- //*******************************************************************************
- // ---------------
- // You may use this source code, compile or redistribute it as part of your application
- // for free. You cannot redistribute it as a part of a software development
- // library without the agreement of the author. If the sources are
- // distributed along with the application, you should leave the original
- // copyright notes in the source code without any changes.
- // This code can be used WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES at your own risk.
- //
- // For the latest updates to this code, check this site:
- //
- // after Sept 2000
- //
- // Copyright(C) 2000 Philip Oldaker <email:>
- //*******************************************************************************
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #ifndef __AFXMT_H__
- #include "afxmt.h"
- #endif
- // IEShellTreeCtrl.h : header file
- //
- #include <afxpriv.h>
- #include "IEFolderTreeCtrl.h"
- #include "IEShellDragDrop.h"
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CIEShellTreeCtrl window
- class CTRL_EXT_CLASS CIEShellTreeCtrl : public CIEFolderTreeCtrl
- {
- // Construction
- public:
- CIEShellTreeCtrl();
- // Attributes
- public:
- void SetNotifyParent(bool bNotifyParent) { m_bNotifyParent = bNotifyParent; }
- bool RefreshAllowed() { return m_bRefreshAllowed; }
- void SetRefreshAllowed(bool bRefresh) { m_bRefreshAllowed = bRefresh; }
- void SetListCtrlWnd(HWND hWnd) { m_hListWnd = hWnd; }
- void SetComboBoxWnd(HWND hWnd) { m_hComboWnd = hWnd; }
- CString GetSelectedPath() { return GetPathName(); }
- // Operations
- public:
- virtual void UpOneLevel(HTREEITEM hItem=NULL);
- virtual void ShellExecute(HTREEITEM hItem,LPCTSTR pszVerb=NULL);
- virtual void SetNotificationObject(bool bNotify);
- virtual bool LoadFolderItems(LPCTSTR pszPath=NULL);
- virtual bool GetFolderInfo(HTREEITEM hItem,CString &sPath,CString &sName);
- virtual void Refresh();
- virtual HTREEITEM FindPidl(LPITEMIDLIST pidlAbs,BOOL bSelect=TRUE);
- virtual HTREEITEM ExpandPidl(LPITEMIDLIST pidlAbs);
- virtual HTREEITEM ExpandMyComputer(LPITEMIDLIST pidlAbs);
- // Overrides
- protected:
- virtual void RefreshComboBox(LPTVITEMDATA lptvid);
- virtual void DestroyThreads();
- virtual void CreateFileChangeThreads(HWND hwnd);
- virtual void CreateFileChangeThread (const CString& sPath,HWND hwnd);
- virtual HTREEITEM SearchSiblings(HTREEITEM hItem,LPITEMIDLIST pidlAbs);
- virtual HTREEITEM FindItem(HTREEITEM hItem, const CString& strTarget);
- virtual UINT DeleteChildren(HTREEITEM hItem);
- virtual bool SHMoveFile(HTREEITEM hSrcItem,HTREEITEM hDestItem);
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CIEShellTreeCtrl)
- virtual BOOL OnWndMsg( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult );
- virtual bool Expanding(NM_TREEVIEW *nmtvw);
- virtual CRefresh *CreateRefreshObject(HTREEITEM hItem,LPARAM lParam);
- virtual DROPEFFECT DoDragDrop(NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView,COleDataSource *pOleDataSource);
- virtual bool EndLabelEdit(HTREEITEM hItem,LPCTSTR pszText);
- virtual BOOL TransferItem(HTREEITEM hitemDrag, HTREEITEM hitemDrop);
- protected:
- virtual void Init();
- virtual void ShowProperties(HTREEITEM hItem);
- virtual void ShowPopupMenu(HTREEITEM hItem,CPoint point);
- virtual void DoubleClick(HTREEITEM hItem);
- virtual void DeleteKey(HTREEITEM hItem);
- virtual void GoBack(HTREEITEM hItem);
- virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
- virtual void UpdateEvent(LPARAM lHint,CObject *pHint);
- virtual bool DragDrop(CDD_OleDropTargetInfo *pInfo);
- virtual bool DragOver(CDD_OleDropTargetInfo *pInfo);
- virtual bool DragEnter(CDD_OleDropTargetInfo *pInfo);
- virtual bool DragLeave(CDD_OleDropTargetInfo *pInfo);
- // Implementation
- public:
- virtual ~CIEShellTreeCtrl();
- // Generated message map functions
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(CIEShellTreeCtrl)
- // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
- afx_msg BOOL OnRclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
- afx_msg void OnDestroy();
- afx_msg LRESULT OnAppDirChangeEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- afx_msg LRESULT OnCBIESelChange(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
- afx_msg LRESULT OnAppPopulateTree(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
- afx_msg LRESULT OnAppCbIeHitEnter(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
- afx_msg LRESULT OnSetmessagestring(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
- //}}AFX_MSG
- private:
- enum { MAX_THREADS=32 };
- static UINT ThreadFunc (LPVOID pParam);
- LPTVITEMDATA m_lptvid;
- CWinThread *m_pThreads[MAX_THREADS];
- CEvent m_event[MAX_THREADS];
- int m_nThreadCount;
- bool m_bRefreshAllowed;
- bool m_bNotifyParent;
- CIEShellDragDrop m_ShellDragDrop;
- HWND m_hListWnd;
- HWND m_hComboWnd;
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- typedef struct DC_THREADINFO
- {
- HANDLE hEvent;
- CIEShellTreeCtrl *pTreeCtrl;
- CString sPath;
- // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
- #endif //__IESHELLTREECTRL_H__