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Visual C++
- /*===================================================================
- Copyright (c) 1999
- Hewlett-Packard Company
- Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software
- and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees
- to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all
- copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User
- agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software; Hewlett-Packard
- makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any
- purpose. It is provided "AS-IS without warranty of any kind,either express
- or implied. User hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all
- derivatives based upon this software code base.
- A S N 1. C P P
- ASN encoder / decoder implementation
- Peter E. Mellquist
- Peter E Mellquist
- ANSI C++
- MS-Windows Win32
- =====================================================================*/
- #ifdef unix
- #include /**/ <sys/types.h>
- #include /**/ <netinet/in.h>
- #include /**/ <stdlib.h>
- #endif
- #include "asn1.h"
- #include "snmp_pp.h"
- #ifdef WIN32
- #include <winsock.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL 0
- #endif
- #define LENMASK 0x0ff
- /*
- * asn_parse_int - pulls a long out of an ASN int type.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the end of this object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char * asn_parse_int( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char *type,
- long int *intp,
- int intsize)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 integer ::= 0x02 asnlength byte {byte}*
- */
- unsigned char *bufp = data;
- unsigned long asn_length;
- long value = 0;
- if (intsize != sizeof (long)){
- ASNERROR("not long");
- return NULL;
- }
- *type = *bufp++;
- bufp = asn_parse_length(bufp, &asn_length);
- if (bufp == NULL){
- ASNERROR("bad length");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ((int)(asn_length + (bufp - data)) > *datalength){
- ASNERROR("overflow of message");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ((int)asn_length > intsize){
- ASNERROR("I don't support such large integers");
- return NULL;
- }
- *datalength -= (int)asn_length + (bufp - data);
- if (*bufp & 0x80)
- value = -1; /* integer is negative */
- while(asn_length--)
- value = (value << 8) | *bufp++;
- *intp = value;
- return bufp;
- };
- /*
- * asn_parse_unsigned_int - pulls an unsigned long out of an ASN int type.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the end of this object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char * asn_parse_unsigned_int( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char *type,
- unsigned long *intp,
- int intsize)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 integer ::= 0x02 asnlength byte {byte}*
- */
- unsigned char *bufp = data;
- unsigned long asn_length;
- unsigned long value = 0;
- // check the size of the object being requested
- if (intsize != sizeof (long)){
- ASNERROR("not long");
- return NULL;
- }
- // get the type
- *type = *bufp++;
- // pick up the len
- bufp = asn_parse_length(bufp, &asn_length);
- if (bufp == NULL){
- ASNERROR("bad length");
- return NULL;
- }
- // check the len for message overflow
- if ((int)(asn_length + (bufp - data)) > *datalength){
- ASNERROR("overflow of message");
- return NULL;
- }
- // check for legal uint size
- if (( (int)asn_length > 5) || (((int)asn_length > 4) && (*bufp != 0x00))) {
- ASNERROR("I don't support such large integers");
- return NULL;
- }
- // check for leading 0 octet
- if (*bufp == 0x00) {
- bufp++;
- asn_length--;
- }
- // fix the returned data length value
- *datalength -= (int)asn_length + (bufp - data);
- // calculate the value
- for (long i=0;i<(long)asn_length;i++)
- value = (value << 8) + (unsigned long) *bufp++;
- // assign return value
- *intp = value;
- // return the bumped pointer
- return bufp;
- };
- /*
- * asn_build_int - builds an ASN object containing an integer.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the end of this object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char * asn_build_int( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char type,
- long *intp,
- int intsize)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 integer ::= 0x02 asnlength byte {byte}*
- */
- long integer;
- unsigned long mask;
- if (intsize != sizeof (long))
- return NULL;
- integer = *intp;
- /*
- * Truncate "unnecessary" bytes off of the most significant end of this
- * 2's complement integer. There should be no sequence of 9
- * consecutive 1's or 0's at the most significant end of the
- * integer.
