- //
- // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- // License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- // except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- // the License at
- //
- // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- // IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- // implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- // rights and limitations under the License.
- //
- // The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
- //
- // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- // Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- // Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- // Rights Reserved.
- //
- // Contributor(s):
- //
- // Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- // terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
- // "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
- // instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
- // version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to
- // allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL,
- // indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
- // replace them with the notice and other provisions required by
- // the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
- // may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the
- // GPL.
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Crypto Mechanism Flags
- PKCS11_MECH_RSA_FLAG = 0x1<<0;
- PKCS11_MECH_DSA_FLAG = 0x1<<1;
- PKCS11_MECH_RC2_FLAG = 0x1<<2;
- PKCS11_MECH_RC4_FLAG = 0x1<<3;
- PKCS11_MECH_DES_FLAG = 0x1<<4;
- PKCS11_MECH_DH_FLAG = 0x1<<5; //Diffie-Hellman
- PKCS11_MECH_SKIPJACK_FLAG = 0x1<<6; //SKIPJACK algorithm as in Fortezza cards
- PKCS11_MECH_RC5_FLAG = 0x1<<7;
- PKCS11_MECH_SHA1_FLAG = 0x1<<8;
- PKCS11_MECH_MD5_FLAG = 0x1<<9;
- PKCS11_MECH_MD2_FLAG = 0x1<<10;
- PKCS11_MECH_RANDOM_FLAG = 0x1<<27; //Random number generator
- PKCS11_PUB_READABLE_CERT_FLAG = 0x1<<28; //Stored certs can be read off the token w/o logging in
- PKCS11_DISABLE_FLAG = 0x1<<30; //tell Navigator to disable this slot by default
- // Important:
- // 0x1<<11, 0x1<<12, ... , 0x1<<26, 0x1<<29, and 0x1<<31 are reserved
- // for internal use in Navigator.
- // Therefore, these bits should always be set to 0; otherwise,
- // Navigator might exhibit unpredictable behavior.
- // These flags indicate which mechanisms should be turned on by
- var pkcs11MechanismFlags = PKCS11_MECH_RANDOM_FLAG;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Ciphers that support SSL or S/MIME
- // Important:
- // 0x1<<1, 0x1<<2, ... , 0x1<<31 are reserved
- // for internal use in Navigator.
- // Therefore, these bits should ALWAYS be set to 0; otherwise,
- // Navigator might exhibit unpredictable behavior.
- // These flags indicate which SSL ciphers are supported
- var pkcs11CipherFlags = PKCS11_CIPHER_FORTEZZA_FLAG;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Return values of pkcs11.addmodule() & pkcs11.delmodule()
- // success codes
- JS_OK_ADD_MODULE = 3; // Successfully added a module
- JS_OK_DEL_EXTERNAL_MODULE = 2; // Successfully deleted ext. module
- JS_OK_DEL_INTERNAL_MODULE = 1; // Successfully deleted int. module
- // failure codes
- JS_ERR_OTHER = -1; // Other errors than the followings
- JS_ERR_USER_CANCEL_ACTION = -2; // User abort an action
- JS_ERR_INCORRECT_NUM_OF_ARGUMENTS= -3; // Calling a method w/ incorrect # of arguments
- JS_ERR_DEL_MODULE = -4; // Error deleting a module
- JS_ERR_ADD_MODULE = -5; // Error adding a module
- JS_ERR_BAD_MODULE_NAME = -6; // The module name is invalid
- JS_ERR_BAD_DLL_NAME = -7; // The DLL name is bad
- JS_ERR_BAD_MECHANISM_FLAGS = -8; // The mechanism flags are invalid
- JS_ERR_BAD_CIPHER_ENABLE_FLAGS = -9; // The SSL, S/MIME cipher flags are invalid
- JS_ERR_ADD_MODULE_DULICATE =-10; // Module with the same name already installed
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Find out which library is to be installed depending on the platform
- // pathname seperator is platform specific
- var sep = "/";
- var vendor = "netscape";
- var moduleName = "not_supported";
- var plat = navigator.platform;
- var dir = "pkcs11/" + vendor + "/" + plat + "/";
- if (plat == "Win16") {
- dir = "pkcs11/";
- }
- bAbort = false;
- if (plat == "Win32") {
- moduleName = "fort32.dll";
- sep = "\";
- } else if (plat == "Win16") {
- moduleName = "FORT16.DLL";
- sep = "\";
- } else if (plat == "MacPPC") {
- moduleName = "FortPK11Lib";
- sep = ":";
- } else if (plat == "AIX4.1") {
- moduleName = "libfort_shr.a";
- } else if (plat == "SunOS4.1.3_U1") {
- moduleName = "";
- } else if ((plat == "SunOS5.4") || (plat == "SunOS5.5.1")){
- moduleName = "";
- } else if ((plat == "HP-UXA.09") || (plat == "HP-UXB.10")){
- moduleName = "";
- } else if (plat == "IRIX6.2"){
- // The module only works on 6.3, but Communicator returns 6.2 even when
- // running 6.3. So in order to prevent the user from thinking
- // the module actually works on 6.2, we will force the name to
- // say 6.3 instead of 6.2. In the even the user tries to install
- // on 6.2, the user will see 6.3 instead. If they don't get it that
- // it's not going to work at this point in time, then the entire install
- // process wil just fail miserably, and that is OK.
- plat = "IRIX6.3";
- moduleName = "";
- } else {
- window.alert("Sorry, platform "+plat+" is not supported.");
- bAbort = true;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Installation Begins...
- if (!bAbort) {
- if (confirm("This script will install a security module. nIt may over-write older files having the same name. nDo you want to continue?")) {
- // Step 1. Create a version object and a software update object
- vi = new netscape.softupdate.VersionInfo(1, 6, 0, 0);
- su = new netscape.softupdate.SoftwareUpdate(this, "Fortezza Card PKCS#11 Module");
- // "Fortezza ... Module" is the logical name of the bundle
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // Step 2. Start the install process
- bAbort = false;
- err = su.StartInstall("NSfortezza", // NSfortezza is the component folder (logical)
- vi,
- netscape.softupdate.SoftwareUpdate.FULL_INSTALL);
- bAbort = (err!=0);
- if (err == 0) {
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // Step 3. Find out the physical location of the Program dir
- Folder = su.GetFolder("Program");
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // Step 4. Install the files. Unpack them and list where they go
- err = su.AddSubcomponent("FortezzaLibrary_"+plat, //component name (logical)
- vi, // version info
- moduleName, // source file in JAR (physical)
- Folder, // target folder (physical)
- dir + moduleName, // target path & filename (physical)
- true); // forces update
- if (err != 0) {
- if (err == -200) {
- errmsg = "Bad Package Name.";
- } else if (err == -201) {
- errmsg = "Unexpected error.";
- } else if (err == -203) {
- errmsg = "Installation script was signed by more than one certificate.";
- } else if (err == -204) {
- errmsg = "Installation script was not signed."
- } else if (err == -205) {
- errmsg = "The file to be installed is not signed."
- } else if (err == -206) {
- errmsg = "The file to be installed is not present, or it was signed with a different certificate than the one used to sign the install script.";
- } else if (err == -207) {
- errmsg = "JAR archive has not been opened."
- } else if (err == -208) {
- errmsg = "Bad arguments to AddSubcomponent( )."
- } else if (err == -209) {
- errmsg = "Illegal relative path( )."
- } else if (err == -210) {
- errmsg = "User cancelled installation."
- } else if (err == -211) {
- errmsg = "A problem occurred with the StartInstall( )."
- } else {
- errmsg = "Unknown error";
- }
- window.alert("Error adding sub-component: "+"("+err+")"+errmsg);
- //window.alert("Aborting, Folder="+Folder+" module="+dir+moduleName);
- bAbort = true;
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // Step 5. Unless there was a problem, move files to final location
- // and update the Client Version Registry
- if (bAbort) {
- su.AbortInstall();
- } else {
- err = su.FinalizeInstall();
- if (err != 0) {
- if (err == -900) {
- errmsg = "Restart the computer, and install again.";
- } else if (err == -201) {
- errmsg = "Unexpected error.";
- } else if (err == -202) {
- errmsg = "Access denied. Make sure you have the permissions to write to the disk.";
- } else if (err == -203) {
- errmsg = "Installation script was signed by more than one certificate.";
- } else if (err == -204) {
- errmsg = "Installation script was not signed."
- } else if (err == -205) {
- errmsg = "The file to be installed is not signed."
- } else if (err == -206) {
- errmsg = "The file to be installed is not present, or it was signed with a different certificate than the one used to sign the install script."
- } else if (err == -207) {
- errmsg = "JAR archive has not been opened."
- } else if (err == -208) {
- errmsg = "Bad arguments to AddSubcomponent( )."
- } else if (err == -209) {
- errmsg = "Illegal relative path( )."
- } else if (err == -210) {
- errmsg = "User cancelled installation."
- } else if (err == -211) {
- errmsg = "A problem occurred with the StartInstall( )."
- } else {
- errmsg = "nIf you have FORTEZZA module already installed, try deleting it first.";
- }
- window.alert("Error Finalizing Install: "+"("+err+")"+errmsg);
- //window.alert("Aborting, Folder="+Folder+" module="+dir+moduleName);
- } else {
- // Platform specific full path
- if (plat=="Win16") {
- fullpath = Folder + "pkcs11" + sep + moduleName;
- } else {
- fullpath = Folder + "pkcs11" + sep + vendor + sep + plat + sep + moduleName;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // Step 6: Call pkcs11.addmodule() to register the newly downloaded module
- moduleCommonName = "Netscape FORTEZZA Module " + plat;
- result = pkcs11.addmodule(moduleCommonName,
- fullpath,
- pkcs11MechanismFlags,
- pkcs11CipherFlags);
- if (result == -10) {
- window.alert("New module was copied to destination, nbut setup failed because a module "
- +"with the same name has been installed. nTry deleting the module "
- + moduleCommonName +" first.")
- } else if (result < 0) {
- window.alert("New module was copied to destination, but setup failed. Error code: " + result);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }