资源名称:HookAPI [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define FUNC_OK 0
- #define FUNC_ERR 1
- #define CPTR *
- #define CCPTR **
- #define PUB_FUNC_RTN uint32
- #include "ca_common.h"
- #include "csp_api.h"
- #include "md2.h"/*../soft_crypt/*/
- #include "md5.h"/*../soft_crypt/*/
- #include "sha.h"/*../soft_crypt/*/
- #include "common.h"
- #include "g_val.h"
- #include "asn1.h"
- #include "cryptapi.h"
- #include "rsaref.h"
- static uint8 MD2_DIGEST_INFO[] = {
- 0x30, 0x20,
- 0x30, 0x0c,
- 0x06, 0x08,
- 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x02, 0x02,
- 0x05, 0x00,
- 0x04, 0x10
- };
- static uint8 MD5_DIGEST_INFO[] = {
- 0x30, 0x20,
- 0x30, 0x0c,
- 0x06, 0x08,
- 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x02, 0x05,
- 0x05, 0x00,
- 0x04, 0x10
- };
- static uint8 SHA1_DIGEST_INFO[] = {
- 0x30, 0x21,
- 0x30, 0x09,
- 0x06, 0x05,
- 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1a,
- 0x05, 0x00,
- 0x04, 0x14
- };
- char *del_rn(char *pbuf);
- CRET Crypt_Get_Version(char* version)
- {
- // int rtn_code;
- strcpy(version, "2.0");
- return 0;
- }
- CRET Crypt_InitEnvironment(void)
- {
- int rtn_code;
- rtn_code = CSP_InitEnvironment();
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- CRET Crypt_ClearEnvironment(void)
- {
- int rtn_code;
- rtn_code = CSP_ClearEnvironment();
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- CRET CA_Crypt_Gen_Hash(
- int uid_algorithm,
- unsigned char *msg,
- int msgSize,
- unsigned char *hash,
- int *hashSize)
- {
- return Crypt_Gen_Hash(
- uid_algorithm,
- msg,
- msgSize,
- hash,
- hashSize);
- }
- int Crypt_Gen_Hash(
- int uid_algorithm,
- unsigned char *msg,
- int msgSize,
- unsigned char *hash,
- int *hashSize)
- {
- switch(uid_algorithm){
- case UID_md2WithRSAEncryption:
- MD2(msg,msgSize,hash);
- *hashSize = 16;
- break;
- case UID_md5WithRSAEncryption:
- MD5(msg,msgSize,hash);
- *hashSize = 16;
- break;
- case UID_md5:
- MD5(msg,msgSize,hash);
- *hashSize = 16;
- break;
- case UID_sha1WithRSASignature:
- SHA1(msg,msgSize,hash);
- *hashSize = 20;
- break;
- case UID_sha1:
- SHA1(msg,msgSize,hash);
- *hashSize = 20;
- break;
- default:
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- CRET Crypt_Gen_Encoded_Hash(
- int uid_algorithm,
- unsigned char *msg,
- int msgSize,
- unsigned char *hash,
- int *hashSize)
- {
- unsigned char digestValue[32];
- int i;
- switch(uid_algorithm){
- case UID_md2WithRSAEncryption:
- MD2(msg,msgSize,digestValue);
- i = sizeof(MD2_DIGEST_INFO);
- memcpy(hash,MD2_DIGEST_INFO,i);
- memcpy(&hash[i],digestValue,16);
- *hashSize = i + 16;
- break;
- case UID_md5WithRSAEncryption:
- MD5(msg,msgSize,digestValue);
- i = sizeof(MD5_DIGEST_INFO);
- memcpy(hash,MD5_DIGEST_INFO,i);
- memcpy(&hash[i],digestValue,16);
- *hashSize = i + 16;
- break;
- case UID_md5:
- MD5(msg,msgSize,digestValue);
- i = sizeof(MD5_DIGEST_INFO);
- memcpy(hash,MD5_DIGEST_INFO,i);
- memcpy(&hash[i],digestValue,16);
- *hashSize = i + 16;
- break;
- case UID_sha1WithRSASignature:
- SHA1(msg,msgSize,digestValue);
- i = sizeof(SHA1_DIGEST_INFO);
- memcpy(hash,SHA1_DIGEST_INFO,i);
- memcpy(&hash[i],digestValue,20);
- *hashSize = i + 20;
- break;
- case UID_sha1:
- SHA1(msg,msgSize,digestValue);
- i = sizeof(SHA1_DIGEST_INFO);
- memcpy(hash,SHA1_DIGEST_INFO,i);
- memcpy(&hash[i],digestValue,20);
- *hashSize = i + 20;
- break;
- default:
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- int c2d_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY(
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *rsaPublicKey,
- uint8 *rsaPublicKeyDERString,
- uint32 *rsaPublicKeyDERStringLen)
- {
- /*
- RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {
- modulus INTEGER, -- n
- publicExponent INTEGER -- e -- }
- typedef struct {
- uint16 bits;
- UCHAR publicExponent [MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN];
- */
- DATA_BUFFER t_buf;
- ASN1_SEQUENCE *p_head,*p_cur,*p_tail;
- uint8 buf[8];
- uint32 rtn_code;
- uint32 i,j,flag;
- p_head = 0;
- p_cur = 0;
- flag = 0;
- /* encode the n */
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- if(p_head != 0)
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPublicKey->modulus[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPublicKey->modulus[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- if(p_head!=0)
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* encode the e */
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- if(p_head!=0)
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPublicKey->publicExponent[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPublicKey->publicExponent[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- if(p_head!=0)
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* encode the whole sequence */
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Sequence(
- p_head,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- if(p_head!=0)
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- *rsaPublicKeyDERStringLen = t_buf.length;
- memcpy(rsaPublicKeyDERString,,*rsaPublicKeyDERStringLen);
- rtn_code = free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- if(p_head!=0)
- free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- int d2c_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY(
- uint8 *rsaPublicKeyDERString,
- uint32 rsaPublicKeyDERStringLen,
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *rsaPublicKey)