- */
- mask = 0x1FF << ((8 * (sizeof(long) - 1)) - 1);
- /* mask is 0xFF800000 on a big-endian machine */
- while((((integer & mask) == 0) || ((integer & mask) == mask))
- && intsize > 1){
- intsize--;
- integer <<= 8;
- }
- data = asn_build_header(data, datalength, type, intsize);
- if (data == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (*datalength < intsize)
- return NULL;
- *datalength -= intsize;
- mask = 0xFF << (8 * (sizeof(long) - 1));
- /* mask is 0xFF000000 on a big-endian machine */
- while(intsize--){
- *data++ = (unsigned char)((integer & mask) >> (8 * (sizeof(long) - 1)));
- integer <<= 8;
- }
- return data;
- };
- /*
- * asn_build_unsigned_int - builds an ASN object containing an integer.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the end of this object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char * asn_build_unsigned_int( unsigned char *data, // modified data
- int *datalength, // returned buffer length
- unsigned char type, // SMI type
- unsigned long *intp, // Uint to encode
- int intsize) // size of uint to encode
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 integer ::= 0x02 asnlength byte {byte}*
- */
- unsigned long u_integer;
- int add_null_byte = 0;
- long u_integer_len;
- long x;
- // check uint size
- if (intsize != sizeof (long))
- return NULL;
- // local var point to var passed in
- u_integer = *intp;
- // figure out the len
- if ((( u_integer >> 24) & LENMASK) != 0)
- u_integer_len = 4;
- else if ((( u_integer >> 16) & LENMASK) !=0)
- u_integer_len = 3;
- else if ((( u_integer >> 8) & LENMASK) !=0)
- u_integer_len = 2;
- else
- u_integer_len =1;
- // check for 5 byte len where first byte will be
- // a null
- if ((( u_integer >> (8 * (u_integer_len -1))) & 0x080) !=0) {
- u_integer_len++;
- intsize++;
- }
- // build up the header
- data = asn_build_header( data, // data buffer to be modified
- datalength, // length of data buffer
- type, // SMI type to enode
- (int)u_integer_len); // length of BER encoded item
- // special case, add a null byte for len of 5
- if ( u_integer_len ==5) {
- *data++ = (unsigned char) 0;
- for (x=1;x<u_integer_len;x++)
- *data++= (unsigned char) ( u_integer >> (8 * ((u_integer_len-1)-x)& LENMASK));
- }
- else
- {
- for (x=0;x<u_integer_len;x++)
- *data++= (unsigned char) ( u_integer >> (8 * ((u_integer_len-1)-x)& LENMASK));
- }
- return data;
- };
- /*
- * asn_parse_string - pulls an octet string out of an ASN octet string type.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the beginning of the next object.
- *
- * "string" is filled with the octet string.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char * asn_parse_string( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char *type,
- unsigned char *string,
- int *strlength)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 octet string ::= primstring | cmpdstring
- * primstring ::= 0x04 asnlength byte {byte}*
- * cmpdstring ::= 0x24 asnlength string {string}*
- */
- unsigned char *bufp = data;
- unsigned long asn_length;
- *type = *bufp++;
- bufp = asn_parse_length(bufp, &asn_length);
- if (bufp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if ((int)(asn_length + (bufp - data)) > *datalength){
- ASNERROR("overflow of message");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ((int)asn_length > *strlength){
- ASNERROR("I don't support such long strings");
- return NULL;
- }
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)string, (char *)bufp, (int)asn_length);
- *strlength = (int)asn_length;
- *datalength -= (int)asn_length + (bufp - data);
- return bufp + asn_length;
- };
- /*
- * asn_build_string - Builds an ASN octet string object containing the input string.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the beginning of the next object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char * asn_build_string( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char type,
- unsigned char *string,
- int strlength)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 octet string ::= primstring | cmpdstring
- * primstring ::= 0x04 asnlength byte {byte}*
- * cmpdstring ::= 0x24 asnlength string {string}*
- * This code will never send a compound string.
- */
- data = asn_build_header(data, datalength, type, strlength);
- if (data == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (*datalength < strlength)
- return NULL;
- // fixed
- memcpy((unsigned char *)data,(unsigned char *)string, strlength);
- *datalength -= strlength;
- return data + strlength;
- };
- /*
- * asn_parse_header - interprets the ID and length of the current object.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * in this object following the id and length.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte of the contents of this object.
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char *asn_parse_header( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char *type)
- {
- unsigned char *bufp = data;
- register int header_len;
- unsigned long asn_length;
- /* this only works on data types < 30, i.e. no extension octets */
- if (IS_EXTENSION_ID(*bufp)){
- ASNERROR("can't process ID >= 30");
- return NULL;
- }
- *type = *bufp;
- bufp = asn_parse_length(bufp + 1, &asn_length);
- if (bufp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- header_len = bufp - data;
- if ((int)(header_len + asn_length) > *datalength){
- ASNERROR("asn length too long");
- return NULL;
- }
- *datalength = (int)asn_length;
- return bufp;
- };
- /*
- * asn_build_header - builds an ASN header for an object with the ID and
- * length specified.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * in this object following the id and length.
- *
- * This only works on data types < 30, i.e. no extension octets.
- * The maximum length is 0xFFFF;
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte of the contents of this object.
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char * asn_build_header( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char type,
- int length)
- {
- if (*datalength < 1)
- return NULL;
- *data++ = type;
- (*datalength)--;
- return asn_build_length(data, datalength, length);
- };
- /*
- * asn_build_sequence - builds an ASN header for a sequence with the ID and
- * length specified.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * in this object following the id and length.
- *
- * This only works on data types < 30, i.e. no extension octets.
- * The maximum length is 0xFFFF;
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte of the contents of this object.
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char * asn_build_sequence( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char type,
- int length)
- {
- *datalength -= 4;
- if (*datalength < 0){
- *datalength += 4; /* fix up before punting */
- return NULL;
- }
- *data++ = type;
- *data++ = (unsigned char)(0x02 | ASN_LONG_LEN);
- *data++ = (unsigned char)((length >> 8) & 0xFF);
- *data++ = (unsigned char)(length & 0xFF);
- return data;
- };
- /*
- * asn_parse_length - interprets the length of the current object.
