资源名称:HookAPI [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <time.h>
- //#include <winsock2.h>
- #include "setenv.h"
- #include "ca_common.h"
- #include "ca_error.h"
- #include "rsaref.h"
- #include "csp_api.h"
- #include "csp_self.h"
- #define FIRST 1
- #define MID 2
- #define LAST 3
- #define ONLY 4
- #define SUCCESS 0
- static unsigned short static_inbuf[2560];
- void gen_i_enkey(unsigned short *inkey, unsigned short *enkey_array);
- void gen_i_dekey(unsigned short *enkey_array, unsigned short *dekey_array);
- void cip(unsigned short *indata, unsigned short *outdata, unsigned short *key);
- int ecb_encry_proc(unsigned short *indata,unsigned short indata_blk,
- unsigned short *outdata,unsigned short *key);
- int ecb_decry_proc(unsigned short *indata,unsigned short indata_blk,
- unsigned short *outdata,unsigned short *key);
- int ecb_mac_proc(unsigned short *indata1,unsigned short indata1_blk,
- unsigned short *outMAC,unsigned short *key);
- #define maxim 65537
- unsigned short g_tempenkey[60],g_tempdekey[60];
- R_RANDOM_STRUCT gRandomStruct;
- void gen_i_enkey(unsigned short *inkey, unsigned short *enkey_array)
- {
- short i,k;
- unsigned short *p;
- k = 0;
- for(i=0;i<8;i++){
- enkey_array[k++] = inkey[i];
- }
- p = enkey_array;
- for(i=0;i<6;i++){
- enkey_array[k++] = (p[1] << 9) | (p[2] >> 7); /* 0 */
- enkey_array[k++] = (p[2] << 9) | (p[3] >> 7); /* 1 */
- enkey_array[k++] = (p[3] << 9) | (p[4] >> 7); /* 2 */
- enkey_array[k++] = (p[4] << 9) | (p[5] >> 7); /* 3 */
- enkey_array[k++] = (p[5] << 9) | (p[6] >> 7); /* 4 */
- enkey_array[k++] = (p[6] << 9) | (p[7] >> 7); /* 5 */
- enkey_array[k++] = (p[7] << 9) | (p[0] >> 7); /* 6 */
- enkey_array[k++] = (p[0] << 9) | (p[1] >> 7); /* 7 */
- p = p + 8;
- }
- return;
- }
- unsigned short inv(unsigned short xin)
- {
- long n1,n2,q,r,b1,b2,t;
- if(xin == 0){
- b2 = 0;
- }
- else{
- n1 = maxim;
- n2 = xin;
- b2 = 1;
- b1 = 0;
- do{
- r = (n1 % n2);
- q = n1/n2;
- if(r == 0){
- if(b2 < 0){
- b2 = maxim + b2;
- }
- }
- else{
- n1 = n2;
- n2 = r;
- t = b2;
- b2 = b1 - q*b2;
- b1 = t;
- }
- }while(r != 0);
- }
- return (unsigned short)b2;
- }
- void gen_i_dekey(unsigned short *enkey_array, unsigned short *dekey_array)
- {
- short i,k;
- unsigned short *p;
- p = enkey_array + 46;
- k = 0;
- dekey_array[k++] = inv(p[2]);
- dekey_array[k++] = -p[3];
- dekey_array[k++] = -p[4];
- dekey_array[k++] = inv(p[5]);
- dekey_array[k++] = p[0];
- dekey_array[k++] = p[1];
- p = p - 6;
- for(i=0;i<7;i++){
- dekey_array[k++] = inv(p[2]);
- dekey_array[k++] = -p[4];
- dekey_array[k++] = -p[3];
- dekey_array[k++] = inv(p[5]);
- dekey_array[k++] = p[0];
- dekey_array[k++] = p[1];
- if(i != 6){
- p = p - 6;
- }
- }
- dekey_array[k++] = inv(enkey_array[0]);
- dekey_array[k++] = -enkey_array[1];
- dekey_array[k++] = -enkey_array[2];
- dekey_array[k++] = inv(enkey_array[3]);
- return;
- }
- unsigned short mul(unsigned short a, unsigned short b)
- {
