- /*
- Purpose: Implementation for an MFC class to encapsulate parallel ports
- Created: PJN / 28-12-1999
- History: PJN / 06-03-2000 Code now throws an exception if no Win32 parallel ports are available
- PJN / 04-04-2000 Code handles the case where it is run on NT / Windows 2000 by throwing
- an exception
- PJN / 19-07-2000 1. Now works on NT / Windows 2000 thanks to DriverLINX Port I/O Driver
- 2. Made all typedefs and enums local to the appropiate class rather
- than polluting the global namespace
- PJN / 12-04-2003 1. Updated copyright details.
- 2. Updated documentation to refer to new DriverLinx web site.
- 3. Code now issues compile time message if conio or afxpriv are not in
- your PCH.
- PJN / 11-06-2003 1. Reviewed all places where exceptions are throw and the details which
- are logged in TRACE statements.
- Copyright (c) 1999 - 2003 by PJ Naughter. (Web:, Email:
- All rights reserved.
- Copyright / Usage Details:
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware, freeware or otherwise)
- when your product is released in binary form. You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want
- except you cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module. If you want to distribute source
- code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is
- to maintain a single distribution point for the source code.
- */
- ///////////////////////////////// Includes //////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "ParallelPort.h"
- #ifndef _INC_CONIO
- #pragma message("To avoid this message, please put conio.h in your PCH (normally stdafx.h)")
- #include <conio.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __AFXPRIV_H__
- #pragma message("To avoid this message, please put afxpriv.h in your PCH (normally stdafx.h)")
- #include <afxpriv.h>
- #endif
- ///////////////////////////////// Defines / Statics ///////////////////////////
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- int CParallelPort::sm_nRefCount = 0;
- BOOL CParallelPort::sm_bRunningOnNT = FALSE;
- HINSTANCE CParallelPort::sm_hDLINX = NULL;
- CParallelPort::LPDLPORTREADPORTUCHAR CParallelPort::sm_lpfnDlPortReadUchar = NULL;
- CParallelPort::LPDLPORTWRITEPORTUCHAR CParallelPort::sm_lpfnDlPortWriteUchar = NULL;
- CArray<CParallelPortSettings, CParallelPortSettings&> CParallelPort::sm_Ports;
- //////////////////////////////// Implementation ///////////////////////////////
- ////////// Exception handling code
- void AfxThrowParallelException(DWORD dwError /* = 0 */)
- {
- if (dwError == 0)
- dwError = ::GetLastError();
- CParallelException* pException = new CParallelException(dwError);
- TRACE(_T("Warning: throwing CParallelException for error %dn"), dwError);
- THROW(pException);
- }
- BOOL CParallelException::GetErrorMessage(LPTSTR pstrError, UINT nMaxError, PUINT pnHelpContext)
- {
- ASSERT(pstrError != NULL && AfxIsValidString(pstrError, nMaxError));
- if (pnHelpContext != NULL)
- *pnHelpContext = 0;
- LPTSTR lpBuffer;
- (LPTSTR) &lpBuffer, 0, NULL);
- if (bRet == FALSE)
- *pstrError = ' ';
- else
- {
- lstrcpyn(pstrError, lpBuffer, nMaxError);
- bRet = TRUE;
- LocalFree(lpBuffer);
- }
- return bRet;
- }
- CString CParallelException::GetErrorMessage()
- {
- CString rVal;
- LPTSTR pstrError = rVal.GetBuffer(4096);
- GetErrorMessage(pstrError, 4096, NULL);
- rVal.ReleaseBuffer();
- return rVal;
- }
- CParallelException::CParallelException(DWORD dwError)
- {
- m_dwError = dwError;
- }
- CParallelException::~CParallelException()
- {
- }
- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CParallelException, CException)
