- //*******************************************************************************
- // ---------------
- // You may use this source code, compile or redistribute it as part of your application
- // for free. You cannot redistribute it as a part of a software development
- // library without the agreement of the author. If the sources are
- // distributed along with the application, you should leave the original
- // copyright notes in the source code without any changes.
- // This code can be used WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES at your own risk.
- //
- // For the latest updates to this code, check this site:
- // http://www.masmex.com
- // after Sept 2000
- //
- // Copyright(C) 2000 Philip Oldaker <email: philip@masmex.com>
- //*******************************************************************************
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "UIDragImage.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDragDropImage
- CDragDropImage::CDragDropImage()
- {
- }
- CDragDropImage::CDragDropImage(int nSelected,int nType) :
- m_nSelected(nSelected),m_nType(nType)
- {
- }
- CDragDropImage::~CDragDropImage()
- {
- while (!m_itemList.IsEmpty())
- {
- CDragDropItem *pItem = m_itemList.RemoveHead();
- delete pItem;
- }
- }
- void CDragDropImage::AddItem(LPCRECT prcItem,LPCRECT prcIcon)
- {
- CDragDropItem *pItem = new CDragDropItem(prcItem,prcIcon);
- m_itemList.AddHead(pItem);
- }
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDragDropImage, CCmdTarget)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CDragDropImage)
- // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDragDropImage message handlers
- void CDragDropImage::DrawDragImage(CDC *pDC, POINT point, POINT ActionPoint)
- {
- point.x -= ActionPoint.x;
- point.y -= ActionPoint.y;
- for(POSITION pos=m_itemList.GetTailPosition();pos != NULL;)
- {
- CDragDropItem *pItem = m_itemList.GetPrev(pos);
- DrawItemImage(pDC,point,pItem->m_rcItem,pItem->m_rcIcon);
- }
- }
- // rcItem contains the bounding text
- // of an item in thge list control
- void CDragDropImage::DrawItemImage(CDC *pDC,POINT point,const CRect &rcItem,const CRect &rcIcon)
- {
- // Make it the inverse of the screen color.
- int nOldMode = pDC->SetROP2 (R2_NOT);
- // just the outline
- CBrush* pOldBrush = (CBrush*) pDC->SelectStockObject (NULL_BRUSH);
- // draw it icon size
- pDC->Rectangle (point.x+rcIcon.left, point.y+rcIcon.top, point.x+rcIcon.left + rcIcon.Width(),point.y+rcIcon.top + rcIcon.Height());
- pDC->SelectObject (pOldBrush);
- // the outline of the text item
- CPen pen(PS_DASH,1,GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
- CPen *pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&pen);
- // only in report or list mode
- if (m_nType != LVS_ICON && m_nType != LVS_SMALLICON)
- {
- // draw the line halfway down the icon rectangle
- pDC->MoveTo(point.x+rcIcon.left+rcIcon.Width(), point.y+rcIcon.top+(rcIcon.Height()/2));
- pDC->LineTo(point.x+rcIcon.left+rcItem.Width(), point.y+rcIcon.top+(rcIcon.Height()/2));
- }
- pDC->SelectObject (pOldPen);
- pDC->SetROP2 (nOldMode);
- }