- unsigned long lx;
- unsigned short low,high,x;
- if(a){
- if(b){
- lx = a;
- lx = lx*b;
- low = (unsigned short)lx;
- high = (unsigned short)(lx >>16);
- x = low - high;
- if(low < high){
- x++;
- }
- return (unsigned short)x;
- }
- else{
- return (unsigned short)(1-a);
- }
- }
- else{
- return (unsigned short)(1-b);
- }
- }
- void cip(unsigned short *indata, unsigned short *outdata, unsigned short *key)
- {
- ideaCrypt( indata, outdata, key );
- /*
- unsigned short x1,x2,x3,x4,t1,t2;
- unsigned short *p,i;
- p = key;
- x1 = indata[0];
- x2 = indata[1];
- x3 = indata[2];
- x4 = indata[3];
- for(i=0;i<8;i++){
- x1 = mul(x1,p[0]);
- x2 = x2 + p[1];
- x3 = x3 + p[2];
- x4 = mul(x4,p[3]);
- t2 = mul(x1 ^ x3,p[4]);
- t1 = t2 + (x2^x4);
- t1 = mul(t1,p[5]);
- t2 = t1 + t2;
- x1 = x1 ^ t1;
- x4 = x4 ^ t2;
- t2 = t2 ^ x2;
- x2 = x3 ^ t1;
- x3 = t2;
- p = p + 6;
- }
- outdata[0] = mul(x1,p[0]);
- outdata[1] = x3 + p[1];
- outdata[2] = x2 + p[2];
- outdata[3] = mul(x4,p[3]);
- */
- return;
- }
- int ecb_encry_proc(unsigned short *indata,unsigned short indata_blk,
- unsigned short *outdata,unsigned short *key)
- {
- unsigned short i;
- unsigned short *inp, *outp;
- WORD eKey[ 52 ], dKey[ 52 ];
- ideaExpandKey( key, eKey, dKey );
- // gen_i_enkey(key, g_tempenkey);
- inp = indata;
- outp = outdata;
- for(i=0;i<indata_blk;i++){
- cip(inp, outp, eKey);
- //outp[0]=htons(outp[0]);
- //outp[1]=htons(outp[1]);
- //outp[2]=htons(outp[2]);
- //outp[3]=htons(outp[3]);
- inp = inp + 4;
- outp = outp + 4;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int ecb_decry_proc(unsigned short *indata,unsigned short indata_blk,
- unsigned short *outdata,unsigned short *key)
- {
- unsigned short i;
- unsigned short *inp, *outp;
- WORD eKey[ 52 ], dKey[ 52 ];
- ideaExpandKey( key, eKey, dKey );
- // gen_i_enkey(key, g_tempenkey);
- // gen_i_dekey(g_tempenkey, g_tempdekey);
- inp = indata;
- outp = outdata;
- for(i=0;i<indata_blk;i++){
- //inp[0]=ntohs(inp[0]);
- //inp[1]=ntohs(inp[1]);
- //inp[2]=ntohs(inp[2]);
- //inp[3]=ntohs(inp[3]);
- cip(inp, outp, dKey);
- inp = inp + 4;
- outp = outp + 4;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int ecb_mac_proc(unsigned short *indata1,unsigned short indata1_blk,
- unsigned short *outMAC,unsigned short *key)
- {
- unsigned short i,j,k;
- unsigned short tbuf[4];
- unsigned short *inp;
- gen_i_enkey(key, g_tempenkey);
- inp = indata1;
- tbuf[0] = outMAC[0];
- tbuf[1] = outMAC[1];
- tbuf[2] = outMAC[2];
- tbuf[3] = outMAC[3];
- j = indata1_blk;
- for(i=0;i<j;i++){
- for(k=0;k<4;k++){
- tbuf[k] ^= inp[k];
- }
- cip(tbuf, tbuf, g_tempenkey);
- inp = inp + 4;
- }
- for(i=0;i<4;i++){
- outMAC[i] = tbuf[i];
- }
- return 0;
- }
- BYTE generate_soft_mac_core(WORD c_status,BYTE *msg_text,WORD msg_size,
- BYTE *hash_text,WORD *hash_size,WORD *save_buf);
- BYTE enc_message_sdbi(WORD c_status,BYTE *plain_text,
- WORD plain_size, BYTE *cipher_text, WORD *cipher_size,WORD *save_buf);