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- void CParallelException::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
- {
- CObject::Dump(dc);
- dc << "m_dwError = " << m_dwError;
- }
- #endif
- ////////// Settings class
- CParallelPortSettings::CParallelPortSettings()
- {
- m_nBaseAddress = 0;
- m_Type = ParallelTypeUndefined;
- m_ECPMode = ECPModeUndefined;
- }
- CParallelPortSettings::CParallelPortSettings(const CParallelPortSettings& state)
- {
- *this = state;
- }
- CParallelPortSettings& CParallelPortSettings::operator=(const CParallelPortSettings& state)
- {
- m_nBaseAddress = state.m_nBaseAddress;
- m_Type = state.m_Type;
- m_ECPMode = state.m_ECPMode;
- return *this;
- }
- ////////// The actual parallel port class
- CParallelPort::CParallelPort()
- {
- m_nPortIndex = -1;
- m_nBaseAddress = 0;
- m_dwTimeout = 1000; //Default timeout is 1 second
- //Test for presence of parallel ports at the standard addresses of 0x3BC, 0x378 and 0x278
- if (sm_nRefCount == 0)
- {
- ++sm_nRefCount;
- //Initialize the DriverLINX driver if on NT / Windows 2000
- sm_bRunningOnNT = RunningOnNT();
- if (sm_bRunningOnNT)
- {
- if (!InitializeDriverLINX())
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPort::CParallelPort, Running on Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 2003 and the DriverLINX PORTIO driver is not installedn"));
- AfxThrowParallelException(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
- }
- }
- //Open LPT1 - LPT3 as a precaution against other processes trying to write
- //to the port while we are detecting them
- //Must have at least one port available in Win32 to continue to attempt
- //detection of the ports
- int nWin32Ports = 0;
- ++nWin32Ports;
- ++nWin32Ports;
- ++nWin32Ports;
- if (nWin32Ports == 0)
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPort::CParallelPort, No parallel ports are available to Win32 SDKn"));
- AfxThrowParallelException(ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST);
- }
- //Try to detect the details of the 3 standard ports
- CParallelPortSettings settings;
- if (GetPort(0x3BC, settings))
- sm_Ports.Add(settings);
- if (sm_Ports.GetSize() < nWin32Ports)
- if (GetPort(0x378, settings))
- sm_Ports.Add(settings);
- if (sm_Ports.GetSize() < nWin32Ports)
- if (GetPort(0x278, settings))
- sm_Ports.Add(settings);
- if (sm_Ports.GetSize() == 0)
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPort::CParallelPort, Could not detect any parallel ports on this machinen"));
- //Don't forget to close the 3 SDK handles we had open
- CloseHandle(hPort3);
- CloseHandle(hPort2);
- CloseHandle(hPort1);
- }
- }
- CParallelPort::~CParallelPort()
- {
- //decrement the reference count and
- //free the DriverLINX pointers if necessary
- --sm_nRefCount;
- if (sm_nRefCount == 0)
- DeInitializeDriverLINX();
- Close();
- }
- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CParallelPort, CObject)
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- void CParallelPort::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
- {
- CObject::Dump(dc);
- dc << _T("m_hPort = ") << m_hPort << _T("n");
- }
- #endif
- void CParallelPort::Open(int nPort)
- {
- //Call Close just in case we already have the port open
- Close();
- m_nPortIndex = nPort - 1;
- if (m_nPortIndex < sm_Ports.GetSize())
- {
- //Cache the base address of the port for performance reasons
- m_nBaseAddress = sm_Ports.ElementAt(m_nPortIndex).m_nBaseAddress;
- //Call CreateFile to open up the parallel port. This prevents other apps
- //causing problems when we do the Port IO directly.
