资源名称:P2P c#.rar [点击查看]
- namespace WorkingWithXML
- {
- using System; // Provides the basic functionality of .NET
- using System.Net; // Provides the net related functionality
- using System.IO; // Provides the I/O functionality
- using System.Text; // Provides text based manipulations
- /// <summary>
- /// Generic structure used for parsing the XML data
- /// This structure composes of various sub structures
- /// Each sub structure represents and XML request in whole
- /// Every XML is parsed into its corresponding structure to
- /// fill its values TypeOfXMLRecieved() function of
- /// ServerCommunication class will determine that which structure
- /// has to be filled
- /// </summary>
- public struct XMLSTRUCT
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// This structure is used store the parsed
- /// values of the AUTH XML which is returned
- /// after login process
- /// </summary>
- public struct __AUTHENTICATION
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Stores the Code value in it 0(successful)
- /// or 1(some error occured)
- /// </summary>
- public int iCode;
- /// <summary>
- /// This will stores the status of the login process
- /// and any error message if occured while login
- /// </summary>
- public string sStatus;
- /// <summary>
- /// This is used for cross checking the IP address
- /// which is send to the server that login is successful
- /// or not
- /// </summary>
- public string sIPAddress;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// This structure is used to store the List of all
- /// the Listeners from the server that are currently
- /// The values are returned in the USERLIST response XML
- /// running
- /// </summary>
- public struct __USERLIST
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Name by which the Listener has logged in
- /// </summary>
- public string sUsername;
- /// <summary>
- /// IP Address of that Listener
- /// </summary>
- public string sIPAddress;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// This is use to store the values which are parsed
- /// from the SHOWFILES response XML from the Listener
- /// It containes the Files and Folders which are to
- /// be shown to the user
- /// </summary>
- public struct __SHOWFILES
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Stores the Filename or Folder name
- /// </summary>
- public string sFilename;
- /// <summary>
- /// Stores the FileSize, 0 in case of folders
- /// </summary>
- public int iFileSize;
- /// <summary>
- /// Mask stores the mask value of a file or folder
- /// 0(readonly file/folder) 1(read/write access)
- /// </summary>
- public int iMask;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// In case of any Error an ERROR response XML is
- /// thrown from the Listener. The values are parsed into
- /// this structure
- /// </summary>
- public struct __ERROR
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Stores the error code
- /// </summary>
- public int iErrCode;
- /// <summary>
- /// Stores the severity of the error
- /// Message or Warning or Error
- /// </summary>
- public string sSeverity;
- /// <summary>
- /// The actual error description is stored in this
- /// variable
- /// </summary>
- public string sDescription;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// no XML parser has been made for this structure,
- /// since it is not used in this version
- /// </summary>
- public struct __UPDNLOAD
- {
- public string sFilename;
- public int iMask;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// no XML parser has been made for this structure,
- /// since it is not used in this version
- /// </summary>
- public struct __MESSAGE
- {
- public string sSenderName;
- public string sMessage;
- public string sIPAddress;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// this structure stores the values from the
- /// SERVERSEARCH XML that is returned by the Server
- /// as the result of search
- /// </summary>
- public struct __SERVERSEARCH
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// IP address of the machine where the file or folder
- /// is found
- /// </summary>
- public string sIPAddress;
- /// <summary>
- /// Username i.e login name of the machine
- /// </summary>
- public string sUsername;
- /// <summary>
- /// Name of the file found for search criteria is
- /// in this variable
- /// </summary>
- public string sFilename;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Global varibales which are used
- /// in differents parts of the code
- /// for their specific structures
- /// </summary>
- public __SHOWFILES[] SEARCH;
- public __ERROR ERROR;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Summary description for clsXMLParser.
- /// This class is used to parse any XML that is recieved
- /// by the Listener of Browser(Client)
- /// and stores the values to their corresponding
- /// structures so that the application could use them
- /// </summary>
- public class XMLParser
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Stores the Filename to write when login response
- /// when has arrived to the Browser
- /// </summary>
- public string LOGINXML;
- /// <summary>
- /// Stores the Filename to write when USERLIST response
- /// when has arrived to the Browser
- /// </summary>
- public string USERLISTXML;
- /// <summary>
- /// Stores the Filename to write when SERVERSEARCH response
- /// when has arrived to the Browser
- /// </summary>
- /// <summary>
- /// stores the number of tags that are found
- /// in the response XML
- /// </summary>
- protected int iTags;
- /// <summary>
- /// Used to store the counter that is how many time
- /// a loop is running
- /// </summary>
- protected int iCounter;
- /// <summary>
- /// This document variable points to the XML documet
- /// </summary>
- protected MSXML2.IXMLDOMDocument document;
- /// <summary>
- /// Points to the element of the XML document
- /// </summary>
- protected MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement element;
- /// <summary>
- /// Points to the node of the XML
- /// </summary>
- protected MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode node, ChildNode;
- /// <summary>
- /// points to the node list of the XML document
- /// Stores the node list of the XML
- /// </summary>
- protected MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList nodeList;
- /// <summary>
- /// Stores the node map of the XML document
- /// </summary>
- protected MSXML2.IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap nodeMap;
- /// <summary>
- /// Default constructor
- /// </summary>
- public XMLParser()
- {
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Initialize some important variables
- /// </summary>
- protected void InitVariables()
- {
- iTags=0;
- iCounter = 0;
- document = new MSXML2.DOMDocument();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// This function is responsible for parsing the XML
- /// Actually this function will call the exact parse function
- /// depending upon the type of XML Recieved
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="XMLFilename"> </param>
- /// <param name="outStruct"> </param>
- /// <param name="TagName"> </param>
- public int ParseXML(string XMLFilename, out XMLSTRUCT outStruct, string TagName)
- {
- // Declare and initializes the iElements to 0
- int iElements = 0;
- // Initializes the outStruct variable of this function
- // this structure is used to store the values of parsed XML
- outStruct = new XMLSTRUCT();
- // The following 12 lines of code checks the Type of XML recieved
- // and calls are made to there corresponding parser function
- // which actually are reponsible for parsing the XML
- // all the parse functions are user defined functions
- // the Number of Parsed records are stores in the iElements
- // variable which is returned by the function
- if( 0 == TagName.CompareTo("AUTH") )
- iElements = ParseAUTHXML(XMLFilename, out outStruct);
- else if( 0 == TagName.CompareTo("USERLIST") )
- iElements = ParseUSERLISTXML(XMLFilename, out outStruct);
- else if( 0 == TagName.CompareTo("SHOWFILES") )
- iElements = ParseSHOWFILESXML(XMLFilename, out outStruct);
- else if( 0 == TagName.CompareTo("SEARCH") )
- iElements = ParseSHOWFILESXML(XMLFilename, out outStruct);
- else if( 0 == TagName.CompareTo("ERROR") )
- iElements = ParseERRORXML(XMLFilename, out outStruct);
- else if( 0 == TagName.CompareTo("SERVERSEARCH") )
- iElements = ParseSERVERSEARCHXML(XMLFilename, out outStruct);
- else if( 0 == TagName.CompareTo("CHAT") )
- iElements = ParseCHATXML(XMLFilename, out outStruct);
- // Returns the iElements variable to the calling function
- return iElements;
- }
- protected int ParseCHATXML(string Filename, out XMLSTRUCT outStruct)
- {
- // initializes all the required variables
- InitVariables();
- // Initialize outStruct variable of this function
- outStruct = new XMLSTRUCT();
- // Process the XML document syncronously
- document.async = false;
- // load the xml document in memory for parsing
- if(document.load(Filename))
- {
- // get the first element of the XML
- element = document.documentElement;
- // get the first child of the element
- node = element.firstChild;
- // extracts the node list present under the node
- nodeList = node.childNodes;
- // iTags will assigns to the number of nodes present
- // in node list
- iTags = nodeList.length;
- // Initialize the AUTH sructure of the outStruct
- // variable
- outStruct.MESSAGE = new XMLSTRUCT.__MESSAGE();
- // move the node to the next node of the nodelist
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- // Extract each value from its specific node
- for(iCounter = 0; iCounter < iTags; iCounter++ )
- {
- // gets the attribute map that is how many attributes
- // are present in the node
- nodeMap = node.attributes;
- // extract the next node from the node map
- ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode();
- // The following 9 lines of code will extract the
- // various attribute values from the XML node
- // and fills it to the outStruct's corresponding
- // structure
- do
- {
- if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("sendername") )
- outStruct.MESSAGE.sSenderName = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- else if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("chatmsg") )
- outStruct.MESSAGE.sMessage = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- else if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("ip") )
- outStruct.MESSAGE.sIPAddress = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- } while( null != (ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode()) );
- // now move to next node
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- }
- }
- // Return the number of nodes parsed for the values
- return iCounter==iTags?iCounter:0;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Actual Parsing of AUTHENTICATION XML
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="Filename"> </param>
- /// <param name="outStruct"> </param>
- protected int ParseAUTHXML(string Filename, out XMLSTRUCT outStruct)
- {
- // initializes all the required variables
- InitVariables();
- // Initialize outStruct variable of this function
- outStruct = new XMLSTRUCT();
- // Process the XML document syncronously
- document.async = false;
- // load the xml document in memory for parsing
- if(document.load(Filename))
- {
- // get the first element of the XML
- element = document.documentElement;
- // get the first child of the element
- node = element.firstChild;
- // extracts the node list present under the node
- nodeList = node.childNodes;
- // iTags will assigns to the number of nodes present
- // in node list
- iTags = nodeList.length;
- // Initialize the AUTH sructure of the outStruct
- // variable
- // move the node to the next node of the nodelist
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- // Extract each value from its specific node
- for(iCounter = 0; iCounter < iTags; iCounter++ )
- {
- // gets the attribute map that is how many attributes
- // are present in the node
- nodeMap = node.attributes;
- // extract the next node from the node map
- ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode();
- // The following 9 lines of code will extract the
- // various attribute values from the XML node
- // and fills it to the outStruct's corresponding
- // structure
- do
- {
- if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("code") )
- outStruct.AUTH.iCode = Convert.ToInt32(ChildNode.nodeValue);
- else if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("status") )
- outStruct.AUTH.sStatus = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- else if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("ip") )
- outStruct.AUTH.sIPAddress = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- } while( null != (ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode()) );
- // now move to next node
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- }
- }
- // Return the number of nodes parsed for the values
- return iCounter==iTags?iCounter:0;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Actual Parsing of USERLIST XML
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="Filename"> </param>
- /// <param name="outStruct"> </param>
- protected int ParseUSERLISTXML(string Filename, out XMLSTRUCT outStruct)
- {
- // initializes all the required variables
- InitVariables();
- // Initialize outStruct variable of this function
- outStruct = new XMLSTRUCT();
- // Process the XML document syncronously
- document.async = false;
- // load the xml document in memory for parsing
- if(document.load(Filename))
- {
- // get the first element of the XML
- element = document.documentElement;
- // get the first child of the element
- node = element.firstChild;
- // extracts the node list present under the node
- nodeList = node.childNodes;
- // iTags will assigns to the number of nodes present
- // in node list
- iTags = nodeList.length;
- // Initialize the USERLIST sructure of the outStruct
- // variable
- outStruct.USERLIST = new XMLSTRUCT.__USERLIST[iTags];
- // move the node to the next node of the nodelist
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- // Extract each value from its specific node
- for(iCounter = 0; iCounter < iTags; iCounter++ )
- {
- // gets the attribute map that is how many attributes
- // are present in the node
- nodeMap = node.attributes;
- // extract the next node from the node map
- ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode();
- // The following 9 lines of code will extract the
- // various attribute values from the XML node
- // and fills it to the outStruct's corresponding
- // structure
- do
- {
- if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("username") )
- outStruct.USERLIST[iCounter].sUsername = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- else if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("ip") )
- outStruct.USERLIST[iCounter].sIPAddress = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- } while( null != (ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode()) );
- // now move to next node
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- }
- }
- // Return the number of nodes parsed for the values
- return iCounter==iTags?iCounter:0;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Actual Parsing of SERVERSEARCH XML
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="Filename"> </param>
- /// <param name="outStruct"> </param>
- protected int ParseSERVERSEARCHXML(string Filename, out XMLSTRUCT outStruct)
- {
- // initializes all the required variables
- InitVariables();
- // Initialize outStruct variable of this function
- outStruct = new XMLSTRUCT();
- // Process the XML document syncronously
- document.async = false;
- // load the xml document in memory for parsing
- if(document.load(Filename))
- {
- // get the first element of the XML
- element = document.documentElement;
- // get the first child of the element
- node = element.firstChild;
- // extracts the node list present under the node
- nodeList = node.childNodes;
- // iTags will assigns to the number of nodes present
- // in node list
- iTags = nodeList.length;
- // Initialize the SERVERSEARCH sructure of the outStruct
- // variable
- // move the node to the next node of the nodelist
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- // Extract each value from its specific node
