- /*
- * PKCS#1 encoding and decoding functions.
- * This file is believed to contain no code licensed from other parties.
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
- * "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
- * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
- * version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to
- * allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL,
- * indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
- * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by
- * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
- * may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the
- * GPL.
- *
- * $Id: rsawrapr.c,v 1.1 2000/03/31 19:29:42 Exp $
- */
- #include "blapi.h"
- #include "softoken.h"
- #include "sechash.h"
- #include "keylow.h"
- #include "secerr.h"
- #define RSA_BLOCK_FIRST_OCTET 0x00
- #define OAEP_SALT_LEN 8
- #define OAEP_PAD_LEN 8
- #define OAEP_PAD_OCTET 0x00
- #define FLAT_BUFSIZE 512 /* bytes to hold flattened SHA1Context. */
- static SHA1Context *
- SHA1_CloneContext(SHA1Context *original)
- {
- SHA1Context * clone = NULL;
- unsigned char *pBuf;
- int sha1ContextSize = SHA1_FlattenSize(original);
- SECStatus frv;
- unsigned char buf[FLAT_BUFSIZE];
- PORT_Assert(sizeof buf >= sha1ContextSize);
- if (sizeof buf >= sha1ContextSize) {
- pBuf = buf;
- } else {
- pBuf = PORT_Alloc(sha1ContextSize);
- if (!pBuf)
- goto done;
- }
- frv = SHA1_Flatten(original, pBuf);
- if (frv == SECSuccess) {
- clone = SHA1_Resurrect(pBuf, NULL);
- memset(pBuf, 0, sha1ContextSize);
- }
- done:
- if (pBuf != buf)
- PORT_Free(pBuf);
- return clone;
- }
- /*
- * Modify data by XORing it with a special hash of salt.
- */
- static SECStatus
- oaep_xor_with_h1(unsigned char *data, unsigned int datalen,
- unsigned char *salt, unsigned int saltlen)
- {
- SHA1Context *sha1cx;
- unsigned char *dp, *dataend;
- unsigned char end_octet;
- sha1cx = SHA1_NewContext();
- if (sha1cx == NULL) {
- return SECFailure;
- }
- /*
- * Get a hash of salt started; we will use it several times,
- * adding in a different end octet (x00, x01, x02, ...).
- */
- SHA1_Begin (sha1cx);
- SHA1_Update (sha1cx, salt, saltlen);
- end_octet = 0;
- dp = data;
- dataend = data + datalen;
- while (dp < dataend) {
- SHA1Context *sha1cx_h1;
- unsigned int sha1len, sha1off;
- unsigned char sha1[SHA1_LENGTH];
- /*
- * Create hash of (salt || end_octet)
- */
- sha1cx_h1 = SHA1_CloneContext (sha1cx);
- SHA1_Update (sha1cx_h1, &end_octet, 1);
- SHA1_End (sha1cx_h1, sha1, &sha1len, sizeof(sha1));
- SHA1_DestroyContext (sha1cx_h1, PR_TRUE);
- PORT_Assert (sha1len == SHA1_LENGTH);
- /*
- * XOR that hash with the data.
- * When we have fewer than SHA1_LENGTH octets of data
- * left to xor, use just the low-order ones of the hash.
- */
- sha1off = 0;
- if ((dataend - dp) < SHA1_LENGTH)
- sha1off = SHA1_LENGTH - (dataend - dp);
- while (sha1off < SHA1_LENGTH)
- *dp++ ^= sha1[sha1off++];
- /*
- * Bump for next hash chunk.
- */
- end_octet++;
- }
- return SECSuccess;
- }
- /*
- * Modify salt by XORing it with a special hash of data.
- */
- static SECStatus
- oaep_xor_with_h2(unsigned char *salt, unsigned int saltlen,
- unsigned char *data, unsigned int datalen)
- {
- unsigned char sha1[SHA1_LENGTH];
- unsigned char *psalt, *psha1, *saltend;
- SECStatus rv;
- /*
- * Create a hash of data.
- */
- rv = SHA1_HashBuf (sha1, data, datalen);
- if (rv != SECSuccess) {
- return rv;
- }
- /*
- * XOR the low-order octets of that hash with salt.
