- $Log: Readme.txt,v $
- Revision 1.3 2001/04/19 19:20:09 knoaman
- BCB project changes submitted by William I Hopper.
- Revision 1.2 2000/09/07 00:11:04 aruna1
- Borland related project files intoroduced
- Revision 1.1 2000/02/03 23:46:37 rahulj
- Initial checkin. Contributed by Dietrich Wolf.
- This directory and its children contain the project group
- and the project files for building Xerces for C++-Builder 4.
- In order to build and use it, it is necessary to have C++-Builder 4
- installed. For using xerces from within C++-Builder projects
- C++-Builder made libraries are needed because of the library format and
- the name mangling of C++ functions (this can be compared by viewing
- the DLLs with right mouse - properties - fast view - Export table
- section).
- For building from the C++Builder IDE...
- + Load the Xerces-ALL.BPG Project Group in the IDE.
- + Select Project | Build All Projects.
- Notes:
- If you change any of the Options for the individual projects,
- the final output path WILL get corrupted. Additionally, if C++Builder
- is installed on the same drive as the Xerces source files,
- other paths in the .BPR project files may also get corrupted.
- Borland has acknowledged these problems but will not fix them.
- For building from the command line...
- + Run the MakeBuildDirs.bat to create the output directories.
- + ChDir to each of the individual project directories (starting
- with XercesLib of course) and run the Borland make utility
- (e.g. "make -B -f XercesLib.bpr")
- Either way, the output (.dll, .lib, .exe) files will be created
- under BuildWin32BCB4 (Build is on the same level as src).
- -- In Win32PlatformUtils.cpp, the compareAndSwap method uses inline
- assembler to avoid an API not suported in Windows 95.
- If you don't need Win95 support, changing it to #if 0 will greatly
- improve your build times.