- BYTE dec_message_sdbi(WORD c_status,BYTE *plain_text,WORD *plain_size,
- BYTE *cipher_text, WORD cipher_size,WORD *save_buf);
- /*------------------ API functions prototype --------------*/
- WORD Enc_Message_SDBI(WORD status,BYTE *plain_text,
- WORD plain_size,BYTE *cipher_text,WORD *cipher_size,
- BYTE *save_buf);
- WORD Dec_Message_SDBI(WORD status,BYTE *plain_text,
- WORD *plain_size,BYTE *cipher_text,WORD cipher_size,
- BYTE *save_buf);
- WORD Gen_MAC(WORD status,BYTE *msg_text,WORD msg_size,
- BYTE *mac_text,BYTE *save_buf);
- WORD Enc_Message_SDBI(
- WORD status,
- BYTE *plain_text,
- WORD plain_size,
- BYTE *cipher_text,
- WORD *cipher_size,
- BYTE *key)
- {
- BYTE func_serial, ret_val;
- int cipher_len = 0;
- WORD kdormk = 1;
- func_serial = E_M_S;
- if((status == MID) || (status == FIRST)) {
- if(plain_size != 2*MAX_TEXT_LEN) {
- return 0xc3;
- }
- }
- if((status == LAST) || (status == ONLY)) {
- if(plain_size > 2*MAX_TEXT_LEN) {
- return 0xc4;
- }
- }
- if((ret_val = enc_message_sdbi(status,plain_text,
- plain_size,cipher_text,cipher_size,(WORD*)key)) !=0) {
- return(ret_val);
- }
- return(SUCCESS);
- }
- /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- * Dec_Message_SDBI
- * return : 0 --- success, else --- failure
- * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
- WORD Dec_Message_SDBI(
- WORD status,
- BYTE *plain_text,
- WORD *plain_size,
- BYTE *cipher_text,
- WORD cipher_size,
- BYTE *key)
- {
- BYTE func_serial, ret_val;
- int plain_len = 0;
- func_serial = Dec_M_S;
- if((cipher_size % 8) != 0) {
- return 0xc9;
- }
- if((status == MID) || (status == FIRST)) {
- if(cipher_size != 2*MAX_TEXT_LEN) {
- return 0xc9;
- }
- }
- if((status == LAST) || (status == ONLY)) {
- if(cipher_size > 2*MAX_TEXT_LEN) {
- return 0xc4;
- }
- }
- if((ret_val = dec_message_sdbi(status,plain_text,
- plain_size,cipher_text,cipher_size,(WORD *)key)) !=0) {
- return ret_val;
- }
- return(SUCCESS);
- }
- /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- * Gen_MAC
- * return : 0 --- success, else --- failure
- * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
- WORD status,
- BYTE *msg_text,
- WORD msg_size,
- BYTE *mac_text,
- BYTE *key) /* 16 bytes */
- {
- BYTE func_serial, ret_val;
- WORD o_len;
- WORD hashormac = 2;
- func_serial = Gen_M;
- if((status == MID) || (status == FIRST)) {
- if(msg_size != 2*MAX_TEXT_LEN) {
- return 0xc8;
- }
- }
- if((status == LAST) || (status == ONLY)) {
- if(msg_size > 2*MAX_TEXT_LEN) {
- return 0xc4;
- }
- }
- if((ret_val = generate_soft_mac_core(status,msg_text,
- msg_size,mac_text,&o_len,(WORD *)key)) !=0) {
- return ret_val;
- }
- return(SUCCESS);
- }
- BYTE enc_message_sdbi(WORD c_status,
- BYTE *plain_text,
- WORD plain_size,
- BYTE *cipher_text,
- WORD *cipher_size,
- WORD *save_buf)
- {
- WORD *inbuf;
- int i;
- WORD *word_point, cfb_block=8;
- int pad_bytes,pad_zero_no;
- int first_sndword,tail_bytes,indata_len;