- */
- PORT_Assert (saltlen <= SHA1_LENGTH);
- saltend = salt + saltlen;
- psalt = salt;
- psha1 = sha1 + SHA1_LENGTH - saltlen;
- while (psalt < saltend) {
- *psalt++ ^= *psha1++;
- }
- return SECSuccess;
- }
- /*
- * Format one block of data for public/private key encryption using
- * the rules defined in PKCS #1.
- */
- unsigned char *
- RSA_FormatOneBlock(unsigned modulusLen, RSA_BlockType blockType,
- SECItem *data)
- {
- unsigned char *block;
- unsigned char *bp;
- int padLen;
- int i;
- block = (unsigned char *) PORT_Alloc(modulusLen);
- if (block == NULL)
- return NULL;
- bp = block;
- /*
- * All RSA blocks start with two octets:
- * 0x00 || BlockType
- */
- *bp++ = (unsigned char) blockType;
- switch (blockType) {
- /*
- * Blocks intended for private-key operation.
- */
- case RSA_BlockPrivate0: /* essentially unused */
- case RSA_BlockPrivate: /* preferred method */
- /*
- * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
- * 1 1 padLen 1 data->len
- * Pad is either all 0x00 or all 0xff bytes, depending on blockType.
- */
- padLen = modulusLen - data->len - 3;
- PORT_Assert (padLen >= RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN);
- PORT_Memset (bp,
- blockType == RSA_BlockPrivate0
- padLen);
- bp += padLen;
- PORT_Memcpy (bp, data->data, data->len);
- break;
- /*
- * Blocks intended for public-key operation.
- */
- case RSA_BlockPublic:
- /*
- * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
- * 1 1 padLen 1 data->len
- * Pad is all non-zero random bytes.
- */
- padLen = modulusLen - data->len - 3;
- PORT_Assert (padLen >= RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN);
- for (i = 0; i < padLen; i++) {
- /* Pad with non-zero random data. */
- do {
- RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(bp + i, 1);
- } while (bp[i] == RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET);
- }
- bp += padLen;
- PORT_Memcpy (bp, data->data, data->len);
- break;
- /*
- * Blocks intended for public-key operation, using
- * Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP).
- */
- case RSA_BlockOAEP:
- /*
- * 0x00 || BT || Modified2(Salt) || Modified1(PaddedData)
- * 1 1 OAEP_SALT_LEN OAEP_PAD_LEN + data->len [+ N]
- *
- * where:
- * PaddedData is "Pad1 || ActualData [|| Pad2]"
- * Salt is random data.
- * Pad1 is all zeros.
- * Pad2, if present, is random data.
- * (The "modified" fields are all the same length as the original
- * unmodified values; they are just xor'd with other values.)
- *
- * Modified1 is an XOR of PaddedData with a special octet
- * string constructed of iterated hashing of Salt (see below).
- * Modified2 is an XOR of Salt with the low-order octets of
- * the hash of Modified1 (see farther below ;-).
- *
- * Whew!
- */
- /*
- * Salt
- */
- RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(bp, OAEP_SALT_LEN);
- bp += OAEP_SALT_LEN;
- /*
- * Pad1
- */
- bp += OAEP_PAD_LEN;
- /*
- * Data
- */
- PORT_Memcpy (bp, data->data, data->len);
- bp += data->len;
- /*
- * Pad2
- */
- if (bp < (block + modulusLen))
- RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(bp, block - bp + modulusLen);
- /*
- * Now we have the following:
- * 0x00 || BT || Salt || PaddedData
- * (From this point on, "Pad1 || Data [|| Pad2]" is treated
- * as the one entity PaddedData.)
- *
- * We need to turn PaddedData into Modified1.
- */
- if (oaep_xor_with_h1(block + 2 + OAEP_SALT_LEN,
- modulusLen - 2 - OAEP_SALT_LEN,
- block + 2, OAEP_SALT_LEN) != SECSuccess) {
- PORT_Free (block);
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Now we have:
- * 0x00 || BT || Salt || Modified1(PaddedData)
- *
- * The remaining task is to turn Salt into Modified2.
- */
- if (oaep_xor_with_h2(block + 2, OAEP_SALT_LEN,
- block + 2 + OAEP_SALT_LEN,
- modulusLen - 2 - OAEP_SALT_LEN) != SECSuccess) {
- PORT_Free (block);
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- default:
- PORT_Assert (0);
- PORT_Free (block);
- return NULL;
- }
- return block;
- }
- SECStatus
- RSA_FormatBlock(SECItem *result, unsigned modulusLen,
- RSA_BlockType blockType, SECItem *data)
- {
- /*
- * XXX For now assume that the data length fits in a single
- * XXX encryption block; the ASSERTs below force this.
