- // FtpPublic.h : Definition of trfAgent Ftp Data Structure.
- #ifndef _FTPPUBLIC_H
- #define _FTPPUBLIC_H
- class CFtpSite
- {
- public:
- CFtpSite();
- virtual ~CFtpSite(){};
- public:
- BOOL m_bPASVMode; //PASV-Mode flag.
- BOOL m_bAnonymous; //Anonymous-Mode flag.
- int m_nPort; //ftp port number.
- CString m_sProfile; //profile name
- CString m_sHost; //ftp server host name.
- CString m_sUser; //user name.
- CString m_sPassword; //user password.
- CString m_sDowntoDir; //downloading dest dir.
- CString m_sDescription; //profile's description.
- };
- inline CFtpSite::CFtpSite()
- {
- this->m_bPASVMode = FALSE;
- this->m_bAnonymous = TRUE;
- this->m_nPort = 21;
- this->m_sProfile = "";
- this->m_sHost = "";
- this->m_sUser = "anonymous";
- this->m_sPassword = "mail@mail";
- this->m_sDowntoDir = "C:\Downloads";
- this->m_sDescription= "FTP Site Desc";
- }
- //get all ftp profile names list.
- extern BOOL GetAllFtpProfileNames(CStringList &oProfileNamesList);
- //get the ftp setting from profile name.
- extern BOOL GetFtpSiteInfo(LPCSTR szProfileName, CFtpSite &oFtpSite);
- //add one ftp site setting into the registry.
- extern BOOL AddFtpSiteInfo(CFtpSite &oFtpSite);
- //delete one existing ftp site setting from the registry.
- extern BOOL RemoveFtpSiteInfo(LPCSTR szProfileName);
- #endif //!_FTPPUBLIC_H