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Visual C++
- /*===================================================================
- Copyright (c) 1999
- Hewlett-Packard Company
- Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software
- and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees
- to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all
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- derivatives based upon this software code base.
- C O U N T E R 6 4. C P P
- Peter E. Mellquist
- Peter E Mellquist
- June 15, 1999
- Implementation for
- Counter64 ( 64 bit counter class).
- ANSI C++
- MS-Windows Win32
- =====================================================================*/
- char counter64_cpp_version[]="@(#) SNMP++ 2.8 $Header: ctr64.cpp,v 1.8 96/09/11 14:01:49 hmgr Exp $";
- #include "ctr64.h"
- #include <stdio.h> // for pretty printing...
- #define MAX32 4294967295UL
- //-----------[ syntax type ]----------------------------------------------
- SmiUINT32 Counter64::get_syntax()
- { return sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR64; };
- //------------------[ constructor with no value ]------------------------
- Counter64::Counter64( void)
- {
- smival.syntax = sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR64;
- smival.value.hNumber.hipart = 0;
- smival.value.hNumber.lopart = 0;
- };
- //------------------[ constructor with values ]--------------------------
- Counter64::Counter64( unsigned long hiparm, unsigned long loparm)
- {
- smival.syntax = sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR64;
- smival.value.hNumber.hipart = hiparm;
- smival.value.hNumber.lopart = loparm;
- };
- //------------------[ constructor with low value only ]------------------
- Counter64::Counter64( unsigned long loparm )
- {
- smival.syntax = sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR64;
- smival.value.hNumber.hipart = 0;
- smival.value.hNumber.lopart = loparm;
- };
- //------------------[ copy constructor ]---------------------------------
- Counter64::Counter64( const Counter64 &ctr64 )
- {
- smival.syntax = sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR64;
- smival.value.hNumber.hipart = ctr64.high();
- smival.value.hNumber.lopart = ctr64.low();
- };
- //------------------[ destructor ]---------------------------------
- Counter64::~Counter64()
- {};
- //------------------[ Counter64::high() ]------------------------------
- // return the high part
- unsigned long int Counter64::high() const
- {
- return smival.value.hNumber.hipart;
- };
- //------------------[ Counter64::low() ]-------------------------------
- // return the low part
- unsigned long int Counter64::low() const
- {
- return smival.value.hNumber.lopart;
- };
- //------------------[ set_high( const unsigned long int h) ]-----------
- // set the high part
- void Counter64::set_high( const unsigned long int h)
- { smival.value.hNumber.hipart = h; };
- //------------------[ set_low( const unsigned long int l) ]------------
- // set the low part
- void Counter64::set_low( const unsigned long int l)
- { smival.value.hNumber.lopart = l; };
- //------------------[ operator=( const Counter64 &ctr64) ]-------------
- // assign a ctr64 to a ctr64
- Counter64& Counter64::operator=( const Counter64 &ctr64)
- {
- smival.value.hNumber.hipart = ctr64.high();
- smival.value.hNumber.lopart = ctr64.low();
- return *this;
- };
- //-------------------[ operator=( const unsigned long int i) ]---------
- // assign a ul to a ctr64, clears the high part
- // and assugns the low part
- Counter64& Counter64::operator=( const unsigned long int i)
- {
- smival.value.hNumber.hipart = 0;
- smival.value.hNumber.lopart = i;
- return *this;
- };
- //-----------[ c64_to_ld( Counter64 c64) ]-----------------------------
- // convert a Counter 64 to a long double
- long double Counter64::c64_to_ld( Counter64 &c64)
- {
- long double ld = c64.high();
- ld *= MAX32;
- ld += c64.low();
- return (ld);
- };
- //-----------[ ld_to_c64( long double ld) ]----------------------------
- // convert a long double to a Counter64
- Counter64 Counter64::ld_to_c64( long double ld)
- {
- unsigned long h;
- unsigned long l;
- h = (unsigned long)(ld / MAX32);
- l = (unsigned long)(ld-h);
- return ( Counter64( h,l));
- };
- //----------[ Counter64::operator+( const Counter64 &c) ]---------------
- // add two Counter64s
- Counter64 Counter64::operator+( const Counter64 &c)
- {
- long double ld1, ld2, ldsum;
- Counter64 result;
- Counter64 temp( c);
- ld1 = c64_to_ld( *this);
- ld2 = c64_to_ld( temp);
- ldsum = ld1+ld2;
- result = ld_to_c64( ldsum);
- return ( Counter64( result.high(),result.low() ));
- };
- // add a unsigned long and a Counter64
- Counter64 operator+( unsigned long ul, const Counter64 &c64)
- {
- return Counter64( ul) + c64;
- };
- //------------[ Counter64::operator-( const Counter64 &c) ]-------------
- // subtract two Counter64s