- BYTE last8bytes[10];
- WORD kd_buf[64];
- inbuf=static_inbuf;
- memcpy(kd_buf,save_buf,64);
- switch(c_status) {
- case 1:
- if(plain_size!=(MAX_TEXT_LEN+MAX_TEXT_LEN)){
- return(0xc3);
- }
- ecb_encry_proc((unsigned short *)plain_text,MAX_TEXT_LEN/4,
- (WORD *)cipher_text,kd_buf);
- *cipher_size=MAX_TEXT_LEN*2;
- break;
- case 2:
- if(plain_size != (MAX_TEXT_LEN + MAX_TEXT_LEN)) {
- return(0xc3);
- }
- ecb_encry_proc((unsigned short *)plain_text,MAX_TEXT_LEN/4,
- (WORD*)cipher_text,kd_buf);
- *cipher_size=MAX_TEXT_LEN*2;
- break;
- case 3:
- if(plain_size > (MAX_TEXT_LEN + MAX_TEXT_LEN)) {
- return(0xc4);
- }
- cfb_block = 8;
- pad_bytes = cfb_block - (plain_size % cfb_block);
- pad_zero_no = pad_bytes - 1;
- tail_bytes = plain_size;
- first_sndword = tail_bytes >> 1;
- inbuf[0]=1+((tail_bytes+pad_bytes) >>1);
- inbuf[1]=ENC_MSG_LAST_ECB;
- word_point = (WORD *)plain_text;
- for(i=0;i<first_sndword;i++)
- inbuf[i+2] = word_point[i];
- if((tail_bytes % 2) ==1) {
- last8bytes[0]=plain_text[plain_size - 1];
- last8bytes[1]=1;
- for(i=0;i<pad_zero_no;i++)
- last8bytes[i+2]=0;
- }
- else {
- last8bytes[0]=1;
- for(i=0;i<pad_zero_no;i++)
- last8bytes[i+1]=0;
- }
- indata_len=(pad_bytes+1) >> 1;
- word_point = (WORD *)last8bytes;
- for(i=0;i<indata_len;i++)
- inbuf[i+2+first_sndword] = word_point[i];
- ecb_encry_proc((unsigned short *)&inbuf[2],(WORD)((inbuf[0]-1)/4),
- (WORD*)cipher_text,(WORD*)kd_buf);
- *cipher_size=(inbuf[0]-1)*2;
- break;
- case 4:
- if(plain_size > (MAX_TEXT_LEN + MAX_TEXT_LEN)) {
- return(0xc4);
- }
- cfb_block = 8;
- pad_bytes = cfb_block - (plain_size % cfb_block);
- pad_zero_no = pad_bytes - 1;
- tail_bytes = plain_size;
- first_sndword = tail_bytes >> 1;
- inbuf[0]=1+((tail_bytes+pad_bytes) >>1);
- word_point = (WORD *)plain_text;
- for(i=0;i<first_sndword;i++)
- inbuf[i+2] = word_point[i];
- if((tail_bytes % 2) ==1) {
- last8bytes[0]=plain_text[plain_size - 1];
- last8bytes[1]=1;
- for(i=0;i<pad_zero_no;i++)
- last8bytes[i+2]=0;
- }
- else {
- last8bytes[0]=1;
- for(i=0;i<pad_zero_no;i++)
- last8bytes[i+1]=0;
- }
- indata_len=(pad_bytes+1) >> 1;
- word_point = (WORD *)last8bytes;
- for(i=0;i<indata_len;i++)
- inbuf[i+2+first_sndword] = word_point[i];
- ecb_encry_proc((unsigned short *)&inbuf[2],(WORD)((inbuf[0]-1)/4),
- (WORD*)cipher_text,(WORD*)kd_buf);
- *cipher_size=(inbuf[0]-1)*2;
- break;
- default:
- return(0xff);
- }
- return(SUCCESS);
- }
- BYTE dec_message_sdbi(WORD c_status,BYTE *plain_text,WORD *plain_size,
- BYTE *cipher_text,WORD cipher_size,WORD *save_buf)
- {
- WORD *inbuf;
- int i;
- unsigned char *p;
- int tail_posi;
- WORD kd_buf[64];
- inbuf=static_inbuf;
- memcpy(kd_buf,save_buf,64);
- switch(c_status) {
- case 1:
- if(cipher_size != (MAX_TEXT_LEN + MAX_TEXT_LEN)) {
- return(0xc3);
- }
- ecb_decry_proc((unsigned short *)cipher_text,MAX_TEXT_LEN/4,
- (WORD*)plain_text,kd_buf);
- *plain_size=MAX_TEXT_LEN*2;
- break;
- case 2:
