资源名称:gateway-1.2.1 [点击查看]
- /*
- * Implementation of a gateway oriented mime parser for pap module. This
- * parser follows proxy rules stated in Push Message, chapter 7.
- *
- * By Aarno Syv鋘en for Wiral Ltd
- */
- #include "wap_push_pap_mime.h"
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Prototypes for internal functions
- */
- static int is_cr(int c);
- static int is_lf(int c);
- static int islwspchar(int c);
- static long octstr_drop_leading_blanks(Octstr **header_value);
- static void drop_separator(Octstr **header_value, long *pos);
- static int parse_preamble(Octstr **mime_content, Octstr *boundary);
- static long parse_transport_padding(Octstr *mime_content, long pos);
- static long parse_terminator(Octstr *mime_content, long pos);
- static int parse_body_part(Octstr **multipart, Octstr *boundary,
- Octstr **body_part);
- static int parse_encapsulation(Octstr **mime_content, Octstr *boundary,
- Octstr **push_data, List **content_headers,
- Octstr **rdf_content);
- static int check_control_headers(Octstr **body_part);
- static int check_control_content_type_header(Octstr **body_part);
- static int drop_optional_header(Octstr **body_part, char *name);
- static int drop_header_true(Octstr **body_part, long content_pos);
- static int drop_extension_headers(Octstr **mime_content);
- static long parse_field_value(Octstr *pap_content, long pos);
- static long parse_field_name(Octstr *pap_content, long pos);
- static void octstr_split_by_pos(Octstr **mime_content, Octstr **pap_content,
- long boundary_pos);
- static Octstr *make_close_delimiter(Octstr *boundary);
- static Octstr *make_part_delimiter(Octstr *boundary);
- static Octstr *make_start_delimiter(Octstr *dash_boundary);
- static int pass_data_headers(Octstr **body_part, List **data_headers);
- static int check_data_content_type_header(Octstr **body_part,
- List **data_headers);
- static int pass_optional_header(Octstr **body_part, char *name,
- List **content_headers);
- static int pass_extension_headers(Octstr **body_part, List **data_headers);
- static long pass_field_name(Octstr **body_part, Octstr **content_header,
- long pos);
- static long pass_field_value(Octstr **body_part, Octstr **content_header,
- long pos);
- static void parse_epilogue(Octstr **mime_content);
- static int parse_tail(Octstr **multipart, Octstr *part_delimiter,
- long boundary_pos, long *next_part_pos);
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Implementation of the external function, PAP uses MIME type multipart/
- * related to communicate a push message and related control information from
- * pi to ppg. Mime_parse separates parts of message and in addition returns
- * MIME-part-headers of the content entity. Preamble and epilogue of are dis-
- * carded from control messages, but not from a multipart content entity.
- * Already parsed parts of mime content are removed.
- * Multipart/related content type is defined in rfc 2046, chapters 5.1, 5.1.1,
- * and 5.1.7. Grammar is capitulated in rfc 2046 appendix A and in rfc 822,
- * appendix D. PAP, chapter 8 defines how MIME multipart message is used by PAP
- * protocol. Functions called by mime_parse remove parsed parts from the mime
- * content.
- * Input: pointer to mime boundary and mime content
- * Output: Pointer to pap control document and push data, if parsable, NULL
- * otherwise. If there is a capabilities document, pointer to this is return-
- * ed, too. If there is none, pointer to NULL instead. Neither prologue nor
- * epilogue is returned.
- * In addition, return 1 if parsing was succesfull, 0 otherwise.
