资源名称:gateway-1.2.1 [点击查看]
- /*
- * A very simple push initiator for testing a push proxy gateway
- *
- * Read pap control content and push content from files, pack them into a PAP
- * protocol MIME message and invoke push services specified by an url. Use a
- * hardcoded message boundary (asdlfkjiurwgasf), for simpler command line
- * interface.
- * Repetitions and use of multiple threads can be requested, in addition of
- * setting of some headers.
- *
- * By Aarno Syv鋘en for Wiral Ltd and Global Networks Inc.
- */
- #define MAX_THREADS 1024
- #define MAX_IN_QUEUE 128
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "gwlib/gwlib.h"
- #include "gw/wap_push_pap_compiler.h"
- static long max_pushes = 1;
- static int verbose = 1,
- use_hardcoded = 0,
- num_urls = 0,
- wait = 0,
- use_headers = 0,
- use_config = 0;
- static double wait_seconds = 0.0;
- static Counter *counter = NULL;
- static char **push_data = NULL;
- static char *boundary = NULL;
- static Octstr *content_flag = NULL;
- static Octstr *appid_flag = NULL;
- static Octstr *content_transfer_encoding = NULL;
- static Octstr *connection = NULL;
- enum { SSL_CONNECTION_OFF = 0,
- /*
- * Configuration variables
- */
- static int pi_ssl = SSL_CONNECTION_OFF;
- static long retries = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RELOGS;
- static Octstr *ssl_client_certkey_file = NULL;
- static Octstr *push_url = NULL;
- static Octstr *pap_file = NULL;
- static Octstr *content_file = NULL;
- static Octstr *username = NULL;
- static Octstr *password = NULL;
- static void read_test_ppg_config(Octstr *name)
- {
- Cfg *cfg;
- CfgGroup *grp;
- cfg = cfg_create(name);
- if (cfg_read(cfg) == -1)
- panic(0, "Cannot read a configuration file %s, exiting",
- octstr_get_cstr(name));
- cfg_dump(cfg);
- grp = cfg_get_single_group(cfg, octstr_imm("test-ppg"));
- cfg_get_integer(&retries, grp, octstr_imm("retries"));
- cfg_get_bool(&pi_ssl, grp, octstr_imm("pi-ssl"));
- #ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL
- if (pi_ssl) {
- ssl_client_certkey_file = cfg_get(grp,
- octstr_imm("ssl-client-certkey-file"));
- if (ssl_client_certkey_file != NULL) {
- use_global_client_certkey_file(ssl_client_certkey_file);
- } else {
- error(0, "cannot set up SSL without client certkey file");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- #endif
- grp = cfg_get_single_group(cfg, octstr_imm("configuration"));
- push_url = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("push-url"));
- pap_file = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("pap-file"));
- content_file = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("content-file"));
- if (!use_hardcoded) {
- username = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("username"));
- password = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("password"));
- }
- cfg_destroy(cfg);
- }
- static void add_push_application_id(List **push_headers, Octstr *appid_flag)
- {
- if (octstr_compare(appid_flag, octstr_imm("any")) == 0)
- http_header_add(*push_headers, "X-WAP-Application-Id",
- "http://www.wiral.com:*");
- else if (octstr_compare(appid_flag, octstr_imm("ua")) == 0)
- http_header_add(*push_headers, "X-WAP-Application-Id",
- "http://www.wiral.com:wml.ua");
- else if (octstr_compare(appid_flag, octstr_imm("mms")) == 0)
- http_header_add(*push_headers, "X-WAP-Application-Id",
- "mms.ua");
- else if (octstr_compare(appid_flag, octstr_imm("scrap")) == 0)
- http_header_add(*push_headers, "X-WAP-Application-Id",
- "no appid at all");
- }
- static void add_content_type(Octstr *content_flag, Octstr **wap_content)
- {
- if (octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("wml")) == 0)
- *wap_content = octstr_format("%s",
- "Content-Type: text/vnd.wap.wmlrn");
- else if (octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("si")) == 0)