- * On exit, length contains the value of this length field.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte after this length
- * field (aka: the start of the data field).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char * asn_parse_length( unsigned char *data,
- unsigned long *length)
- {
- unsigned char lengthbyte = *data;
- if (lengthbyte & ASN_LONG_LEN){
- lengthbyte &= ~ASN_LONG_LEN; /* turn MSb off */
- if (lengthbyte == 0){
- ASNERROR("We don't support indefinite lengths");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (lengthbyte > sizeof(long)){
- ASNERROR("we can't support data lengths that long");
- return NULL;
- }
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)length, (char *)data + 1, (int)lengthbyte);
- *length = ntohl(*length);
- *length >>= (8 * ((sizeof *length) - lengthbyte));
- return data + lengthbyte + 1;
- } else { /* short asnlength */
- *length = (long)lengthbyte;
- return data + 1;
- }
- };
- unsigned char *asn_build_length( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- int length)
- {
- unsigned char *start_data = data;
- /* no indefinite lengths sent */
- if (length < 0x80){
- if (*datalength < 1){
- ASNERROR("build_length");
- return NULL;
- }
- *data++ = (unsigned char)length;
- } else if (length <= 0xFF){
- if (*datalength < 2){
- ASNERROR("build_length");
- return NULL;
- }
- *data++ = (unsigned char)(0x01 | ASN_LONG_LEN);
- *data++ = (unsigned char)length;
- } else { /* 0xFF < length <= 0xFFFF */
- if (*datalength < 3){
- ASNERROR("build_length");
- return NULL;
- }
- *data++ = (unsigned char)(0x02 | ASN_LONG_LEN);
- *data++ = (unsigned char)((length >> 8) & 0xFF);
- *data++ = (unsigned char)(length & 0xFF);
- }
- *datalength -= (data - start_data);
- return data;
- };
- /*
- * asn_parse_objid - pulls an object indentifier out of an ASN object identifier type.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the beginning of the next object.
- *
- * "objid" is filled with the object identifier.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char *asn_parse_objid( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char *type,
- oid *objid,
- int *objidlength)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 objid ::= 0x06 asnlength subidentifier {subidentifier}*
- * subidentifier ::= {leadingbyte}* lastbyte
- * leadingbyte ::= 1 7bitvalue
- * lastbyte ::= 0 7bitvalue
- */
- unsigned char *bufp = data;
- oid *oidp = objid + 1;
- unsigned long subidentifier;
- long length;
- unsigned long asn_length;
- *type = *bufp++;
- bufp = asn_parse_length(bufp, &asn_length);
- if (bufp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if ((int)asn_length + (bufp - data) > *datalength){
- ASNERROR("overflow of message");
- return NULL;
- }
- *datalength -= (int)asn_length + (bufp - data);
- /* Handle invalid object identifier encodings of the form 06 00 robustly */
- if (asn_length == 0)
- objid[0] = objid[1] = 0;
- length = asn_length;
- (*objidlength)--; /* account for expansion of first byte */
- while (length > 0 && (*objidlength)-- > 0){
- subidentifier = 0;
- do { /* shift and add in low order 7 bits */
- subidentifier = (subidentifier << 7) + (*(unsigned char *)bufp & ~ASN_BIT8);
- length--;
- } while (*(unsigned char *)bufp++ & ASN_BIT8); /* last byte has high bit clear */
- if (subidentifier > (unsigned long)MAX_SUBID){
- ASNERROR("subidentifier too long");
- return NULL;
- }
- *oidp++ = (oid)subidentifier;
- }
- /*
- * The first two subidentifiers are encoded into the first component
- * with the value (X * 40) + Y, where:
- * X is the value of the first subidentifier.
- * Y is the value of the second subidentifier.
