资源名称:CRCSET13 [点击查看]
- {$I-}
- {
- Kevin Dean
- Fairview Mall P.O. Box 55074
- 1800 Sheppard Avenue East
- Willowdale, Ontario
- CompuServe ID: 76336,3114
- March 24, 1991
- This module validates the CRC of the program in which it is linked.
- The code was designed as an anti-virus algorithm. The CRC is a very effective
- method of detecting viruses; any virus that attaches itself to the program
- changes the CRC of the program. The response to an invalid CRC is entirely up
- to the programmer.
- This code is public domain.
- }
- unit ValidCRC;
- interface
- uses
- DOS, AllocBuf;
- type
- crc32_t =
- longint;
- FileCRC =
- record
- case boolean of
- false:
- (
- SearchStr : array [1 .. 8] of char; { String to search for. }
- );
- true:
- (
- Polynomial : crc32_t; { Polynomial for this file. }
- CRC : crc32_t; { Calculated CRC for this file. }
- )
- end;
- const
- crcValid = { CRC is valid. }
- 0;
- crcInvalid = { CRC is invalid. }
- 1;
- crcIsZero = { CRC polynomial has been reset to zero. }
- 2;
- crcNoMem = { No memory for data buffer. }
- 3;
- crcFileErr = { Program file not found. }
- 4;
- function ValidateCRC(ProgName : string) : integer;
- function IsValidCRC(ProgName : string) : boolean;
- implementation
- const _VirusCRC : FileCRC =
- (
- SearchStr : ('D', 'E', 'A', 'N', '_', 'C', 'R', 'C')
- );
- type
- dwordrec =
- record
- Lo, Hi : word
- end;
- BytePtr =
- ^byte;
- {***}
- { Extract the low word of a dword. }
- function LowW(dword : longint) : word;
- begin
- LowW := (dwordrec(dword)).Lo
- end;
- {***}
- { Extract the high word of a dword. }
- function HiW(dword : longint) : word;
- begin
- HiW := (dwordrec(dword)).Hi
- end;
- {***}
- { Calculate CRC of active program and compare it to CRC in _VirusCRC. }
- function ValidateCRC(ProgName : string) : integer;
- var
- Buffer : BytePtr; { Buffer for file's data. }
- BufSize : word; { Buffer size. }
- PN : string[79]; { Program name. }
- ProgFile : file; { Program file. }
- Table : array [0 .. 255] of crc32_t; { CRC table. }
- HalfI : ^crc32_t; { Pointer to CRC of I div 2. }
- CRC : crc32_t; { Current CRC. }
- I : word; { Byte counter. }
- BufPtr : BytePtr; { Pointer to Buffer. }
- begin
- if _VirusCRC.Polynomial <> 0 then
- begin
- { Allocate 8k buffer if possible, but get at least 512 bytes. }
- BufSize := 8192;
- Buffer := BufAlloc(BufSize, 512);
- if Buffer <> nil then
- begin
- if Lo(DosVersion) < 3 then
- { Search PATH for program file. }
- PN := FSearch(ProgName, GetEnv('PATH'))
- else
- { Under DOS versions 3 and above, the program name is in ParamStr(0). }
- PN := ParamStr(0);
- Assign(ProgFile, PN);
- Reset(ProgFile, 1);
- if IOResult = 0 then
- begin
- { Generate a CRC lookup table for faster calculation. }
- HalfI := @Table[0];
- Table[0] := 0;
- I := 0;
- while I < 256 do
- begin
- if Hi(HiW(HalfI^)) and $80 = $80 then
- begin
- Table[I + 1] := HalfI^ shl 1;
- Table[I] := Table[I + 1] xor _VirusCRC.Polynomial
- end
- else
- begin
- Table[I] := HalfI^ shl 1;
- Table[I + 1] := Table[I] xor _VirusCRC.Polynomial
- end;
- Inc(I, 2);
- Inc(longint(HalfI), sizeof(crc32_t))
- end;
- CRC := 0;
- BlockRead(ProgFile, Buffer^, BufSize, I);
- while I <> 0 do
- begin
- BufPtr := Buffer;
- while I <> 0 do
- begin
- CRC := (CRC shl 8) xor Table[Hi(HiW(CRC)) xor BufPtr^];
- Dec(I);
- Inc(longint(BufPtr))
- end;
- BlockRead(ProgFile, Buffer^, BufSize, I)
- end;
- Close(ProgFile);
- if CRC = _VirusCRC.CRC then
- ValidateCRC := crcValid
- else
- ValidateCRC := crcInvalid
- end
- else
- ValidateCRC := crcFileErr;
- FreeMem(Buffer, BufSize)
- end
- else
- ValidateCRC := crcNoMem
- end
- else
- { CRC polynomial must be something other than 0. }
- ValidateCRC := crcIsZero
- end;
- {***}
- { Defined for compatibility with earlier releases of CRCSET. }
- function IsValidCRC(ProgName : string) : boolean;
- begin
- IsValidCRC := ValidateCRC(Progname) = crcValid
- end;
- end.