- *wap_content = octstr_format("%s",
- "Content-Type: text/vnd.wap.sirn");
- else if (octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("sl")) == 0)
- *wap_content = octstr_format("%s",
- "Content-Type: text/vnd.wap.slrn");
- else if (octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("multipart")) == 0)
- *wap_content = octstr_format("%s",
- "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=fsahgwruijkfldsarn");
- else if (octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("mms")) == 0)
- *wap_content = octstr_format("%s",
- "Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-messagern");
- else if (octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("scrap")) == 0)
- *wap_content = octstr_format("%s", "no type at allrn");
- else if (octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("nil")) == 0)
- *wap_content = octstr_create("");
- }
- static void add_content_transfer_encoding_type(Octstr *content_flag,
- Octstr *wap_content)
- {
- if (!content_flag)
- return;
- if (octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("base64")) == 0)
- octstr_append_cstr(wap_content, "Content-transfer-encoding: base64rn");
- }
- static void add_connection_header(Octstr *connection, Octstr *wap_content)
- {
- if (!connection)
- return;
- if (octstr_compare(connection, octstr_imm("close")) == 0)
- octstr_format_append(wap_content, "%s", "Connection: closern");
- else if (octstr_compare(connection, octstr_imm("keep-alive")) == 0)
- octstr_format_append(wap_content, "%s", "Connection: keep-alivern");
- }
- static void transfer_encode (Octstr *cte, Octstr *content)
- {
- if (!cte)
- return;
- if (octstr_compare(cte, octstr_imm("base64")) == 0) {
- octstr_binary_to_base64(content);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Add boundary value to the multipart header.
- */
- static Octstr *make_multipart_value(const char *boundary)
- {
- Octstr *hos;
- hos = octstr_format("%s", "multipart/related; boundary=");
- octstr_append(hos, octstr_imm(boundary));
- octstr_append(hos, octstr_imm("; type="application/xml""));
- return hos;
- }
- static Octstr *make_part_delimiter(Octstr *boundary)
- {
- Octstr *part_delimiter;
- part_delimiter = octstr_create("");
- octstr_format_append(part_delimiter, "%c", 'r');
- octstr_format_append(part_delimiter, "%c", 'n');
- octstr_format_append(part_delimiter, "%s", "--");
- octstr_append(part_delimiter, boundary);
- octstr_format_append(part_delimiter, "%c", 'r');
- octstr_format_append(part_delimiter, "%c", 'n');
- return part_delimiter;
- }
- static Octstr *make_close_delimiter(Octstr *boundary)
- {
- Octstr *close_delimiter;
- close_delimiter = octstr_create("");
- octstr_format_append(close_delimiter, "%c", 'r');
- octstr_format_append(close_delimiter, "%c", 'n');
- octstr_format_append(close_delimiter, "%s", "--");
- octstr_append(close_delimiter, boundary);
- octstr_format_append(close_delimiter, "%s", "--");
- octstr_format_append(close_delimiter, "%c", 'r');
- octstr_format_append(close_delimiter, "%c", 'n');
- return close_delimiter;
- }
- static List *push_headers_create(size_t content_len)
- {
- List *push_headers;
- Octstr *mos;
- mos = NULL;
- push_headers = http_create_empty_headers();
- if (use_hardcoded)
- http_header_add(push_headers, "Content-Type", "multipart/related;"
- " boundary=asdlfkjiurwgasf; type="application/xml"");
- else
- http_header_add(push_headers, "Content-Type",
- octstr_get_cstr(mos = make_multipart_value(boundary)));
- if (use_headers)
- http_add_basic_auth(push_headers, username, password);
- add_push_application_id(&push_headers, appid_flag);
- octstr_destroy(mos);
- return push_headers;
- }
- static Octstr *push_content_create(void)
- {
- Octstr *push_content,
- *wap_content;
- Octstr *wap_file_content,
- *pap_content,
- *pap_file_content,
- *bpos,