- CString sPort;
- sPort.Format(_T("\\.\LPT%d"), nPort);
- if (m_hPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPort::Open, Failed to open parallel port, LPT%d, Error:%dn"), nPort, dwLastError);
- Close();
- AfxThrowParallelException(dwLastError);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPort::Open, Could not find the parallel port, LPT%dn"), nPort);
- Close();
- AfxThrowParallelException(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
- }
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::IsOpen() const
- {
- return (m_hPort != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
- }
- void CParallelPort::Close()
- {
- if (IsOpen())
- {
- BOOL bSuccess = CloseHandle(m_hPort);
- m_nPortIndex = -1;
- m_nBaseAddress = 0;
- if (!bSuccess)
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPort::Close, Failed to close the parallel port, GetLastError:%dn"), GetLastError());
- }
- }
- void CParallelPort::SetECPMode(CParallelPortSettings::ECPPortMode mode)
- {
- ASSERT(IsOpen()); //Port must be open
- CParallelPortSettings& settings = sm_Ports.ElementAt(m_nPortIndex);
- ASSERT(settings.m_Type == CParallelPortSettings::ParallelTypeECP); //Must be an ECP port
- ASSERT(mode != CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeUndefined);
- unsigned short nEcrAddress = (unsigned short)(m_nBaseAddress + 0x402);
- //Read the ECR & clear bits 5, 6 & 7
- int nEcrData = _inp(nEcrAddress) & 0x1F;
- //Write the selected value to bits 5, 6 & 7
- switch (mode)
- {
- case CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeSPP: nEcrData |= (0 << 5); break;
- case CParallelPortSettings::ECPModePS2: nEcrData |= (1 << 5); break;
- case CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeFastCentronics: nEcrData |= (2 << 5); break;
- case CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeECP: nEcrData |= (3 << 5); break;
- case CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeEPP: nEcrData |= (4 << 5); break;
- case CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeTest: nEcrData |= (6 << 5); break;
- case CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeConfiguration: nEcrData |= (7 << 5); break;
- default: ASSERT(FALSE); break;
- }
- _outp(nEcrAddress, nEcrData);
- //Update the value in our cached array
- settings.m_ECPMode = mode;
- }
- CParallelPortSettings::ECPPortMode CParallelPort::GetECPMode()
- {
- ASSERT(IsOpen()); //Port must be open
- CParallelPortSettings& settings = sm_Ports.ElementAt(m_nPortIndex);
- ASSERT(settings.m_Type == CParallelPortSettings::ParallelTypeECP); //Must be an ECP port
- CParallelPortSettings::ECPPortMode t = ReadECPMode(settings.m_nBaseAddress);
- ASSERT(t == settings.m_ECPMode);
- return settings.m_ECPMode;
- }
- CParallelPortSettings::ECPPortMode CParallelPort::ReadECPMode(unsigned short nBaseAddress)
- {
- CParallelPortSettings::ECPPortMode mode = CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeUndefined;
- int nEcrData = _inp((unsigned short)(nBaseAddress+0x402));
- nEcrData = (nEcrData & 0xE0) >> 5;
- switch (nEcrData)
- {
- case 0: mode = CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeSPP; break;
- case 1: mode = CParallelPortSettings::ECPModePS2; break;
- case 2: mode = CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeFastCentronics; break;
- case 3: mode = CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeECP; break;
- case 4: mode = CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeEPP; break;
- case 6: mode = CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeTest; break;
- case 7: mode = CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeConfiguration; break;
- default: break;
- }
- return mode;
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::GetPort(unsigned short nBaseAddress, CParallelPortSettings& settings)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- //First try to detect an ECP port
- if (GetECPPort(nBaseAddress))
- {
- settings.m_nBaseAddress = nBaseAddress;
- settings.m_Type = CParallelPortSettings::ParallelTypeECP;
- settings.m_ECPMode = ReadECPMode(nBaseAddress);
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- //If its not an ECP, look for an EPP.
- //If the baseaddress is 3BCh, skip the EPP test.
- //EPPs aren't allowed at 3BCh due to possible conflicts
- //with video memory
- if (nBaseAddress != 0x3BC)
- {
- bFoundEPP = GetEPPPort(nBaseAddress);
- if (bFoundEPP)
- {
- settings.m_nBaseAddress = nBaseAddress;
- settings.m_Type = CParallelPortSettings::ParallelTypeEPP;
- settings.m_ECPMode = CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeUndefined;
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (!bFoundEPP)
- {
- //If its not an EPP, look for an SPP.
- if (GetSPPPort(nBaseAddress))
- {
- //Test for a PS/2 port only if the SPP exists.
- //because if the port doesn't exist, it will
- //pass the PS/2 test!
- if (GetPS2Port(nBaseAddress))
- settings.m_Type = CParallelPortSettings::ParallelTypePS2;
- else
- settings.m_Type = CParallelPortSettings::ParallelTypeSPP;
- settings.m_nBaseAddress = nBaseAddress;
- settings.m_ECPMode = CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeUndefined;
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!bSuccess)
- {
- settings.m_nBaseAddress = 0;
- settings.m_Type = CParallelPortSettings::ParallelTypeUndefined;
- settings.m_ECPMode = CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeUndefined;
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::GetECPPort(unsigned short nBaseAddress)
- {
- //If the ECP is idle and the FIFO empty,
- //in the ECP's Ecp (at base address+402h),
- //bit 1 (Fifo full)=0, and bit 0 (Fifo empty)=1.