- {
- DATA_BUFFER t_buf;
- ASN1_SEQUENCE *p_head,*p_cur;
- uint32 rtn_code;
- uint32 i;
- memset(rsaPublicKey,0,sizeof(RSA_PUBLIC_KEY));
- /* decode the sequence */
- t_buf.length = rsaPublicKeyDERStringLen;
- = rsaPublicKeyDERString;
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Sequence(
- t_buf,
- &p_head);
- p_cur = p_head;
- /* decode the n */
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(t_buf.length <= 64){
- rsaPublicKey->bits = 512;
- }
- else{
- if(t_buf.length <= 128){
- rsaPublicKey->bits = 1024;
- }
- else{
- if(t_buf.length <= 256){
- rsaPublicKey->bits = 2048;
- }
- else{
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- }
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPublicKey->modulus[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* decode the e */
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPublicKey->publicExponent[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- int c2d_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY(
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *rsaPrivateKey,
- uint8 *rsaPrivateKeyDERString,
- uint32 *rsaPrivateKeyDERStringLen)
- {
- /*
- RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
- version Version,
- modulus INTEGER, -- n
- publicExponent INTEGER, -- e
- privateExponent INTEGER, -- d
- prime1 INTEGER, -- p
- prime2 INTEGER, -- q
- exponent1 INTEGER, -- d mod (p-1)
- exponent2 INTEGER, -- d mod (q-1)
- coefficient INTEGER -- (inverse of q) mod p }
- typedef struct rsa_pri_key{
- uint16 bits;
- UCHAR publicExponent[MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN];
- UCHAR privateExponent[MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN];
- UCHAR exponent[2][MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN];
- UCHAR coefficient [MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN];
- */
- DATA_BUFFER t_buf;
- ASN1_SEQUENCE *p_head,*p_cur,*p_tail;
- uint8 buf[8];
- uint32 rtn_code;
- uint32 i,j,flag;
- flag = 0;
- p_head = 0;
- p_cur = 0;
- /* encode the version */
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* encode the modulus */
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->modulus[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->modulus[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* encode the publicExponent */
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->publicExponent[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->publicExponent[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* encode the privateExponent */
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->privateExponent[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->privateExponent[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* encode the prime[0] */
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->prime[0][i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->prime[0][j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* encode the prime[1] */
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->prime[1][i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->prime[1][j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* encode the exponent[0] */
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->exponent[0][i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->exponent[0][j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* encode the exponent[1] */
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->exponent[1][i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->exponent[1][j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* encode the coefficient */
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->coefficient[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->coefficient[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /***************************************/
- /*
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->N[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->N[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->P[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->P[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->Q[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->Q[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->d1[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->d1[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->d2[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->d2[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->P_[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->P_[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->Q_[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->Q_[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->S[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->S[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(flag == 0){
- flag = 1;
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_head = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- else{
- rtn_code = new_ASN1_SEQUENCE(&p_tail);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur->next = p_tail;
- p_cur = p_tail;
- }
- j = 0;
- for(i=0;i<MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN;i++){
- if(rsaPrivateKey->T[i] == 0){
- j++;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- t_buf.length = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - j;
- = &rsaPrivateKey->T[j];
