- /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- * Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
- * "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
- * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
- * version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to
- * allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL,
- * indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
- * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by
- * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
- * may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the
- * GPL.
- */
- /*
- SSMResource is the base class for anything that wants to be accessible
- to the NSM client.
- To subclass from SSMResource, you *must* do the following:
- * Define a resource type for your class in the SSMResourceType enumerated
- type below.
- * Embed an SSMResource struct as the first member of your class struct.
- This is the way that polymorphism works in this class system: you can freely
- change type on a pointer to an SSMResource or its subclasses, because
- the memory pointed to is guaranteed to consist of the base class followed
- by subclass members. Subsequently, to subclass from any subclass of
- SSMResource, you must embed an instance of the existing class as the
- first member of your subclass.
- (This is how it's done in C++, btw. Why don't we use C++, you ask?
- Because of variations among C++ compilers, and because the rest of the
- group will hate us if we do.)
- * Provide the following member functions for your class:
- - SSMStatus YourClassName_Create (void *arg, SSMResource **res)
- Requirement: MANDATORY
- Description: This creates an instance of your class. Necessary because
- you need to allocate a properly sized chunk of memory,
- and because the _Create routine also must call the correct
- _Init method to properly initialize member data.
- Parameters: arg - an initialization argument specific to the class.
- res - Returns the newly created instance, or NULL if error.
- Return value - PR_SUCCESS for success, etc.
- - SSMStatus YourClassName_Init([signature varies])
- Requirement: MANDATORY
- Description: This initializes member data in your class.
- Parameters: Dependent on how your class needs to be initialized.
- The calling convention is used only by your _Create method,
- and by the _Init method of all subclasses of your class.
- - SSMStatus YourClassName_Destroy(SSMResource *res, PRBool doFree)
- Requirement: MANDATORY
- Description: This deallocates member data in an instance of your
- class, and optionally deallocates the class instance
- itself (if doFree is true). When calling superclass
- _Destroy functions, should always pass PR_FALSE in
- doFree. The default method deallocates the object with
- PR_Free.
- Parameters: res - An instance of your class.
- doFree - if PR_TRUE, you must free (res). Presumably,
- if doFree is true, then this object was created
- by your _Create method above, so use whatever
- memory deallocator corresponds to how the
- instance was allocated in _Create.
- Return value - PR_SUCCESS if successful, etc.
- - SSMStatus YourClassName_GetAttrIDs(SSMResource *res,
- SSMAttributeID **ids,
- PRIntn *count)
- Requirement: MANDATORY
- Description: This is called when the client or part of the NSM server
- wants to know all the available attributes of a particular
- object.
- Parameters: res - An instance of your class.
- ids - Returns an array (allocated with PR_CALLOC) of
- the available IDs.
- count - Returns the number of IDs in (ids).
- Return value - PR_SUCCESS if successful
- (Other underlying errors as appropriate)
- - SSMStatus YourClassName_GetAttr(SSMResource *res,
- SSMAttributeID attrID,
- SSMAttributeValue *value)
- Requirement: MANDATORY
- Description: This is called when a client requests data from an
- instance of your class. The default method simply
- returns PR_FAILURE.
- Parameters: res - An instance of your class.
- attrID - The ID of the requested member data.
- value - The attribute value struct to be filled in.
- Return value - PR_SUCCESS if successful
- SSM_ERR_BAD_FID: Field ID is incorrect.
- (Other underlying errors as appropriate)
- - SSMStatus YourClassName_SetAttr(SSMResource *res,
- SSMAttributeID attrID,
- SSMAttributeValue *value)
- Requirement: Optional
- Description: This is called when a client wants to change a member
- of an instance of your class. This only needs to be
- implemented if you want to accept values from the
- client (most classes will not want to do this). The
- default method simply returns PR_FAILURE.
- Parameters: res - An instance of your class.
- attrID - The ID of the member to be changed.
- value - The value to set the attribute to.
