- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
- * "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
- * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
- * version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to
- * allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL,
- * indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
- * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by
- * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
- * may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the
- * GPL.
- */
- /*
- * Interfaces of the CMS implementation.
- *
- * $Id: cms.h,v 1.6 2000/09/29 16:38:11 Exp $
- */
- #ifndef _CMS_H_
- #define _CMS_H_
- #include "seccomon.h"
- #include "mcom_db.h" /* needed by certt.h */
- #include "secoidt.h"
- #include "secder.h" /* needed by certt.h; XXX go away when possible */
- #include "certt.h"
- #include "keyt.h"
- #include "hasht.h"
- #include "cmst.h"
- /************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************************
- * cmsdecode.c - CMS decoding
- ************************************************************************/
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDecoder_Start - set up decoding of a DER-encoded CMS message
- *
- * "poolp" - pointer to arena for message, or NULL if new pool should be created
- * "cb", "cb_arg" - callback function and argument for delivery of inner content
- * inner content will be stored in the message if cb is NULL.
- * "pwfn", pwfn_arg" - callback function for getting token password
- * "decrypt_key_cb", "decrypt_key_cb_arg" - callback function for getting bulk key for encryptedData
- */
- extern NSSCMSDecoderContext *
- NSS_CMSDecoder_Start(PRArenaPool *poolp,
- NSSCMSContentCallback cb, void *cb_arg,
- PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
- NSSCMSGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void *decrypt_key_cb_arg);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDecoder_Update - feed DER-encoded data to decoder
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSDecoder_Update(NSSCMSDecoderContext *p7dcx, const char *buf, unsigned long len);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDecoder_Cancel - cancel a decoding process
- */
- extern void
- NSS_CMSDecoder_Cancel(NSSCMSDecoderContext *p7dcx);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDecoder_Finish - mark the end of inner content and finish decoding
- */
- extern NSSCMSMessage *
- NSS_CMSDecoder_Finish(NSSCMSDecoderContext *p7dcx);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_CreateFromDER - decode a CMS message from DER encoded data
- */
- extern NSSCMSMessage *
- NSS_CMSMessage_CreateFromDER(SECItem *DERmessage,
- NSSCMSContentCallback cb, void *cb_arg,
- PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
- NSSCMSGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void *decrypt_key_cb_arg);
- /************************************************************************
- * cmsencode.c - CMS encoding
- ************************************************************************/
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncoder_Start - set up encoding of a CMS message
- *
- * "cmsg" - message to encode
- * "outputfn", "outputarg" - callback function for delivery of DER-encoded output
- * will not be called if NULL.
- * "dest" - if non-NULL, pointer to SECItem that will hold the DER-encoded output
- * "destpoolp" - pool to allocate DER-encoded output in
- * "pwfn", pwfn_arg" - callback function for getting token password
- * "decrypt_key_cb", "decrypt_key_cb_arg" - callback function for getting bulk key for encryptedData
- * "detached_digestalgs", "detached_digests" - digests from detached content
- */
- extern NSSCMSEncoderContext *
- NSS_CMSEncoder_Start(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg,
- NSSCMSContentCallback outputfn, void *outputarg,
- SECItem *dest, PLArenaPool *destpoolp,
- PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
- NSSCMSGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void *decrypt_key_cb_arg,
- SECAlgorithmID **detached_digestalgs, SECItem **detached_digests);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncoder_Update - take content data delivery from the user
- *
- * "p7ecx" - encoder context
- * "data" - content data
- * "len" - length of content data
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEncoder_Update(NSSCMSEncoderContext *p7ecx, const char *data, unsigned long len);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncoder_Finish - signal the end of data
- *
- * we need to walk down the chain of encoders and the finish them from the innermost out
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEncoder_Finish(NSSCMSEncoderContext *p7ecx);
- /************************************************************************
- * cmsmessage.c - CMS message object
- ************************************************************************/
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_Create - create a CMS message object
- *
- * "poolp" - arena to allocate memory from, or NULL if new arena should be created
- */
- extern NSSCMSMessage *
- NSS_CMSMessage_Create(PLArenaPool *poolp);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_SetEncodingParams - set up a CMS message object for encoding or decoding
- *
- * "cmsg" - message object
- * "pwfn", pwfn_arg" - callback function for getting token password
- * "decrypt_key_cb", "decrypt_key_cb_arg" - callback function for getting bulk key for encryptedData
- * "detached_digestalgs", "detached_digests" - digests from detached content
- *
- * used internally.
- */
- extern void
- NSS_CMSMessage_SetEncodingParams(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg,
- PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
- NSSCMSGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void *decrypt_key_cb_arg,
- SECAlgorithmID **detached_digestalgs, SECItem **detached_digests);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_Destroy - destroy a CMS message and all of its sub-pieces.
- */
- extern void
- NSS_CMSMessage_Destroy(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_Copy - return a copy of the given message.
- *
- * The copy may be virtual or may be real -- either way, the result needs
- * to be passed to NSS_CMSMessage_Destroy later (as does the original).
- */
- extern NSSCMSMessage *
- NSS_CMSMessage_Copy(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_GetArena - return a pointer to the message's arena pool
- */
- extern PLArenaPool *
- NSS_CMSMessage_GetArena(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_GetContentInfo - return a pointer to the top level contentInfo
- */
- extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
- NSS_CMSMessage_GetContentInfo(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- /*
- * Return a pointer to the actual content.
- * In the case of those types which are encrypted, this returns the *plain* content.
- * In case of nested contentInfos, this descends and retrieves the innermost content.
- */
- extern SECItem *
- NSS_CMSMessage_GetContent(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevelCount - count number of levels of CMS content objects in this message
- *
- * CMS data content objects do not count.
- */
- extern int
- NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevelCount(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevel - find content level #n
- *
- * CMS data content objects do not count.
- */
- extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
- NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevel(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, int n);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_ContainsCertsOrCrls - see if message contains certs along the way
- */
- extern PRBool
- NSS_CMSMessage_ContainsCertsOrCrls(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_IsEncrypted - see if message contains a encrypted submessage
- */
- extern PRBool
- NSS_CMSMessage_IsEncrypted(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_IsSigned - see if message contains a signed submessage
- *
- * If the CMS message has a SignedData with a signature (not just a SignedData)
- * return true; false otherwise. This can/should be called before calling
- * VerifySignature, which will always indicate failure if no signature is
- * present, but that does not mean there even was a signature!
- * Note that the content itself can be empty (detached content was sent
- * another way); it is the presence of the signature that matters.
- */
- extern PRBool
- NSS_CMSMessage_IsSigned(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSMessage_IsContentEmpty - see if content is empty
- *
- * returns PR_TRUE is innermost content length is < minLen
- * XXX need the encrypted content length (why?)
- */
- extern PRBool
- NSS_CMSMessage_IsContentEmpty(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, unsigned int minLen);
- /************************************************************************
- * cmscinfo.c - CMS contentInfo methods
- ************************************************************************/
- /*
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_Destroy - destroy a CMS contentInfo and all of its sub-pieces.
- */
- extern void
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_Destroy(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetChildContentInfo - get content's contentInfo (if it exists)
- */
- extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetChildContentInfo(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent - set cinfo's content type & content to CMS object
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, SECOidTag type, void *ptr);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_XXXX - typesafe wrappers for NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetType
- * set cinfo's content type & content to CMS object
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_Data(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, SECItem *data, PRBool detached);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_SignedData(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_EnvelopedData(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_DigestedData(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_EncryptedData(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContent - get pointer to inner content
- *
- * needs to be casted...
- */
- extern void *
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContent(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetInnerContent - get pointer to innermost content
- *
- * this is typically only called by NSS_CMSMessage_GetContent()
- */
- extern SECItem *
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetInnerContent(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentType{Tag,OID} - find out (saving pointer to lookup result
- * for future reference) and return the inner content type.
- */
- extern SECOidTag
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentTypeTag(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- extern SECItem *
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentTypeOID(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentEncAlgTag - find out (saving pointer to lookup result
- * for future reference) and return the content encryption algorithm tag.
- */
- extern SECOidTag
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentEncAlgTag(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentEncAlg - find out and return the content encryption algorithm tag.
- */
- extern SECAlgorithmID *
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentEncAlg(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContentEncAlg(PLArenaPool *poolp, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo,
- SECOidTag bulkalgtag, SECItem *parameters, int keysize);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContentEncAlgID(PLArenaPool *poolp, NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo,
- SECAlgorithmID *algid, int keysize);
- extern void
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetBulkKey(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo, PK11SymKey *bulkkey);
- extern PK11SymKey *
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetBulkKey(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- extern int
- NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetBulkKeySize(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo);
- /************************************************************************
- * cmsutil.c - CMS misc utility functions
- ************************************************************************/
- /*
- * NSS_CMSArray_SortByDER - sort array of objects by objects' DER encoding
- *
- * make sure that the order of the objects guarantees valid DER (which must be
- * in lexigraphically ascending order for a SET OF); if reordering is necessary it
- * will be done in place (in objs).