- if(cipher_size != (MAX_TEXT_LEN + MAX_TEXT_LEN)) {
- return(0xc3);
- }
- ecb_decry_proc((unsigned short *)cipher_text,MAX_TEXT_LEN/4,
- (WORD*)plain_text,kd_buf);
- *plain_size=MAX_TEXT_LEN*2;
- break;
- case 3:
- if(cipher_size > (MAX_TEXT_LEN + MAX_TEXT_LEN)) {
- return(0xc4);
- }
- ecb_decry_proc((unsigned short *)cipher_text,(WORD)(cipher_size/8),
- inbuf,(WORD*)kd_buf);
- i=0;
- p=(unsigned char*)inbuf;
- tail_posi=cipher_size-1; //-2; debug by david , 20001.2.26
- while(p[tail_posi] != 1) {
- i++;
- if(i>=8)
- return(0xc5);
- tail_posi=tail_posi -1;
- }
- *plain_size=tail_posi;
- memcpy(plain_text,(unsigned char*)inbuf,*plain_size);
- break;
- case 4:
- if(cipher_size > (MAX_TEXT_LEN + MAX_TEXT_LEN)) {
- return(0xc4);
- }
- ecb_decry_proc((unsigned short *)cipher_text,(WORD)(cipher_size/8),
- inbuf,(WORD*)kd_buf);
- i=0;
- p=(unsigned char*)inbuf;
- tail_posi=cipher_size-1; //-2; debug by david , 20001.2.26
- while(p[tail_posi] != 1) {
- i++;
- if(i>=8)
- return(0xc5);
- tail_posi=tail_posi -1;
- }
- *plain_size=tail_posi;
- memcpy(plain_text,(unsigned char*)inbuf,*plain_size);
- break;
- default:
- return(0xff);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- BYTE generate_soft_mac_core(WORD c_status,BYTE *msg_text,WORD msg_size,
- BYTE *hash_text, WORD *hash_size,WORD *save_buf)
- {
- WORD *inbuf;
- int i;
- WORD *word_point, cfb_block=8;
- int pad_bytes,pad_zero_no;
- int first_sndword,tail_bytes,indata_len;
- BYTE last8bytes[100];
- WORD kd_buf[64];
- inbuf = static_inbuf;
- memcpy(kd_buf,save_buf,64);
- switch(c_status) {
- case 1:
- if(msg_size != (MAX_TEXT_LEN + MAX_TEXT_LEN)) {
- return(0xc3);
- }
- memset(save_buf+32,0,64);
- ecb_mac_proc((unsigned short *)msg_text,(WORD)(MAX_TEXT_LEN/4),
- save_buf+32,(WORD*)(kd_buf+8));
- break;
- case 2:
- if(msg_size != (MAX_TEXT_LEN + MAX_TEXT_LEN)) {
- return(0xc3);
- }
- ecb_mac_proc((unsigned short *)msg_text,MAX_TEXT_LEN/4,
- save_buf+32,kd_buf+8);
- break;
- case 3:
- if(msg_size > (MAX_TEXT_LEN + MAX_TEXT_LEN)) {
- return(0xc4);
- }
- cfb_block = 8;
- memcpy(hash_text,save_buf+32,8);
- pad_bytes = cfb_block - (msg_size % cfb_block);
- pad_zero_no = pad_bytes - 1;
- tail_bytes = msg_size;
- first_sndword = tail_bytes >> 1;
- inbuf[0]=1+((tail_bytes+pad_bytes) >>1);
- word_point = (WORD *)msg_text;
- for(i=0;i<first_sndword;i++)
- inbuf[i+2] = word_point[i];
- if((tail_bytes % 2) ==1) {
- last8bytes[0]=msg_text[msg_size - 1];
- last8bytes[1]=1;
- for(i=0;i<pad_zero_no;i++)
- last8bytes[i+2]=0;
- }
- else {
- last8bytes[0]=1;
- for(i=0;i<pad_zero_no;i++)
- last8bytes[i+1]=0;
- }
- indata_len=(pad_bytes+1) >> 1;
- word_point = (WORD *)last8bytes;
- for(i=0;i<indata_len;i++)
- inbuf[i+2+first_sndword] = word_point[i];
- ecb_mac_proc((unsigned short *)&inbuf[2],(WORD)((inbuf[0]-1)/4),
- (unsigned short*)hash_text,(WORD*)(kd_buf+8));
- break;
- case 4:
- if(msg_size > (MAX_TEXT_LEN + MAX_TEXT_LEN)) {
- return(0xc4);
- }