- *bcos;
- wap_content = NULL;
- push_content = NULL;
- if (use_hardcoded) {
- push_content = octstr_create("rnrn"
- "--asdlfkjiurwgasfrn"
- "Content-Type: application/xmlrnrn"
- "<?xml version="1.0"?>"
- " "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/pap_1.0.dtd">"
- "<pap>"
- "<push-message push-id="9fjeo39jf084@pi.com""
- " deliver-before-timestamp="2002-11-01T06:45:00Z""
- " deliver-after-timestamp="2000-02-27T06:45:00Z""
- " progress-notes-requested="false">"
- "<address address-value="WAPPUSH=+358408676001/"
- "TYPE=PLMN@ppg.carrier.com">"
- "</address>"
- "<quality-of-service"
- " priority="low""
- " delivery-method="unconfirmed""
- " network-required="true""
- " network="GSM""
- " bearer-required="true""
- " bearer="SMS">"
- "</quality-of-service>"
- "</push-message>"
- "</pap>rnrn"
- "--asdlfkjiurwgasfrn"
- "Content-Type: text/vnd.wap.sirnrn"
- "<?xml version="1.0"?>"
- " "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/si.dtd">"
- "<si>"
- "<indication href="http://wap.iobox.fi""
- " si-id="1@wiral.com""
- " action="signal-high""
- " created="1999-06-25T15:23:15Z""
- " si-expires="2002-12-30T00:00:00Z">"
- "Want to test a fetch?"
- "</indication>"
- "</si>rnrn"
- "--asdlfkjiurwgasf--rnrn"
- "");
- } else {
- add_content_type(content_flag, &wap_content);
- add_content_transfer_encoding_type(content_transfer_encoding,
- wap_content);
- add_connection_header(connection, wap_content);
- if ((wap_file_content =
- octstr_read_file(octstr_get_cstr(content_file))) == NULL)
- panic(0, "Stopping");
- transfer_encode (content_transfer_encoding, wap_file_content);
- octstr_append(wap_content, wap_file_content);
- octstr_destroy(wap_file_content);
- pap_content = octstr_format("%s", "Content-Type: application/xmlrn");
- if ((pap_file_content =
- octstr_read_file(octstr_get_cstr(pap_file))) == NULL)
- panic(0, "Stopping");
- octstr_append(pap_content, pap_file_content);
- octstr_destroy(pap_file_content);
- if (wap_content == NULL || pap_content == NULL)
- panic(0, "Cannot open the push content files");
- push_content = octstr_create("");
- octstr_append(push_content,
- bpos = make_part_delimiter(octstr_imm(boundary)));
- octstr_append(push_content, pap_content);
- octstr_append(push_content, bpos);
- octstr_destroy(bpos);
- octstr_append(push_content, wap_content);
- octstr_append(push_content,
- bcos = make_close_delimiter(octstr_imm(boundary)));
- octstr_destroy(bcos);
- octstr_destroy(pap_content);
- octstr_destroy(wap_content);
- }
- return push_content;
- }
- static void make_url(Octstr **url)
- {
- if (use_config && !use_headers) {
- octstr_append(*url, octstr_imm("?username="));
- octstr_append(*url, username ? username : octstr_imm("default"));
- octstr_append(*url, octstr_imm("&password="));
- octstr_append(*url, password ? password: octstr_imm("default"));
- }
- }
- static void start_push(HTTPCaller *caller, long i)
- {
- List *push_headers;
- Octstr *push_content;
- long *id;
- push_content = push_content_create();
- push_headers = push_headers_create(octstr_len(push_content));
- if (verbose) {
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "we have push content");
- octstr_dump(push_content, 0);
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "and headers");
- http_header_dump(push_headers);
- }
- id = gw_malloc(sizeof(long));
- *id = i;
- make_url(&push_url);
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "TEST_PPG: starting to push job %ld", i);
- http_start_request(caller, HTTP_METHOD_POST, push_url, push_headers,
- push_content, 0, id, ssl_client_certkey_file);
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "push done");
- octstr_destroy(push_content);
- http_destroy_headers(push_headers);
- }
- /*
- * Try log in defined number of times, when got response 401 and authentica-
- * tion info is in headers.
