资源名称:gateway-1.2.1 [点击查看]
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- # License, or (at your option) any later version.
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # General Public License for more details.
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
- # USA #
- #
- # Revision $Id: kannel.monitor,v 1.2 2002/08/06 09:03:50 stolj Exp $
- #
- # Ingo Brombach <brombach@wapme-systems.de>
- #use warnings;
- use LWP::UserAgent;
- use XML::Parser;
- use Sys::Hostname;
- use Getopt::Std;
- getopts('P:s:p:f:n:ivhS',%opts);
- my $p = new XML::Parser(ErrorContext => 2,
- Namespaces => 1,
- ParseParamEnt => 1,
- Handlers => {Start => &sthndl,
- Char => &chrhndl
- }
- );
- local $scount=0; # SMS-Level - Counter
- local $bcount=0; # Box-Level - Counter
- local $kannel_status;
- local $status_file='/tmp/kannel_monitor.status';
- local $qlimit=1; # Maximum Number of queued messages per minute
- local $port = ($opts{p}) ? $opts{p} : "13000";
- local $statussheet = ($opts{s}) ? $opts{s} : "status.xml";
- local $password = ($opts{P}) ? $opts{P} : "";
- local $http = ($opts{S}) ? "https" : "http";
- local @failures;
- &usage if ($opts{h}|| !($opts{f} || @ARGV));
- if ($opts{f}){
- my $file=$opts{f};
- die "Can磘 find '$file' : $!n" unless -f $file;
- $p->parsefile ($file);
- &show if $opts{i};
- @failures=@{&analyze()};
- }
- else{
- foreach $host (@ARGV){
- $url=$http."://".$host.":".$port."/".$statussheet."?password=".$password;
- &info("# GET URL $url ... n");
- my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 1,
- keep_alive => 1,
- timeout => 10,
- );
- my $response=$ua->get($url)||
- do { &err($host);&info("GET request to $host failed n");next};
- &info("OKn");
- if ((%{$response}->{'_content'})){
- my $doc=%{$response}->{'_content'};
- $p->parse($doc);
- } # end if
- else{do { &err($host);&info("GET request to $host failed n");next}}
- &show if $opts{i};
- push @failures, @{&analyze()};
- }
- } # end else
- if (@failures == 0) {
- exit 0;
- }
- print "@failuresn" unless $opts{v};
- exit 1;
- ################
- ## End main
- ################
- sub usage{
- $0 =~ s,.*/,,g;
- my $program=$0;
- printf("n");
- print <<"EOU";
- $program -- Kannel monitoring module for 'mon'
- This Perl script is a custom monitoring module for mon, the system monitoring
- tool, see http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/admin/mon/. The module watchs for
- availibility of the Kannel SMS gateway, basicaly it checks the state of the
- connected SMSC links. In case of an error it will returns the affected SMSC IDs
- of the links.
- 2002-07-31 Ingo Brombach, <brombach@wapme-systems.de>
- USAGE: $program [options] hosts...
- where options can be any of:
- -h this help message
- -n "smsc-ids..." a list of smsc-ids that should be ignored by the test
- -s URI the URI on the hosts containing the status-document (default: $statussheet)
- -p port the port to connect to (default: $port)
- -S use https:// scheme to access the URI (via SSLv3) (default: http://)
- -P password the status-password (default: $password)
- -f file local XML file to read (mainly for testing)
- -v verbose output
- -i info mode, displays the whole information to stdout
- Examples:
- $program -i -v -n "smpp_foo smpp_bar" kannel.foobar.com
- Checks out the status page status.xml (default) on kannel.foobar.com,
- port 13000 (default) without password. It lookes for the general
- status as well as for the status of the smsc-connections but ignores
- error on the smsc-ids smpp_foo and smpp_bar. The whole status is displayed.
- The failure messages are verbose.
- $program -i -v -f status.xml -n "smpp_foo smpp_bar"
- The same as above, but reading from a local status.xml file
- $program -p 13001 -P secret kannel.foobar.com
- Looking for status on port 13001 with password "secret". Only failing
- smsc-ids are displayed.
- exit 1;
- }
- sub info { print STDERR @_ if $opts{v}; } # Output Verbose-Modus
- sub err {
- my $host=$_[0];
- push @failures, $host;
- }
- sub pushall{
- my @failures;
- for ($count=1;$count>=0;$count++){
- last unless (exists ${"smsc".$count}{id});
- push @failures, ${"smsc".$count}{id};
- } # end for
- return @failures;
- }
- sub analyze{
- my @failures;
- # Bearerbox does not run:
- #==============================
- if (! $kannel_status || (split /,/,$kannel_status)[0] ne 'running'){
- info "bearerbox is not runningn";
- return &pushall;
- } # end if (Bearerbox)
- # SMS-or WAPBox does not run:
- #==============================
- for ($count=1;$count>=0;$count++){
- if ($count==1 && ! %{"box".$count}->{'status'}){
- info "No SMS- or WAP-Box is running!!n";
- push @failures, "No SMS- or WAP-Box is running!!n";
- } #end if
- elsif ((%{"box".$count}->{'status'}
- &&(split /s+/,%{"box".$count}->{'status'})[0] ne 'on-line')){
- info %{"box".$count}->{'type'}." is not running!!n";
- push @failures, hostname().": ".%{"box".$count}->{'type'}." is not running!!n";
- } # end elsif
- last unless (%{"box".$count}->{'type'}
- &&((%{"box".$count}->{'type'} eq 'smsbox')
- || (%{"box".$count}->{'type'} eq 'wapbox')));
- } # end for count (SMS-Box)
- # SMSC does not run:
- #==============================
- for ($count=1;$count>=0;$count++){
- last unless (exists ${"smsc".$count}{id});
- if (${"smsc".$count}{id}){
- %exists->{${"smsc".$count}{id}}=1;
- if ((split /s+/,${"smsc".$count}{status})[0] ne 'online'){
- local $smsc_not;
- if ($opts{n}){
- foreach $smsc (split /s+/, $opts{n}){
- $smsc_not=1 if $smsc eq ${"smsc".$count}{id};
- } # end foreach smsc
- } # end if $opts{n}
- unless ($smsc_not){
- info "SMSC ".${"smsc".$count}{id}.