- */
- int mime_parse(Octstr *boundary, Octstr *mime_content, Octstr **pap_content,
- Octstr **push_data, List **content_headers,
- Octstr **rdf_content)
- {
- int ret;
- *pap_content = NULL;
- *push_data = NULL;
- *content_headers = NULL;
- *rdf_content = NULL;
- if (parse_preamble(&mime_content, boundary) < 0) {
- warning(0, "erroneous preamble");
- return 0;
- }
- if (parse_body_part(&mime_content, boundary, pap_content) <= 0) {
- warning(0, "erroneous control entity");
- return 0;
- }
- if (check_control_headers(pap_content) == 0) {
- warning(0, "erroneous control headers");
- return 0;
- }
- ret = -1;
- if ((ret = parse_encapsulation(&mime_content, boundary, push_data,
- content_headers, rdf_content)) < 0) {
- warning(0, "erroneous content entity (push message)");
- return 0;
- } else if (ret == 0) {
- gw_assert(*rdf_content == NULL);
- parse_epilogue(&mime_content);
- gw_assert(octstr_len(mime_content) == 0);
- return 1;
- }
- if (check_control_headers(rdf_content) == 0) {
- warning(0, "erroneous capacity (rdf) headers");
- return 0;
- }
- parse_epilogue(&mime_content);
- gw_assert(octstr_len(mime_content) == 0);
- return 1;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Implementation of internal functions
- */
- static int is_cr(int c)
- {
- return c == 'r';
- }
- static int is_lf(int c)
- {
- return c == 'n';
- }
- /*
- * Lwspchar is defined in rfc 822, appendix D.
- */
- static int islwspchar(int c)
- {
- return c == 't' || c == ' ';
- }
- static int parse_tail(Octstr **multipart, Octstr *delimiter,
- long boundary_pos, long *next_part_pos)
- {
- *next_part_pos = parse_transport_padding(*multipart,
- boundary_pos + octstr_len(delimiter));
- if ((*next_part_pos = parse_terminator(*multipart, *next_part_pos)) < 0)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Boundary misses crlf here. This is intentional: Kannel header parsing pro-
- * cess drops this terminator.
- */
- static int parse_preamble(Octstr **mime_content, Octstr *boundary)
- {
- long boundary_pos,
- next_part_pos;
- Octstr *dash_boundary;
- boundary_pos = next_part_pos = -1;
- dash_boundary = make_start_delimiter(boundary);
- if ((boundary_pos = octstr_search(*mime_content, dash_boundary, 0)) < 0)
- goto error;
- if (parse_tail(mime_content, dash_boundary, boundary_pos,
- &next_part_pos) < 0)
- goto error;
- octstr_delete(*mime_content, 0, next_part_pos);
- octstr_destroy(dash_boundary);
- return 0;
- error:
- octstr_destroy(dash_boundary);
- return -1;
- }
- static long parse_terminator(Octstr *mime_content, long pos)
- {
- if (is_cr(octstr_get_char(mime_content, pos)))
- ++pos;
- else
- return -1;
- if (is_lf(octstr_get_char(mime_content, pos)))
- ++pos;
- else
- return -1;
- return pos;
- }
- static long parse_transport_padding(Octstr *mime_content, long pos)
- {
- while (islwspchar(octstr_get_char(mime_content, 0)))
- ++pos;
- return pos;
- }
- /*
- * Splits the first body part away from the multipart message, if there is
- * more than one left. A body part end with either with another body or with
- * a close delimiter. If there is more than one body part left, we first split
- * the first one and then remove the stuff separating bodies from the remaind-
- * er. If there is none just remove the ending stuff.
- * Returns 1, there is still another body part in the multipart message
- * 0, if there is none
- * -1, when parsing error.
- */
- static int parse_body_part (Octstr **multipart, Octstr *boundary,
- Octstr **body_part)
- {
- Octstr *part_delimiter,
- *close_delimiter;
- long boundary_pos, /* start of the boundary */
- close_delimiter_pos, /* start of the close delimiter */
- end_pos, /* end of the message */
- next_part_pos; /* start of the next part */
- part_delimiter = make_part_delimiter(boundary);
- close_delimiter = make_close_delimiter(boundary);
- if ((close_delimiter_pos = octstr_search(*multipart,
- close_delimiter, 0)) < 0)
- goto error;
- boundary_pos = octstr_search(*multipart, part_delimiter, 0);
- if (boundary_pos == close_delimiter_pos) {
- if (parse_tail(multipart, close_delimiter, close_delimiter_pos,
- &end_pos) < 0) {
- goto error;
- } else {
- octstr_delete(*multipart, close_delimiter_pos,
- end_pos - close_delimiter_pos);
- *body_part = octstr_duplicate(*multipart);
- octstr_delete(*multipart, 0, end_pos);
- goto last_part;
- }
- }
- *body_part = octstr_create("");
- octstr_split_by_pos(multipart, body_part, boundary_pos);
- if (parse_tail(multipart, part_delimiter, 0, &next_part_pos) < 0) {
- goto error;
- }
- octstr_delete(*multipart, 0, next_part_pos);
- octstr_destroy(part_delimiter);
- octstr_destroy(close_delimiter);
- return 1;
- error:
- octstr_destroy(part_delimiter);
- octstr_destroy(close_delimiter);
- return -1;
- last_part:
- octstr_destroy(part_delimiter);
- octstr_destroy(close_delimiter);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * PAP, Chapter 8 states that PAP multipart message MUST have at least two
- * parts, control entity (containing the pap control message) and content
- * entity (containing the push message). So we must have at least one body
- * part here, and at most two (MIME grammar in rfc 2046, appendix A sets no
- * limitations here).