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSArray_SortByDER(void **objs, const SEC_ASN1Template *objtemplate, void **objs2);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSUtil_DERCompare - for use with NSS_CMSArray_Sort to
- * sort arrays of SECItems containing DER
- */
- extern int
- NSS_CMSUtil_DERCompare(void *a, void *b);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSAlgArray_GetIndexByAlgID - find a specific algorithm in an array of
- * algorithms.
- *
- * algorithmArray - array of algorithm IDs
- * algid - algorithmid of algorithm to pick
- *
- * Returns:
- * An integer containing the index of the algorithm in the array or -1 if
- * algorithm was not found.
- */
- extern int
- NSS_CMSAlgArray_GetIndexByAlgID(SECAlgorithmID **algorithmArray, SECAlgorithmID *algid);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSAlgArray_GetIndexByAlgID - find a specific algorithm in an array of
- * algorithms.
- *
- * algorithmArray - array of algorithm IDs
- * algiddata - id of algorithm to pick
- *
- * Returns:
- * An integer containing the index of the algorithm in the array or -1 if
- * algorithm was not found.
- */
- extern int
- NSS_CMSAlgArray_GetIndexByAlgTag(SECAlgorithmID **algorithmArray, SECOidTag algtag);
- extern SECHashObject *
- NSS_CMSUtil_GetHashObjByAlgID(SECAlgorithmID *algid);
- /*
- * XXX I would *really* like to not have to do this, but the current
- * signing interface gives me little choice.
- */
- extern SECOidTag
- NSS_CMSUtil_MakeSignatureAlgorithm(SECOidTag hashalg, SECOidTag encalg);
- extern const SEC_ASN1Template *
- NSS_CMSUtil_GetTemplateByTypeTag(SECOidTag type);
- extern size_t
- NSS_CMSUtil_GetSizeByTypeTag(SECOidTag type);
- extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
- NSS_CMSContent_GetContentInfo(void *msg, SECOidTag type);
- extern const char *
- NSS_CMSUtil_VerificationStatusToString(NSSCMSVerificationStatus vs);
- /************************************************************************
- * cmssigdata.c - CMS signedData methods
- ************************************************************************/
- extern NSSCMSSignedData *
- NSS_CMSSignedData_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg);
- extern void
- NSS_CMSSignedData_Destroy(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_Encode_BeforeStart - do all the necessary things to a SignedData
- * before start of encoding.
- *
- * In detail:
- * - find out about the right value to put into sigd->version
- * - come up with a list of digestAlgorithms (which should be the union of the algorithms
- * in the signerinfos).
- * If we happen to have a pre-set list of algorithms (and digest values!), we
- * check if we have all the signerinfos' algorithms. If not, this is an error.
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_Encode_BeforeStart(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_Encode_BeforeData(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_Encode_AfterData - do all the necessary things to a SignedData
- * after all the encapsulated data was passed through the encoder.
- *
- * In detail:
- * - create the signatures in all the SignerInfos
- *
- * Please note that nothing is done to the Certificates and CRLs in the message - this
- * is entirely the responsibility of our callers.
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_Encode_AfterData(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_Decode_BeforeData(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_Decode_AfterData - do all the necessary things to a SignedData
- * after all the encapsulated data was passed through the decoder.
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_Decode_AfterData(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_Decode_AfterEnd - do all the necessary things to a SignedData
- * after all decoding is finished.
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_Decode_AfterEnd(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_GetSignerInfos - retrieve the SignedData's signer list
- */
- extern NSSCMSSignerInfo **
- NSS_CMSSignedData_GetSignerInfos(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- extern int
- NSS_CMSSignedData_SignerInfoCount(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- extern NSSCMSSignerInfo *
- NSS_CMSSignedData_GetSignerInfo(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, int i);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_GetDigestAlgs - retrieve the SignedData's digest algorithm list
- */
- extern SECAlgorithmID **
- NSS_CMSSignedData_GetDigestAlgs(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_GetContentInfo - return pointer to this signedData's contentinfo
- */
- extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
- NSS_CMSSignedData_GetContentInfo(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_GetCertificateList - retrieve the SignedData's certificate list
- */
- extern SECItem **
- NSS_CMSSignedData_GetCertificateList(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_ImportCerts(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
- SECCertUsage certusage, PRBool keepcerts);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_HasDigests - see if we have digests in place
- */
- extern PRBool
- NSS_CMSSignedData_HasDigests(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifySignerInfo - check a signature.