- Counter64 Counter64::operator-( const Counter64 &c)
- {
- long double ld1, ld2, ldsum;
- Counter64 result;
- Counter64 temp( c);
- ld1 = c64_to_ld( *this);
- ld2 = c64_to_ld( temp);
- ldsum = ld1-ld2;
- result = ld_to_c64( ldsum);
- return ( Counter64( result.high(),result.low() ));
- };
- // add a unsigned long and a Counter64
- Counter64 operator-( unsigned long ul, const Counter64 &c64)
- {
- return Counter64( ul) - c64;
- };
- //------------[ Counter64::operator*( const Counter64 &c) ]-------------
- // multiply two Counter64s
- Counter64 Counter64::operator*( const Counter64 &c)
- {
- long double ld1, ld2, ldsum;
- Counter64 result;
- Counter64 temp( c);
- ld1 = c64_to_ld( *this);
- ld2 = c64_to_ld( temp);
- ldsum = ld1*ld2;
- result = ld_to_c64( ldsum);
- return ( Counter64( result.high(),result.low() ));
- };
- // add a unsigned long and a Counter64
- Counter64 operator*( unsigned long ul, const Counter64 &c64)
- {
- return Counter64( ul) * c64;
- };
- //------------[ Counter64::operator/( const Counter64 &c) ]--------------
- // divide two Counter64s
- Counter64 Counter64::operator/( const Counter64 &c)
- {
- long double ld1, ld2, ldsum;
- Counter64 result;
- Counter64 temp( c);
- ld1 = c64_to_ld( *this);
- ld2 = c64_to_ld( temp);
- ldsum = ld1/ld2;
- result = ld_to_c64( ldsum);
- return ( Counter64( result.high(),result.low() ));
- };
- // add a unsigned long and a Counter64
- Counter64 operator/( unsigned long ul, const Counter64 &c64)
- {
- return Counter64( ul) / c64;
- };
- //-------[ overloaded equivlence test ]----------------------------------
- int operator==( Counter64 &lhs, Counter64 &rhs)
- {
- if (( lhs.high() == rhs.high()) && ( lhs.low() == rhs.low()))
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- };
- //-------[ overloaded not equal test ]-----------------------------------
- int operator!=( Counter64 &lhs, Counter64 &rhs)
- {
- if (( lhs.high() != rhs.high()) || ( lhs.low() != rhs.low()))
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- };
- //--------[ overloaded less than ]---------------------------------------
- int operator<( Counter64 &lhs, Counter64 &rhs)
- {
- long double ld_lhs, ld_rhs;
- ld_lhs = lhs.c64_to_ld( lhs);
- ld_rhs = rhs.c64_to_ld( rhs);
- if ( ld_lhs < ld_rhs)
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- };
- //---------[ overloaded less than or equal ]-----------------------------
- int operator<=( Counter64 &lhs, Counter64 &rhs)
- {
- long double ld_lhs, ld_rhs;
- ld_lhs = lhs.c64_to_ld( lhs);
- ld_rhs = rhs.c64_to_ld( rhs);
- if ( ld_lhs <= ld_rhs)
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- };
- //---------[ overloaded greater than ]-----------------------------------
- int operator>( Counter64 &lhs, Counter64 &rhs)
- {
- long double ld_lhs, ld_rhs;
- ld_lhs = lhs.c64_to_ld( lhs);
- ld_rhs = rhs.c64_to_ld( rhs);
- if ( ld_lhs > ld_rhs)
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- };
- //----------[ overloaded greater than or equal ]-------------------------
- int operator>=( Counter64 &lhs, Counter64 &rhs)
- {
- long double ld_lhs, ld_rhs;
- ld_lhs = lhs.c64_to_ld( lhs);
- ld_rhs = rhs.c64_to_ld( rhs);
- if ( ld_lhs >= ld_rhs)
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- };
- //----------[ return ASCII format ]-------------------------
- // TODO: Fix up to do real 64bit decimal value printing...
- // For now, print > 32-bit values in hex
- char * Counter64::get_printable()
- {
- if ( high() != 0 )
- sprintf(output_buffer, "0x%X%08X", high(), low());
- else
- sprintf(output_buffer, "%d", low());
- return output_buffer;
- };
- //----------------[ general Value = operator ]---------------------
- SnmpSyntax& Counter64::operator=( SnmpSyntax &val)
- {
- // protect against assignment from itself
- if ( this == &val )
- return *this;
- smival.value.hNumber.lopart = 0; // pessimsitic - assume no mapping
- smival.value.hNumber.hipart = 0;
- // try to make assignment valid
- if (val.valid()){
- switch (val.get_syntax()){
- case sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR64:
- smival.value.hNumber.hipart =
- ((Counter64 &)val).smival.value.hNumber.hipart;
- smival.value.hNumber.lopart =
- ((Counter64 &)val).smival.value.hNumber.lopart;
- break;
- case sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR32:
- // case sNMP_SYNTAX_UINT32: .. indistinguishable from GAUGE32
- case sNMP_SYNTAX_INT32:
- // take advantage of union...
- smival.value.hNumber.lopart = ((Counter64 &)val).smival.value.uNumber;
- smival.value.hNumber.hipart = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- return *this;
- };
- //----------------[ Counter64::clone() ]-----------------------------------
- // create a new instance of this Value
- SnmpSyntax* Counter64::clone() const
- { return ( SnmpSyntax *) new Counter64(*this); };
- //----------------[ Counter64::valid() ]-------------------------------------
- int Counter64::valid() const
- { return 1; };