资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- Simple Network OLE Sample
- DCOM is implemented only on Windows NT 4.0 and later versions. This sample
- will not work correctly on Windows 95 or on earlier versions of Windows NT.
- The SIMPLE sample demonstrates the minimum requirements to use a COM object,
- whether it is on the same machine or on a different machine. This sample
- consists of a client and a server portion.
- The server application, SSERVER.EXE, implements the CLSID_SimpleObject class as
- a LocalServer. Instances of the class supports a limited form of the IStream
- interface. Calls to Read and Write succeed, but they do nothing. Calls to other
- methods fail with E_NOTIMPL.
- The client application, SCLIENT.EXE, uses the CLSID_SimpleObject class
- implemented by the server.
- To compile
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- Build the sample using the NMAKE command.
- To run
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- The run the sample, use the following steps.
- - Edit the SSERVER.REG file to make the LocalServer32 key point to the location
- - Install the server on the current machine or a remote machine by running
- INSTALL.BAT. This copies SSERVER.REG to the registry.
- - Run SSERVER. It should display the message "Waiting...".
- - Run SCLIENT. Use no command-line arguments to instantiate the object on the
- current machine. Use the name of a remote machine (UNC or DNS) as an argument
- to instantiate the object on the remote machine. SCLIENT displays simple
- information about the calls it is making on the object.