- * Returns 1, if rdf content was present
- * 0, if it was absent
- * -1, when error
- */
- static int parse_encapsulation(Octstr **mime_content, Octstr *boundary,
- Octstr **push_data, List **content_headers,
- Octstr **rdf_content)
- {
- int ret;
- ret = -1;
- if ((ret = parse_body_part(mime_content, boundary, push_data)) < 0)
- return -1;
- if (pass_data_headers(push_data, content_headers) == 0)
- return -1;
- if (ret == 0) {
- *rdf_content = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- if ((ret = parse_body_part(mime_content, boundary, rdf_content)) < 0 ||
- ret > 0)
- return -1;
- else if (ret == 0)
- return 1;
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Split os2 from os1, boundary being boundary_pos.
- */
- static void octstr_split_by_pos(Octstr **os1, Octstr **os2,
- long boundary_pos)
- {
- long i;
- for (i = 0; i < boundary_pos; i++) {
- octstr_format_append(*os2, "%c", octstr_get_char(*os1, i));
- }
- for (i = 0; i < boundary_pos; i++) {
- octstr_delete(*os1, 0, 1);
- }
- }
- static Octstr *make_close_delimiter(Octstr *boundary)
- {
- Octstr *close_delimiter;
- close_delimiter = make_part_delimiter(boundary);
- octstr_format_append(close_delimiter, "%s", "--");
- return close_delimiter;
- }
- static Octstr *make_part_delimiter(Octstr *dash_boundary)
- {
- Octstr *part_delimiter;
- part_delimiter = octstr_create("");
- octstr_format_append(part_delimiter, "%c", 'r');
- octstr_format_append(part_delimiter, "%c", 'n');
- octstr_format_append(part_delimiter, "%s", "--");
- octstr_append(part_delimiter, dash_boundary);
- return part_delimiter;
- }
- static Octstr *make_start_delimiter(Octstr *dash_boundary)
- {
- Octstr *start_delimiter;
- start_delimiter = octstr_create("");
- octstr_format_append(start_delimiter, "%s", "--");
- octstr_append(start_delimiter, dash_boundary);
- return start_delimiter;
- }
- /*
- * Control entity headers must contain Content-Type: application/xml headers.
- * Rfc 2045, Appendix A does not specify the order of entity headers and states
- * that all rfc 822 headers having a string "Content" in their field-name must
- * be accepted. Rfc 822 grammar is capitulated in appendix D.
- */
- static int check_control_headers(Octstr **body_part)
- {
- if (check_control_content_type_header(body_part) == 0)
- return 0;
- if (drop_optional_header(body_part, "Content-Transfer-Encoding:") == 0)
- return 0;
- if (drop_optional_header(body_part, "Content-ID:") == 0)
- return 0;
- if (drop_optional_header(body_part, "Content-Description:") == 0)
- return 0;
- if (drop_extension_headers(body_part) == 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- static int check_control_content_type_header(Octstr **body_part)
- {
- long content_pos;
- if ((content_pos = octstr_case_search(*body_part,
- octstr_imm("Content-Type:"), 0)) < 0 ||
- octstr_case_search(*body_part,
- octstr_imm("application/xml"), 0) < 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (drop_header_true(body_part, content_pos) < 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * This function actually removes a header (deletes corresponding part from
- * the octet string body_part), in addition of all stuff prepending it. So
- * deleting start from the octet 0. Content_pos tells where the header starts.