- */
- static int receive_push_reply(HTTPCaller *caller)
- {
- void *id;
- long *trid;
- int http_status,
- tries;
- List *reply_headers;
- Octstr *final_url,
- *auth_url,
- *reply_body,
- *os,
- *push_content,
- *auth_reply_body;
- WAPEvent *e;
- List *retry_headers;
- http_status = HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;
- tries = 0;
- id = http_receive_result(caller, &http_status, &final_url, &reply_headers,
- &reply_body);
- if (id == NULL || http_status == -1 || final_url == NULL) {
- error(0, "push failed, no reason found");
- goto push_failed;
- }
- while (use_headers && http_status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED && tries < retries) {
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "try number %d", tries);
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "authentication failure, get a challenge");
- http_destroy_headers(reply_headers);
- push_content = push_content_create();
- retry_headers = push_headers_create(octstr_len(push_content));
- http_add_basic_auth(retry_headers, username, password);
- trid = gw_malloc(sizeof(long));
- *trid = tries;
- http_start_request(caller, HTTP_METHOD_POST, final_url, retry_headers,
- push_content, 0, trid, NULL);
- debug("test.ppg ", 0, "TEST_PPG: doing response to %s",
- octstr_get_cstr(final_url));
- octstr_destroy(push_content);
- http_destroy_headers(retry_headers);
- trid = http_receive_result(caller, &http_status, &auth_url,
- &reply_headers, &auth_reply_body);
- if (trid == NULL || http_status == -1 || auth_url == NULL) {
- error(0, "unable to send authorisation, no reason found");
- goto push_failed;
- }
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "TEST_PPG: send authentication to %s, retry %ld",
- octstr_get_cstr(auth_url), *(long *) trid);
- gw_free(trid);
- octstr_destroy(auth_reply_body);
- octstr_destroy(auth_url);
- ++tries;
- }
- if (http_status == HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
- error(0, "push failed, service not found");
- goto push_failed;
- }
- if (http_status == HTTP_FORBIDDEN) {
- error(0, "push failed, service forbidden");
- goto push_failed;
- }
- if (http_status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) {
- if (use_headers)
- error(0, "tried %ld times, stopping", retries);
- else
- error(0, "push failed, authorisation failure");
- goto push_failed;
- }
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "TEST_PPG: push %ld done: reply from, %s",
- *(long *) id, octstr_get_cstr(final_url));
- gw_free(id);
- octstr_destroy(final_url);
- if (verbose)
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "TEST_PPG: reply headers were");
- while ((os = list_extract_first(reply_headers)) != NULL) {
- if (verbose)
- octstr_dump(os, 0);
- octstr_destroy(os);
- }
- if (verbose) {
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "TEST_PPG: reply body was");
- octstr_dump(reply_body, 0);
- }
- e = NULL;
- if (pap_compile(reply_body, &e) < 0) {
- warning(0, "TEST_PPG: receive_push_reply: cannot compile pap message");
- goto parse_error;
- }
- switch (e->type) {
- case Push_Response:
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "TEST_PPG: and type push response");
- break;
- case Bad_Message_Response:
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "TEST_PPG: and type bad message response");
- break;
- default:
- warning(0, "TEST_PPG: unknown event received from %s",
- octstr_get_cstr(final_url));
- break;
- }
- octstr_destroy(reply_body);
- wap_event_destroy(e);
- http_destroy_headers(reply_headers);
- return 0;
- push_failed:
- gw_free(id);
- octstr_destroy(final_url);
- octstr_destroy(reply_body);
- http_destroy_headers(reply_headers);
- return -1;
- parse_error:
- octstr_destroy(reply_body);
- http_destroy_headers(reply_headers);
- wap_event_destroy(e);
- return -1;
- }
- static void push_thread(void *arg)
- {
- HTTPCaller *caller;
- long succeeded, failed, in_queue;
- unsigned long i;
- caller = arg;
- succeeded = 0;
- failed = 0;
- in_queue = 0;
- i = 0;