- //The first test is to see if these bits differ from the
- //corresponding bits in the control port (at base address+2).
- //If so a further test is to write 34h to the Ecr,
- //then read it back. Bit 1 is read/write and bit 0 is read-only.
- //If the value read is 35h, the port is an ECP.
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- unsigned short nEcrAddress = (unsigned short)(nBaseAddress+0x402);
- int nEcrData = _inp(nEcrAddress);
- //Read bits 0 and 1 and control port bit 1
- int nEcrBit0 = nEcrData & 0x1;
- int nEcrBit1 = (nEcrData & 0x2) >> 1;
- int nControlBit1 = (ReadControl(nBaseAddress) & 0x2) >> 1;
- if (nEcrBit0 == 1 && nEcrBit1 == 0)
- {
- //Compare control bit 1 to ECR bit 1
- //Toggle the control bit if necessary
- //to be sure the two registers are different.
- if (nControlBit1 == 0)
- {
- WriteControl(nBaseAddress, 0xF);
- nControlBit1 = (ReadControl(nBaseAddress) & 0x2) >> 1;
- }
- if (nEcrBit1 != nControlBit1)
- {
- int nOriginalEcrData = nEcrData;
- _outp(nEcrAddress, 0x34);
- if (_inp(nEcrAddress) == 0x35)
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- //Restore the ECR to its original value
- _outp(nEcrAddress, nOriginalEcrData);
- }
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::GetEPPPort(unsigned short nBaseAddress)
- {
- //Write to an EPP register, then read it back.
- //If the read matches the write, it's probably an EPP
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- //Use nEppAddressPort for testing, SPP's, ECP's and PS/2 ports
- //do not have this register
- unsigned short nEppAddressPort = (unsigned short) (nBaseAddress+3);
- _outp(nEppAddressPort, 0x55);
- //Clear the timeout bit after each EPP operation
- int nTimeoutBit = GetEPPTimeoutBit(nBaseAddress);
- int nRead = _inp(nEppAddressPort);
- nTimeoutBit = GetEPPTimeoutBit(nBaseAddress);
- if (nRead == 0x55)
- {
- _outp(nEppAddressPort, 0xAA);
- nTimeoutBit = GetEPPTimeoutBit(nBaseAddress);
- nRead = _inp(nEppAddressPort);
- nTimeoutBit = GetEPPTimeoutBit(nBaseAddress);
- if (nRead == 0xAA)
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- int CParallelPort::GetEPPTimeoutBit(unsigned short nBaseAddress)
- {
- //Reads and clears the EPP timeout bit (Statis port bit 0)
- //Should be done after each EPP operation.
- //The method for clearing the bit varies, so try 3 ways
- //1. Write 1 to status port bit 0
- //2. Write 0 to status port bit 1
- //3. Read the status port again
- int nReturn = (ReadStatus(nBaseAddress) & 0x1);
- unsigned short nStatusPortAddress = (unsigned short)(nBaseAddress+1);
- _outp(nStatusPortAddress, 1);
- _outp(nStatusPortAddress, 0);
- nReturn = (ReadStatus(nBaseAddress) & 0x1);
- return nReturn;
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::GetPS2Port(unsigned short nBaseAddress)
- {
- //First try to tristate (disable) the data outputs by
- //setting bit 5 of the control port. Then write 2 values
- //to the data port and read each one back. If the values
- //match, the data outputs are not disabled and the port
- //is not bidirectional. If the values don't match, the data
- //outputs are disabled and the port is didirectional
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- //Set control port bit 5
- WriteControl(nBaseAddress, 0x2F);
- //Write the first byte and read it back
- WriteData(nBaseAddress, 0x55);
- //If it doesn't match, the port is bidirectional
- if (ReadData(nBaseAddress) == 0x55)
- {
- WriteData(nBaseAddress, 0xAA);
- //If it doesn't match, the port is bidirectional
- if (ReadData(nBaseAddress) != 0xAA)
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- else
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- //Reset control port bit 5
- WriteControl(nBaseAddress, 0xF);
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::GetSPPPort(unsigned short nBaseAddress)
- {
- //Write two bytes and read them back. If the
- //reads matches the writes, the port exists
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- //Be sure that control port bit 5 = 0 (Data outputs enabled)
- WriteControl(nBaseAddress, 0xF);
- //Perform the first write
- WriteData(nBaseAddress, 0x55);
- if (ReadData(nBaseAddress) == 0x55)
- {
- WriteData(nBaseAddress, 0xAA);
- bSuccess = (ReadData(nBaseAddress) == 0xAA);
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- void CParallelPort::WriteControl(unsigned short nBaseAddress, int nData)
- {
- //The control port is at offset nBaseAddress + 2.
