it's there
- push ax ; save seg of dir entry
- call find_hcb ; does an HCB_ exist for this entry ?
- pop ds ; DS:SI -> entry to hash
- jc fixup_ck10 ; not hashed, skip update
- cmp di,es:HCB_CNT[bx] ; is this within the hashed entries ?
- jae fixup_ck10 ; no, skip the fixup
- call mkhsh ; AX = hash code of our entry
- shl di,1 ; DI = offset of hashed entry
- lea di,HCB_DATA[bx+di]
- stosw ; update hash code for dir entry
- fixup_ck10:
- pop es
- pop ds
- ret ; no
- endif
- eject
- hashsrch:
- ;--------
- ; entry: AX = starting cluster of directory
- ; exit: AX is possible match index
- ;
- mov dh,0FFh ; we want HCB_ even if it's recycled
- xchg ax,cx ; and this block
- call find_hcb ; does an HCB_ exist for this entry ?
- ; mov ax,0 ; assume unhashed search required
- jc hashsrch20 ; start one if no hashing
- hashsrch10:
- mov cx,es:HCB_CNT[bx] ; we have this many entries hashed
- jcxz hashsrch30 ; skip if nothing hashed yet
- mov ax,hash ; look for this hash code
- lea di,HCB_DATA[bx] ; DI = offset of start of search
- repne scasw ; try to find a match
- jne hashsrch30 ; skip if no match found
- lea ax,HCB_DATA+2[bx] ; find word offset of match
- xchg ax,di ; return matching index
- sub ax,di
- shr ax,1 ; make dir offset
- hashsrch20:
- push ds ! pop es
- clc ; we have found it
- ret
- hashsrch30:
- call rehash_entry ; try and hash another entry
- jnc hashsrch10 ; look again if we succeeded
- mov ax,es:HCB_CNT[bx] ; failure, so return # to skip
- push ds ! pop es
- ; stc ; for quicker search
- ret
- rehash_entry:
- ;------------
- ; entry: ES:BX -> HCB
- ; AX = hash cluster number
- call hash_entries_to_do ; how many entries still to hash ?
- jcxz rehash_entry40 ; if we have hashed them all exit
- push dcnt ; save directory count
- mov ax,dcnt ; get previous position
- inc ax ; we start looking here
- xor dx,dx
- div dirperclu ; mask to start of cluster
- mul dirperclu
- add ax,es:HCB_CNT[bx] ; skip entries we already have
- dec ax ; make previous entry BEFORE this
- mov dcnt,ax
- mov chdblk,0 ; non-sequential access
- cmp cx,512/32 ; don't try reading more than 512 bytes
- jb rehash_entry20 ; at a time - then with 512 byte secs
- mov cx,512/32 ; we only read when we
- rehash_entry20:
- push es
- push bx ; save hash control pointer
- push cx ; save # entries to do
- push ds ! pop es ; back to small model
- xor cx,cx ; return any entry
- call gtd_next ; unhashed search
- pop cx ; restore # entries to do
- pop bx ; restore hash control pointer
- pop es
- test ax,ax ; anything found
- jz rehash_entry30 ; end of directory
- xchg ax,si ; else get directory pointer
- mov di,es:HCB_CNT[bx]
- shl di,1 ; DI -> 1st new entry
- lea di,HCB_DATA[bx+di]
- push si
- call mkhsh ; else calculate hash into AX
- stosw ; add it to hash table
- inc es:HCB_CNT[bx] ; remember we did
- pop si
- lodsb ; get 1st byte of hashed entry
- test al,al ; is it zero (ie. never used)?
- loopne rehash_entry20 ; get all hash codes
- jcxz rehash_entry30 ; all done ?
- call hash_entries_to_do ; how many entries still to hash ?
- add es:HCB_CNT[bx],cx ; we will do them all..
- rep stosw ; zap rest of cluster
- rehash_entry30:
- pop dcnt ; restore count
- mov chdblk,0 ; non-sequential access
- clc ; we have new hashing codes
- ret ; HCB updated with new cluster
- rehash_entry40:
- stc ; cannot hash no more...
- ret
- hash_entries_to_do:
- ;------------------
- ; On Entry:
- ; ES:BX -> HCB_
- ; On Exit:
- ; CX = maximum possible entries we still need to hash for HCB_
- ; (All other regs preserved)
- ;
- mov cx,dirinroot ; assume root dir
- cmp es:HCB_CLU[bx],0 ; was it ?
- je hash_etd10
- mov cx,dirperclu ; subdir, so cluster limit
- hash_etd10:
- cmp cx,hashmax ; do we support this many ?
- jb hash_etd20 ; yes, skip it
- mov cx,hashmax ; else limit it to this many
- hash_etd20:
- sub cx,es:HCB_CNT[bx] ; subtract number we have already done
- ret
- eject
- hshdscrd:
- ;--------
- ; purge hash blocks for physical drive
- ; On Entry:
- ; AL = drive to discard (FF = all drives)
- ; On Exit:
- ; None (All regs preserved)
- push ds
- push bx
- lds bx,hashroot ; get root of hash codes
- hshdsc1:
- test bx,bx
- jz hshdsc4 ; all blocks done
- cmp al,0FFh ; FF means discard all drives
- je hshdsc2
- cmp al,ds:HCB_DRV[bx] ; check if matching drive
- jne hshdsc3
- hshdsc2:
- mov ds:HCB_DRV[bx],0ffh ; h->hd = 0xff;
- hshdsc3:
- mov bx,ds:HCB_LINK[bx] ; get next hash code block
- jmps hshdsc1
- hshdsc4:
- pop bx
- pop ds
- ret
- eject
- enlarge_root:
- mov ah,DELW_FREERD ; lets ask DELWATCH if it can
- mov al,adrive ; free a root directory entry
- callf ss:fdos_stub ; for this drive
- jnc allocdir ; it says it has so try again
- endif
- allocdir_err:
- pop ax ; discard return address
- mov ax,ED_MAKE
- jmp fdos_error ; return "cannot make dir entry"
- ;--------
- allocdir: ; Called by rename and MAKE
- ;--------
- call setenddir ; search for first match
- mov cx,1 ; return empty fcb
- call getdir ; is there an empty fcb?
- jz allocdir10 ; if so use that
- ret
- allocdir10:
- call hdsblk ; Are we at the root?
- jz enlarge_root ; YES -- Report error(no room)
- ; We are in a subdirectory so enlarge it
- ; AX has 1st block of subdirectory NOTE -- AX is never
- ; above 'lastcl' on entry.
- allocdir20:
- cmp ax,lastcl ; Are we at end of subdirectory?
- ja allocdir30 ; YES
- push ax
- call getnblk ; NO -- get next block then
- pop bx
- jmps allocdir20
- allocdir30:
- push bx ; save last block number
- xchg ax,bx ; Get a new block (start from old)
- call alloc_cluster
- pop bx
- jc allocdir_err ; Report Error(no room on disk)
- push ax ; save new block
- xchg ax,bx
- call fixfat ; Update fat (AX,BX) old last block
- ; points to new last block
- pop ax ; Get new last block
- push ax
- mov bx,dosfat ; 12 or 16 bit fat
- call fixfat ; Update fat (AX,BX) new last block
- ; has end of cluster marker
- call update_fat ; Write out to disk
- pop ax ; Get new last block
- call zeroblk ; Zero it out
- call setenddir ; Set up for search first
- mov cx,1 ; Find empty fcb
- jmp getdir ; Can not return with not found error