- */
- subidentifier = (unsigned long)objid[1];
- if (subidentifier == 0x2B){
- objid[0] = 1;
- objid[1] = 3;
- } else {
- objid[1] = (unsigned char)(subidentifier % 40);
- objid[0] = (unsigned char)((subidentifier - objid[1]) / 40);
- }
- *objidlength = (int)(oidp - objid);
- return bufp;
- };
- /*
- * asn_build_objid - Builds an ASN object identifier object containing the
- * input string.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the beginning of the next object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char *asn_build_objid( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char type,
- oid *objid,
- int objidlength)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 objid ::= 0x06 asnlength subidentifier {subidentifier}*
- * subidentifier ::= {leadingbyte}* lastbyte
- * leadingbyte ::= 1 7bitvalue
- * lastbyte ::= 0 7bitvalue
- */
- unsigned char buf[MAX_OID_LEN];
- unsigned char *bp = buf;
- oid *op = objid;
- int asnlength;
- unsigned long subid, mask, testmask;
- int bits, testbits;
- if (objidlength < 2){
- *bp++ = 0;
- objidlength = 0;
- } else {
- *bp++ = (unsigned char) (op[1] + (op[0] * 40));
- objidlength -= 2;
- op += 2;
- }
- while(objidlength-- > 0){
- subid = *op++;
- if (subid < 127){ /* off by one? */
- *bp++ = (unsigned char )subid;
- } else {
- mask = 0x7F; /* handle subid == 0 case */
- bits = 0;
- /* testmask *MUST* !!!! be of an unsigned type */
- for(testmask = 0x7F, testbits = 0; testmask != 0;
- testmask <<= 7, testbits += 7){
- if (subid & testmask){ /* if any bits set */
- mask = testmask;
- bits = testbits;
- }
- }
- /* mask can't be zero here */
- for(;mask != 0x7F; mask >>= 7, bits -= 7){
- /* fix a mask that got truncated above */
- if (mask == 0x1E00000)
- mask = 0xFE00000;
- *bp++ = (unsigned char)(((subid & mask) >> bits) | ASN_BIT8);
- }
- *bp++ = (unsigned char)(subid & mask);
- }
- }
- asnlength = bp - buf;
- data = asn_build_header(data, datalength, type, asnlength);
- if (data == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (*datalength < asnlength)
- return NULL;
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)data, (char *)buf, asnlength);
- *datalength -= asnlength;
- return data + asnlength;
- };
- /*
- * asn_parse_null - Interprets an ASN null type.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the beginning of the next object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char *asn_parse_null(unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char *type)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 null ::= 0x05 0x00
- */
- unsigned char *bufp = data;
- unsigned long asn_length;
- *type = *bufp++;
- bufp = asn_parse_length(bufp, &asn_length);
- if (bufp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (asn_length != 0){
- ASNERROR("Malformed NULL");
- return NULL;
- }
- *datalength -= (bufp - data);
- return bufp + asn_length;
- };
- /*
- * asn_build_null - Builds an ASN null object.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the beginning of the next object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char *asn_build_null( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char type)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 null ::= 0x05 0x00
- */
- return asn_build_header(data, datalength, type, 0);
- };
- /*
- * asn_parse_bitstring - pulls a bitstring out of an ASN bitstring type.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the beginning of the next object.
- *
- * "string" is filled with the bit string.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char *asn_parse_bitstring( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char *type,
- unsigned char *string,
- int *strlength)
- {
- /*
- * bitstring ::= 0x03 asnlength unused {byte}*
- */
- unsigned char *bufp = data;
- unsigned long asn_length;
- *type = *bufp++;
- bufp = asn_parse_length(bufp, &asn_length);
- if (bufp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if ((int)(asn_length + (bufp - data)) > *datalength){
- ASNERROR("overflow of message");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ((int) asn_length > *strlength){
- ASNERROR("I don't support such long bitstrings");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (asn_length < 1){
- ASNERROR("Invalid bitstring");
- return NULL;
- }
- //if (*bufp < 0 || *bufp > 7){
- //ASNERROR("Invalid bitstring");
- //return NULL;
- //}
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)string,(char *)bufp, (int)asn_length);
- *strlength = (int)asn_length;
- *datalength -= (int)asn_length + (bufp - data);
- return bufp + asn_length;
- };
- /*
- * asn_build_bitstring - Builds an ASN bit string object containing the
- * input string.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the beginning of the next object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char *asn_build_bitstring( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char type,
- unsigned char *string,
- int strlength)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 bit string ::= 0x03 asnlength unused {byte}*
- */
- //if (strlength < 1 || *string < 0 || *string > 7){
- //ASNERROR("Building invalid bitstring");
- //return NULL;
- //}
- data = asn_build_header(data, datalength, type, strlength);
- if (data == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (*datalength < strlength)
- return NULL;
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)data,(char *)string, strlength);
- *datalength -= strlength;
- return data + strlength;
- };
- /*
- * asn_parse_unsigned_int64 - pulls a 64 bit unsigned long out of an ASN int
- * type.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the end of this object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char * asn_parse_unsigned_int64( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char *type,
- struct counter64 *cp,
- int countersize)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 integer ::= 0x02 asnlength byte {byte}*
- */
- unsigned char *bufp = data;
- unsigned long asn_length;
- unsigned long low = 0, high = 0;
- int intsize = 4;
- if (countersize != sizeof(struct counter64)){
- ASNERROR("not right size");
- return NULL;
- }
- *type = *bufp++;
- bufp = asn_parse_length(bufp, &asn_length);
- if (bufp == NULL){
- ASNERROR("bad length");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ((int)(asn_length + (bufp - data)) > *datalength){
- ASNERROR("overflow of message");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (((int)asn_length > (intsize * 2 + 1)) ||
- (((int)asn_length == (intsize * 2) + 1) && *bufp != 0x00)){
- ASNERROR("I don't support such large integers");
- return NULL;
- }
- *datalength -= (int)asn_length + (bufp - data);
- if (*bufp & 0x80){
- low = (unsigned long) -1; // integer is negative
- high = (unsigned long) -1;
- }
- while(asn_length--){
- high = (high << 8) | ((low & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
- low = (low << 8) | *bufp++;
- }
- cp->low = low;
- cp->high = high;
- return bufp;
- };
- /*
- * asn_build_unsigned_int64 - builds an ASN object containing a 64 bit integer.