- //Bits 0, 1 & 3 need to be inverted
- _outp((unsigned short)(nBaseAddress+2), nData ^ 0xB);
- }
- int CParallelPort::ReadControl(unsigned short nBaseAddress)
- {
- //The control port is at offset nBaseAddress + 2.
- //Bits 0, 1 & 3 need to be inverted
- return (_inp((unsigned short)(nBaseAddress+2)) ^ 0xB);
- }
- void CParallelPort::WriteData(unsigned short nBaseAddress, int nData)
- {
- //The data port is at offset nBaseAddress.
- _outp(nBaseAddress, nData);
- }
- int CParallelPort::ReadData(unsigned short nBaseAddress)
- {
- //The data port is at offset nBaseAddress.
- return _inp(nBaseAddress);
- }
- int CParallelPort::ReadStatus(unsigned short nBaseAddress)
- {
- //The status port is at offset nBaseAddress + 1.
- //Bit 7 need to be inverted
- return (_inp((unsigned short)(nBaseAddress+1)) ^ 0x80);
- }
- void CParallelPort::WriteControl(int nData)
- {
- ASSERT(IsOpen()); //Port must be open
- WriteControl(m_nBaseAddress, nData);
- }
- int CParallelPort::ReadControl()
- {
- ASSERT(IsOpen()); //Port must be open
- return ReadControl(m_nBaseAddress);
- }
- void CParallelPort::WriteData(int nData)
- {
- ASSERT(IsOpen()); //Port must be open
- WriteData(m_nBaseAddress, nData);
- }
- int CParallelPort::ReadData()
- {
- ASSERT(IsOpen()); //Port must be open
- return ReadData(m_nBaseAddress);
- }
- int CParallelPort::ReadStatus()
- {
- ASSERT(IsOpen()); //Port must be open
- return ReadStatus(m_nBaseAddress);
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::ReadByteUsingNibbleMode(BYTE& byData)
- {
- ASSERT(IsOpen()); //Port must be open
- //Read a byte of data at the status port, in 2 nibbles
- //When S6 = 0, set D3 to 0
- int S6;
- DWORD dwStartTicks = GetTickCount();
- do
- {
- S6 = (ReadStatus(m_nBaseAddress) & 0x40) >> 6;
- //Check the timeout has not elapsed
- if ((GetTickCount() - dwStartTicks) > m_dwTimeout)
- return FALSE;
- }
- while (S6 == 1);
- WriteData(m_nBaseAddress, 0);
- //When the peripheral responds by setting S6=1, Set D3=1
- //nLowNibble then holds 4 bits of data
- int nLowNibble;
- do
- {
- nLowNibble = ReadStatus(m_nBaseAddress);
- S6 = (nLowNibble & 0x40) >> 6;
- //Check the timeout has not elapsed
- if ((GetTickCount() - dwStartTicks) > m_dwTimeout)
- return FALSE;
- }
- while (S6 == 0);
- WriteData(m_nBaseAddress, 8);
- //When S6 = 0, set D3 to 0
- do
- {
- S6 = (ReadStatus(m_nBaseAddress) & 0x40) >> 6;
- //Check the timeout has not elapsed
- if ((GetTickCount() - dwStartTicks) > m_dwTimeout)
- return FALSE;
- }
- while (S6 == 1);
- WriteData(m_nBaseAddress, 0);
- //When the peripheral responds by setting S6=1, Set D3=1
- //nHighNibble then holds 4 bits of data
- int nHighNibble;
- do
- {
- nHighNibble = ReadStatus(m_nBaseAddress);
- S6 = (nHighNibble & 0x40) >> 6;
- //Check the timeout has not elapsed
- if ((GetTickCount() - dwStartTicks) > m_dwTimeout)
- return FALSE;
- }
- while (S6 == 0);
- WriteData(m_nBaseAddress, 8);
- //Recombine the two nibbles back into the byte
- byData = (BYTE) (((nLowNibble & 0x8) >> 3) +
- ((nLowNibble & 0x10) >> 3) +
- ((nLowNibble & 0x20) >> 3) +
- ((nLowNibble & 0x80) >> 4) +
- ((nHighNibble & 0x8) << 1) +
- ((nHighNibble & 0x10) << 1) +
- ((nHighNibble & 0x20) << 1) +
- ((nHighNibble & 0x80)));
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::WriteByteUsingNibbleMode(BYTE byData)
- {
- ASSERT(IsOpen()); //Port must be open
- //Write a byte to the data port, in 2 nibbles.