- */
- static int drop_header_true(Octstr **body_part, long content_pos)
- {
- long next_header_pos;
- next_header_pos = -1;
- if ((next_header_pos = parse_field_value(*body_part, content_pos)) == 0)
- return 0;
- if ((next_header_pos = parse_terminator(*body_part, next_header_pos)) == 0)
- return 0;
- octstr_delete(*body_part, 0, next_header_pos);
- return 1;
- }
- static int drop_optional_header(Octstr **body_part, char *name)
- {
- long content_pos;
- content_pos = -1;
- if ((content_pos = octstr_case_search(*body_part,
- octstr_imm(name), 0)) < 0)
- return 1;
- if (drop_header_true(body_part, content_pos) < 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Extension headers are defined in rfc 822, Appendix D, as fields. We must
- * parse all rfc 822 headers containing a string "Content". These headers
- * are optional, too.
- */
- static int drop_extension_headers(Octstr **body_part)
- {
- long content_pos,
- next_header_pos;
- do {
- if ((content_pos = octstr_case_search(*body_part,
- octstr_imm("Content"), 0)) < 0)
- return 1;
- if ((next_header_pos = parse_field_name(*body_part, content_pos)) < 0)
- return 0;
- if ((next_header_pos = parse_field_value(*body_part,
- next_header_pos)) < 0)
- return 0;
- if ((next_header_pos = parse_terminator(*body_part,
- next_header_pos)) == 0)
- return 0;
- } while (islwspchar(octstr_get_char(*body_part, next_header_pos)));
- octstr_delete(*body_part, content_pos, next_header_pos - content_pos);
- return 1;
- }
- static long parse_field_value(Octstr *pap_content, long pos)
- {
- int c;
- while (!is_cr(c = octstr_get_char(pap_content, pos)) &&
- pos < octstr_len(pap_content)) {
- ++pos;
- }
- if (is_lf(c)) {
- if (is_lf(octstr_get_char(pap_content, pos))) {
- ++pos;
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (pos == octstr_len(pap_content)) {
- return -1;
- }
- return pos;
- }
- static long parse_field_name(Octstr *content, long pos)
- {
- while (octstr_get_char(content, pos) != ':' &&
- pos < octstr_len(content))
- ++pos;
- if (pos == octstr_len(content))
- return -1;
- return pos;
- }
- /*
- * Transfer entity headers of a body part (it is, from the content entity)
- * to a header list. Push Message, chapter states that Content-Type
- * header is mandatory.
- * Return 0 when error, 1 otherwise. In addition, return the modified body
- * part and content headers.
- */
- static int pass_data_headers(Octstr **body_part, List **data_headers)
- {
- *data_headers = http_create_empty_headers();
- if (check_data_content_type_header(body_part, data_headers) == 0) {
- warning(0, "MIME: pass_data_headers: Content-Type header missing");
- return 0;
- }
- if (pass_optional_header(body_part, "Content-Transfer-Encoding",
- data_headers) < 0)
- goto operror;
- if (pass_optional_header(body_part, "Content-ID", data_headers) < 0)
- goto operror;
- if (pass_optional_header(body_part, "Content-Description",
- data_headers) < 0)
- goto operror;
- if (pass_extension_headers(body_part, data_headers) == 0)
- goto operror;
- return 1;
- operror:
- warning(0, "MIME: pass_data_headers: an unparsable optional header");
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Checks if body_part contains a Content-Type header. Tranfers this header to
- * a list content_headers.
- * Return 1, when Content-Type headers was found, 0 otherwise
- */
- static int check_data_content_type_header(Octstr **body_part,
- List **content_headers)
- {
- long header_pos,
- next_header_pos;
- Octstr *content_header;
- header_pos = next_header_pos = -1;
- content_header = octstr_create("Content-Type");
- if ((header_pos = octstr_case_search(*body_part, content_header, 0)) < 0) {
- goto error;
- }
- if ((next_header_pos = pass_field_value(body_part, &content_header,
- header_pos + octstr_len(content_header))) < 0) {
- goto error;
- }
- if ((next_header_pos =
- parse_terminator(*body_part, next_header_pos)) < 0) {
- goto error;
- }
- octstr_delete(*body_part, header_pos, next_header_pos - header_pos);
- list_append(*content_headers, octstr_duplicate(content_header));
- octstr_destroy(content_header);
- return 1;
- error:
- octstr_destroy(content_header);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * We try to find an optional header, so a failure to find one is not an
- * error. Return -1 when error, 0 when header name not found, 1 otherwise.