- for(iCounter = 0; iCounter < iTags; iCounter++ )
- {
- // gets the attribute map that is how many attributes
- // are present in the node
- nodeMap = node.attributes;
- // extract the next node from the node map
- ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode();
- // The following 9 lines of code will extract the
- // various attribute values from the XML node
- // and fills it to the outStruct's corresponding
- // structure
- do
- {
- if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("ip") )
- outStruct.SERVERSEARCH[iCounter].sIPAddress = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- else if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("username") )
- outStruct.SERVERSEARCH[iCounter].sUsername = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- else if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("filename") )
- outStruct.SERVERSEARCH[iCounter].sFilename = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- } while( null != (ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode()) );
- // now move to next node
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- }
- }
- // Return the number of nodes parsed for the values
- return iCounter==iTags?iCounter:0;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Actual Parsing of SHOWFILES XML
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="Filename"> </param>
- /// <param name="outStruct"> </param>
- protected int ParseSHOWFILESXML(string Filename, out XMLSTRUCT outStruct)
- {
- // initializes all the required variables
- InitVariables();
- // Initialize outStruct variable of this function
- outStruct = new XMLSTRUCT();
- // Process the XML document syncronously
- document.async = false;
- // load the xml document in memory for parsing
- if(document.load(Filename))
- {
- // get the first element of the XML
- element = document.documentElement;
- // get the first child of the element
- node = element.firstChild;
- // extracts the node list present under the node
- nodeList = node.childNodes;
- // iTags will assigns to the number of nodes present
- // in node list
- iTags = nodeList.length;
- // Initialize the SHOWFILES sructure of the outStruct
- // variable
- // move the node to the next node of the nodelist
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- // Extract each value from its specific node
- for(iCounter = 0; iCounter < iTags; iCounter++ )
- {
- // gets the attribute map that is how many attributes
- // are present in the node
- nodeMap = node.attributes;
- // extract the next node from the node map
- ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode();
- // The following 9 lines of code will extract the
- // various attribute values from the XML node
- // and fills it to the outStruct's corresponding
- // structure
- do
- {
- if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("filename") )
- outStruct.SHOWFILES[iCounter].sFilename = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- else if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("mask") )
- outStruct.SHOWFILES[iCounter].iMask = Convert.ToInt32(ChildNode.nodeValue);
- else if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("filesize") )
- outStruct.SHOWFILES[iCounter].iFileSize = Convert.ToInt32(ChildNode.nodeValue);
- } while( null != (ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode()) );
- // now move to next node
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- }
- }
- // Return the number of nodes parsed for the values
- return iCounter==iTags?iCounter:0;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Actual Parsing of ERROR XML
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="Filename"> </param>
- /// <param name="outStruct"> </param>
- protected int ParseERRORXML(string Filename, out XMLSTRUCT outStruct)
- {
- // initializes all the required variables
- InitVariables();
- // Initialize outStruct variable of this function
- outStruct = new XMLSTRUCT();
- // Process the XML document syncronously
- document.async = false;
- // load the xml document in memory for parsing
- if(document.load(Filename))
- {
- // get the first element of the XML
- element = document.documentElement;
- // get the first child of the element
- node = element.firstChild;
- // extracts the node list present under the node
- nodeList = node.childNodes;
- // iTags will assigns to the number of nodes present
- // in node list
- iTags = nodeList.length;
- // Initialize the ERROR sructure of the outStruct
- // variable
- outStruct.ERROR = new XMLSTRUCT.__ERROR();
- // move the node to the next node of the nodelist
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- // Extract each value from its specific node
- for(iCounter = 0; iCounter < iTags; iCounter++ )
- {
- // gets the attribute map that is how many attributes
- // are present in the node
- nodeMap = node.attributes;
- // extract the next node from the node map
- ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode();
- // The following 9 lines of code will extract the
- // various attribute values from the XML node
- // and fills it to the outStruct's corresponding
- // structure
- do
- {
- if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("errorcode") )
- outStruct.ERROR.iErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(ChildNode.nodeValue);
- else if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("severity") )
- outStruct.ERROR.sSeverity = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- else if( 0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("description") )
- outStruct.ERROR.sDescription = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
- } while( null != (ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode()) );
- // now move to next node
- node = nodeList.nextNode();
- }
- }
- // Return the number of nodes parsed for the values
- return iCounter==iTags?iCounter:0;
- }
- }
- }