- //The remote system reads the data at its status port.
- //The data bits are D0, D1, D2 and D4.
- //D3 is the strobe
- int nLowNibble = byData & 0x07;
- nLowNibble |= (byData & 0x08) << 1;
- int nHighNibble = (byData & 0x70) >> 4;
- nHighNibble |= (byData & 0x80) >> 3;
- //When S6=1 (not busy), write the low nibble and set D3=0.
- int S6;
- DWORD dwStartTicks = GetTickCount();
- do
- {
- S6 = (ReadStatus(m_nBaseAddress) & 0x40) >> 6;
- //Check the timeout has not elapsed
- if ((GetTickCount() - dwStartTicks) > m_dwTimeout)
- return FALSE;
- }
- while (S6 == 0);
- WriteData(m_nBaseAddress, nLowNibble);
- //When the peripheral responds by setting S6=0, Set D3=1.
- do
- {
- S6 = (ReadStatus(m_nBaseAddress) & 0x40) >> 6;
- //Check the timeout has not elapsed
- if ((GetTickCount() - dwStartTicks) > m_dwTimeout)
- return FALSE;
- }
- while (S6 == 1);
- WriteData(m_nBaseAddress, nLowNibble | 0x8);
- //When S6=1, write the high nibble and set D3=0
- do
- {
- S6 = (ReadStatus(m_nBaseAddress) & 0x40) >> 6;
- //Check the timeout has not elapsed
- if ((GetTickCount() - dwStartTicks) > m_dwTimeout)
- return FALSE;
- }
- while (S6 == 0);
- WriteData(m_nBaseAddress, nHighNibble);
- //When the peripheral responds by setting S6=0, Set D3=1.
- do
- {
- S6 = (ReadStatus(m_nBaseAddress) & 0x40) >> 6;
- //Check the timeout has not elapsed
- if ((GetTickCount() - dwStartTicks) > m_dwTimeout)
- return FALSE;
- }
- while (S6 == 1);
- WriteData(m_nBaseAddress, nHighNibble | 0x8);
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::ReadUsingNibbleMode(void* lpBuf, DWORD dwBytes)
- {
- //Validate the parameters
- ASSERT(lpBuf);
- //Read each byte into lpBuf
- BYTE* lpByteBuf = (BYTE*) lpBuf;
- for (DWORD i=0; i<dwBytes; i++)
- {
- if (!ReadByteUsingNibbleMode(lpByteBuf[i]))
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::WriteUsingNibbleMode(const void* lpBuf, DWORD dwBytes)
- {
- //Validate the parameters
- ASSERT(lpBuf);
- //Write each byte from lpBuf
- const BYTE* lpByteBuf = (const BYTE*) lpBuf;
- for (DWORD i=0; i<dwBytes; i++)
- {
- if (!WriteByteUsingNibbleMode(lpByteBuf[i]))
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- int CParallelPort::_inp(unsigned short port)
- {
- if (sm_bRunningOnNT)
- {
- ASSERT(sm_lpfnDlPortReadUchar);
- return sm_lpfnDlPortReadUchar(port);
- }
- else
- return ::_inp(port);
- }
- int CParallelPort::_outp(unsigned short port, int databyte)
- {
- if (sm_bRunningOnNT)
- {
- ASSERT(sm_lpfnDlPortWriteUchar);
- sm_lpfnDlPortWriteUchar(port, (UCHAR) databyte);
- return databyte;
- }
- else
- return ::_outp(port, databyte);
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::InitializeDriverLINX()
- {
- //Load up the DriverLINX dll and get the function pointers we are interested in
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- sm_hDLINX = LoadLibrary(_T("DLPORTIO.DLL"));
- if (sm_hDLINX)
- {
- //Get the function pointers
- sm_lpfnDlPortReadUchar = (LPDLPORTREADPORTUCHAR) GetProcAddress(sm_hDLINX, "DlPortReadPortUchar");
- sm_lpfnDlPortWriteUchar = (LPDLPORTWRITEPORTUCHAR) GetProcAddress(sm_hDLINX, "DlPortWritePortUchar");
- //If any of the functions are not installed then fail the load
- if (sm_lpfnDlPortReadUchar == NULL ||
- sm_lpfnDlPortWriteUchar == NULL)
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPort::InitializeDriverLINX, Failed to get one of the function pointer`s in the DriverLINX dlln"));
- DeInitializeDriverLINX();
- }
- else
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- else
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPort::InitializeDriverLINX, Could not find the load the DriverLINX dll, please ensure DriverLINX driver is installedn"));
- return bSuccess;