- * On entry, datalength is input as the number of valid bytes following
- * "data". On exit, it is returned as the number of valid bytes
- * following the end of this object.
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first byte past the end
- * of this object (i.e. the start of the next object).
- * Returns NULL on any error.
- */
- unsigned char * asn_build_unsigned_int64( unsigned char *data,
- int *datalength,
- unsigned char type,
- struct counter64 *cp,
- int countersize)
- {
- /*
- * ASN.1 integer ::= 0x02 asnlength byte {byte}*
- */
- unsigned long low, high;
- unsigned long mask, mask2;
- int add_null_byte = 0;
- int intsize;
- if (countersize != sizeof (struct counter64))
- return NULL;
- intsize = 8;
- low = cp->low;
- high = cp->high;
- mask = 0xFF << (8 * (sizeof(long) - 1));
- /* mask is 0xFF000000 on a big-endian machine */
- if ((unsigned char)((high & mask) >> (8 * (sizeof(long) - 1))) & 0x80){
- /* if MSB is set */
- add_null_byte = 1;
- intsize++;
- }
- /*
- * Truncate "unnecessary" bytes off of the most significant end of this 2's
- * complement integer.
- * There should be no sequence of 9 consecutive 1's or 0's at the most
- * significant end of the integer.
- */
- mask2 = 0x1FF << ((8 * (sizeof(long) - 1)) - 1);
- /* mask2 is 0xFF800000 on a big-endian machine */
- while((((high & mask2) == 0) || ((high & mask2) == mask2))
- && intsize > 1){
- intsize--;
- high = (high << 8)
- | ((low & mask) >> (8 * (sizeof(long) - 1)));
- low <<= 8;
- }
- data = asn_build_header(data, datalength, type, intsize);
- if (data == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (*datalength < intsize)
- return NULL;
- *datalength -= intsize;
- if (add_null_byte == 1){
- *data++ = ' ';
- intsize--;
- }
- while(intsize--){
- *data++ = (unsigned char)((high & mask) >> (8 * (sizeof(long) - 1)));
- high = (high << 8)
- | ((low & mask) >> (8 * (sizeof(long) - 1)));
- low <<= 8;
- }
- return data;
- };
- // create a pdu
- struct snmp_pdu * snmp_pdu_create( int command)
- {
- struct snmp_pdu *pdu;
- pdu = (struct snmp_pdu *)malloc(sizeof(struct snmp_pdu));
- memset((char *)pdu, 0,sizeof(struct snmp_pdu));
- pdu->command = command;
- pdu->errstat = 0;
- pdu->errindex = 0;
- pdu->enterprise = NULL;
- pdu->enterprise_length = 0;
- pdu->variables = NULL;
- return pdu;
- };
- // free a pdu
- void snmp_free_pdu( struct snmp_pdu *pdu)
- {
- struct variable_list *vp, *ovp;
- vp = pdu->variables;
- while(vp){
- // free the oid part
- if (vp->name)
- free((char *)vp->name);
- // if deep data, then free as well
- if (vp->val.string)
- free((char *)vp->val.string);
- ovp = vp;
- // go to the next one
- vp = vp->next_variable;
- // free up vb itself
- free((char *)ovp);
- }
- // if enterprise free it up
- if (pdu->enterprise)
- free((char *)pdu->enterprise);
- // free up pdu itself
- free((char *)pdu);
- };
- // add a null var to a pdu
- void snmp_add_var(struct snmp_pdu *pdu,
- oid *name,
- int name_length,
- SmiVALUE *smival)
- {
- struct variable_list *vars;
- // if we don't have a vb list ,create one
- if (pdu->variables == NULL)
- pdu->variables = vars = (struct variable_list *)malloc(sizeof(struct variable_list));
- else
- { // we have one, find the end
- for(vars = pdu->variables; vars->next_variable; vars = vars->next_variable);
- // create a new one
- vars->next_variable = (struct variable_list *)malloc(sizeof(struct variable_list));
- // bump ptr
- vars = vars->next_variable;
- }
- // add the oid with no data
- vars->next_variable = NULL;
- // hook in the Oid portion
- vars->name = (oid *)malloc(name_length * sizeof(oid));
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)vars->name,(char *)name, name_length * sizeof(oid));
- vars->name_length = name_length;
- // hook in the SMI value
- switch( smival->syntax)
- {
- // null , do nothing
- {
- vars->type = (unsigned char) smival->syntax;
- vars->val.string = NULL;
- vars->val_len = 0;
- }
- break;
- // octects
- {
- vars->type = (unsigned char) smival->syntax;
- vars->val.string = (unsigned char *)malloc((unsigned)smival->value.string.len);
- vars->val_len = (int) smival->value.string.len;
- memcpy( (unsigned char *) vars->val.string,
- (unsigned char *) smival->value.string.ptr,
- (unsigned) smival->value.string.len);
- }
- break;
- // oid
- {
- vars->type = (unsigned char) smival->syntax;
- vars->val_len = (int) smival->value.oid.len * sizeof(oid);
- vars->val.objid = (oid *)malloc((unsigned)vars->val_len);
- memcpy((unsigned long *)vars->val.objid,
- (unsigned long *)smival->value.oid.ptr,
- (unsigned) vars->val_len);
- }
- break;
- case sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR32:
- case sNMP_SYNTAX_UINT32:
- {
- long templong;
- vars->type = (unsigned char) smival->syntax;