- for (;;) {
- while (in_queue < MAX_IN_QUEUE) {
- i = counter_increase(counter);
- if (i >= max_pushes)
- goto receive_rest;
- start_push(caller, i);
- if (wait)
- gwthread_sleep(wait_seconds);
- ++in_queue;
- }
- while (in_queue >= MAX_IN_QUEUE) {
- if (receive_push_reply(caller) == -1)
- ++failed;
- else
- ++succeeded;
- --in_queue;
- }
- }
- receive_rest:
- while (in_queue > 0) {
- if (receive_push_reply(caller) == -1)
- ++failed;
- else
- ++succeeded;
- --in_queue;
- }
- http_caller_destroy(caller);
- info(0, "TEST_PPG: In thread %ld %ld succeeded, %ld failed",
- (long) gwthread_self(), succeeded, failed);
- }
- static void help(void)
- {
- info(0, "Usage: test_ppg [options] push_url [content_file pap_file]");
- info(0, " or");
- info(0, "Usage: test_ppg [options] [conf_file]");
- info(0, "Implements push initiator for wap push. Push services are ");
- info(0, "located in push_url, push content in the file content file.");
- info(0, "File pap_file contains pap control document that controls");
- info(0, "pushing");
- info(0, "If option -H is not used, command line has either three or one");
- info(0, "arguments:");
- info(0, " a) the url of the push proxy gateway");
- info(0, " b) a file containing the content to be pushed");
- info(0, " c) a pap document controlling pushing");
- info(0, " or");
- info(0, " a) a test configuration file, containing all these");
- info(0, "Option -H cannot be used with a configuration file. If it is");
- info(0, "used, the push url is the only argument.");
- info(0, "Options are:");
- info(0, "-h");
- info(0, "print this info");
- info(0, "-c content qualifier");
- info(0, "Define content type of the push content. Wml, multipart, nil,");
- info(0, "scrap, sl, and si accepted. Si is default, nil (no content");
- info(0, " type at all) and scrap (random string) are used for debugging");
- info(0, "-a application id");
- info(0, "Define the client application that will handle the push. Any,");
- info(0, "ua, mms, nil and scrap accepted, default ua.");
- info(0, "-b");
- info(0, "If true, send username/password in headers. Default false");
- info(0, "-v number");
- info(0, " Set log level for stderr logging. Default 0 (debug)");
- info(0, "-q");
- info(0, " Do not print debugging information");
- info(0, "Default: print it");
- info(0, "-r number");
- info(0, " Make `number' requests. Default one request");
- info(0, "-i seconds");
- info(0, " Wait 'seconds' seconds between pushes. Default: do not wait");
- info(0, "-e transfer encoding");
- info(0, " use transfer encoding to send push contents.");
- info(0, " Currently supported is base64.");
- info(0, "-k connection header");
- info(0, "Use the connection header. Keep-alive and close accepted,");
- info(0, "default close");
- info(0, "-H");
- info(0, "Use hardcoded MIME message, containing a pap control document.");
- info(0, "In addition, use hardcoded username/password in headers (if ");
- info(0, "flag -b is set, too");
- info(0, "Default: read components from files");
- info(0, "-t");
- info(0, "number of threads, maximum 1024, default 1");
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- int opt,
- num_threads;
- time_t start,
- end;
- double run_time;
- long threads[MAX_THREADS];
- long i;
- Octstr *fos;
- gwlib_init();
- num_threads = 1;
- while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "Hhbv:qr:t:c:a:i:e:k:")) != EOF) {
- switch(opt) {
- case 'v':
- log_set_output_level(atoi(optarg));
- break;
- case 'q':
- verbose = 0;
- break;
- case 'r':
- max_pushes = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'i':
- wait = 1;
- wait_seconds = atof(optarg);
- break;
- case 't':
- num_threads = atoi(optarg);
- if (num_threads > MAX_THREADS)
- num_threads = MAX_THREADS;
- break;
- case 'H':
- use_hardcoded = 1;
- break;
- case 'c':
- content_flag = octstr_create(optarg);
- if (octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("wml")) != 0 &&
- octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("si")) != 0 &&
- octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("sl")) != 0 &&
- octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("nil")) != 0 &&
- octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("mms")) != 0 &&
- octstr_compare(content_flag, octstr_imm("scrap")) != 0 &&
- octstr_compare(content_flag,
- octstr_imm("multipart")) != 0){
- octstr_destroy(content_flag);
- error(0, "TEST_PPG: Content type not known");
- help();
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- case 'a':
- appid_flag = octstr_create(optarg);
- if (octstr_compare(appid_flag, octstr_imm("any")) != 0 &&
- octstr_compare(appid_flag, octstr_imm("ua")) != 0 &&
- octstr_compare(appid_flag, octstr_imm("mms")) != 0 &&
- octstr_compare(appid_flag, octstr_imm("nil")) != 0 &&
- octstr_compare(appid_flag, octstr_imm("scrap")) != 0) {
- octstr_destroy(appid_flag);
- error(0, "TEST_PPG: Push application id not known");
- help();
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- case 'e':
- content_transfer_encoding = octstr_create(optarg);
- if (octstr_compare(content_transfer_encoding,
- octstr_imm("base64")) != 0) {
- octstr_destroy(content_transfer_encoding);
- error(0, "TEST_PPG: unknown content transfer"
- " encoding "%s"",
- octstr_get_cstr(content_transfer_encoding));
- help();
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- case 'k':
- connection = octstr_create(optarg);
- if (octstr_compare(connection, octstr_imm("close")) != 0 &&
- octstr_compare(connection,
- octstr_imm("keep-alive")) != 0) {
- octstr_destroy(connection);
- error(0, "TEST_PPG: Connection-header unacceptable");
- help();
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- case 'h':
- help();
- exit(1);
- case 'b':
- use_headers = 1;
- break;
- case '?':
- default:
- error(0, "TEST_PPG: Invalid option %c", opt);
- help();
- error(0, "Stopping");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if (optind == argc) {
- help();
- exit(1);
- }
- push_data = argv + optind;
- num_urls = argc - optind;
- if (content_flag == NULL)
- content_flag = octstr_imm("si");
- if (appid_flag == NULL)
- appid_flag = octstr_imm("ua");
- if (use_hardcoded) {
- username = octstr_imm("troo");
- password = octstr_imm("far");
- }
- if (push_data[0] == NULL) {
- error(0, "No ppg address or config file, stopping");
- exit(1);
- }
- use_config = 0;
- if (!use_hardcoded) {
- if (push_data[1] == NULL) {
- info(0, "a configuration file input assumed");
- read_test_ppg_config(fos = octstr_format("%s", push_data[0]));
- octstr_destroy(fos);
- use_config = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!use_config)
- push_url = octstr_format("%s", push_data[0]);
- if (!use_hardcoded && !use_config && push_data[1] != NULL) {
- if (push_data[2] == NULL) {
- error(0, "no pap control document, stopping");
- exit(1);
- } else {
- info(0, "an input without a configuration file assumed");
- content_file = octstr_create(push_data[1]);
- pap_file = octstr_create(push_data[2]);
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "using %s as a content file", push_data[1]);
- debug("test.ppg", 0, "using %s as a control file", push_data[2]);
- }
- }
- boundary = "asdlfkjiurwghasf";
- counter = counter_create();
- time(&start);
- if (num_threads == 0)
- push_thread(http_caller_create());
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i)
- threads[i] = gwthread_create(push_thread, http_caller_create());
- for (i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i)
- gwthread_join(threads[i]);
- }
- time(&end);
- run_time = difftime(end, start);
- info(0, "TEST_PPG: %ld requests in %f seconds, %f requests per second",
- max_pushes, run_time, max_pushes / run_time);
- octstr_destroy(content_flag);
- octstr_destroy(appid_flag);
- octstr_destroy(content_file);
- octstr_destroy(pap_file);
- octstr_destroy(ssl_client_certkey_file);
- octstr_destroy(username);
- octstr_destroy(password);
- octstr_destroy(push_url);
- octstr_destroy(connection);
- counter_destroy(counter);
- gwlib_shutdown();
- exit(0);
- }