- Return value - PR_SUCCESS if successful
- SSM_ERR_BAD_FID: Field ID is incorrect.
- (Other underlying errors as appropriate)
- - void YourClassName_Invariant(YourClassName *obj)
- Requirement: Optional (but recommended)
- Description: Performs invariant checking on member data particular
- to your class. Normally this is done by calling PR_ASSERT
- on typical expected conditions in your member data.
- Your invariant method should call the superclass' Invariant
- method to ensure proper invariant checking of the whole
- instance.
- Parameters: obj - An instance of your class.
- Return value - PR_SUCCESS if successful
- (Errors as appropriate)
- * Register your class by making a call to SSM_RegisterResourceType
- from inside SSM_ResourceInit in resource.c, passing whatever
- methods your class overrides. Note that in some subclasses (such as
- SSMConnection), additional virtual functions are provided for other
- polymorphic functionality. You'll need to override those methods
- inside your _Init routine directly.
- */
- #ifndef __SSM_RESOURCE_H__
- #define __SSM_RESOURCE_H__
- #include "ssmdefs.h"
- #include "ssmerrs.h"
- #include "rsrcids.h"
- #include "hashtbl.h"
- #include "protocol.h"
- #include "protocolf.h"
- #include "prtypes.h"
- #include "nspr.h"
- #include "serv.h"
- #include "collectn.h"
- /* typedef struct SSMResource SSMResource; */
- /* SSMControlConnection is defined in ctrlcon.h */
- /* typedef struct SSMControlConnection SSMControlConnection; */
- typedef struct HTTPRequest HTTPRequest;
- typedef SSMStatus (*SSMResourceCreateFunc) (void *arg,
- SSMControlConnection * conn,
- SSMResource **res);
- typedef SSMStatus (*SSMResourceDestroyFunc)(SSMResource *res, PRBool doFree);
- typedef SSMStatus (*SSMResourceGetAttrIDsFunc)(SSMResource *res,
- SSMAttributeID **ids,
- PRIntn *count);
- typedef SSMStatus (*SSMResourceGetAttrFunc)(SSMResource *res,
- SSMAttributeID attrID,
- SSMResourceAttrType attrType,
- SSMAttributeValue *value);
- typedef SSMStatus (*SSMResourceSetAttrFunc)(SSMResource *res,
- SSMAttributeID attrID,
- SSMAttributeValue *value);
- typedef SSMStatus (*SSMResourceShutdownFunc)(SSMResource *res,
- SSMStatus status);
- typedef SSMStatus (*SSMResourcePickleFunc)(SSMResource *res,
- PRIntn * len,
- void **value);
- typedef SSMStatus (*SSMResourceUnpickleFunc)(SSMResource ** res,
- SSMControlConnection * conn,
- PRIntn len, void * value);
- typedef SSMStatus (*SSMResourceHTMLFunc)(SSMResource *res,
- PRIntn * len,
- void ** value);
- /* be sure to include <nlsutil.h> before your implementations */
- typedef SSMStatus (*SSMResourcePrintFunc)(SSMResource *res,
- char *fmt,
- PRIntn numParams,
- char ** value,
- char **resultStr);
- typedef SSMStatus (*SSMSubmitHandlerFunc)(struct SSMResource *res,
- HTTPRequest *req);
- /* What do we do with a resource when the client wants to destroy it? */
- typedef enum
- {
- SSM_CLIENTDEST_NOTHING = (PRUint32) 0, /* take no action */
- SSM_CLIENTDEST_FREE, /* free the resource */
- SSM_CLIENTDEST_SHUTDOWN /* shut down threads
- before freeing object */
- } SSMClientDestroyAction;
- typedef enum
- {
- } SSMUIButtonType;
- typedef struct SSMResourceClass SSMResourceClass;
- /* typedef struct SSMResource SSMResource; */
- struct SSMResource
- {
- SSMResourceClass *m_class; /* Pointer to class object */
- SSMResourceID m_id;
- SSMResourceType m_classType;
- SSMControlConnection* m_connection; /* Control connection
- that owns the resource */
- SSMStatus m_status; /* Status of last closing thread.
- Indicates whether to do an
- emergency shutdown (interrupt all
- threads, post shutdown msgs, etc.)
- or to allow continuing operation. */
- PRIntn m_threadCount; /* Number of service threads */
- PRMonitor * m_lock; /* Thread lock for this connection
- object */
- PRMonitor * m_UILock; /* Use this lock for waiting and
- * notifying for UI events.
- */
- PRBool m_UIBoolean; /* This value is set by the Notify
- * on UILock.
- */
- PRIntn m_refCount; /* Reference count */
- PRIntn m_clientCount; /* Number of client references */
- SSMUIButtonType m_buttonType; /* This will be set when a UI event
- * button event happens and the
- * target is the resource.
- */
- char * m_formName; /* The name of the form that created
- * the UI event causing the form submit
- * handler to get called.
- */
- char * m_fileName; /* If this object requested a file path,
- * then this field will be used to
- * store the returned value.
- */
- void * m_uiData; /* Using this value to pass misc UI
- * information.
- */
- CMTItem m_clientContext; /* This is set by client and passed back
- * to client during UI operations */
- PRThread * m_waitThread; /*Thread waiting for us to shut down*/
- SSMClientDestroyAction m_clientDest;/* what to do if client destroys us */
- SSMResourceDestroyFunc m_destroy_func;
- SSMResourceShutdownFunc m_shutdown_func;
- SSMResourceGetAttrIDsFunc m_getids_func;
- SSMResourceGetAttrFunc m_get_func;
- SSMResourceSetAttrFunc m_set_func;
- SSMResourcePickleFunc m_pickle_func;
- SSMResourceHTMLFunc m_html_func;
- SSMResourcePrintFunc m_print_func;
- SSMSubmitHandlerFunc m_submit_func;
- PRBool m_resourceShutdown;
- };
- /* Macros */
- #define RESOURCE_CLASS(x) ( ((SSMResource *) (x))->m_classType )
- /************************************************************
- ** FUNCTION: SSM_CreateResource
- **
- ** DESCRIPTION: Create a new resource of type (type). If (rawData)
- ** is not NULL, get initial values from that structure.
- ** rawData is treated differently depending on the type
- ** of resource being created; for example, a certificate
- ** object will store a reference to the certificate
- ** structure in (rawData), whereas a connection resource
- ** will copy values out of an SSMHashTable pointed to
- ** by (rawData).
- ** INPUTS:
- ** type
- ** The type of resource to be created.
- ** arg
- ** A type-dependent initial value for attribute(s) of the newly
- ** created resource.
- ** resID
- ** Returns the ID of the newly created resource.
- ** result
- ** Returns a pointer to the newly created resource.
- ** If successful, returns PR_SUCCESS.
- ** If failed, returns either PR_FAILURE or the underlying NSPR error,
- ** if it is available.
- **
- *************************************************************/
- SSMStatus SSM_CreateResource(SSMResourceType type,
- void *arg,
- SSMControlConnection * conn,
- SSMResourceID *resID,
- SSMResource **result);
- /************************************************************
- ** FUNCTION: SSM_GetResAttribute
- **
- ** DESCRIPTION: Get an attribute from an SSMResource object.
- **
- ** INPUTS:
- ** res
- ** The resource from which an attribute is to be retrieved.
- ** attrID
- ** The field/resource ID of the attribute.
- ** attrType
- ** The expected type of the retrieved attribute.
- ** value
- ** The attribute value to be filled in.
- ** If successful, returns PR_SUCCESS.
- ** If failed, returns either PR_FAILURE or the underlying NSPR error,
- ** if it is available.
- **
- ** NOTES:
- ** ### mwelch All this memory allocation can be problematic.