- vars->val.integer = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long));
- vars->val_len = sizeof(long);
- templong = (long) smival->value.uNumber;
- memcpy( (long*) vars->val.integer,
- (long*) &templong,
- sizeof(long));
- }
- break;
- case sNMP_SYNTAX_INT32:
- {
- long templong;
- vars->type = (unsigned char) smival->syntax;
- vars->val.integer = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long));
- vars->val_len = sizeof(long);
- templong = (long) smival->value.sNumber;
- memcpy( (long*) vars->val.integer,
- (long*) &templong,
- sizeof(long));
- }
- break;
- // 64 bit counter
- case sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR64:
- {
- vars->type = ( unsigned char) smival->syntax;
- vars->val.counter64 = (struct counter64 *)malloc( sizeof(struct counter64) );
- vars->val_len = sizeof(struct counter64);
- memcpy( (struct counter64*) vars->val.counter64,
- (SmiLPCNTR64) &(smival->value.hNumber),
- sizeof( SmiCNTR64));
- }
- break;
- } // end switch
- };
- // build the authentication
- // works for v1 or v2c
- unsigned char *snmp_auth_build( unsigned char *data,
- int *length,
- long int version,
- unsigned char *community,
- int community_len,
- int messagelen)
- {
- unsigned char *params;
- int plen;
- params = community;
- plen = community_len;
- data = asn_build_sequence(data,
- length,
- (unsigned char)(ASN_SEQUENCE | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR),
- messagelen + plen + 5);
- if (data == NULL){
- ASNERROR("buildheader");
- return NULL;
- }
- data = asn_build_int(data,
- length,
- (long *)&version,
- sizeof(version));
- if (data == NULL){
- ASNERROR("buildint");
- return NULL;
- }
- data = asn_build_string(data,
- length,
- params,
- plen );
- if (data == NULL){
- ASNERROR("buildstring");
- return NULL;
- }
- return (unsigned char *)data;
- };
- // build a variable binding
- unsigned char * snmp_build_var_op(unsigned char *data,
- oid * var_name,
- int *var_name_len,
- unsigned char var_val_type,
- int var_val_len,
- unsigned char *var_val,
- int *listlength)
- {
- int dummyLen, headerLen;
- unsigned char *dataPtr;
- dummyLen = *listlength;
- dataPtr = data;
- data += 4;
- dummyLen -=4;
- if (dummyLen < 0)
- return NULL;
- headerLen = data - dataPtr;
- *listlength -= headerLen;
- data = asn_build_objid( data,
- listlength,
- var_name,
- *var_name_len);
- if (data == NULL){
- return NULL;
- }
- // based on the type...
- switch(var_val_type){
- data = asn_build_int( data,
- listlength,
- var_val_type,
- (long *)var_val,
- var_val_len);
- break;
- case SMI_GAUGE:
- data = asn_build_unsigned_int( data,
- listlength,
- var_val_type,
- (unsigned long *)var_val,
- var_val_len);
- break;
- case SMI_COUNTER64:
- data = asn_build_unsigned_int64(data,
- listlength,
- var_val_type,
- (struct counter64 *)var_val,
- var_val_len);
- break;
- case SMI_OPAQUE:
- case SMI_NSAP:
- data = asn_build_string(data, listlength, var_val_type,
- var_val, var_val_len);
- break;
- data = asn_build_objid(data, listlength, var_val_type,
- (oid *)var_val, var_val_len / sizeof(oid));
- break;
- case ASN_NULL:
- data = asn_build_null(data, listlength, var_val_type);
- break;
- case ASN_BIT_STR:
- data = asn_build_bitstring(data, listlength, var_val_type,
- var_val, var_val_len);
- break;
- data = asn_build_null(data, listlength, var_val_type);
- break;
- default:
- ASNERROR("wrong type");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (data == NULL){
- return NULL;
- }
- dummyLen = (data - dataPtr) - headerLen;
- asn_build_sequence(dataPtr,
- &dummyLen,
- (unsigned char)(ASN_SEQUENCE | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR),
- dummyLen);
- return data;
- };
- // serialize the pdu
- int snmp_build( struct snmp_pdu *pdu,
- unsigned char *packet,
- int *out_length,
- long version,
- unsigned char* community,
- int community_len)
- {
- unsigned char buf[SNMP_MSG_LENGTH];
- unsigned char *cp;
- struct variable_list *vp;
- int length;
- long int zero = 0;
- int totallength;
- length = *out_length;
- cp = packet;
- for(vp = pdu->variables; vp; vp = vp->next_variable){
- cp = snmp_build_var_op( cp,
- vp->name,
- &vp->name_length,
- vp->type,
- vp->val_len,
- (unsigned char *)vp->val.string,
- &length);
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- }
- totallength = cp - packet;
- length = SNMP_MSG_LENGTH;
- // encode the total len
- cp = asn_build_header( buf,
- &length,
- (unsigned char)(ASN_SEQUENCE | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR),
- totallength);
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- memcpy( (char *)cp, (char *)packet,totallength);
- totallength += cp - buf;
- length = *out_length;
- if (pdu->command != TRP_REQ_MSG) {
- // request id
- cp = asn_build_int( packet,
- &length,
- (long *)&pdu->reqid,
- sizeof(pdu->reqid));
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- // error status
- cp = asn_build_int(cp,
- &length,
- (long *)&pdu->errstat, sizeof(pdu->errstat));
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- // error index
- cp = asn_build_int(cp,
- &length,
- (long *)&pdu->errindex, sizeof(pdu->errindex));
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- }
- else { // this is a trap message
- // enterprise
- cp = asn_build_objid( packet,
- &length,
- (oid *)pdu->enterprise,
- pdu->enterprise_length);
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- // agent-addr
- cp = asn_build_string(cp,
- &length,
- (unsigned char *)&pdu->agent_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,
- sizeof(pdu->agent_addr.sin_addr.s_addr));
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- // generic trap
- cp = asn_build_int(cp,
- &length,
- (long *)&pdu->trap_type,
- sizeof(pdu->trap_type));
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- // specific trap
- cp = asn_build_int( cp,
- &length,
- (long *)&pdu->specific_type,
- sizeof(pdu->specific_type));
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- // timestamp
- cp = asn_build_int(cp,
- &length,
- (long *)&pdu->time,
- sizeof(pdu->time));
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- }
- if (length < totallength)
- return -1;
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)cp, (char *)buf, totallength);
- totallength += cp - packet;
- length = SNMP_MSG_LENGTH;
- cp = asn_build_header(buf,
- &length,
- (unsigned char)pdu->command,
- totallength);
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- if (length < totallength)
- return -1;
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)cp, (char *)packet, totallength);
- totallength += cp - buf;
- length = *out_length;
- cp = snmp_auth_build( packet,
- &length,
- version,
- community,
- community_len,
- totallength );
- if (cp == NULL)
- return -1;
- if ((*out_length - (cp - packet)) < totallength)
- return -1;
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)cp, (char *)buf, totallength);
- totallength += cp - packet;
- *out_length = totallength;
- return 0;
- };
- // parse the authentication header
- unsigned char *snmp_auth_parse(unsigned char *data,
- int *length,
- unsigned char *sid,
- int *slen,
- long *version)
- {
- unsigned char type;
- // get the type
- data = asn_parse_header( data,
- length,
- &type);
- if (data == NULL){
- ASNERROR("bad header");
- return NULL;
- }
- ASNERROR("wrong auth header type");
- return NULL;
- }
- // get the version
- data = asn_parse_int(data,
- length,
- &type,
- version,
- sizeof(*version));
- if (data == NULL){
- ASNERROR("bad parse of version");
- return NULL;
- }
- // get the community name
- data = asn_parse_string(data,
- length,
- &type,
- sid,
- slen);
- if (data == NULL){
- ASNERROR("bad parse of community");
- return NULL;
- }
- return (unsigned char *)data;
- };
- unsigned char *
- snmp_parse_var_op( unsigned char *data, // IN - pointer to the start of object
- oid *var_name, // OUT - object id of variable
- int *var_name_len, // IN/OUT - length of variable name
- unsigned char *var_val_type, // OUT - type of variable (int or octet string) (one byte)
- int *var_val_len, // OUT - length of variable
- unsigned char **var_val, // OUT - pointer to ASN1 encoded value of variable
- int *listlength) // IN/OUT - number of valid bytes left in var_op_list
- {
- unsigned char var_op_type;
- int var_op_len = *listlength;
- unsigned char *var_op_start = data;
- data = asn_parse_header(data, &var_op_len, &var_op_type);
- if (data == NULL){
- return NULL;
- }
- if (var_op_type != (unsigned char)(ASN_SEQUENCE | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR))
- return NULL;
- data = asn_parse_objid(data, &var_op_len, &var_op_type, var_name, var_name_len);
- if (data == NULL){
- return NULL;
- }
- if (var_op_type != (unsigned char)(ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_PRIMITIVE | ASN_OBJECT_ID))
- return NULL;
- *var_val = data; /* save pointer to this object */
- /* find out what type of object this is */
- data = asn_parse_header(data, &var_op_len, var_val_type);
- if (data == NULL){
- return NULL;
- }
- *var_val_len = var_op_len;
- data += var_op_len;
- *listlength -= (int)(data - var_op_start);
- return data;
- };
- // build a pdu from a data and length
- int snmp_parse( struct snmp_pdu *pdu,
- unsigned char *data,
- unsigned char *community_name,
- unsigned long &community_len,
- snmp_version &spp_version,
- int length)
- {
- unsigned char msg_type;
- unsigned char type;
- unsigned char *var_val;
- long version;
- int len, four;
- unsigned char community[256];
- int community_length = 256;
- struct variable_list *vp;
- oid objid[MAX_NAME_LEN], *op;
- unsigned char *origdata = data;
- int origlength = length;
