- Welcome to Bochs, an 80386 emulator!
- Bochs is a portable x86 emulator, which runs Minix-386 and
- MS-DOS/Windows. You can compile and run Bochs on almost
- any Unix & X Windows environment.
- Since software emulation is very performance sensitive, it is
- recommended that you run Bochs on at least a 100Mhz machine,
- with a minimum of 32MBytes of physical memory. Additionally,
- you'll need a couple Megabytes of disk space to uncompress and
- compile the Bochs distribution, plus 10 to 30 Megabytes for
- the creation of hard disk image files, depending upon the option
- you choose.
- Installation begins with the BOCHS.TAZ file. It is a compressed
- tar format file, of the entire Bochs source distribution. You
- need to compile Bochs for your platform before using it. To
- extract the source code, change directory into a parent directory
- in which Bochs will be untarred:
- unix:/> cd /usr/local/src
- -or
- unix:/> cd /users/JohnDoe/src
- Uncompress and untar Bochs:
- unix:/usr/local/src> zcat BOCHS.TAZ | tar xvf -
- You should now have a sub-directory 'bochs-YYMMDD'. Change directory
- into it, and read the files 'INSTALL.MINIX386' & 'INSTALL' for further
- detailed installation notes. For uses of Bochs, outside of running
- the version of Minix on this CD, please consult the file 'LICENSE'.
- The file 'INSTALL.DOS_WIN31' may also be of interest.
- Thanks for your interest in using Bochs! Current versions of Bochs
- as well as other relevant information may be obtained at the following
- Web and ftp sites. Feel free to give me feedback on portability and
- other relevant issues. I'd like to continually enhance Bochs, and
- add to its general portability.
- Kevin Lawton
- Bochs Software Company