- if(t_buf.length == 0){
- buf[0] = 0;
- t_buf.length = 1;
- = buf;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Integer(
- t_buf,
- &p_cur->data);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- */
- /****************************************/
- /* encode the whole sequence */
- rtn_code = ASN1_Encode_Sequence(
- p_head,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- *rsaPrivateKeyDERStringLen = t_buf.length;
- memcpy(rsaPrivateKeyDERString,,*rsaPrivateKeyDERStringLen);
- rtn_code = free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- int d2c_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY(
- uint8 *rsaPrivateKeyDERString,
- uint32 rsaPrivateKeyDERStringLen,
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *rsaPrivateKey)
- {
- /*
- typedef struct rsa_pri_key{
- uint16 bits;
- UCHAR publicExponent[MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN];
- UCHAR privateExponent[MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN];
- UCHAR exponent[2][MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN];
- UCHAR coefficient [MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN];
- */
- DATA_BUFFER t_buf;
- ASN1_SEQUENCE *p_head,*p_cur;
- uint32 rtn_code;
- uint32 i;
- memset(rsaPrivateKey,0,sizeof(RSA_PRIVATE_KEY));
- /* decode the sequence */
- t_buf.length = rsaPrivateKeyDERStringLen;
- = rsaPrivateKeyDERString;
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Sequence(
- t_buf,
- &p_head);
- p_cur = p_head;
- /* decode the modulus */
- p_cur = p_cur->next; /* igore the version */
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->modulus[i],,t_buf.length);
- //////////////////////////// decode the bits //////////////////
- if(t_buf.length <= 64){
- rsaPrivateKey->bits = 512;
- }
- else{
- if(t_buf.length <= 128){
- rsaPrivateKey->bits = 1024;
- }
- else{
- if(t_buf.length <= 256){
- rsaPrivateKey->bits = 2048;
- }
- else{
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* decode the publicExponent */
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->publicExponent[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* decode the privateExponent */
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->privateExponent[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* decode the prime[0] */
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->prime[0][i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* decode the prime[1] */
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->prime[1][i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* decode the exponent[0] */
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->exponent[0][i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* decode the exponent[1] */
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->exponent[1][i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /* decode the coefficient */
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->coefficient[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /***************************************/
- /*
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(t_buf.length <= 64){
- rsaPrivateKey->bits = 512;
- }
- else{
- if(t_buf.length <= 128){
- rsaPrivateKey->bits = 1024;
- }
- else{
- if(t_buf.length <= 256){
- rsaPrivateKey->bits = 2048;
- }
- else{
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- }
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->N[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->P[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->Q[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->d1[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->d2[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->P_[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->Q_[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->S[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- p_cur = p_cur->next;
- if(p_cur == NULL){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = ASN1_Decode_Integer(
- p_cur->data,
- &t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- i = MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN - t_buf.length;
- memcpy(&rsaPrivateKey->T[i],,t_buf.length);
- rtn_code = free_DATA_BUFFER(&t_buf);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- */
- /******************************************/
- rtn_code = free_ASN1_SEQUENCE(p_head);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- CRET Crypt_GenRSAKeyPair(
- char *keyName,
- char *password,
- unsigned char *DerPubkey,
- int *DerPubkeyLen,
- unsigned char *DerPrikey,
- int *DerPrikeyLen)
- {
- int rtn_code;
- int keyNumber;
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY cardRsaPublicKey;
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY cardRsaPrivateKey;
- keyNumber = 0;
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db1") == 0){
- keyNumber = 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db2") == 0){
- keyNumber = 2;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db3") == 0){
- keyNumber = 3;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db4") == 0){
- keyNumber = 4;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db5") == 0){
- keyNumber = 5;
- }
- //printf("key filename %snn", keyname);
- rtn_code = CSP_GenRSAKeyPair(
- (USHORT)keyNumber,
- &cardRsaPublicKey,
- &cardRsaPrivateKey);