- }
- void CParallelPort::DeInitializeDriverLINX()
- {
- if (sm_hDLINX)
- {
- //Unload the dll and reset the function pointers to NULL
- FreeLibrary(sm_hDLINX);
- sm_hDLINX = NULL;
- sm_lpfnDlPortReadUchar = NULL;
- sm_lpfnDlPortWriteUchar = NULL;
- }
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::PortPresent(int nPort)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- //Try to open the port
- CString sPort;
- sPort.Format(_T("\\.\LPT%d"), nPort);
- {
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- //Close the port, now that we don't need it anymore
- ::CloseHandle(hPort);
- }
- else
- {
- //Determine if the port exists based on the error code.
- DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
- //Check to see if the error was because some other app had the port open or a general failure
- if (dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || dwError == ERROR_GEN_FAILURE)
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CParallelPort::RunningOnNT()
- {
- memset(&osvi, 0, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
- osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
- VERIFY(GetVersionEx(&osvi));
- return (osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT);
- }
- CParallelPortSettings CParallelPort::GetSettings() const
- {
- ASSERT(IsOpen()); //Port must be open
- return sm_Ports.GetAt(m_nPortIndex);
- }
- ////////// The file transfer class
- CParallelPortFileTransfer::CParallelPortFileTransfer(CParallelPort* pPort)
- {
- m_pPort = NULL;
- ASSERT(pPort != NULL);
- ASSERT(pPort->IsOpen());
- //Ensure the Port is set to SPP mode if it is an ECP port
- CParallelPortSettings settings = pPort->GetSettings();
- if (settings.m_Type == CParallelPortSettings::ParallelTypeECP)
- pPort->SetECPMode(CParallelPortSettings::ECPModeSPP);
- //Initialize D3 (strobe) to 1
- pPort->WriteData(0x8);
- //Wait for the opposite end to set D3=1 (not busy)
- int S6;
- DWORD dwStartTicks = GetTickCount();
- do
- {
- S6 = (pPort->ReadStatus() & 0x40) >> 6;
- //Check the timeout has not elapsed
- if ((GetTickCount() - dwStartTicks) > pPort->GetTimeout())
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPortFileTransfer::CParallelPortFileTransfer, Could not setup file transfer, other end busyn"));
- AfxThrowParallelException(ERROR_TIMEOUT);
- }
- }
- while (S6 == 0);
- //Store away the port pointer for use in other class methods
- m_pPort = pPort;
- }
- CParallelPortFileTransfer::~CParallelPortFileTransfer()
- {
- m_pPort = NULL;
- }
- void CParallelPortFileTransfer::SendFile(const CString& sLocalFile)
- {
- ASSERT(m_pPort); //Initialize failed
- //For correct operation of the T2A macro, see MFC Tech Note 59
- //First try to open the file to send
- CFile file;
- CFileException ex;
- if (file.Open(sLocalFile, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite), &ex)
- {
- //first send the filename (excluding the path) (size if _MAX_PATH)
- TCHAR pszPath[_MAX_PATH];
- TCHAR pszFname[_MAX_FNAME];
- TCHAR pszExt[_MAX_EXT];
- _tsplitpath(sLocalFile, NULL, NULL, pszFname, pszExt);
- _tmakepath(pszPath, NULL, NULL, pszFname, pszExt);
- //Now need to convert the filename to ASCII so that a UNICODE
- //client can take to an ASCII server
- char pszAsciiPath[_MAX_PATH];
- char* pszTemp = T2A(pszPath);
- ZeroMemory(pszAsciiPath, _MAX_PATH);
- strcpy(pszAsciiPath, pszTemp);
- //Do the actual send of the filename
- if (!m_pPort->WriteUsingNibbleMode(pszAsciiPath, _MAX_PATH))
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPortFileTransfer::SendFile, Failed to send the filenamen"));
- AfxThrowParallelException(ERROR_TIMEOUT);
- }
- try
- {
- //Then send the size of the file (as 4 bytes).
