资源名称:HookAPI [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // 请使用ftp.exe测试
- library mydll;
- uses
- SysUtils, Types, Windows,WinSock,
- Classes;
- type
- TMyAPIInfo = record
- module_name:PChar;
- api_name:PChar;
- param_count:integer;
- my_api_name:PChar;
- start_pos:integer;
- friend_my_api_name:PChar;
- end;
- {$R *.res}
- var
- myapi_info:array[1..5] of TMyAPIInfo;
- function mysocket(af:integer; stype:integer; protocol:integer):integer;stdcall;
- var
- ret:integer;
- err:integer;
- p:PChar;
- temp:String;
- temp1:array[1..256] of Char;
- i:integer;
- begin
- {if count =3 then
- MessageBox(0, 'params count=3', 'mydll-mysocket', MB_OK)
- else
- MessageBox(0, 'params count<>3', 'mydll-mysocket', MB_OK);
- MessageBox(0, 'mysocket run...', 'mydll-mysocket', MB_OK);
- }
- temp :='af='+IntToStr(af)+',type='+IntToStr(stype)+',protocol='+IntToStr(protocol)+#0;
- for i:=1 to Length(temp) do
- temp1[i] :=temp[i];
- p :=@temp1;
- MessageBox(0, p, 'mydll-mysocket', MB_OK);
- ret :=socket(af, stype, protocol);
- err :=WSAGetLastError(); //GetLastError()
- temp :='socket ok. ret='+IntToStr(ret)+',err='+IntToStr(err)+#0;
- for i:=1 to Length(temp) do
- temp1[i] :=temp[i];
- p :=@temp1;
- MessageBox(0, p, 'mydll-mysocket', MB_OK);
- WSASetLastError(err);
- Result := ret;
- end;
- function myconnect(s:integer; name:PSockAddrIn; namelen:integer):DWORD;stdcall;
- var
- ret:integer;
- err:integer;
- temp:String;
- temp1:array[1..256] of Char;
- p:PChar;
- i:integer;
- begin
- {if count =3 then
- MessageBox(0, 'params count=3', 'mydll-myconnect', MB_OK);
- MessageBox(0, 'myconnect run...', 'mydll-myconnect', MB_OK);
- }
- temp :='s='+IntToStr(s)+',port='+IntToStr(ntohs(name.sin_port))+',addr='+Inet_Ntoa(name.sin_addr)+',namelen='+IntToStr(namelen)+#0;
- for i:=1 to Length(temp) do
- temp1[i] :=temp[i];
- p :=@temp1;
- MessageBox(0, p, 'mydll-myconnect', MB_OK);
- ret :=connect(s, name^, namelen);
- err :=WSAGetLastError();
- temp :='ret='+IntToStr(ret)+',err='+IntToStr(err)+#0;
- for i:=1 to Length(temp) do
- temp1[i] :=temp[i];
- p :=@temp1;
- MessageBox(0, p, 'mydll-myconnect', MB_OK);
- WSASetLastError(err);
- Result := DWORD(ret);
- end;
- function myrecv(s:integer; buf:PChar; len:integer; flags:integer):DWORD;stdcall;
- var
- p:PChar;
- temp:String;
- temp1:array[1..256] of Char;
- buf_temp:array[1..5000] of Char;
- i,ret,err:integer;
- begin
- {if count =4 then
- MessageBox(0, 'params count=4', 'mydll-myrecv', MB_OK);
- MessageBox(0, 'myrecv run...', 'mydll-myrecv', MB_OK);
- }
- err :=0;
- if len >4096 then
- len :=4096;
- ret :=recv(s, buf_temp, len, flags);
- if ret <=0 then
- begin
- err :=WSAGetLastError();
- temp :='ret='+IntToStr(DWORD(ret))+',err='+IntToStr(err)+#0;
- for i:=1 to Length(temp) do
- temp1[i] :=temp[i];
- p :=@temp1;
- MessageBox(0, p, 'mydll-myrecv', MB_OK);
- end;
- if ret >0 then
- begin
- for i :=1 to ret do
- begin
- (buf+i-1)^ :=buf_temp[i];
- end;
- end;
- MessageBox(0, 'myrecv ok', 'myrecv', MB_OK);
- // 对于二进制数据,请不要使用此语句显示数据
- //MessageBox(0, buf, 'myrecv', MB_OK);
- if ret <=0 then
- WSASetLastError(err);
- result :=DWORD(ret);
- end;
- function mysend(s:integer; buf:PChar; len:integer; flags:integer):DWORD;stdcall;
- var
- p:PChar;
- temp:String;
- temp1:array[1..256] of Char;
- buf_temp:array[1..4096] of Char;
- i,ret,err:integer;
- begin
- {if count =4 then
- MessageBox(0, 'params count=4', 'mydll-mysend', MB_OK);
- MessageBox(0, 'mysend run...', 'mydll-mysend', MB_OK);
- }
- // 对于二进制数据,请不要使用此语句显示
- //MessageBox(0, buf, 'mysend', MB_OK);
- for i :=1 to len do
- begin
- buf_temp[i] :=(buf+i-1)^;
- end;
- //if len >4096...
- ret :=send(s, buf_temp, len, flags);
- err :=WSAGetLastError();
- //MessageBox(0, 'send ok', 'mysend', MB_OK);
- temp :='ret='+IntToStr(ret)+',err='+IntToStr(err)+#0;
- for i:=1 to Length(temp) do
- temp1[i] :=temp[i];
- p :=@temp1;
- MessageBox(0, p, 'mydll-mysend', MB_OK);
- WSASetLastError(err);
- result :=DWORD(ret);
- end;
- Function GetMyAPIInfo():Pointer;stdCall;
- begin
- GetMyAPIInfo :=Addr(myapi_info);
- end;
- exports
- GetMyAPIInfo,
- mysocket,
- myconnect,
- mysend,
- myrecv;
- begin
- myapi_info[1].module_name :='WSOCK32.DLL';
- myapi_info[1].api_name :='socket';
- myapi_info[1].param_count :=3;
- myapi_info[1].my_api_name :='mysocket';
- myapi_info[1].start_pos :=0;
- myapi_info[1].friend_my_api_name :=nil;
- myapi_info[2].module_name :='WSOCK32.DLL';
- myapi_info[2].api_name :='connect';
- myapi_info[2].param_count :=3;
- myapi_info[2].my_api_name :='myconnect';
- myapi_info[2].start_pos :=0;
- myapi_info[2].friend_my_api_name :=nil;
- myapi_info[3].module_name :='WSOCK32.DLL';
- myapi_info[3].api_name :='send';
- myapi_info[3].param_count :=4;
- myapi_info[3].my_api_name :='mysend';
- myapi_info[3].start_pos :=0;
- myapi_info[3].friend_my_api_name :=nil;
- myapi_info[4].module_name :='WSOCK32.DLL';
- myapi_info[4].api_name :='recv(SOCKET, buf, int, int)';
- myapi_info[4].param_count :=4;
- myapi_info[4].my_api_name :='myrecv';
- myapi_info[4].start_pos :=0;
- myapi_info[4].friend_my_api_name :=nil;
- myapi_info[5].module_name :=nil;
- myapi_info[5].api_name :=nil;
- myapi_info[5].my_api_name :=nil;
- end.