- * XXX To fix it, each case will have to loop over chunks whose
- * XXX lengths satisfy the assertions, until all data is handled.
- * XXX (Unless RSA has more to say about how to handle data
- * XXX which does not fit in a single encryption block?)
- * XXX And I do not know what the result is supposed to be,
- * XXX so the interface to this function may need to change
- * XXX to allow for returning multiple blocks, if they are
- * XXX not wanted simply concatenated one after the other.
- */
- switch (blockType) {
- case RSA_BlockPrivate0:
- case RSA_BlockPrivate:
- case RSA_BlockPublic:
- /*
- * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
- *
- * The "3" below is the first octet + the second octet + the 0x00
- * octet that always comes just before the ActualData.
- */
- PORT_Assert (data->len <= (modulusLen - (3 + RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN)));
- result->data = RSA_FormatOneBlock(modulusLen, blockType, data);
- if (result->data == NULL) {
- result->len = 0;
- return SECFailure;
- }
- result->len = modulusLen;
- break;
- case RSA_BlockOAEP:
- /*
- * 0x00 || BT || M1(Salt) || M2(Pad1||ActualData[||Pad2])
- *
- * The "2" below is the first octet + the second octet.
- * (The other fields do not contain the clear values, but are
- * the same length as the clear values.)
- */
- PORT_Assert (data->len <= (modulusLen - (2 + OAEP_SALT_LEN
- + OAEP_PAD_LEN)));
- result->data = RSA_FormatOneBlock(modulusLen, blockType, data);
- if (result->data == NULL) {
- result->len = 0;
- return SECFailure;
- }
- result->len = modulusLen;
- break;
- case RSA_BlockRaw:
- /*
- * Pad || ActualData
- * Pad is zeros. The application is responsible for recovering
- * the actual data.
- */
- result->data = (unsigned char*)PORT_ZAlloc(modulusLen);
- result->len = modulusLen;
- PORT_Memcpy(result->data+(modulusLen-data->len),data->data,data->len);
- break;
- default:
- PORT_Assert (0);
- result->data = NULL;
- result->len = 0;
- return SECFailure;
- }
- return SECSuccess;
- }
- /*
- * Takes a formatted block and returns the data part.
- * (This is the inverse of RSA_FormatOneBlock().)
- * In some formats the start of the data is ambiguous;
- * if it is non-zero, expectedLen will disambiguate.
- *
- * NOTE: this routine is not yet used/tested! (XXX please
- * remove this comment once that is no longer the case ;-)
- */
- unsigned char *
- RSA_DecodeOneBlock(unsigned char *data,
- unsigned int modulusLen,
- unsigned int expectedLen,
- RSA_BlockType *pResultType,
- unsigned int *pResultLen)
- {
- RSA_BlockType blockType;
- unsigned char *dp, *res;
- unsigned int i, len, padLen;
- dp = data;
- if (*dp++ != RSA_BLOCK_FIRST_OCTET) {
- return NULL;
- }
- blockType = (RSA_BlockType)*dp++;
- switch (blockType) {
- case RSA_BlockPrivate0:
- if (expectedLen) {
- padLen = modulusLen - expectedLen - 3;
- PORT_Assert (padLen >= RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN);
- for (i = 0; i < padLen; i++) {
- break;
- }
- if ((i != padLen) || (*dp != RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- dp++;
- len = expectedLen;
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < modulusLen; i++) {
- break;
- }
- if (i == modulusLen) {
- return NULL;
- }
- dp--;
- padLen = dp - data - 2;
- if ((padLen < RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN)
- || (*dp != RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- dp++;
- len = modulusLen - (dp - data);
- }
- res = (unsigned char *) PORT_Alloc(len);
- if (res == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- PORT_Memcpy (res, dp, len);
- break;
- case RSA_BlockPrivate:
- for (i = 0; i < modulusLen; i++) {
- break;
- }
- if ((i == modulusLen) || (*dp != RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- padLen = dp - data - 2;
- dp++;
- len = modulusLen - (dp - data);
- if ((padLen < RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN) || (expectedLen
- && (expectedLen != len))) {
- return NULL;
- }
- res = (unsigned char *) PORT_Alloc(len);
- if (res == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- PORT_Memcpy (res, dp, len);
- break;
- case RSA_BlockPublic:
- for (i = 0; i < modulusLen; i++) {
- break;
- }
- if (i == modulusLen) {
- return NULL;
- }
- padLen = dp - data - 2;
- dp++;
- len = modulusLen - (dp - data);
- if ((padLen < RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN) || (expectedLen
- && (expectedLen != len))) {
- return NULL;
- }
- res = (unsigned char *) PORT_Alloc(len);
- if (res == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- PORT_Memcpy (res, dp, len);
- break;
- case RSA_BlockOAEP:
- {
- unsigned char *salt, *tmp_res;
- SECStatus rv;
- len = modulusLen - 2 - OAEP_SALT_LEN;
- /*
- * dp points to:
- * Modified2(Salt) || Modified1(PaddedData)
- * To recover Salt we need to XOR it with the low-order hash
- * of Modified1.
- */
- salt = (unsigned char *) PORT_Alloc(OAEP_SALT_LEN);
- if (salt == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- PORT_Memcpy (salt, dp, OAEP_SALT_LEN);
- dp += OAEP_SALT_LEN;
- rv = oaep_xor_with_h2 (salt, OAEP_SALT_LEN, dp, len);
- if (rv != SECSuccess) {
- PORT_Free (salt);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (expectedLen) {
- PORT_Assert (expectedLen <= len);
- len = expectedLen;
- }
- tmp_res = (unsigned char *) PORT_Alloc(len);
- if (tmp_res == NULL) {
- PORT_Free (salt);
- return NULL;
- }
- PORT_Memcpy (tmp_res, dp, len);
- rv = oaep_xor_with_h1 (tmp_res, len, salt, OAEP_SALT_LEN);
- PORT_Free (salt);
- if (rv != SECSuccess) {
- return NULL;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < OAEP_PAD_LEN; i++) {
- if (tmp_res[i] != OAEP_PAD_OCTET) {
- PORT_Free (tmp_res);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- len -= OAEP_PAD_LEN;
- res = (unsigned char *) PORT_Alloc(len);
- if (res == NULL) {
- PORT_Free (tmp_res);
- return NULL;
- }
- PORT_Memcpy (res, tmp_res + OAEP_PAD_LEN, len);
- PORT_Free (tmp_res);
- }
- break;
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
- PORT_Assert (res != NULL);
- *pResultLen = len;
- *pResultType = blockType;
- return res;
- }
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- SECStatus
- RSA_Sign(SECKEYLowPrivateKey *key,
- unsigned char * output,
- unsigned int * output_len,
- unsigned int maxOutputLen,
- unsigned char * input,
- unsigned int input_len)
- {
- SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
- unsigned int modulus_len = SECKEY_LowPrivateModulusLen(key);
- SECItem formatted;
- SECItem unformatted;
- if (maxOutputLen < modulus_len)
- return SECFailure;
- PORT_Assert(key->keyType == rsaKey);
- if (key->keyType != rsaKey)
- return SECFailure;
- unformatted.len = input_len;
- = input;
- = NULL;
- rv = RSA_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulus_len, RSA_BlockPrivate,
- &unformatted);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto done;
- rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, output,;
- *output_len = modulus_len;
- goto done;
- done:
- if ( != NULL)
- PORT_ZFree(, modulus_len);
- return rv;
- }
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- SECStatus
- RSA_CheckSign(SECKEYLowPublicKey *key,
- unsigned char * sign,
- unsigned int sign_len,
- unsigned char * hash,
- unsigned int hash_len)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- unsigned int modulus_len = SECKEY_LowPublicModulusLen(key);
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned char * buffer;
- modulus_len = SECKEY_LowPublicModulusLen(key);
- if (sign_len != modulus_len)
- goto failure;
- if (hash_len > modulus_len - 8)
- goto failure;
- PORT_Assert(key->keyType == rsaKey);
- if (key->keyType != rsaKey)
- goto failure;
- buffer = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulus_len + 1);
- if (!buffer)
- goto failure;
- rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, buffer, sign);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto loser;
- /*
- * check the padding that was used
- */
- if (buffer[0] != 0 || buffer[1] != 1)
- goto loser;
- for (i = 2; i < modulus_len - hash_len - 1; i++) {
- if (buffer[i] == 0)
- break;
- if (buffer[i] != 0xff)
- goto loser;
- }
- /*
- * make sure we get the same results
- */
- if (PORT_Memcmp(buffer + modulus_len - hash_len, hash, hash_len) != 0)
- goto loser;
- PORT_Free(buffer);
- return SECSuccess;
- loser:
- PORT_Free(buffer);
- failure:
- return SECFailure;
- }
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- SECStatus
- RSA_CheckSignRecover(SECKEYLowPublicKey *key,
- unsigned char * data,
- unsigned int * data_len,
- unsigned int max_output_len,
- unsigned char * sign,
- unsigned int sign_len)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- unsigned int modulus_len = SECKEY_LowPublicModulusLen(key);
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned char * buffer;
- if (sign_len != modulus_len)
- goto failure;
- PORT_Assert(key->keyType == rsaKey);
- if (key->keyType != rsaKey)
- goto failure;
- buffer = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulus_len + 1);
- if (!buffer)
- goto failure;
- rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, buffer, sign);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto loser;
- *data_len = 0;
- /*
- * check the padding that was used
- */
- if (buffer[0] != 0 || buffer[1] != 1)
- goto loser;
- for (i = 2; i < modulus_len; i++) {
- if (buffer[i] == 0) {
- *data_len = modulus_len - i - 1;
- break;
- }
- if (buffer[i] != 0xff)
- goto loser;
- }
- if (*data_len == 0)
- goto loser;
- if (*data_len > max_output_len)
- goto loser;
- /*
- * make sure we get the same results
- */
- PORT_Memcpy(data,buffer + modulus_len - *data_len, *data_len);
- PORT_Free(buffer);
- return SECSuccess;
- loser:
- PORT_Free(buffer);
- failure:
- return SECFailure;
- }
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- SECStatus
- RSA_EncryptBlock(SECKEYLowPublicKey *key,
- unsigned char * output,
- unsigned int * output_len,
- unsigned int max_output_len,
- unsigned char * input,
- unsigned int input_len)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- unsigned int modulus_len = SECKEY_LowPublicModulusLen(key);
- SECItem formatted;
- SECItem unformatted;
- = NULL;
- if (max_output_len < modulus_len)
- goto failure;
- PORT_Assert(key->keyType == rsaKey);
- if (key->keyType != rsaKey)
- goto failure;
- unformatted.len = input_len;
- = input;
- = NULL;
- rv = RSA_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulus_len, RSA_BlockPublic,
- &unformatted);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto failure;
- rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, output,;
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto failure;
- PORT_ZFree(, modulus_len);
- *output_len = modulus_len;
- return SECSuccess;
- failure:
- if ( != NULL)
- PORT_ZFree(, modulus_len);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- SECStatus
- RSA_DecryptBlock(SECKEYLowPrivateKey *key,
- unsigned char * output,
- unsigned int * output_len,
- unsigned int max_output_len,
- unsigned char * input,
- unsigned int input_len)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- unsigned int modulus_len = SECKEY_LowPrivateModulusLen(key);
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned char * buffer;
- PORT_Assert(key->keyType == rsaKey);
- if (key->keyType != rsaKey)
- goto failure;
- if (input_len != modulus_len)
- goto failure;
- buffer = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulus_len + 1);
- if (!buffer)
- goto failure;
- rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, buffer, input);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto loser;
- if (buffer[0] != 0 || buffer[1] != 2)
- goto loser;
- *output_len = 0;
- for (i = 2; i < modulus_len; i++) {
- if (buffer[i] == 0) {
- *output_len = modulus_len - i - 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (*output_len == 0)
- goto loser;
- if (*output_len > max_output_len)
- goto loser;
- PORT_Memcpy(output, buffer + modulus_len - *output_len, *output_len);
- PORT_Free(buffer);
- return SECSuccess;
- loser:
- PORT_Free(buffer);
- failure:
- return SECFailure;
- }
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- /*
- * added to make pkcs #11 happy
- * RAW is RSA_X_509
- */
- SECStatus
- RSA_SignRaw(SECKEYLowPrivateKey *key,
- unsigned char * output,
- unsigned int * output_len,
- unsigned int maxOutputLen,
- unsigned char * input,
- unsigned int input_len)
- {
- SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
- unsigned int modulus_len = SECKEY_LowPrivateModulusLen(key);
- SECItem formatted;
- SECItem unformatted;
- if (maxOutputLen < modulus_len)
- return SECFailure;
- PORT_Assert(key->keyType == rsaKey);
- if (key->keyType != rsaKey)
- return SECFailure;
- unformatted.len = input_len;
- = input;
- = NULL;
- rv = RSA_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulus_len, RSA_BlockRaw, &unformatted);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto done;
- rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, output,;
- *output_len = modulus_len;
- done:
- if ( != NULL)
- PORT_ZFree(, modulus_len);
- return rv;
- }
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- SECStatus
- RSA_CheckSignRaw(SECKEYLowPublicKey *key,
- unsigned char * sign,
- unsigned int sign_len,
- unsigned char * hash,
- unsigned int hash_len)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- unsigned int modulus_len = SECKEY_LowPublicModulusLen(key);
- unsigned char * buffer;
- if (sign_len != modulus_len)
- goto failure;
- if (hash_len > modulus_len)
- goto failure;
- PORT_Assert(key->keyType == rsaKey);
- if (key->keyType != rsaKey)
- goto failure;
- buffer = (unsigned char *)PORT_Alloc(modulus_len + 1);
- if (!buffer)
- goto failure;
- rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, buffer, sign);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto loser;
- /*
- * make sure we get the same results
- */
- /* NOTE: should we verify the leading zeros? */
- if (PORT_Memcmp(buffer + (modulus_len-hash_len), hash, hash_len) != 0)
- goto loser;
- PORT_Free(buffer);
- return SECSuccess;
- loser:
- PORT_Free(buffer);
- failure:
- return SECFailure;
- }
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- SECStatus
- RSA_CheckSignRecoverRaw(SECKEYLowPublicKey *key,
- unsigned char * data,
- unsigned int * data_len,
- unsigned int max_output_len,
- unsigned char * sign,
- unsigned int sign_len)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- unsigned int modulus_len = SECKEY_LowPublicModulusLen(key);
- if (sign_len != modulus_len)
- goto failure;
- if (max_output_len < modulus_len)
- goto failure;
- PORT_Assert(key->keyType == rsaKey);
- if (key->keyType != rsaKey)
- goto failure;
- rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, data, sign);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto failure;
- *data_len = modulus_len;
- return SECSuccess;
- failure:
- return SECFailure;
- }
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- SECStatus
- RSA_EncryptRaw(SECKEYLowPublicKey *key,
- unsigned char * output,
- unsigned int * output_len,
- unsigned int max_output_len,
- unsigned char * input,
- unsigned int input_len)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- unsigned int modulus_len = SECKEY_LowPublicModulusLen(key);
- SECItem formatted;
- SECItem unformatted;
- = NULL;
- if (max_output_len < modulus_len)
- goto failure;
- PORT_Assert(key->keyType == rsaKey);
- if (key->keyType != rsaKey)
- goto failure;
- unformatted.len = input_len;
- = input;
- = NULL;
- rv = RSA_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulus_len, RSA_BlockRaw, &unformatted);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto failure;
- rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, output,;
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto failure;
- PORT_ZFree(, modulus_len);
- *output_len = modulus_len;
- return SECSuccess;
- failure:
- if ( != NULL)
- PORT_ZFree(, modulus_len);
- return SECFailure;
- }
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- SECStatus
- RSA_DecryptRaw(SECKEYLowPrivateKey *key,
- unsigned char * output,
- unsigned int * output_len,
- unsigned int max_output_len,
- unsigned char * input,
- unsigned int input_len)
- {
- SECStatus rv;
- unsigned int modulus_len = SECKEY_LowPrivateModulusLen(key);
- if (modulus_len <= 0)
- goto failure;
- if (modulus_len > max_output_len)
- goto failure;
- PORT_Assert(key->keyType == rsaKey);
- if (key->keyType != rsaKey)
- goto failure;
- if (input_len != modulus_len)
- goto failure;
- rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, output, input);
- if (rv != SECSuccess)
- goto failure;
- *output_len = modulus_len;
- return SECSuccess;
- failure:
- return SECFailure;
- }