- DWORD dwLength = file.GetLength();
- if (!m_pPort->WriteUsingNibbleMode(&dwLength, sizeof(DWORD)))
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPortFileTransfer::SendFile, Failed to send the file lengthn"));
- AfxThrowParallelException(ERROR_TIMEOUT);
- }
- //Then the actual file contents ifself (4k at a time)
- BYTE byData[4096];
- int nBytesRead;
- do
- {
- nBytesRead = file.Read(byData, 4096);
- if (!m_pPort->WriteUsingNibbleMode(byData, nBytesRead))
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPortFileTransfer::SendFile, Failed to send the file contentsn"));
- AfxThrowParallelException(ERROR_TIMEOUT);
- }
- }
- while (nBytesRead);
- }
- catch(CFileException* pEx)
- {
- DWORD dwLastError = pEx->m_lOsError;
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPortFileTransfer::SendFile, An error occurred reading from the file to send, Error:%dn"), dwLastError);
- delete pEx;
- AfxThrowParallelException(dwLastError);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPortFileTransfer::SendFile, Could not open the file to send, %sn"), sLocalFile);
- AfxThrowParallelException(ex.m_lOsError);
- }
- }
- void CParallelPortFileTransfer::ReceiveFile(const CString& sLocalFile)
- {
- //For correct operation of the T2A macro, see MFC Tech Note 59
- //First try to open the file to send
- CFile file;
- CFileException ex;
- if (file.Open(sLocalFile, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareDenyWrite, &ex))
- {
- //Receive the filename
- char pszAsciiPath[_MAX_PATH];
- if (!m_pPort->ReadUsingNibbleMode(pszAsciiPath, _MAX_PATH))
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPortFileTransfer::ReceiveFile, Failed to receive the filenamen"));
- //Delete the local file
- file.Close();
- DeleteFile(sLocalFile);
- //Throw the exception
- AfxThrowParallelException(ERROR_TIMEOUT);
- }
- try
- {
- //Receive the size of the file (as 4 bytes).
- DWORD dwLength;
- if (!m_pPort->ReadUsingNibbleMode(&dwLength, sizeof(DWORD)))
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPortFileTransfer::ReceiveFile, Failed to receive the file lengthn"));
- //Delete the local file
- file.Close();
- DeleteFile(sLocalFile);
- //Throw the exception
- AfxThrowParallelException(ERROR_TIMEOUT);
- }
- //Then the actual file contents ifself (4k at a time)
- BYTE byData[4096];
- DWORD dwBytesLeft = dwLength;
- do
- {
- DWORD dwBytesToRead;
- if (dwBytesLeft > 4096)
- dwBytesToRead = 4096;
- else
- dwBytesToRead = dwBytesLeft;
- if (!m_pPort->ReadUsingNibbleMode(byData, dwBytesToRead))
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPortFileTransfer::ReceiveFile, Failed to receive the file contentsn"));
- //Delete the local file
- file.Close();
- DeleteFile(sLocalFile);
- //Throw the exception
- AfxThrowParallelException(ERROR_TIMEOUT);
- }
- file.Write(byData, dwBytesToRead);
- dwBytesLeft -= dwBytesToRead;
- }
- while (dwBytesLeft);
- }
- catch(CFileException* pEx)
- {
- DWORD dwLastError = pEx->m_lOsError;
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPortFileTransfer::ReceiveFile, An error occurred writing the file which was being received, Error:%dn"), dwLastError);
- delete pEx;
- AfxThrowParallelException(dwLastError);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- TRACE(_T("CParallelPortFileTransfer::ReceiveFile, Could not open the file to receive into, %s, Error:%dn"), sLocalFile, ex.m_lOsError);
- AfxThrowParallelException(ex.m_lOsError);
- }
- }