- /*
- (c) Copyright 1998, 1999 - Tord Jansson
- =======================================
- This file is part of the BladeEnc MP3 Encoder, based on
- ISO's reference code for MPEG Layer 3 compression, and might
- contain smaller or larger sections that are directly taken
- from ISO's reference code.
- All changes to the ISO reference code herein are either
- copyrighted by Tord Jansson (
- or sublicensed to Tord Jansson by a third party.
- BladeEnc is free software; you can redistribute this file
- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
- #include "common.h"
- #include "encoder.h"
- /*****************************************************************************
- ************************** Start of Subroutines *****************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************
- * FFT computes fast fourier transform of BLKSIZE samples of data *
- * uses decimation-in-frequency algorithm described in "Digital *
- * Signal Processing" by Oppenheim and Schafer, refer to pages 304 *
- * (flow graph) and 330-332 (Fortran program in problem 5) *
- * to get the inverse fft, change line 20 from *
- * w_imag[L] = -sin(PI/le1); *
- * to *
- * w_imag[L] = sin(PI/le1); *
- * *
- * required constants: *
- * #define PI 3.14159265358979 *
- * #define BLKSIZE 1024 *
- * #define LOGBLKSIZE 10 *
- * #define BLKSIZE_S 256 *
- * #define LOGBLKSIZE_S 8 *
- * *
- *****************************************************************************/
- #define BLKSIZE_S 256
- #define LOGBLKSIZE_S 8
- int fInit_fft;
- void fft(FLOAT x_real[BLKSIZE],float x_imag[BLKSIZE], float energy[BLKSIZE], float phi[BLKSIZE], int N)
- {
- int M,MM1;
- int NV2, NM1, MP;
- static double w_real[2][LOGBLKSIZE], w_imag[2][LOGBLKSIZE];
- int i,j,k,L;
- int ip, le,le1;
- double t_real, t_imag, u_real, u_imag;
- if(fInit_fft==0)
- {
- memset((char *) w_real, 0, sizeof(w_real)); /* preset statics to 0 */
- memset((char *) w_imag, 0, sizeof(w_imag)); /* preset statics to 0 */
- for(L=0; L<M; L++)
- {
- le = 1 << (M-L);
- le1 = le >> 1;
- w_real[0][L] = cos(PI/le1);
- w_imag[0][L] = -sin(PI/le1);
- }
- for(L=0; L<M; L++)
- {
- le = 1 << (M-L);
- le1 = le >> 1;
- w_real[1][L] = cos(PI/le1);
- w_imag[1][L] = -sin(PI/le1);
- }
- fInit_fft++;
- }
- if( N == BLKSIZE )
- {
- MP = 0;
- }
- else /* N == BLKSIZE_S */
- {
- MP = 1;
- }
- MM1 = M-1;
- NV2 = N >> 1;
- NM1 = N - 1;
- for(L=0; L<MM1; L++)
- {
- le = 1 << (M-L);
- le1 = le >> 1;
- u_real = 1;
- u_imag = 0;
- for(j=0; j<le1; j++)
- {
- for(i=j; i<N; i+=le)
- {
- ip = i + le1;
- t_real = x_real[i] + x_real[ip];
- t_imag = x_imag[i] + x_imag[ip];
- x_real[ip] = x_real[i] - x_real[ip];
- x_imag[ip] = x_imag[i] - x_imag[ip];
- x_real[i] = t_real;
- x_imag[i] = t_imag;
- t_real = x_real[ip];
- x_real[ip] = x_real[ip]*u_real - x_imag[ip]*u_imag;
- x_imag[ip] = x_imag[ip]*u_real + t_real*u_imag;
- }
- t_real = u_real;
- u_real = u_real*w_real[MP][L] - u_imag*w_imag[MP][L];
- u_imag = u_imag*w_real[MP][L] + t_real*w_imag[MP][L];
- }
- }
- /* special case: L = M-1; all Wn = 1 */
- for(i=0; i<N; i+=2)
- {
- ip = i + 1;
- t_real = x_real[i] + x_real[ip];
- t_imag = x_imag[i] + x_imag[ip];
- x_real[ip] = x_real[i] - x_real[ip];
- x_imag[ip] = x_imag[i] - x_imag[ip];
- x_real[i] = t_real;
- x_imag[i] = t_imag;
- energy[i] = x_real[i]*x_real[i] + x_imag[i]*x_imag[i];
- if(energy[i] <= 0.0005)
- {
- phi[i] = 0;
- energy[i] = 0.0005;
- }
- else
- phi[i] = atan2((double) x_imag[i],(double) x_real[i]);
- energy[ip] = x_real[ip]*x_real[ip] + x_imag[ip]*x_imag[ip];
- if(energy[ip] == 0)
- phi[ip] = 0;
- else
- phi[ip] = atan2((double) x_imag[ip],(double) x_real[ip]);
- }
- /* this section reorders the data to the correct ordering */
- j = 0;
- for(i=0; i<NM1; i++)
- {
- if(i<j)
- {
- /* use this section only if you need the FFT in complex number form *
- * (and in the correct ordering) */
- t_real = x_real[j];
- t_imag = x_imag[j];
- x_real[j] = x_real[i];
- x_imag[j] = x_imag[i];
- x_real[i] = t_real;
- x_imag[i] = t_imag;
- /* reorder the energy and phase, phi */
- t_real = energy[j];
- energy[j] = energy[i];
- energy[i] = t_real;
- t_real = phi[j];
- phi[j] = phi[i];
- phi[i] = t_real;
- }
- k=NV2;
- while(k<=j)
- {
- j = j-k;
- k = k >> 1;
- }
- j = j+k;
- }
- }