- cfb_block = 8;
- memset(hash_text,0,8);
- pad_bytes = cfb_block - (msg_size % cfb_block);
- pad_zero_no = pad_bytes - 1;
- tail_bytes = msg_size;
- first_sndword=tail_bytes >> 1;
- inbuf[0]=1+((tail_bytes + pad_bytes) >>1);
- word_point = (WORD *)msg_text;
- for(i=0;i<first_sndword;i++)
- inbuf[i+2] = word_point[i];
- if((tail_bytes % 2) ==1) {
- last8bytes[0]=msg_text[msg_size - 1];
- last8bytes[1]=1;
- for(i=0;i<pad_zero_no;i++)
- last8bytes[i+2]=0;
- }
- else {
- last8bytes[0]=1;
- for(i=0;i<pad_zero_no;i++)
- last8bytes[i+1]=0;
- }
- indata_len=(pad_bytes+1) >> 1;
- word_point = (WORD *)last8bytes;
- for(i=0;i<indata_len;i++)
- inbuf[i+2+first_sndword] = word_point[i];
- ecb_mac_proc((unsigned short *)&inbuf[2],(WORD)((inbuf[0]-1)/4),
- (unsigned short*)hash_text,(WORD*)(kd_buf+8));
- break;
- default:
- return(0Xff);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #define MAX_BLOCK_LEN 4096
- int CSP_SDBIEncrypt(
- UCHAR *output,
- ULONG *outputLen,
- UCHAR *input,
- ULONG inputLen,
- )
- {
- USHORT retWord;
- USHORT bytesLeft,bytesOver;
- USHORT inputLen_,outputLen_;
- if (SDBIKeyLen!=16)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- if (inputLen <= MAX_BLOCK_LEN)
- {
- inputLen_=(USHORT)inputLen;
- retWord = Enc_Message_SDBI(ONLY,input,inputLen_,output,&outputLen_,SDBIKey);
- if (retWord)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- else
- {
- *outputLen = (ULONG)outputLen_;
- return RTN_OK;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- bytesLeft = (USHORT)inputLen;
- bytesOver = 0;
- retWord = Enc_Message_SDBI(FIRST,input+bytesOver,MAX_BLOCK_LEN,output+bytesOver,&outputLen_,SDBIKey);
- if (retWord)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- else
- {
- bytesLeft -= MAX_BLOCK_LEN;
- bytesOver += MAX_BLOCK_LEN;
- }
- while (bytesLeft > MAX_BLOCK_LEN)
- {
- retWord = Enc_Message_SDBI(MID,input+bytesOver,MAX_BLOCK_LEN,output+bytesOver,&outputLen_,SDBIKey);
- if (retWord)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- else
- {
- bytesLeft -= MAX_BLOCK_LEN;
- bytesOver += MAX_BLOCK_LEN;
- }
- }
- retWord = Enc_Message_SDBI(LAST,input+bytesOver,bytesLeft,output+bytesOver,&outputLen_,SDBIKey);
- if (retWord)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- else
- {
- bytesLeft -= MAX_BLOCK_LEN;
- bytesOver += outputLen_;
- }
- *outputLen = (ULONG)bytesOver;
- return RTN_OK;
- }
- }
- int CSP_SDBIDecrypt(
- UCHAR *output,
- ULONG *outputLen,
- UCHAR *input,
- ULONG inputLen,
- )
- {
- USHORT retWord;
- USHORT bytesLeft,bytesOver;
- USHORT inputLen_,outputLen_;
- if (SDBIKeyLen!=16)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- if (inputLen <= MAX_BLOCK_LEN)
- {
- inputLen_=(USHORT)inputLen;
- retWord = Dec_Message_SDBI(ONLY,output,&outputLen_,input,inputLen_,SDBIKey);
- if (retWord)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- else
- {
- *outputLen = (ULONG)outputLen_;