- if(rtn_code != 0){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = c2d_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY(&cardRsaPublicKey,
- DerPubkey,
- DerPubkeyLen);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = c2d_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY(
- &cardRsaPrivateKey,
- DerPrikey,
- DerPrikeyLen);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(keyNumber == 0){
- rtn_code = Crypt_SavePemKey2File(
- keyName,
- password,
- /*&cardRsaPublicKey,*/ DerPubkey,
- /*sizeof(RSA_PUBLIC_KEY),*/ *DerPubkeyLen,
- /*&cardRsaPrivateKey,*/ DerPrikey,
- /*sizeof(RSA_PRIVATE_KEY));*/ *DerPrikeyLen);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- int Crypt_SavePemKey2File(
- char *keyName,
- char *password,
- unsigned char *DerPubkey,
- int DerPubkeyLen,
- unsigned char *DerPrikey,
- int DerPrikeyLen)
- {
- FILE *f;
- unsigned char pem_key[2048], hashPasswd[20], Enc_DerPubkey[2048];
- int rtn_code, pem_keySize, hashPasswdSize, Enc_DerPubkeySize;
- f = fopen(keyName,"wb");
- if(f == NULL){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = Crypt_Gen_Hash(
- UID_md5,
- password,
- strlen(password),
- hashPasswd,
- &hashPasswdSize);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- /*
- rtn_code = iCrypt_Enc_Data_S(
- DerPubkey,
- DerPubkeyLen,
- Enc_DerPubkey,
- &Enc_DerPubkeySize,
- hashPasswd);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- */
- rtn_code = DER2PEM_data_format(
- DerPubkey,//Enc_DerPubkey,
- DerPubkeyLen,//Enc_DerPubkeySize,
- pem_key,
- &pem_keySize,
- PublicKey_Begin_String,
- PublicKey_End_String);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- printf("DER2PEM_data_format error...n");
- return -1;
- }
- fwrite(pem_key,1,pem_keySize,f);
- rtn_code = iCrypt_Enc_Data_S(
- DerPrikey,
- DerPrikeyLen,
- Enc_DerPubkey,
- &Enc_DerPubkeySize,
- hashPasswd);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- rtn_code = DER2PEM_data_format(
- Enc_DerPubkey,
- Enc_DerPubkeySize,
- pem_key,
- &pem_keySize,
- PrivateKey_Begin_String,
- PrivateKey_End_String);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- printf("DER2PEM_data_format error...n");
- return -1;
- }
- fwrite(pem_key,1,pem_keySize,f);
- fclose(f);
- return 0;
- }
- CRET Crypt_ChgKeyPasswd(
- char *keyName,
- char *OldPasswd,
- char *NewPasswd)
- {
- unsigned char DerPubKey[1024], DerPrikey[1024];
- int rtn_code, DerPubKeyLen, DerPrikeyLen, keyNumber;
- // RSA_PUBLIC_KEY cardRsaPublicKey;
- // RSA_PRIVATE_KEY cardRsaPrivateKey;
- keyNumber = 0;
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db1") == 0){
- keyNumber = 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db2") == 0){
- keyNumber = 2;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db3") == 0){
- keyNumber = 3;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db4") == 0){
- keyNumber = 4;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db5") == 0){
- keyNumber = 5;
- }
- if(keyNumber == 0){
- rtn_code = RestoreKeyFromFile(
- keyName,
- OldPasswd,
- DerPubKey,//&cardRsaPublicKey,
- &DerPubKeyLen,
- DerPrikey,//&cardRsaPrivateKey,
- &DerPrikeyLen);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- rtn_code = Crypt_SavePemKey2File(
- keyName,
- NewPasswd,
- DerPubKey,//&cardRsaPublicKey,
- DerPubKeyLen,//sizeof(RSA_PUBLIC_KEY),
- DerPrikey,//&cardRsaPrivateKey,
- DerPrikeyLen);//sizeof(RSA_PRIVATE_KEY));
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- CRET Crypt_Decode_Pubkey_Info(
- unsigned char *DerPublicKeyInfo,
- int DerPublicKeyInfoSize,
- int *bits,
- unsigned char *modulus,
- unsigned char *publicExponent)
- {
- // unsigned char subjectPublicKeyInfo[512];
- // int subjectPublicKeyInfoSize;
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY rsaPublicKey;
- int rtn_code;
- /*
- typedef struct rsa_pub_key{
- uint16 bits; // length in bits of modulus
- // modulus ----- n
- UCHAR publicExponent[MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN];
- // public exponent ----- e
- */
- rtn_code = d2c_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY(
- DerPublicKeyInfo,
- DerPublicKeyInfoSize,
- &rsaPublicKey);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- *bits = rsaPublicKey.bits;
- memcpy(modulus, rsaPublicKey.modulus, sizeof(rsaPublicKey.modulus));
- memcpy(publicExponent, rsaPublicKey.publicExponent, sizeof(rsaPublicKey.publicExponent));
- return 0;
- }
- CRET Crypt_Decode_Prikey_Info(
- unsigned char *DerPrivateKeyInfo,
- int DerPrivateKeyInfoSize,
- int *bits,
- unsigned char *modulus,
- unsigned char *publicExponent,
- unsigned char *privateExponent,
- unsigned char *prime,
- unsigned char *exponent,
- unsigned char *coefficient)
- {
- // unsigned char DerPrikey[1024];
- // int DerPrikeyLen;
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY cardRsaPrivateKey;
- int rtn_code;
- rtn_code = d2c_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY(
- DerPrivateKeyInfo,
- DerPrivateKeyInfoSize,
- &cardRsaPrivateKey);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- *bits = cardRsaPrivateKey.bits;
- memcpy(modulus, cardRsaPrivateKey.modulus, sizeof(cardRsaPrivateKey.modulus));
- memcpy(publicExponent, cardRsaPrivateKey.publicExponent, sizeof(cardRsaPrivateKey.publicExponent));
- memcpy(privateExponent, cardRsaPrivateKey.privateExponent, sizeof(cardRsaPrivateKey.privateExponent));
- memcpy(prime,[2], sizeof([2]));
- memcpy(exponent, cardRsaPrivateKey.exponent[2], sizeof(cardRsaPrivateKey.exponent[2]));
- memcpy(coefficient, cardRsaPrivateKey.coefficient, sizeof(cardRsaPrivateKey.coefficient));
- return 0;
- }
- CRET Crypt_RestorePublicKey(
- char *keyName,
- char *password,
- unsigned char *DerPubkey,
- int *DerPubkeyLen)
- {
- //int rtn_code;
- unsigned char DerPriKey[1024];
- int DerPriKeyLen;
- return RestoreKeyFromFile(
- keyName,
- password,
- DerPubkey,
- DerPubkeyLen,
- DerPriKey,
- &DerPriKeyLen);
- }
- CRET Crypt_RestorePriKey(
- char *keyName,
- char *password,
- unsigned char *DerPrikey,
- int *DerPrikeyLen)
- {
- //int rtn_code;
- unsigned char DerPubKey[1024];
- int DerPubKeyLen;
- return RestoreKeyFromFile(
- keyName,
- password,
- DerPubKey,
- &DerPubKeyLen,
- DerPrikey,
- DerPrikeyLen);
- }
- int RestoreKeyFromFile(
- char *keyName,
- char *password,
- unsigned char *DerPubkey,
- int *DerPubkeyLen,
- unsigned char *DerPrikey,
- int *DerPrikeyLen)
- {
- FILE *f;
- unsigned char pem_key[2048], hashPasswd[20], Dec_Derkey[1024], buffer[128];
- int rtn_code, hashPasswdSize, Dec_DerkeySize, ptr_offset;
- ptr_offset=0;
- f = fopen(keyName,"r");
- if(f == NULL){
- printf("open failed! keyname=%sn", keyName);
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- do{
- fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f);
- //printf("len=%d, buffer:%sn", strlen(buffer), buffer);
- del_rn(buffer);
- //printf("after del_rn, len=%d, buffer:%sn", strlen(buffer), buffer);
- memcpy(pem_key+ptr_offset, buffer,strlen(buffer));
- ptr_offset += strlen(buffer);
- }
- while(strcmp(buffer,PublicKey_End_String2));
- rtn_code = PEM2DER_data_format(
- pem_key,
- strlen(pem_key),
- DerPubkey,//Dec_Derkey,
- DerPubkeyLen);//&Dec_DerkeySize);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- printf("PEM2DER_data_format error...n");
- fclose(f);
- return -1;
- }
- rtn_code = Crypt_Gen_Hash(
- UID_md5,
- password,
- strlen(password),
- hashPasswd,
- &hashPasswdSize);
- if(rtn_code != 0){
- fclose(f);
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- rtn_code = iCrypt_Dec_Data_S(
- Dec_Derkey,
- Dec_DerkeySize,
- DerPubkey,
- DerPubkeyLen,
- hashPasswd);
- if(rtn_code != 0){
- fclose(f);
- return -1;
- }
- */
- ptr_offset = 0;
- do{
- fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f);
- //printf("len=%d, buffer=%sn", strlen(buffer), buffer);
- del_rn(buffer);
- //printf("after del_rn:len=%d, buffer=%sn", strlen(buffer), buffer);
- memcpy(pem_key+ptr_offset, buffer,strlen(buffer));
- ptr_offset += strlen(buffer);
- }
- while(strcmp(buffer,PrivateKey_End_String2));
- fclose(f);
- rtn_code = PEM2DER_data_format(
- pem_key,
- strlen(pem_key),
- Dec_Derkey,
- &Dec_DerkeySize);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- printf("PEM2DER_data_format error...n");
- return -1;
- }
- rtn_code = iCrypt_Dec_Data_S(
- Dec_Derkey,
- Dec_DerkeySize,
- DerPrikey,
- DerPrikeyLen,
- hashPasswd);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- CRET Crypt_GetRSAPublicKey(
- char *keyName,
- char *passwd,
- unsigned char *rsaPublicKey,
- int *rsaPublicKeySize)
- {
- int rtn_code;
- int keyNumber;
- // RSA_PUBLIC_KEY cardRsaPublicKey;
- keyNumber = 0;
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db1") == 0){
- keyNumber = 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db2") == 0){
- keyNumber = 2;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db3") == 0){
- keyNumber = 3;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db4") == 0){
- keyNumber = 4;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db5") == 0){
- keyNumber = 5;
- }
- if(keyNumber == 0){
- rtn_code = Crypt_RestorePublicKey(
- keyName,
- passwd,
- rsaPublicKey,//&cardRsaPublicKey,
- rsaPublicKeySize);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /*
- d2c_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY(rsaPublicKey,*rsaPublicKeySize,
- &cardRsaPublicKey);
- c2d_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY(&cardRsaPublicKey,
- rsaPublicKey,
- rsaPublicKeySize);
- */
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- CRET CA_Crypt_Gen_Signature(
- int uid_algorithm,
- char *keyName,
- char *password,
- unsigned char *msg,
- int msgSize,
- unsigned char *sig,
- int *sigSize)
- {
- return Crypt_Gen_Signature(
- uid_algorithm,
- keyName,
- password,
- msg,
- msgSize,
- sig,
- sigSize);
- }
- int Crypt_Gen_Signature(
- int uid_algorithm,
- char *keyName,
- char *password,
- unsigned char *msg,
- int msgSize,
- unsigned char *sig,
- int *sigSize)
- {
- int rtn_code;
- int keyNumber;
- uint32 hashSize;
- UCHAR hash[64],output[128];
- ULONG outputLen;
- unsigned char DerPrikey[1024];
- int DerPrikeyLen;
- // RSA_PUBLIC_KEY cardRsaPublicKey;
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY cardRsaPrivateKey;
- keyNumber = 0;
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db1") == 0){
- keyNumber = 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db2") == 0){
- keyNumber = 2;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db3") == 0){
- keyNumber = 3;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db4") == 0){
- keyNumber = 4;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db5") == 0){
- keyNumber = 5;
- }
- if(keyNumber == 0){
- rtn_code = Crypt_RestorePriKey(
- keyName,
- password,
- DerPrikey,//&cardRsaPrivateKey,
- &DerPrikeyLen);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- //*
- rtn_code = d2c_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY(
