资源名称:jq_gongzi.ARJ [点击查看]
- ***************************
- * .CRL.PRG
- ***************************
- if READZD<4
- ?? chr(7)
- return
- endif
- save screen to PM
- PD1 = ' '
- set color to w/g
- @ 6 , 30 , 8 , 53 box ' '
- set color to gr+/bg
- PD = 'N'
- @ 7 , 31 say '真的增加一列吗(Y/N)?' get PD
- read
- restore screen from PM
- if PD='Y' or PD='y'
- PD2 = 6
- PD3 = 0
- set color to gr+/g
- @ 8 , 29 clear to 14 , 57
- @ 8 , 39 say '增加一列'
- set color to w+/bg , n/w
- @ 9 , 30 clear to 13 , 56
- @ 10 , 31 say '请输入列名称:' get PD1
- @ 11 , 31 say '请输入列宽度:' get PD2 picture '99' valid PD2>0
- @ 12 , 31 say '输入小数位数:' get PD3 picture '9' valid PD3<PD2-1
- read
- if len(trim(PD1))=0
- restore screen from PM
- return
- endif
- PD1 = trim(ltrim(PD1))
- Y1 = ",./:;'"+'"*?|][}{`~&^$#@!%()<>-_'
- PD = len(Y1)
- Y2 = 1
- do while Y2<=PD
- Y3 = substr(Y1,Y2,1)
- Y4 = at(Y3,PD1)
- if Y4<>0
- set color to gr+/n
- @ 15 , 30 say '列名称中含有非法字符!'+Y3
- I = inkey(5)
- set color to w+/b
- restore screen from PM
- return
- endif
- Y2 = Y2+1
- enddo
- Y2 = substr(PD1,1,1)
- if Y2='1' or Y2='0' or Y2='2' or Y2='3' or Y2='4' or Y2='5' or Y2='6' or;
- Y2='7' or Y2='8' or Y2='9'
- set color to gr+/n
- @ 15 , 30 say '列名称不能以数字开头!'
- I = inkey(5)
- set color to w+/b
- restore screen from PM
- return
- endif
- FILE1 = GZBWJ+'.dbf'
- use
- if file('gzb-k.dbf')
- erase gzb-k.dbf
- endif
- copy file &file1 to gzb-k.dbf
- use &gzbwj
- if file('gzbkk.dbf')
- erase gzbk.dbf
- endif
- copy to gzbk.dbf structure extended
- use gzbk
- locate all for PD1$FIELD_NAME and len(trim(PD1))=len(trim(FIELD_NAME))
- if not eof()
- set color to gr+/n
- @ 15 , 30 say '列名称已存在!'
- I = inkey(5)
- set color to w+/b
- use &gzbwj
- restore screen from PM
- return
- endif
- copy to gz.%%% rest
- delete rest
- pack
- append blank
- replace FIELD_NAME with PD1 , FIELD_DEC with PD3 , FIELD_TYPE with 'N';
- , FIELD_LEN with PD2
- append from gz.%%%
- erase gz.%%%
- set color to gr+/bg
- X1 = 8
- X2 = 10
- Y1 = 28
- Y2 = 48
- do box-1
- @ 9 , 30 say '正在处理数据......'
- delete all for FIELD_NAME=' '
- pack
- use
- FILE = GZBWJ+'.dbf'
- eras &file
- crea &gzbwj from gzbk
- use &gzbwj
- append from gzb-k.dbf
- use
- use &gzbwj
- select 2
- use
- select 1
- if file('gzjg.dbf')
- erase gzjg.dbf
- endif
- copy to gzjg.dbf structure extended
- select 2
- use gzjg
- select 1
- ZDS = fcount()
- PD = 1
- YFGZ = 0
- SFGZ = 0
- do while PD<=ZDS
- if field(PD)='应发工资'
- endif
- if field(PD)='实发工资'
- endif
- PD = PD+1
- enddo
- if YFGZ=0
- @ 10 , 30 say '“应发工资”项目没找到!'
- I = inkey(0)
- return
- endif
- if SFGZ=0
- @ 11 , 30 say '“实发工资”项目没找到!'
- I = inkey(0)
- return
- endif
- go top
- do while not eof()
- PD = 5
- JSQ = 0
- do while PD<YFGZ
- PD1 = field(PD)
- jsq=jsq+&pd1
- PD = PD+1
- enddo
- PD1 = field(YFGZ)
- repl &pd1 with jsq
- PD = YFGZ+1
- do while PD<SFGZ
- PD1 = field(PD)
- jsq=jsq-&pd1
- PD = PD+1
- enddo
- PD1 = field(SFGZ)
- repl &pd1 with jsq
- skip
- enddo
- restore screen from PM
- set color to n/b
- @ 2 , 12 clear to 22 , 79
- P = 1
- set color to gr/n
- @ 0 , 0 say '挚 诚 奉 献 !'
- @ 0 , 67 say 'JQ财务系统'
- set color to g/n
- @ 0 , 30 say '工资表数据编辑'
- @ 1 , 0 say '==============================================================================='
- ? ' '
- ? '==============================================================================='
- @ 23 , 0 say '==============================================================================='
- set color to b/gr
- set color to w+/b
- ZDS = fcount()
- PD = 1
- YFGZ = 0
- SFGZ = 0
- do while PD<=ZDS
- if field(PD)='应发工资'
- endif
- if field(PD)='实发工资'
- endif
- PD = PD+1
- enddo
- if YFGZ=0
- @ 10 , 30 say '“应发工资”项目没找到!'
- I = inkey(0)
- return
- endif
- if SFGZ=0
- @ 11 , 30 say '“实发工资”项目没找到!'
- I = inkey(0)
- return
- endif
- go bottom
- PD = recno()
- JLS = PD
- PD = PD/19
- PD1 = int(PD)
- YS = PD-PD1
- if YS=0
- YS = PD1
- else
- YS = PD1+1
- endif
- go top
- YC = 1
- BS = 0
- YS1 = 1
- @ 2 , 0 say '编号'
- @ 2 , 6 say '姓名'
- do while .t.
- LC = 0
- JSQ = 3
- P = 1
- if YFGZ>7
- PD1 = 7
- else
- PD1 = YFGZ-1
- P = 0
- endif
- ZD1 = 3
- ZD2 = PD1
- do while JSQ<=PD1
- RFIELD = field(JSQ)
- @ 2 , 20+LC say field(JSQ)
- @ 4+bs,20+lc say &Rfield
- JSQ = JSQ+1
- LC = LC+12
- enddo
- @ 4+BS , 0 say 编号
- @ 4+BS , 6 say 姓名
- if not eof()
- skip
- BS = BS+1
- else
- exit
- endif
- if BS=19
- exit
- endif
- enddo
- READLC = 0
- go top
- set color to w+/b
- BS = 0
- LC = 0
- JSQ = 3
- if YFGZ>7
- PD1 = 7
- else
- PD1 = YFGZ-1
- endif
- do while JSQ<=PD1
- RFIELD = field(JSQ)
- @ 4+bs,20+lc say &Rfield
- JSQ = JSQ+1
- LC = LC+12
- enddo
- @ 4+BS , 0 say 编号
- @ 4+BS , 6 say 姓名
- PD = 0
- ZY = 0
- set color to gr+/bg
- RFIELD = field(READZD)
- @ 4+bs,20+readlc say &Rfield
- else
- restore screen from PM
- endif
- return