- " is in status "".
- (split /s+/,${"smsc".$count}{status})[0].""n";
- push @failures, ${"smsc".$count}{id};
- } #end unless $smsc_not
- } # end if split
- } # end if smsc
- } # end for count
- # SMSC does not exist:
- #==============================
- if ($opts{n}){
- foreach $arg (split /s+/, $opts{n}){
- unless (exists %exists->{$arg}){
- info "$arg does not existn";
- push @failures, $arg;
- } #end unless
- } # end foreaceh
- } # end of $opts{n}
- # Kannel is queueing:
- #==============================
- open (STATUSFILE,"<$status_file") or
- push @failures, hostname().": Could not open $status_file: $!";
- local $warncount=0;
- while (<STATUSFILE>){
- my ($field,$value,$time,$diffmin);
- ($field,$value,$time)=split /|/, $_,3;
- $diffmin=(time - $time)/60;
- if ((%{"sms"}->{$field} - $value)/$diffmin >= $qlimit){
- $warncount+=1;
- } # end if
- } # end while STATUSFILE
- if ($warncount){
- return &pushall;
- info "Kannel is queueing - please take a lookn";
- }
- close(STATUSFILE);
- open (STATUSFILE,">$status_file") or
- push @failures, hostname().": Could not open $status_file: $!";
- foreach $field (keys %{"sms"}){
- if ((split /_/,$field)[1]
- &&(split /_/,$field)[1] eq 'queued'){
- printf(STATUSFILE "%s|%s|%dn",
- $field,%{"sms"}->{$field},time);
- } # end if
- } # end foreach
- close(STATUSFILE);
- return @failures;
- }
- sub show{
- my $count=1;
- my $bcount=1;
- if ($kannel_status){
- printf("============== Status ===================n");
- printf("%sn", $kannel_status);
- printf("=========================================n");
- } # end elsif
- printf("============SMS Overall==================n");
- foreach $field (keys %{"sms"}){
- printf("%s -> %sn", $field,%{"sms"}->{$field});
- }
- printf("=========================================n");
- printf("=================BOXES===================n")
- if (exists ${"box".$bcount}{type});
- while (exists ${"box".$bcount}{type}){
- foreach $field (keys %{"box".$bcount}){
- printf("%s -> %sn", $field,%{"box".$bcount}->{$field});
- } # end foreach
- ++$bcount;
- printf("=========================================n");
- } # end while
- if (exists ${"smsc".$count}{id}){
- printf("n================SMSC磗===================n");
- printf("=========================================n") ;
- }
- while (exists ${"smsc".$count}{id}){
- foreach $field (keys %{"smsc".$count}){
- printf("%s -> %sn", $field,%{"smsc".$count}->{$field});
- } # end foreach
- printf("=========================================n");
- ++$count;
- } # end while
- } # End show
- sub sthndl {
- my $xp = shift;
- my $el = shift;
- my $nm = $xp->namespace($el) ? "n1:$el" : $el;
- $parent{$nm}=$xp->current_element;
- } # End sthndl
- sub chrhndl {
- my ($xp, $data) = @_;
- my (@level);
- my $value= sprintf("%sn",$xp->xml_escape($data, '>', "xD"));
- my $level = $xp->current_element;
- chomp $value;
- if ($value!~/^s+$/){
- while($level=%parent->{$level}){
- unshift @level, $level;
- }
- push @level, $xp->current_element;
- if (($level[0] eq 'gateway') && ($level[1] eq 'smscs')
- && ($level[2] eq 'smsc')&& ($level[3])){
- ++$scount if $level[3] eq 'name';
- ${"smsc".$scount}{$level[3]}=$value;
- } # end if
- elsif (($level[0] eq 'gateway') && ($level[1] eq 'status')){
- $kannel_status=$value;
- } # end elsif
- elsif (($level[0] eq 'gateway') && ($level[1] eq 'boxes')
- && ($level[2] eq 'box')&& ($level[3])){
- ++$bcount if $level[3] eq 'type';
- ${"box".$bcount}{$level[3]}=$value;
- } # end elsif
- elsif (($level[0] eq 'gateway') && ($level[1] eq 'sms')){
- if (($level[2] eq 'sent'||$level[2] eq 'received') && $level[3]){
- ${'sms'}{$level[2].'_'.$level[3]}=$value;
- } # end if
- else{
- ${'sms'}{$level[2]}=$value;
- } # end else
- } # end elsif
- }
- } # End chrhndl
- # Tell emacs that this is really a perl script
- #Local Variables:
- #Mode: perl
- #End: