资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "registry.h"
- #include "resource.h"
- /****************************************************************************
- * makeKey
- * Inputs:
- * HKEY root: Root of key
- * const CString & path: Path of the form
- * abcd...
- * HKEY * key: Result of opening key
- * Result: LONG
- * The result of ::RegOpenKey
- * Effect:
- * If the path cannot be opened, tries to back off creating the key
- * one level at a time
- ****************************************************************************/
- static LONG makeKey(HKEY root, const CString & path, HKEY * key)
- {
- LONG result = ::RegOpenKey(root, path, key);
- if(result == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return result;
- // We have a path of the form abcd
- // But apparently a/b/c doesn't exist
- CString s;
- int i = path.ReverseFind(_T('\'));
- if(i == -1)
- return result; // well, we lose
- HKEY newkey;
- s = path.Left(i);
- result = makeKey(root, s, &newkey);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return result;
- // OK, we now have created abc
- CString v;
- v = path.Right(path.GetLength() - i - 1);
- DWORD disp;
- result = ::RegCreateKeyEx(newkey,
- v,
- 0, NULL,
- key,
- &disp);
- return result;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * makePath
- * Inputs:
- * CString & path: Existing path
- * const CString & var: Value or subpath
- * CString & name: Place to put name
- * Result: void
- *
- * Effect:
- * Takes a path of the form
- * thisthat
- * and a variable name 'var' of the form
- * whateversubstring
- * and updates 'path' so that it is
- * thisthatwhatever
- * and updates 'name' so that it is
- * substring
- ****************************************************************************/
- static void makePath(CString & path, const CString & var, CString & name)
- {
- // locate the rightmost of the 'var'. If there isn't one,
- // we simply copy var to name...
- int i = var.ReverseFind(_T('\'));
- if(i == -1)
- { /* no path */
- name = var;
- return;
- } /* no path */
- // append the prefix of the var to the path, leaving only the name
- if(path[path.GetLength() - 1] != _T('\'))
- path += _T("\");
- path += var.Left(i);
- name = var.Right(var.GetLength() - i - 1);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * GetRegistryString
- * Inputs:
- * HKEY root: HKEY_CURRENT_USER, etc.
- * const CString &var: Name of variable
- * CString &value: place to put value
- * Result: BOOL
- * TRUE if registry key found, &val is updated
- * FALSE if registry key not found, &val is not modified
- * Effect:
- * Retrieves the key based on
- * Notes:
- * This presumes the value is a text string (SZ_TEXT)
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL GetRegistryString(HKEY root, const CString &var, CString & val)
- {
- CString path;
- path.LoadString(IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT);
- CString name;
- makePath(path, var, name);
- HKEY key;
- LONG result = makeKey(root,
- path,
- &key);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return FALSE;
- TCHAR buffer[256];
- DWORD len = sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(TCHAR);
- DWORD type;
- result = ::RegQueryValueEx(key, name, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)buffer, &len);
- ::RegCloseKey(key);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return FALSE;
- if(type != REG_SZ)
- return FALSE;
- val = buffer;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * GetRegistryInt
- * Inputs:
- * HKEY root: root of path
- * const CString &var: Name of variable
- * LONG &val: Place to put value
- * Result: BOOL
- * TRUE if registry key found, &val is updated
- * FALSE if registry key not found, &val is not modified
- * Effect:
- * Retrieves the key based on
- * Notes:
- * This presumes the value is a 32-bit value
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL GetRegistryInt(HKEY root, const CString &var, DWORD & val)
- {
- CString path;
- path.LoadString(IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT);
- CString name;
- makePath(path, var, name);
- HKEY key;
- LONG result = makeKey(root,
- path,
- &key);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return FALSE;
- DWORD buffer;
- DWORD len = sizeof(buffer);
- DWORD type;
- result = ::RegQueryValueEx(key, name, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&buffer, &len);
- ::RegCloseKey(key);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return FALSE;
- if(type != REG_DWORD)
- return FALSE;
- val = buffer;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * GetRegistryDWordArray
- * Inputs:
- * HKEY root: root of path
- * const CString &var: Name of variable
- * Result: CDWordArray
- * The array of data
- * NULL if there is an error
- * Effect:
- * Allocates a DWORD array.
- * Notes:
- * The caller is responsible for deleting the result
- ****************************************************************************/
- CDWordArray * GetRegistryDWordArray(HKEY root, const CString &var)
- {
- CString path;
- DWORD len;
- DWORD type;
- path.LoadString(IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT);
- CString name;
- makePath(path, var, name);
- HKEY key;
- LONG result = makeKey(root,
- path,
- &key);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return NULL;
- result = ::RegQueryValueEx(key, name, 0, &type, NULL, &len);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- { /* failed */
- ::RegCloseKey(key);
- return NULL;
- } /* failed */
- CDWordArray * data = new CDWordArray;
- DWORD count = len / sizeof(DWORD);
- data->SetSize(count); // preallocate the array data
- result = ::RegQueryValueEx(key, name, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&(*data)[0], &len);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- { /* failed */
- ::RegCloseKey(key);
- delete data;
- return NULL;
- } /* failed */
- ::RegCloseKey(key);
- return data;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * SetRegistryDWordArray
- * Inputs:
- * HKEY root: root of path
- * const CString &var: Name of variable
- * CDWordArray & data: Data to write
- * Result: BOOL
- * TRUE if successful
- * FALSE if error
- * Effect:
- * Writes the data for the key
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL SetRegistryDWordArray(HKEY root, const CString & var, CDWordArray & data)
- {
- CString path;
- path.LoadString(IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT);
- CString name;
- makePath(path, var, name);
- HKEY key;
- LONG result = makeKey(root,
- path,
- &key);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return FALSE;
- result = ::RegSetValueEx(key, name, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&(data[0]),
- data.GetSize() * sizeof(DWORD));
- ::RegCloseKey(key);
- return result == ERROR_SUCCESS;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * SetRegistryString
- * Inputs:
- * HKEY root: root of search
- * const CString & var: Name of variable
- * CString & val: Value to write
- * Result: BOOL
- * TRUE if registry key set
- * FALSE if registry key not set
- * Effect:
- * Retrieves the key based on
- * Notes:
- * This presumes the value is a string
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL SetRegistryString(HKEY root, const CString & var, const CString & val)
- {
- CString path;
- path.LoadString(IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT);
- CString name;
- makePath(path, var, name);
- HKEY key;
- DWORD disp;
- LONG result = ::RegCreateKeyEx(root,
- path,
- 0, NULL,
- &key,
- &disp);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return FALSE;
- result = ::RegSetValueEx(key, name, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(LPCTSTR)val, lstrlen(val));
- ::RegCloseKey(key);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * SetRegistryInt
- * HKEY root : root of search
- * const CString var: Name of variable, including possibly path info
- * DWORD val: Place to put value
- * Result: BOOL
- * TRUE if registry key set
- * FALSE if registry key not set
- * Effect:
- * Retrieves the key based on
- * Notes:
- * This presumes the value is a string
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL SetRegistryInt(HKEY root, const CString & var, DWORD val)
- {
- CString path;
- path.LoadString(IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT);
- CString name;
- makePath(path, var, name);
- HKEY key;
- DWORD disp;
- LONG result = ::RegCreateKeyEx(root,
- path,
- 0, NULL,
- &key,
- &disp);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return FALSE;
- result = ::RegSetValueEx(key, name, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&val, sizeof(DWORD));
- ::RegCloseKey(key);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * EnumRegistryKeys
- * Inputs:
- * HKEY root: Root of search
- * const CString & group: Name of group key
- * Result: CStringArray *
- * Array of key names, NULL if no keys found
- * Effect:
- * Enumerates the keys
- ****************************************************************************/
- CStringArray * EnumRegistryKeys(HKEY root, const CString & group)
- {
- CString path;
- CStringArray * keys;
- TCHAR itemName[512];
- path.LoadString(IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT);
- path += _T("\");
- path += group;
- HKEY key;
- LONG result = makeKey(root, path, &key);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return NULL;
- keys = new CStringArray;
- DWORD i = 0;
- while(TRUE)
- { /* loop */
- LONG result = ::RegEnumKey(key, i, itemName, sizeof(itemName)/sizeof(TCHAR));
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- break;
- // we have a valid key name
- keys->SetAtGrow(i, itemName);
- i++;
- } /* loop */
- ::RegCloseKey(key);
- return keys;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * EnumRegistryValues
- * Inputs:
- * HKEY root: Root of search
- * const CString & group: Name of value group key
- * Result: CStringArray *
- * Array of value names, NULL if no keys found
- * Effect:
- * Enumerates the keys
- ****************************************************************************/
- CStringArray * EnumRegistryValues(HKEY root, const CString & group)
- {
- CString path;
- CStringArray * keys;
- TCHAR itemName[512];
- path.LoadString(IDS_PROGRAM_ROOT);
- path += _T("\");
- path += group;
- HKEY key;
- LONG result = makeKey(root, path, &key);
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return NULL;
- keys = new CStringArray;
- DWORD i = 0;
- while(TRUE)
- { /* loop */
- DWORD length = sizeof(itemName)/sizeof(TCHAR);
- LONG result = ::RegEnumValue(key, // key selection
- i, // which key
- itemName, // place to put value name
- &length, // in: length of buffer
- // out: length of name
- NULL, // reserved, NULL
- NULL, // place to put type
- NULL, // place to put value
- NULL); // place to put value length
- if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- break;
- // we have a valid key name
- keys->SetAtGrow(i, itemName);
- i++;
- } /* loop */
- ::RegCloseKey(key);
- return keys;
- }