- return RTN_OK;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- bytesLeft = (USHORT)inputLen;
- bytesOver = 0;
- retWord = Dec_Message_SDBI(FIRST,output+bytesOver,&outputLen_,input+bytesOver,MAX_BLOCK_LEN,SDBIKey);
- if (retWord)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- else
- {
- bytesLeft -= MAX_BLOCK_LEN;
- bytesOver += MAX_BLOCK_LEN;
- }
- while (bytesLeft > MAX_BLOCK_LEN)
- {
- retWord = Dec_Message_SDBI(MID,output+bytesOver,&outputLen_,input+bytesOver,MAX_BLOCK_LEN,SDBIKey);
- if (retWord)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- else
- {
- bytesLeft -= MAX_BLOCK_LEN;
- bytesOver += MAX_BLOCK_LEN;
- }
- }
- retWord = Dec_Message_SDBI(LAST,output+bytesOver,&outputLen_,input+bytesOver,bytesLeft,SDBIKey);
- if (retWord)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- else
- {
- bytesLeft -= MAX_BLOCK_LEN;
- bytesOver += outputLen_;
- }
- *outputLen = (ULONG)bytesOver;
- return RTN_OK;
- }
- }
- /*
- int CSP_i2d_RSAPublicKey(
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *rsaPublicKey,
- UCHAR *rsaPublicKeyDERString,
- ULONG *rsaPublicKeyDERStringLen)
- {
- return(i2d_RSAPublicKey(rsaPublicKey,
- rsaPublicKeyDERString,
- rsaPublicKeyDERStringLen));
- }
- int CSP_d2i_RSAPublicKey(
- UCHAR *rsaPublicKeyDERString,
- ULONG rsaPublicKeyDERStringLen,
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *rsaPublicKey)
- {
- return(d2i_RSAPublicKey(rsaPublicKeyDERString,
- rsaPublicKeyDERStringLen,rsaPublicKey));
- }
- int CSP_i2d_RSAPrivateKey(
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *rsaPrivateKey,
- UCHAR *rsaPrivateKeyDERString,
- ULONG *rsaPrivateKeyDERStringLen)
- {
- return(i2d_RSAPrivateKey(rsaPrivateKey,
- rsaPrivateKeyDERString,
- rsaPrivateKeyDERStringLen));
- }
- int CSP_d2i_RSAPrivateKey(
- UCHAR *rsaPrivateKeyDERString,
- ULONG rsaPrivateKeyDERStringLen,
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *rsaPrivateKey)
- {
- return(d2i_RSAPrivateKey(rsaPrivateKeyDERString,
- rsaPrivateKeyDERStringLen,
- rsaPrivateKey));
- }
- */
- int CSP_RSAPublicEncrypt(
- USHORT keyNumber,
- UCHAR *output,
- ULONG *outputLen,
- UCHAR *input,
- ULONG inputLen,
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *rsaPublicKey
- )
- {
- int ret_code;
- ret_code = RSAPublicEncrypt
- (output, outputLen, input, inputLen, (R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY*)rsaPublicKey, &gRandomStruct);
- if (ret_code)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- return RTN_OK;
- }
- /*Decrypt data use RSA PublicKey;*/
- int CSP_RSAPublicDecrypt(
- USHORT keyNumber,
- UCHAR *output,
- ULONG *outputLen,
- UCHAR *input,
- ULONG inputLen,
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY * rsaPublicKey
- )
- {
- int ret_code;
- ret_code = RSAPublicDecrypt
- (output, outputLen, input, inputLen, (R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY*)rsaPublicKey);
- if (ret_code)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- return RTN_OK;
- }
