资源名称:HookAPI [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include <windows.h>
- #include "ring0.h"
- #ifdef WIN95
- //DWORD g_result =0, g_eax =0;
- // 修改地址属性
- __declspec(naked) void Ring0ModifyPageProtection()
- {
- _asm
- {
- //Mov [g_result], 1
- Mov EAX, ECX
- Shr EAX, 22
- Test DWORD PTR [0FFBFE000h + EAX * 4], 1
- Jz Fail
- //Mov [g_result], 2
- Mov EAX, ECX
- Shr EAX, 12
- Mov EBX, EAX
- Mov EAX, DWORD PTR [0FF800000h + EAX * 4]
- Test EAX, 1
- //Jz Fail // changed by Paladin 2003.01.23
- //Mov [g_result], 3 //
- Mov EAX, 1
- Je PageReadWrite
- And DWORD PTR [0FF800000h + EBX * 4], 0xFFFFFFFD
- Jmp Done
- PageReadWrite:
- Or DWORD PTR [0FF800000h + EBX * 4], 2
- Jmp Done
- Fail:
- Xor EAX, EAX
- Done:
- Retf
- }
- }
- // 使系统进入Ring0模式下
- GDTR gdtr;
- bool CallRing0(PVOID pvRing0FuncAddr, PVOID pvAddr, DWORD dwPageProtection)
- {
- bool Result;
- if(pvAddr ==NULL) return false;
- _asm Sgdt [gdtr]
- pGDTDescriptor = (GDT_DESCRIPTOR *)(gdtr.dwGDTBase + 8);
- // Search for a free GDT descriptor
- for (WORD wGDTIndex = 1; wGDTIndex < (gdtr.wGDTLimit / 8); wGDTIndex++)
- {
- if (pGDTDescriptor->Type == 0 &&
- pGDTDescriptor->System == 0 &&
- pGDTDescriptor->DPL == 0 &&
- pGDTDescriptor->Present == 0)
- {
- // Found one !
- // Now we need to transform this descriptor into a callgate.
- // Note that we're using selector 0x28 since it corresponds
- // to a ring 0 segment which spans the entire linear address
- // space of the processor (0-4GB).
- pCallgate = (CALLGATE_DESCRIPTOR *) pGDTDescriptor;
- pCallgate->Offset_0_15 = LOWORD(pvRing0FuncAddr);
- pCallgate->Selector = 0x28;
- pCallgate->ParamCount = 0;
- pCallgate->Unused = 0;
- pCallgate->Type = 0xc; // 386 call gate
- pCallgate->System = 0; // a system descriptor
- pCallgate->DPL = 3; // ring 3 code can call
- pCallgate->Present = 1;
- pCallgate->Offset_16_31 = HIWORD(pvRing0FuncAddr);
- // Prepare the far call parameters
- WORD CallgateAddr[3];
- CallgateAddr[0] = 0x0;
- CallgateAddr[1] = 0x0;
- CallgateAddr[2] = (wGDTIndex << 3) | 3;
- // call Ring0ModifyPageProtection
- _asm
- {
- Mov ECX, [pvAddr]
- Mov EDX, [dwPageProtection]
- Cli
- Call FWORD PTR [CallgateAddr]
- Sti
- Mov DWORD PTR [Result], EAX
- }
- // Now free the GDT descriptor
- memset(pGDTDescriptor, 0, 8);
- return Result;
- }
- // Advance to the next GDT descriptor
- pGDTDescriptor++;
- }
- // Whoops, the GDT is full
- return false;
- }
- // 改变内存状态为可读写
- BOOL RemovePageProtection(PVOID pvAddr)
- {
- return CallRing0((PVOID)Ring0ModifyPageProtection, pvAddr, PAGE_READWRITE);
- }
- BOOL SetPageProtection(PVOID pvAddr)
- {
- return CallRing0((PVOID)Ring0ModifyPageProtection, pvAddr, PAGE_READONLY);
- }
- #endif