- DerPrikey,
- DerPrikeyLen,
- &cardRsaPrivateKey);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- //*/
- }
- ///////////// it is tmp codes, maybe modify ....... ///////////////////////////
- // cardRsaPrivateKey.bits = 1024;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- rtn_code = Crypt_Gen_Encoded_Hash(
- uid_algorithm,
- msg,
- msgSize,
- hash,
- &hashSize);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = CSP_RSAPrivateEncrypt(
- (USHORT)keyNumber,
- output,
- &outputLen,
- hash,
- (ULONG)hashSize,
- &cardRsaPrivateKey);
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- memcpy(sig,output,outputLen);
- *sigSize = (uint32)outputLen;
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- CRET Crypt_Ver_Signature(
- int uid_algorithm,
- unsigned char *rsaPublicKey,
- int rsaPublicKeySize,
- unsigned char *msg,
- int msgSize,
- unsigned char *sig,
- int sigSize)
- {
- int rtn_code;
- uint32 hashSize;
- UCHAR hash[64],output[128];
- ULONG outputLen;
- USHORT keyNumber;
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY cardRsaPublicKey;
- d2c_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY(rsaPublicKey,rsaPublicKeySize,
- &cardRsaPublicKey);
- rtn_code = Crypt_Gen_Encoded_Hash(
- uid_algorithm,
- msg,
- msgSize,
- hash,
- &hashSize);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- keyNumber = 0;
- rtn_code = CSP_RSAPublicDecrypt(
- (USHORT)keyNumber,
- output,
- &outputLen,
- sig,
- (ULONG)sigSize,
- &cardRsaPublicKey);
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- if(memcmp(hash,output,hashSize) != 0){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- Crypt_Get_PubKey_FromCert(
- unsigned char *der_cert,
- int der_certSize,
- unsigned char *subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- int *subjectPublicKeyInfoSize)
- {
- /*
- int version,serialNumberSize,signatureAlgorithm,parametersSize;
- unsigned char serialNumber[256],parameters[64];
- char issuer_countryName[64],issuer_organizationName[64];
- char issuer_organizationalUnitname1[64],issuer_organizationalUnitname2[64];
- char issuer_organizationalUnitname3[64],issuer_stateOrProvinceName[64];
- char issuer_commonName[64],issuer_localityName[64];
- char issuer_title[64],issuer_surname[64];
- char issuer_givenName[64],issuer_initials[64];
- char issuer_email[64],issuer_postalAddress[64];
- char issuer_postalCode[64],issuer_postalOfficeBox[64];
- char issuer_telephoneNumber[64],issuer_telexNumber[64];
- char notBefore[64],notAfter[64];
- char subject_countryName[64],subject_organizationName[64];
- char subject_organizationalUnitname1[64],subject_organizationalUnitname2[64];
- char subject_organizationalUnitname3[64],subject_stateOrProvinceName[64];
- char subject_commonName[64],subject_localityName[64];
- char subject_title[64],subject_surname[64];
- char subject_givenName[64],subject_initials[64];
- char subject_email[64],subject_postalAddress[64];
- char subject_postalCode[64],subject_postalOfficeBox[64];
- char subject_telephoneNumber[64],subject_telexNumber[64];
- unsigned char issuerUniqueID[64];
- unsigned char subjectUniqueID[64];
- int issuerUniqueIDSize,subjectUniqueIDSize;
- unsigned int extensionsFlag,criticalFlag;
- char authKeyId_countryName[64],authKeyId_organizationName[64];
- char authKeyId_organizationalUnitname1[64],authKeyId_organizationalUnitname2[64];
- char authKeyId_organizationalUnitname3[64],authKeyId_stateOrProvinceName[64];
- char authKeyId_commonName[64],authKeyId_localityName[64],authKeyId_title[64];
- char authKeyId_surname[64],authKeyId_givenName[64];
- char authKeyId_initials[64],authKeyId_email[64];
- char authKeyId_postalAddress[64],authKeyId_postalCode[64];
- char authKeyId_postalOfficeBox[64],authKeyId_telephoneNumber[64];
- char authKeyId_telexNumber[64];
- unsigned char authKeyId_serialNumber[64];
- int authKeyId_serialNumberSize;
- unsigned char policyId1[64],policyId2[64],policyId3[64],policyId4[64];
- int policyIdSize1,policyIdSize2,policyIdSize3,policyIdSize4;
- char policyUrl1[64],policyUrl2[64],policyUrl3[64],policyUrl4[64];
- char PrivateKeyUsagePeriod_notBefore[64];
- char PrivateKeyUsagePeriod_notAfter[64];
- int BasicConstraints_cA,BasicConstraints_pathLenConstraint;
- unsigned int KeyUsage,neCertType,setCertType;
- int self_certClass;
- char revocationURL[64];
- unsigned char hashedRootKey[64];
- int hashedRootKeySize;
- */
- int version,serialNumberSize,signatureAlgorithm,parametersSize;
- unsigned char serialNumber[256],parameters[64];
- char issuer_countryName[64],issuer_organizationName[64];
- char issuer_organizationalUnitname1[64];
- char issuer_stateOrProvinceName[64];
- char issuer_commonName[64],issuer_localityName[64];
- char issuer_title[64],issuer_surname[64];
- char issuer_givenName[64],issuer_initials[64];
- char issuer_email[64],issuer_postalAddress[64];
- char issuer_postalCode[64],issuer_postalOfficeBox[64];
- char issuer_telephoneNumber[64],issuer_telexNumber[64];
- char notBefore[64],notAfter[64];
- char subject_countryName[64],subject_organizationName[64];
- char subject_organizationalUnitname1[64];
- char subject_stateOrProvinceName[64];
- char subject_commonName[64],subject_localityName[64];
- char subject_title[64],subject_surname[64];
- char subject_givenName[64],subject_initials[64];
- char subject_email[64],subject_postalAddress[64];
- char subject_postalCode[64],subject_postalOfficeBox[64];
- char subject_telephoneNumber[64],subject_telexNumber[64];
- unsigned char issuerUniqueID[64];
- unsigned char subjectUniqueID[64];
- int issuerUniqueIDSize,subjectUniqueIDSize;
- unsigned int extensionsFlag,criticalFlag;
- char authKeyId_countryName[64],authKeyId_organizationName[64];
- char authKeyId_organizationalUnitname1[64];
- char authKeyId_stateOrProvinceName[64];
- char authKeyId_commonName[64],authKeyId_localityName[64],authKeyId_title[64];
- char authKeyId_surname[64],authKeyId_givenName[64];
- char authKeyId_initials[64],authKeyId_email[64];
- char authKeyId_postalAddress[64],authKeyId_postalCode[64];
- char authKeyId_postalOfficeBox[64],authKeyId_telephoneNumber[64];
- char authKeyId_telexNumber[64];
- unsigned char authKeyId_serialNumber[64];
- int authKeyId_serialNumberSize;
- unsigned char policyId1[64],policyId2[64],policyId3[64],policyId4[64];
- int policyIdSize1,policyIdSize2,policyIdSize3,policyIdSize4;
- char policyUrl1[64],policyUrl2[64],policyUrl3[64],policyUrl4[64];
- char PrivateKeyUsagePeriod_notBefore[64];
- char PrivateKeyUsagePeriod_notAfter[64];
- int BasicConstraints_cA,BasicConstraints_pathLenConstraint;
- unsigned int KeyUsage,neCertType,setCertType;
- int self_certClass;
- char revocationURL[64];
- unsigned char hashedRootKey[64];
- int hashedRootKeySize;
- int rtn_code;
- rtn_code = Crypt_Decode_Cert(
- der_cert,
- der_certSize,
- &version,
- serialNumber,
- &serialNumberSize,
- &signatureAlgorithm,
- parameters,
- ¶metersSize,
- issuer_countryName,
- issuer_organizationName,
- issuer_organizationalUnitname1,
- // issuer_organizationalUnitname2,
- // issuer_organizationalUnitname3,
- issuer_stateOrProvinceName,
- issuer_commonName,
- issuer_localityName,
- issuer_title,
- issuer_surname,
- issuer_givenName,
- issuer_initials,
- issuer_email,
- issuer_postalAddress,
- issuer_postalCode,
- issuer_postalOfficeBox,
- issuer_telephoneNumber,
- issuer_telexNumber,
- notBefore,
- notAfter,
- subject_countryName,
- subject_organizationName,
- subject_organizationalUnitname1,
- // subject_organizationalUnitname2,
- // subject_organizationalUnitname3,
- subject_stateOrProvinceName,
- subject_commonName,
- subject_localityName,
- subject_title,
- subject_surname,
- subject_givenName,
- subject_initials,
- subject_email,
- subject_postalAddress,
- subject_postalCode,
- subject_postalOfficeBox,
- subject_telephoneNumber,
- subject_telexNumber,
- subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- subjectPublicKeyInfoSize,
- issuerUniqueID,
- &issuerUniqueIDSize,
- subjectUniqueID,
- &subjectUniqueIDSize,
- &extensionsFlag,
- &criticalFlag,
- authKeyId_countryName,
- authKeyId_organizationName,
- authKeyId_organizationalUnitname1,
- // authKeyId_organizationalUnitname2,
- // authKeyId_organizationalUnitname3,
- authKeyId_stateOrProvinceName,
- authKeyId_commonName,
- authKeyId_localityName,
- authKeyId_title,
- authKeyId_surname,
- authKeyId_givenName,
- authKeyId_initials,
- authKeyId_email,
- authKeyId_postalAddress,
- authKeyId_postalCode,
- authKeyId_postalOfficeBox,
- authKeyId_telephoneNumber,
- authKeyId_telexNumber,
- authKeyId_serialNumber,
- &authKeyId_serialNumberSize,
- policyId1,
- &policyIdSize1,
- policyUrl1,
- policyId2,
- &policyIdSize2,
- policyUrl2,
- policyId3,
- &policyIdSize3,
- policyUrl3,
- policyId4,
- &policyIdSize4,
- policyUrl4,
- PrivateKeyUsagePeriod_notBefore,
- PrivateKeyUsagePeriod_notAfter,
- &BasicConstraints_cA,
- &BasicConstraints_pathLenConstraint,
- &KeyUsage,
- &neCertType,
- &setCertType,
- hashedRootKey,
- &hashedRootKeySize,
- &self_certClass,
- revocationURL);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- Crypt_Ver_Signature_ByCert(
- int uid_algorithm,
- unsigned char *der_cert,
- int der_certSize,
- unsigned char *msg,
- int msgSize,
- unsigned char *sig,
- int sigSize)
- {
- unsigned char subjectPublicKeyInfo[512];
- int subjectPublicKeyInfoSize;
- int rtn_code;
- rtn_code = Crypt_Get_PubKey_FromCert(
- der_cert,
- der_certSize,
- subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- &subjectPublicKeyInfoSize);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = Crypt_Ver_Signature(
- uid_algorithm,
- subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- subjectPublicKeyInfoSize,
- msg,
- msgSize,
- sig,
- sigSize);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- int iCrypt_Enc_Data_S(
- unsigned char *indata,
- int indataSize,
- unsigned char *outdata,
- int *outdataSize,
- unsigned char *sdbiKey)
- {
- int rtn_code = CSP_SDBIEncrypt(
- outdata,
- outdataSize,
- indata,
- (ULONG)indataSize,
- sdbiKey,
- 16);
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- CRET Crypt_Enc_Data_S(
- unsigned char *indata,
- int indataSize,
- unsigned char *outdata,
- int *outdataSize,
- unsigned char *sdbiKey)
- {
- int rtn_code = CSP_SDBIEncrypt(
- outdata,
- outdataSize,
- indata,
- (ULONG)indataSize,
- sdbiKey,
- 16);
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- Crypt_Enc_Data(
- unsigned char *indata,
- int indataSize,
- unsigned char *outdata,
- int *outdataSize,
- unsigned char *der_cert,
- int der_certSize)
- {
- unsigned char subjectPublicKeyInfo[512];
- int subjectPublicKeyInfoSize;
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY rsaPublicKey;
- UCHAR SDBIKey[32],seedValue[32];
- UCHAR enc_SDBIKey[256];
- ULONG SDBIKeyLen,seedLen;
- int rtn_code;
- rtn_code = Crypt_Get_PubKey_FromCert(
