资源名称:gateway-1.2.1 [点击查看]
- #!/usr/bin/awk -f
- #
- # Summarize Kannel log files.
- #
- # - total number of lines
- # - start and end times
- # - smsbox/wapbox requests: total, within the last hour (total and avg/s)
- # - number of restarts
- #
- # Lars Wirzenius
- #
- days_in_month[1] = 31
- days_in_month[2] = 28
- days_in_month[3] = 31
- days_in_month[4] = 30
- days_in_month[5] = 31
- days_in_month[6] = 30
- days_in_month[7] = 31
- days_in_month[8] = 31
- days_in_month[9] = 30
- days_in_month[10] = 31
- days_in_month[11] = 30
- days_in_month[12] = 31
- "date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'" | getline nowstr
- now = secs(nowstr)
- new_request_age = 3600 * 4
- new_restart_age = 3600 * 24
- }
- FILENAME != prev_filename {
- if (prev_filename) {
- lines = NR - prev_nr
- report(prev_filename, lines, starts, ends, requests,
- new_requests, restarts, new_restarts)
- }
- prev_filename = FILENAME
- prev_nr = NR
- starts = substr($0, 0, 20)
- requests = 0
- new_requests = 0
- restarts = 0
- new_restarts = 0
- }
- /INFO: Added logfile `.*' with level/ {
- ++restarts
- if (now - secs($0) <= new_restart_age)
- ++new_restarts
- }
- /INFO: Starting to service <.*> from <.*> to <.*>$/ ||
- /INFO: WSP: Fetched <.*>$/ {
- ++requests
- if (now - secs($0) <= new_request_age)
- ++new_requests
- }
- /^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/ {
- ends = substr($0, 0, 20)
- }
- END {
- if (prev_filename)
- report(prev_filename, NR - prev_nr, starts, ends, requests,
- new_requests, restarts, new_restarts)
- }
- function report(filename, lines, starts, ends, requests, new_requests,
- restarts, new_restarts) {
- duration = secs(ends) - secs(starts)
- avgperday = requests / (duration / 86400)
- persec = new_requests / new_request_age
- print "File:", filename
- print "Lines:", lines
- print "Starts:", starts
- print "Ends:", ends
- print "Duration:", secs2str(duration)
- print "Restarts:", restarts
- print "Recent restarts:", new_restarts, "(in the last",
- new_restart_age/3600, "hours)"
- if (requests > 0) {
- print "Requests:", requests, "total",
- avgperday, "average per day"
- print "Recent requests (last", new_request_age/3600,
- "hours):", new_requests
- print "Recent average per second:", persec
- }
- print ""
- }
- function secs2str(s) {
- days = idiv(s, 86400)
- s -= days * 86400
- hours = idiv(s, 3600)
- s -= hours * 3600
- mins = idiv(s, 60)
- s -= mins * 60
- return days "d " hours "h " mins "m " s "s"
- }
- function secs(timestamp) {
- year = substr(timestamp, 1, 4)
- mon = substr(timestamp, 6, 2)
- day = substr(timestamp, 9, 2)
- hour = substr(timestamp, 12, 2)
- min = substr(timestamp, 15, 2)
- sec = substr(timestamp, 18, 2)
- return sec + min*60 + hour*3600 + (day-1)*86400 +
- mon2secs(mon, year) + year2secs(year)
- }
- function mon2secs(mon, year) {
- days = 0
- mon = mon + 0 # make sure it is a number
- for (m = 1; m < mon; ++m)
- days += days_in_month[mon]
- if (mon > 2 && isleap(year))
- ++days
- return days * 86400
- }
- function year2secs(year) {
- s = 0
- for (y = 1970; y < year; ++y) {
- if (isleap(year))
- s += 366 * 86400
- else
- s += 365 * 86400
- }
- return s
- }
- function isleap(year) {
- return (year % 4) == 0 &&
- ((year % 100) != 0 || (year % 400) == 0)
- }
- function idiv(a, b) {
- # assume a >= 0, b > 0
- for (i = 0; a > b; ++i)
- a -= b;
- return i
- }