资源名称:gateway-1.2.1 [点击查看]
- /* gwpoll.c - implement poll() for systems that don't have it */
- #include "gwlib/gwlib.h"
- #ifndef HAVE_SYS_POLL_H
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- int gw_poll(struct pollfd *fdarray, unsigned int numfds, int timeout)
- {
- struct timeval tv, *tvp;
- unsigned int i;
- int maxfd;
- fd_set readfds, *rfdp;
- fd_set writefds, *wfdp;
- fd_set exceptfds, *xfdp;
- int ret;
- int result;
- FD_ZERO(&readfds);
- FD_ZERO(&writefds);
- FD_ZERO(&exceptfds);
- maxfd = -1;
- /* These are the pointers we will pass to select(). We use them because
- * we may want to pass NULL for some of them. */
- tvp = NULL;
- rfdp = NULL;
- wfdp = NULL;
- xfdp = NULL;
- /* Deal with timeout. We get it in milliseconds. If it's negative,
- * block indefinitely, which we do in select() by passing a NULL
- * timeval pointer. */
- if (timeout >= 0) {
- tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
- tv.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000;
- tvp = &tv;
- }
- /* Deal with fdarray, and convert it to the three fd_sets used by select. */
- for (i = 0; i < numfds; i++) {
- int fd = fdarray[i].fd;
- int events = fdarray[i].events;
- if (fd < 0)
- continue;
- if (events & POLLIN) {
- FD_SET(fd, &readfds);
- rfdp = &readfds;
- }
- if (events & POLLOUT) {
- FD_SET(fd, &writefds);
- wfdp = &writefds;
- }
- if (events & POLLPRI) {
- FD_SET(fd, &exceptfds);
- xfdp = &exceptfds;
- }
- if (fd > maxfd && events & (POLLIN | POLLOUT | POLLPRI))
- maxfd = fd;
- }
- ret = select(maxfd + 1, rfdp, wfdp, xfdp, tvp);
- if (ret < 0)
- return ret;
- /* Move the returned data from the fd sets to the revents fields
- * in fdarray. We can't detect POLLNVAL except for obviously
- * invalid fd's, and detecting POLLHUP or POLLERR would require
- * an extra read() call per fd which is too expensive. */
- result = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < numfds; i++) {
- if (fdarray[i].fd < 0) {
- fdarray[i].revents = POLLNVAL;
- continue;
- }
- fdarray[i].revents = 0;
- if (rfdp && FD_ISSET(fdarray[i].fd, &readfds))
- fdarray[i].revents |= POLLIN;
- if (wfdp && FD_ISSET(fdarray[i].fd, &writefds))
- fdarray[i].revents |= POLLOUT;
- if (xfdp && FD_ISSET(fdarray[i].fd, &exceptfds))
- fdarray[i].revents |= POLLPRI;
- if (fdarray[i].revents != 0)
- result++;
- }
- return result;
- }
- #endif