- der_cert,
- der_certSize,
- subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- &subjectPublicKeyInfoSize);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- seedLen = 16;
- rtn_code = CSP_GenRandomBytes(
- SDBIKey,
- 16,
- seedValue,
- seedLen);
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = d2c_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY(
- subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- subjectPublicKeyInfoSize,
- &rsaPublicKey);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = CSP_RSAPublicEncrypt(
- 0,
- enc_SDBIKey,
- &SDBIKeyLen,
- SDBIKey,
- 16,
- &rsaPublicKey);
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- memcpy(outdata,enc_SDBIKey,SDBIKeyLen);
- rtn_code = CSP_SDBIEncrypt(
- &outdata[SDBIKeyLen],
- &seedLen,
- indata,
- (ULONG)indataSize,
- SDBIKey,
- 16);
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- *outdataSize = SDBIKeyLen + seedLen;
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- int iCrypt_Dec_Data_S(
- unsigned char *indata,
- int indataSize,
- unsigned char *outdata,
- int *outdataSize,
- unsigned char *sdbiKey)
- {
- int rtn_code = CSP_SDBIDecrypt(
- outdata,
- outdataSize,
- indata,
- indataSize,
- sdbiKey,
- 16);
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- CRET Crypt_Dec_Data_S(
- unsigned char *indata,
- int indataSize,
- unsigned char *outdata,
- int *outdataSize,
- unsigned char *sdbiKey)
- {
- int rtn_code = CSP_SDBIDecrypt(
- outdata,
- outdataSize,
- indata,
- indataSize,
- sdbiKey,
- 16);
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- CRET Crypt_Dec_Data(
- unsigned char *indata,
- int indataSize,
- unsigned char *outdata,
- int *outdataSize,
- char *keyName,
- char *password)
- {
- int rtn_code;
- int keyNumber;
- UCHAR SDBIKey[128];
- ULONG outputLen;
- unsigned char DerPrikey[1024];
- int DerPrikeyLen;
- // RSA_PUBLIC_KEY cardRsaPublicKey;
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY cardRsaPrivateKey;
- keyNumber = 0;
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db1") == 0){
- keyNumber = 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db2") == 0){
- keyNumber = 2;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db3") == 0){
- keyNumber = 3;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db4") == 0){
- keyNumber = 4;
- }
- if(strcmp(keyName,"keypair.db5") == 0){
- keyNumber = 5;
- }
- if(keyNumber == 0){
- rtn_code = Crypt_RestorePriKey(
- keyName,
- password,
- DerPrikey,//&cardRsaPrivateKey,
- &DerPrikeyLen);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- //*
- rtn_code = d2c_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY(
- DerPrikey,
- DerPrikeyLen,
- &cardRsaPrivateKey);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- //*/
- }
- ///////////////////////// tmp codes, maybe modify....................
- // cardRsaPrivateKey.bits = 1024;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- rtn_code = CSP_RSAPrivateDecrypt(
- keyNumber,
- SDBIKey,
- &outputLen,
- indata,
- 128,
- &cardRsaPrivateKey);
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = CSP_SDBIDecrypt(
- outdata,
- &outputLen,
- &indata[128],
- indataSize-128,
- SDBIKey,
- 16);
- if(rtn_code != RTN_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- *outdataSize = outputLen;
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- CRET Crypt_Rsa_PrivateKeyDec(
- char *keyName,
- char *password,
- unsigned char *cipher,
- int cipherLen,
- unsigned char *msg,
- int *msgLen)
- {
- int rtn_code;
- int keyNumber;
- unsigned char DerPrikey[1024];
- int DerPrikeyLen;
- // RSA_PUBLIC_KEY cardRsaPublicKey;
- RSA_PRIVATE_KEY cardRsaPrivateKey;
- rtn_code = Crypt_RestorePriKey(
- keyName,
- password,
- DerPrikey,//&cardRsaPrivateKey,
- &DerPrikeyLen);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- rtn_code = d2c_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY(
- DerPrikey,
- DerPrikeyLen,
- &cardRsaPrivateKey);
- if(rtn_code != 0)
- return -1;
- /*
- rtn_code = CSP_RSAPrivateDecrypt(
- 0,
- msg,
- &msgLen,
- cipher,
- cipherLen,
- &cardRsaPrivateKey);
- */
- rtn_code = RSAPrivateBlock (msg, msgLen, cipher, cipherLen, &cardRsaPrivateKey);
- if(rtn_code != 0){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- CRET Crypt_Cert_PubKeyEnc (
- char *der_cert,
- int der_certSize,
- unsigned char *msg,
- int msgLen,
- unsigned char *cipher,
- int *cipherLen)
- {
- unsigned char subjectPublicKeyInfo[512];
- int subjectPublicKeyInfoSize;
- RSA_PUBLIC_KEY rsaPublicKey;
- int rtn_code;
- rtn_code = Crypt_Get_PubKey_FromCert(
- der_cert,
- der_certSize,
- subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- &subjectPublicKeyInfoSize);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- rtn_code = d2c_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY(
- subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- subjectPublicKeyInfoSize,
- &rsaPublicKey);
- if(rtn_code != FUNC_OK){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- /*
- rtn_code = CSP_RSAPublicEncrypt(
- 0,
- cipher,
- &cipherLen,
- msg,
- msgLen,
- &rsaPublicKey);
- */
- rtn_code = RSAPublicBlock (cipher, cipherLen, msg, msgLen, &rsaPublicKey);
- if(rtn_code != 0){
- return FUNC_ERR;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- char *del_rn(char *pbuf)
- {
- char *p;
- if((p =strchr(pbuf, 'r')) !=NULL) *p =0;
- if((p =strchr(pbuf, 'n')) !=NULL) *p =0;
- return pbuf;
- }