- unsigned char *save_data;
- // authenticates message and returns length if valid
- data = snmp_auth_parse(data,
- &length,
- community,
- &community_length,
- &version);
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- // copy the returned community name
- memcpy( (unsigned char *) community_name,
- (unsigned char *) community,
- community_length);
- community_len = (long int) community_length;
- if( version != SNMP_VERSION_1 && version != SNMP_VERSION_2C ) {
- ASNERROR("Wrong version");
- return -1;
- }
- spp_version = (snmp_version) version;
- save_data = data;
- data = asn_parse_header(data,
- &length,
- &msg_type);
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- pdu->command = msg_type;
- if (pdu->command != TRP_REQ_MSG){
- // get the rid
- data = asn_parse_int(data,
- &length, &type,
- (long *)&pdu->reqid,
- sizeof(pdu->reqid));
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- // get the error status
- data = asn_parse_int(data,
- &length,
- &type,
- (long *)&pdu->errstat,
- sizeof(pdu->errstat));
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- // get the error index
- data = asn_parse_int(data,
- &length,
- &type,
- (long *)&pdu->errindex,
- sizeof(pdu->errindex));
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- }
- else { // is a trap
- // get the enterprise
- pdu->enterprise_length = MAX_NAME_LEN;
- data = asn_parse_objid(data,
- &length,
- &type,
- objid,
- &pdu->enterprise_length);
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- pdu->enterprise = (oid *)malloc(pdu->enterprise_length * sizeof(oid));
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)pdu->enterprise,(char *)objid, pdu->enterprise_length * sizeof(oid));
- // get source address
- four = 4;
- data = asn_parse_string(data,
- &length,
- &type, (unsigned char *)&pdu->agent_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,
- &four);
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- // get trap type
- data = asn_parse_int(data,
- &length,
- &type,
- (long *)&pdu->trap_type,
- sizeof(pdu->trap_type));
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- // trap type
- data = asn_parse_int(data,
- &length,
- &type,
- (long *)&pdu->specific_type,
- sizeof(pdu->specific_type));
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- // timestamp
- data = asn_parse_int(data, &length, &type, (long *)&pdu->time, sizeof(pdu->time));
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- }
- // get the vb list
- data = asn_parse_header(data, &length, &type);
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- if (type != (unsigned char)(ASN_SEQUENCE | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR))
- return -1;
- while((int)length > 0){
- if (pdu->variables == NULL){
- pdu->variables = vp = (struct variable_list *)malloc(sizeof(struct variable_list));
- } else {
- vp->next_variable = (struct variable_list *)malloc(sizeof(struct variable_list));
- vp = vp->next_variable;
- }
- vp->next_variable = NULL;
- vp->val.string = NULL;
- vp->name = NULL;
- vp->name_length = MAX_NAME_LEN;
- data = snmp_parse_var_op( data,
- objid,
- &vp->name_length,
- &vp->type,
- &vp->val_len,
- &var_val,
- (int *)&length);
- if (data == NULL)
- return -1;
- op = (oid *)malloc((unsigned)vp->name_length * sizeof(oid));
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)op, (char *)objid, vp->name_length * sizeof(oid));
- vp->name = op;
- switch((short)vp->type){
- vp->val.integer = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long));
- vp->val_len = sizeof(long);
- asn_parse_int(var_val, &len, &vp->type, (long *)vp->val.integer, sizeof(vp->val.integer));
- break;
- case SMI_GAUGE:
- vp->val.integer = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long));
- vp->val_len = sizeof(long);
- asn_parse_unsigned_int(var_val, &len, &vp->type, (unsigned long *)vp->val.integer, sizeof(vp->val.integer));
- break;
- case SMI_COUNTER64:
- vp->val.counter64 = (struct counter64 *)malloc( sizeof(struct counter64) );
- vp->val_len = sizeof(struct counter64);
- asn_parse_unsigned_int64(var_val, &len, &vp->type,
- (struct counter64 *)vp->val.counter64,
- sizeof(*vp->val.counter64));
- break;
- case SMI_OPAQUE:
- case SMI_NSAP:
- vp->val.string = (unsigned char *)malloc((unsigned)vp->val_len);
- asn_parse_string(var_val, &len, &vp->type, vp->val.string, &vp->val_len);
- break;
- vp->val_len = MAX_NAME_LEN;
- asn_parse_objid(var_val, &len, &vp->type, objid, &vp->val_len);
- //vp->val_len *= sizeof(oid);
- vp->val.objid = (oid *)malloc((unsigned)vp->val_len * sizeof(oid));
- // fixed
- memcpy((char *)vp->val.objid,
- (char *)objid,
- vp->val_len * sizeof(oid));
- break;
- case ASN_NULL:
- break;
- default:
- ASNERROR("bad type returned ");
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- };