- *************************************************************/
- SSMStatus SSM_GetResAttribute(SSMResource *res, SSMAttributeID attrID,
- SSMResourceAttrType attrType,
- SSMAttributeValue *value);
- /************************************************************
- ** FUNCTION: SSM_SetResAttribute
- **
- ** DESCRIPTION: Set an attribute on an SSMResource object. If
- ** the attribute does not yet exist, it is created.
- **
- ** INPUTS:
- ** res
- ** The resource in which an attribute is to be changed.
- ** attrID
- ** The field/resource ID of the attribute.
- ** value
- ** A pointer to the value of the newly changed attribute. The value
- ** is copied into the resource.
- ** If successful, returns PR_SUCCESS.
- ** If failed, returns either PR_FAILURE or the underlying NSPR error,
- ** if it is available.
- *************************************************************/
- SSMStatus SSM_SetResAttribute(SSMResource *res, SSMAttributeID attrID,
- SSMAttributeValue *value);
- /************************************************************
- ** FUNCTION: SSM_PickleResource
- **
- ** DESCRIPTION: Pickle resource.
- **
- ** INPUTS:
- ** res
- ** The resource to be pickled.
- **
- ** len
- ** Length of the pickled blob.
- ** value
- ** Pickled resource.
- **
- ** If successful, returns PR_SUCCESS.
- ** If failed, returns either PR_FAILURE or NSPR error code.
- *************************************************************/
- SSMStatus
- SSM_PickleResource(SSMResource * res, PRIntn * len, void ** value);
- /************************************************************
- ** FUNCTION: SSM_FreeResource
- **
- ** DESCRIPTION: Free a reference on (res). If the reference count
- ** reaches 0, (res) is destroyed.
- **
- ** INPUTS:
- ** res
- ** The resource to be dereferenced.
- ** If successful, returns PR_SUCCESS.
- ** If failed, returns either PR_FAILURE or the underlying NSPR error,
- ** if it is available.
- *************************************************************/
- SSMStatus SSM_FreeResource(SSMResource *res);
- /************************************************************
- ** FUNCTION: SSM_GetResourceReference
- **
- ** DESCRIPTION: Get a reference on (res).
- **
- ** INPUTS:
- ** res
- ** The resource to be referenced.
- ** If successful, returns PR_SUCCESS.
- ** If failed, returns either PR_FAILURE or the underlying NSPR error,
- ** if it is available.
- *************************************************************/
- SSMStatus SSM_GetResourceReference(SSMResource *res);
- /************************************************************
- ** FUNCTION: SSM_RegisterResourceType
- **
- ** DESCRIPTION: Register a resource type within the Cartman server.
- **
- ** INPUTS:
- ** type
- ** The new type to be registered.
- ** superClass
- ** Inherit functions from the already-registered superclass.
- ** if (superClass) is not SSM_RESTYPE_NULL and any function
- ** parameters below are NULL, those functions are inherited
- ** from the indicated superclass.
- ** createFunc, rDestFunc, setFunc, getFunc
- ** Accessor functions for the resource.
- ** If successful, returns PR_SUCCESS.
- ** If failed, returns either PR_FAILURE, the underlying NSPR error,
- ** or the following values:
- ** and one or more of the function parameters
- ** was also NULL.
- *************************************************************/
- SSMStatus SSM_RegisterResourceType(char * className,
- SSMResourceType type,
- SSMResourceType superClass,
- SSMClientDestroyAction cDestAction,
- SSMResourceCreateFunc createFunc,
- SSMResourceDestroyFunc destFunc,
- SSMResourceShutdownFunc shutdownFunc,
- SSMResourceGetAttrIDsFunc getIDsFunc,
- SSMResourceGetAttrFunc getFunc,
- SSMResourceSetAttrFunc setFunc,
- SSMResourcePickleFunc pickleFunc,
- SSMResourceUnpickleFunc unpickleFunc,
- SSMResourceHTMLFunc htmlFunc,
- SSMResourcePrintFunc printFunc,
- SSMSubmitHandlerFunc submitFunc);
- PRBool SSM_IsA(SSMResource *res, SSMResourceType type);
- PRBool SSM_IsAKindOf(SSMResource *res, SSMResourceType type);
- SSMStatus SSM_ClientGetResourceReference(SSMResource *res, SSMResourceID *id);
- SSMStatus SSM_ShutdownResource(SSMResource *res, SSMStatus status);
- SSMStatus SSM_ClientDestroyResource(SSMControlConnection *connection,
- SSMResourceID rid, SSMResourceType type);
- void SSM_LockResource(SSMResource *res);
- SSMStatus SSM_UnlockResource(SSMResource *res);
- SSMStatus SSM_WaitResource(SSMResource *res, PRIntervalTime ticks);
- SSMStatus SSM_WaitForOKCancelEvent(SSMResource *res, PRIntervalTime ticks);
- SSMStatus SSM_NotifyOKCancelEvent(SSMResource *res);
- SSMStatus SSM_NotifyResource(SSMResource *res);
- void SSM_LockUIEvent(SSMResource *res);
- SSMStatus SSM_UnlockUIEvent(SSMResource *res);
- SSMStatus SSM_WaitUIEvent(SSMResource *res, PRIntervalTime ticks);
- SSMStatus SSM_NotifyUIEvent(SSMResource *);
- SSMStatus SSM_PickleResource(SSMResource * res, PRIntn * len, void ** value);
- SSMStatus SSM_UnpickleResource(SSMResource ** res, SSMResourceType type,
- SSMControlConnection * connection,
- PRIntn len, void * value);
- SSMStatus SSM_MessageFormatResource(SSMResource *res, char *fmt, PRIntn numParam,
- char ** value,
- char **resultStr);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_Create(void *arg, SSMControlConnection * conn,
- SSMResource **res);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_Destroy(SSMResource *res, PRBool doFree);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_Shutdown(SSMResource *res, SSMStatus status);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_Init(SSMControlConnection * conn, SSMResource *res,
- SSMResourceType type);
- void SSMResource_Invariant(SSMResource *res);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_GetAttr(SSMResource *res,
- SSMAttributeID attrID,
- SSMResourceAttrType attrType,
- SSMAttributeValue *value);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_SetAttr(SSMResource *res,
- SSMAttributeID attrID,
- SSMAttributeValue *value);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_GetAttrIDs(SSMResource *res,
- SSMAttributeID **ids,
- PRIntn *count);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_Pickle(SSMResource *res,
- PRIntn * len,
- void **value);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_Unpickle(SSMResource ** res,
- SSMControlConnection *conn,
- PRIntn len,
- void * value);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_HTML(SSMResource *res,
- PRIntn * len,
- void ** value);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_Print(SSMResource *res,
- char *fmt,
- PRIntn numParam,
- char **value,
- char **resultStr);
- SSMStatus SSMResource_FormSubmitHandler(SSMResource *res,
- HTTPRequest *req);
- /* ALWAYS pass in msg a string allocated by NSPR (PR_smprintf for example),
- because the string is freed from within SSM_Debug. */
- void SSM_Debug(SSMResource *res, char *msg);
- char * SSM_ResourceClassName(SSMResource *res);
- /* Wait for a resource to shut down. */
- SSMStatus SSM_WaitForResourceShutdown(SSMResource *res);
- /* Register a thread with a resource (or pass arg==NULL for standalone) */
- void SSM_RegisterThread(char *threadName, SSMResource *arg);
- void SSM_RegisterNewThread(char *threadName, SSMResource *ptr);
- SSMStatus
- SSM_ShutdownResource(SSMResource *res, SSMStatus status);
- SSMStatus SSM_HandlePromptReply(SSMResource *res, char *reply);
- /* Initialize resources. Only called by main. */
- SSMStatus SSM_ResourceInit();
- /* Create a resource thread */
- PRThread *
- SSM_CreateThread(SSMResource *res, void (*func)(void *arg));
- #endif