- /*
- Module : PARALLEL.H
- Purpose: Declaration for an MFC class to encapsulate parallel ports
- Created: PJN / 28-12-1999
- History: None
- Copyright (c) 1999 - 2003 by PJ Naughter. (Web:, Email:
- All rights reserved.
- Copyright / Usage Details:
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware, freeware or otherwise)
- when your product is released in binary form. You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want
- except you cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module. If you want to distribute source
- code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is
- to maintain a single distribution point for the source code.
- Please note that I have been informed recently that CSMTPConnection is being used to develop and send unsolicted bulk mail.
- This was not the intention of the code and the author explicitly forbids use of the code for any software of this kind without
- my explicit written consent.
- */
- ///////////////////// Macros / Structs etc //////////////////////////
- #ifndef __PARALLEL_H__
- #define __PARALLEL_H__
- #ifndef __AFXTEMPL_H__
- #pragma message("To avoid this message, put afxtempl.h in your pre compiled header (normally stdafx.h)")
- #include <afxtempl.h>
- #endif
- /////////////////////////// Classes ///////////////////////////////////////////
- ////// Parallel port exception class ////////////////////////////////////////////
- void AfxThrowParallelException(DWORD dwError = 0);
- class CParallelException : public CException
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CParallelException(DWORD dwError);
- ~CParallelException();
- //Methods
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
- #endif
- virtual BOOL GetErrorMessage(LPTSTR lpstrError, UINT nMaxError, PUINT pnHelpContext = NULL);
- CString GetErrorMessage();
- //Data members
- DWORD m_dwError;
- protected:
- DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CParallelException)
- };
- ////// The class used to hold a parallel ports settings /////////////////////////
- class CParallelPortSettings
- {
- public:
- //Typedefs / Defines
- enum ParallelPortType
- {
- ParallelTypeUndefined,
- ParallelTypeSPP,
- ParallelTypePS2,
- ParallelTypeEPP,
- ParallelTypeECP,
- };
- enum ECPPortMode
- {
- ECPModeUndefined,
- ECPModePS2,
- ECPModeFastCentronics,
- ECPModeTest,
- ECPModeConfiguration
- };
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CParallelPortSettings();
- CParallelPortSettings(const CParallelPortSettings& state);
- //Standard methods
- CParallelPortSettings& operator=(const CParallelPortSettings& state);
- //Member variables
- unsigned short m_nBaseAddress; //The base address of the parallel port e.g. 0x278
- ParallelPortType m_Type; //The port type
- ECPPortMode m_ECPMode; //The ECP mode if the type is ECP
- };
- //// The actual parallel port class /////////////////////////////////////////////
- class CParallelPort : public CObject
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CParallelPort();
- ~CParallelPort();
- //Methods
- void Open(int nPort=1);
- inline BOOL IsOpen() const;
- void Close();
- void SetECPMode(CParallelPortSettings::ECPPortMode mode);
- CParallelPortSettings::ECPPortMode GetECPMode();
- void WriteControl(int nData);
- int ReadControl();
- void WriteData(int nData);
- int ReadData();
- int ReadStatus();
- BOOL ReadByteUsingNibbleMode(BYTE& byData);
- BOOL WriteByteUsingNibbleMode(BYTE byData);
- inline BOOL ReadUsingNibbleMode(void* lpBuf, DWORD dwBytes);
- inline BOOL WriteUsingNibbleMode(const void* lpBuf, DWORD dwBytes);
- void SetTimeout(DWORD dwTimeout) { m_dwTimeout = dwTimeout; };
- DWORD GetTimeout() const { return m_dwTimeout; };
- CParallelPortSettings GetSettings() const;
- //Static methods
- static BOOL PortPresent(int nPort);
- //MFC Diagnostics
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
- #endif
- protected:
- //typedefs
- typedef VOID (_stdcall DLPORTWRITEPORTUCHAR)(ULONG Port, UCHAR Value);
- //Methods
- static BOOL InitializeDriverLINX();
- static void DeInitializeDriverLINX();
- static BOOL RunningOnNT();
- static BOOL GetPort(unsigned short nBaseAddress, CParallelPortSettings& settings);
- static BOOL GetECPPort(unsigned short nBaseAddress);
- static BOOL GetEPPPort(unsigned short nBaseAddrsss);
- static BOOL GetPS2Port(unsigned short nBaseAddress);
- static BOOL GetSPPPort(unsigned short nBaseAddress);
- static int GetEPPTimeoutBit(unsigned short nBaseAddress);
- static CParallelPortSettings::ECPPortMode ReadECPMode(unsigned short nBaseAddress);
- inline static int _inp(unsigned short port);
- inline static int _outp(unsigned short port, int databyte);
- inline static void WriteControl(unsigned short nBaseAddress, int nData);
- inline static int ReadControl(unsigned short nBaseAddress);
- inline static void WriteData(unsigned short nBaseAddress, int nData);
- inline static int ReadData(unsigned short nBaseAddress);
- inline static int ReadStatus(unsigned short nBaseAddress);
- //Member variables
- HANDLE m_hPort; //SDK handle to lock Win32 access to the port
- int m_nPortIndex; //index of the current port into m_Ports
- DWORD m_dwTimeout; //Timeout in Milliseconds for reads and writes
- unsigned short m_nBaseAddress; //The base address of the port
- //Static memmber variables
- static BOOL sm_bRunningOnNT; //Are we running on NT / Windows 2000
- static int sm_nRefCount; //Reference count for the class
- static HINSTANCE sm_hDLINX; //handle to the DriverLINX dll.
- static LPDLPORTREADPORTUCHAR sm_lpfnDlPortReadUchar; //Function pointer for writing via DriverLINX
- static LPDLPORTWRITEPORTUCHAR sm_lpfnDlPortWriteUchar; //Function pointer for rading via DriverLINX
- static CArray<CParallelPortSettings, CParallelPortSettings&> sm_Ports; //All the parallel ports available on this machine
- };
- //// A Simple class to transfer and receive files using nibble mode
- class CParallelPortFileTransfer
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CParallelPortFileTransfer(CParallelPort* pPort);
- ~CParallelPortFileTransfer();
- //Methods
- void SendFile(const CString& sLocalFile);
- void ReceiveFile(const CString& sLocalFile);
- protected:
- CParallelPort* m_pPort;
- };
- #endif //__PARALLEL_H__