- *
- * The digests were either calculated during decoding (and are stored in the
- * signedData itself) or set after decoding using NSS_CMSSignedData_SetDigests.
- *
- * The verification checks if the signing cert is valid and has a trusted chain
- * for the purpose specified by "certusage".
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifySignerInfo(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, int i, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
- SECCertUsage certusage);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifyCertsOnly - verify the certs in a certs-only message
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifyCertsOnly(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd,
- CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
- SECCertUsage usage);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertList(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, CERTCertificateList *certlist);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertChain - add cert and its entire chain to the set of certs
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertChain(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, CERTCertificate *cert);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertificate(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, CERTCertificate *cert);
- extern PRBool
- NSS_CMSSignedData_ContainsCertsOrCrls(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_AddSignerInfo(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd,
- NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
- extern SECItem *
- NSS_CMSSignedData_GetDigestByAlgTag(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, SECOidTag algtag);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_SetDigests(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd,
- SECAlgorithmID **digestalgs,
- SECItem **digests);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_SetDigestValue(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd,
- SECOidTag digestalgtag,
- SECItem *digestdata);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignedData_AddDigest(PRArenaPool *poolp,
- NSSCMSSignedData *sigd,
- SECOidTag digestalgtag,
- SECItem *digest);
- extern SECItem *
- NSS_CMSSignedData_GetDigestValue(NSSCMSSignedData *sigd, SECOidTag digestalgtag);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignedData_CreateCertsOnly - create a certs-only SignedData.
- *
- * cert - base certificates that will be included
- * include_chain - if true, include the complete cert chain for cert
- *
- * More certs and chains can be added via AddCertificate and AddCertChain.
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- */
- extern NSSCMSSignedData *
- NSS_CMSSignedData_CreateCertsOnly(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, CERTCertificate *cert, PRBool include_chain);
- /************************************************************************
- * cmssiginfo.c - signerinfo methods
- ************************************************************************/
- extern NSSCMSSignerInfo *
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, CERTCertificate *cert, SECOidTag digestalgtag);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Destroy - destroy a SignerInfo data structure
- */
- extern void
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Destroy(NSSCMSSignerInfo *si);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Sign - sign something
- *
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Sign(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, SECItem *digest, SECItem *contentType);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_VerifyCertificate(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb,
- SECCertUsage certusage);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Verify - verify the signature of a single SignerInfo
- *
- * Just verifies the signature. The assumption is that verification of the certificate
- * is done already.
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Verify(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, SECItem *digest, SECItem *contentType);
- extern NSSCMSVerificationStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetVerificationStatus(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
- extern SECOidData *
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetDigestAlg(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
- extern SECOidTag
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetDigestAlgTag(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
- extern int
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetVersion(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
- extern CERTCertificateList *
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetCertList(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSigningTime - return the signing time,
- * in UTCTime format, of a CMS signerInfo.
- *
- * sinfo - signerInfo data for this signer
- *
- * Returns a pointer to XXXX (what?)
- * A return value of NULL is an error.
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSigningTime(NSSCMSSignerInfo *sinfo, PRTime *stime);
- /*
- * Return the signing cert of a CMS signerInfo.
- *
- * the certs in the enclosing SignedData must have been imported already
- */
- extern CERTCertificate *
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSigningCertificate(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerCommonName - return the common name of the signer
- *
- * sinfo - signerInfo data for this signer
- *
- * Returns a pointer to allocated memory, which must be freed.
- * A return value of NULL is an error.
- */
- extern char *
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerCommonName(NSSCMSSignerInfo *sinfo);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerEmailAddress - return the common name of the signer
- *
- * sinfo - signerInfo data for this signer
- *
- * Returns a pointer to allocated memory, which must be freed.
- * A return value of NULL is an error.
- */
- extern char *
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerEmailAddress(NSSCMSSignerInfo *sinfo);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddAuthAttr - add an attribute to the
- * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo".
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddAuthAttr(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, NSSCMSAttribute *attr);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddUnauthAttr - add an attribute to the
- * unauthenticated attributes of "signerinfo".
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddUnauthAttr(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, NSSCMSAttribute *attr);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSigningTime - add the signing time to the
- * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo".
- *
- * This is expected to be included in outgoing signed
- * messages for email (S/MIME) but is likely useful in other situations.
- *
- * This should only be added once; a second call will do nothing.
- *
- * XXX This will probably just shove the current time into "signerinfo"
- * but it will not actually get signed until the entire item is
- * processed for encoding. Is this (expected to be small) delay okay?
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSigningTime(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, PRTime t);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMECaps - add a SMIMECapabilities attribute to the
- * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo".
- *
- * This is expected to be included in outgoing signed
- * messages for email (S/MIME).
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMECaps(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMEEncKeyPrefs - add a SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreferences attribute to the
- * authenticated (i.e. signed) attributes of "signerinfo".
- *
- * This is expected to be included in outgoing signed messages for email (S/MIME).
- */
- SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMEEncKeyPrefs(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, CERTCertificate *cert, CERTCertDBHandle *certdb);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddCounterSignature - countersign a signerinfo
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddCounterSignature(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo,
- SECOidTag digestalg, CERTCertificate signingcert);
- /*
- * XXXX the following needs to be done in the S/MIME layer code
- * after signature of a signerinfo is verified
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_SMIMESignerInfo_SaveSMIMEProfile(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSSignerInfo_IncludeCerts - set cert chain inclusion mode for this signer
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSSignerInfo_IncludeCerts(NSSCMSSignerInfo *signerinfo, NSSCMSCertChainMode cm, SECCertUsage usage);
- /************************************************************************
- * cmsenvdata.c - CMS envelopedData methods
- ************************************************************************/
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Create - create an enveloped data message
- */
- extern NSSCMSEnvelopedData *
- NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, SECOidTag algorithm, int keysize);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Destroy - destroy an enveloped data message
- */
- extern void
- NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Destroy(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *edp);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_GetContentInfo - return pointer to this envelopedData's contentinfo
- */
- extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
- NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_GetContentInfo(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_AddRecipient - add a recipientinfo to the enveloped data msg
- *
- * rip must be created on the same pool as edp - this is not enforced, though.
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_AddRecipient(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *edp, NSSCMSRecipientInfo *rip);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_BeforeStart - prepare this envelopedData for encoding
- *
- * at this point, we need
- * - recipientinfos set up with recipient's certificates
- * - a content encryption algorithm (if none, 3DES will be used)
- *
- * this function will generate a random content encryption key (aka bulk key),
- * initialize the recipientinfos with certificate identification and wrap the bulk key
- * using the proper algorithm for every certificiate.
- * it will finally set the bulk algorithm and key so that the encode step can find it.
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_BeforeStart(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_BeforeData - set up encryption
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_BeforeData(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_AfterData - finalize this envelopedData for encoding
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Encode_AfterData(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_BeforeData - find our recipientinfo,
- * derive bulk key & set up our contentinfo
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_BeforeData(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_AfterData - finish decrypting this envelopedData's content
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_AfterData(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_AfterEnd - finish decoding this envelopedData
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Decode_AfterEnd(NSSCMSEnvelopedData *envd);
- /************************************************************************
- * cmsrecinfo.c - CMS recipientInfo methods
- ************************************************************************/
- /*
- * NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Create - create a recipientinfo
- *
- * we currently do not create KeyAgreement recipientinfos with multiple recipientEncryptedKeys
- * the certificate is supposed to have been verified by the caller
- */
- extern NSSCMSRecipientInfo *
- NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, CERTCertificate *cert);
- extern void
- NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Destroy(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri);
- extern int
- NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_GetVersion(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri);
- extern SECItem *
- NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_GetEncryptedKey(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri, int subIndex);
- extern SECOidTag
- NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_GetKeyEncryptionAlgorithmTag(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri);
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_WrapBulkKey(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri, PK11SymKey *bulkkey, SECOidTag bulkalgtag);
- extern PK11SymKey *
- NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_UnwrapBulkKey(NSSCMSRecipientInfo *ri, int subIndex,
- CERTCertificate *cert, SECKEYPrivateKey *privkey, SECOidTag bulkalgtag);
- /************************************************************************
- * cmsencdata.c - CMS encryptedData methods
- ************************************************************************/
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Create - create an empty encryptedData object.
- *
- * "algorithm" specifies the bulk encryption algorithm to use.
- * "keysize" is the key size.
- *
- * An error results in a return value of NULL and an error set.
- * (Retrieve specific errors via PORT_GetError()/XP_GetError().)