- /* Encrypt data use RSA PrivateKey;*/
- int CSP_RSAPrivateEncrypt(
- USHORT keyNumber,
- UCHAR *output,
- ULONG *outputLen,
- UCHAR *input,
- ULONG inputLen,
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *rsaPrivateKey
- )
- {
- int ret_code;
- ret_code = RSAPrivateEncrypt
- (output, outputLen, input, inputLen, (R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY*)rsaPrivateKey);
- if (ret_code)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- return RTN_OK;
- }
- /*Decrypt data use PrivateKey;*/
- int CSP_RSAPrivateDecrypt(
- USHORT keyNumber,
- UCHAR *output,
- ULONG *outputLen,
- UCHAR *input,
- ULONG inputLen,
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *rsaPrivateKey
- )
- {
- int ret_code;
- ret_code = RSAPrivateDecrypt
- (output, outputLen, input, inputLen,(R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY*)rsaPrivateKey);
- if (ret_code)
- {
- ErrorLocation;
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- return RTN_OK;
- }
- static void InitRandomStruct (R_RANDOM_STRUCT * randomStruct)
- {
- unsigned int bytesNeeded;
- long t_time;
- R_RandomInit (randomStruct);
- /*
- *Initialize with time seed.
- */
- while (1) {
- R_GetRandomBytesNeeded (&bytesNeeded, randomStruct);
- if (bytesNeeded == 0)
- break;
- time(&t_time);
- R_RandomUpdate (randomStruct,(unsigned char*) &t_time, sizeof(t_time));
- }
- }
- int CSP_GenRandomBytes(
- UCHAR *randomBytes,
- ULONG randomBytesLen,
- UCHAR *seedValue,
- ULONG seedLen
- )
- {
- int rtn_code;
- InitRandomStruct (&gRandomStruct);
- if(randomBytesLen <1 || randomBytesLen>256)
- return -1;
- rtn_code = R_GenerateBytes(randomBytes,randomBytesLen,&gRandomStruct);
- if(rtn_code == 0) return RTN_OK;
- else return RTN_ERR;
- }
- int CSP_GenRSAKeyPair(
- USHORT keyNumber,/* if 0 then out the key else must be 1`5;*/
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *rsaPublicKey,
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *rsaPrivateKey
- )
- {
- R_RSA_PROTO_KEY protoKey;
- if(keyNumber == 0){
- protoKey.bits = 1024;
- protoKey.useFermat4 = 1;
- InitRandomStruct(&gRandomStruct);
- return R_GeneratePEMKeys((R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY*)rsaPublicKey, (R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY*)rsaPrivateKey, &protoKey, &gRandomStruct);
- }
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- /*Get out RSA PublicKey by Key Number;*/
- int CSP_GetRSAPublicKey(
- USHORT keyNumber,
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *rsaPublicKey
- )
- {
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- int CSP_PutRSAKeyPair(
- USHORT keyNumber,
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *rsaPublicKey,
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *rsaPrivateKey
- )
- {
- return RTN_ERR;
- }
- int CSP_InitEnvironment(void)
- {
- return RTN_OK;
- }
- /*Clear Environment; Close Device...*/
- int CSP_ClearEnvironment(void)
- {
- return RTN_OK;
- }