资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- SNMP++ 2.8 Browser for Win32
- ======================
- Included is the SNMP++ browser for MS-Windows 32bit operating systems, including
- Windows-NT and Windows '95. The browser is a fully functional SNMP browser
- supporting SNMP version 1 and version 2 agents. The browser supports Get, Set,
- Get-Next, Get-Bulk, Trap sending and Trap reception. Included is full source
- code which can be used as the basis for the development of your own network
- management applications. Release 2.7 utilizes SNMP++ 2.7 and works for MSVC++ 6.0.
- --------------
- The browser utilizes two DLLs for operation; snmp_pp.dll and wsnmp32.dll. The SNMP++
- DLL is included with the browser package. For those interested in building the DLL from
- source, please refer to the SNMP++ Win32 source package. Since SNMP++ for Win32 relies
- on WinSNMP ( Windows SNMP library) the 32bit WinSNMP DLL ( WSNMP32.DLL) is
- required. A evaluation copy of ACE*COMM's DLL is included. Note, this DLL is
- intened for evaluation usage only and may be not be sold, repackaged or shipped with
- your product. For commercial version of WinSNMP which can be bundled with your product,
- please contact ACE*COMM @ or .
- Running the Browser
- --------------------------
- After having installed the SNMP++ browser on your system. You will need to configure
- targets ( agents ) to manage. This can be accomplished by clicking on the target icon. Enter
- the addresses (IP or IPX) of all the agents you would like to browse. In addition to the address,
- the retransmission policy info and community names should be entered. When this is complete,
- you can then perform Gets, Sets, Get-Nexts and Get-Bulks.
- Building the Browser from Source
- -----------------------------------------
- When installing the SNMP++ browser, the full source may also be installed. The browser can be
- built using MSVC++ version 4.2 or greater. In order to do this, you may want to also install the
- SNMP++ source since this will allow you to use debug or release builds of the SNMP++ DLL.