- */
- extern NSSCMSEncryptedData *
- NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, SECOidTag algorithm, int keysize);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Destroy - destroy an encryptedData object
- */
- extern void
- NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Destroy(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_GetContentInfo - return pointer to encryptedData object's contentInfo
- */
- extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
- NSS_CMSEncryptedData_GetContentInfo(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_BeforeStart - do all the necessary things to a EncryptedData
- * before encoding begins.
- *
- * In particular:
- * - set the correct version value.
- * - get the encryption key
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_BeforeStart(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_BeforeData - set up encryption
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_BeforeData(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_AfterData - finalize this encryptedData for encoding
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Encode_AfterData(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_BeforeData - find bulk key & set up decryption
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_BeforeData(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_AfterData - finish decrypting this encryptedData's content
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_AfterData(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_AfterEnd - finish decoding this encryptedData
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Decode_AfterEnd(NSSCMSEncryptedData *encd);
- /************************************************************************
- * cmsdigdata.c - CMS encryptedData methods
- ************************************************************************/
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Create - create a digestedData object (presumably for encoding)
- *
- * version will be set by NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_BeforeStart
- * digestAlg is passed as parameter
- * contentInfo must be filled by the user
- * digest will be calculated while encoding
- */
- extern NSSCMSDigestedData *
- NSS_CMSDigestedData_Create(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, SECAlgorithmID *digestalg);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Destroy - destroy a digestedData object
- */
- extern void
- NSS_CMSDigestedData_Destroy(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_GetContentInfo - return pointer to digestedData object's contentInfo
- */
- extern NSSCMSContentInfo *
- NSS_CMSDigestedData_GetContentInfo(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_BeforeStart - do all the necessary things to a DigestedData
- * before encoding begins.
- *
- * In particular:
- * - set the right version number. The contentInfo's content type must be set up already.
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_BeforeStart(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_BeforeData - do all the necessary things to a DigestedData
- * before the encapsulated data is passed through the encoder.
- *
- * In detail:
- * - set up the digests if necessary
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_BeforeData(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_AfterData - do all the necessary things to a DigestedData
- * after all the encapsulated data was passed through the encoder.
- *
- * In detail:
- * - finish the digests
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSDigestedData_Encode_AfterData(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_BeforeData - do all the necessary things to a DigestedData
- * before the encapsulated data is passed through the encoder.
- *
- * In detail:
- * - set up the digests if necessary
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_BeforeData(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_AfterData - do all the necessary things to a DigestedData
- * after all the encapsulated data was passed through the encoder.
- *
- * In detail:
- * - finish the digests
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_AfterData(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_AfterEnd - finalize a digestedData.
- *
- * In detail:
- * - check the digests for equality
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSDigestedData_Decode_AfterEnd(NSSCMSDigestedData *digd);
- /************************************************************************
- * cmsdigest.c - digestion routines
- ************************************************************************/
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartMultiple - start digest calculation using all the
- * digest algorithms in "digestalgs" in parallel.
- */
- extern NSSCMSDigestContext *
- NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartMultiple(SECAlgorithmID **digestalgs);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartSingle - same as NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartMultiple, but
- * only one algorithm.
- */
- extern NSSCMSDigestContext *
- NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartSingle(SECAlgorithmID *digestalg);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_Update - feed more data into the digest machine
- */
- extern void
- NSS_CMSDigestContext_Update(NSSCMSDigestContext *cmsdigcx, const unsigned char *data, int len);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_Cancel - cancel digesting operation
- */
- extern void
- NSS_CMSDigestContext_Cancel(NSSCMSDigestContext *cmsdigcx);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishMultiple - finish the digests and put them
- * into an array of SECItems (allocated on poolp)
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishMultiple(NSSCMSDigestContext *cmsdigcx, PLArenaPool *poolp,
- SECItem ***digestsp);
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishSingle - same as NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishMultiple,
- * but for one digest.
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishSingle(NSSCMSDigestContext *cmsdigcx, PLArenaPool *poolp,
- SECItem *digest);
- /************************************************************************
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- /* shortcuts for basic use */
- /*
- * NSS_CMSDEREncode - DER Encode a CMS message, with input being
- * the plaintext message and derOut being the output,
- * stored in arena's pool.
- */
- extern SECStatus
- NSS_CMSDEREncode(NSSCMSMessage *cmsg, SECItem *input, SECItem *derOut,
- PLArenaPool *arena);
- /************************************************************************/
- #endif /* _CMS_H_ */