- */
- static int pass_optional_header(Octstr **body_part, char *name,
- List **content_headers)
- {
- long content_pos,
- next_header_pos;
- Octstr *osname,
- *osvalue;
- content_pos = next_header_pos = -1;
- osname = octstr_create(name);
- osvalue = octstr_create("");
- if ((content_pos = octstr_case_search(*body_part, osname, 0)) < 0)
- goto noheader;
- if ((next_header_pos = pass_field_value(body_part, &osvalue,
- content_pos + octstr_len(osname))) < 0)
- goto error;
- if ((next_header_pos =
- parse_terminator(*body_part, next_header_pos)) == 0)
- goto error;
- drop_separator(&osvalue, &next_header_pos);
- http_header_add(*content_headers, name, octstr_get_cstr(osvalue));
- octstr_delete(*body_part, content_pos, next_header_pos - content_pos);
- octstr_destroy(osname);
- octstr_destroy(osvalue);
- return 1;
- error:
- octstr_destroy(osvalue);
- octstr_destroy(osname);
- return -1;
- noheader:
- octstr_destroy(osvalue);
- octstr_destroy(osname);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Remove ':' plus spaces from the header value
- */
- static void drop_separator(Octstr **header_value, long *pos)
- {
- long count;
- octstr_delete(*header_value, 0, 1); /* remove :*/
- count = octstr_drop_leading_blanks(header_value);
- pos = pos - 1 - count;
- }
- /*
- * Return number of spaces dropped.
- */
- static long octstr_drop_leading_blanks(Octstr **header_value)
- {
- long count;
- count = 0;
- while (octstr_get_char(*header_value, 0) == ' ') {
- octstr_delete(*header_value, 0, 1);
- ++count;
- }
- return count;
- }
- /*
- * Extension headers are optional, see Push Message, chapter 6.2. Field struc-
- * ture is defined in rfc 822, chapter 3.2. Extension headers are defined in
- * rfc 2045, chapter 9, grammar in appendix A.
- * Return 0 when error, 1 otherwise.
- */
- static int pass_extension_headers(Octstr **body_part, List **content_headers)
- {
- long next_field_part_pos,
- count;
- Octstr *header_name,
- *header_value;
- header_name = octstr_create("");
- header_value = octstr_create("");
- count = 0;
- next_field_part_pos = 0;
- do {
- if ((octstr_case_search(*body_part, octstr_imm("Content"), 0)) < 0)
- goto end;
- if ((next_field_part_pos = pass_field_name(body_part, &header_name,
- next_field_part_pos)) < 0)
- goto error;
- if ((next_field_part_pos = pass_field_value(body_part, &header_value,
- next_field_part_pos)) < 0)
- goto error;
- if ((next_field_part_pos = parse_terminator(*body_part,
- next_field_part_pos)) == 0)
- goto error;
- drop_separator(&header_value, &next_field_part_pos);
- http_header_add(*content_headers, octstr_get_cstr(header_name),
- octstr_get_cstr(header_value));
- } while (islwspchar(octstr_get_char(*body_part, next_field_part_pos)));
- octstr_delete(*body_part, 0, next_field_part_pos);
- /*
- * An intentional fall-through. We must eventually use a function for memory
- * cleaning.
- */
- end:
- octstr_destroy(header_name);
- octstr_destroy(header_value);
- return 1;
- error:
- octstr_destroy(header_name);
- octstr_destroy(header_value);
- return 0;
- }
- static long pass_field_value(Octstr **body_part, Octstr **header,
- long pos)
- {
- int c;
- while (!is_cr(c = octstr_get_char(*body_part, pos)) &&
- pos < octstr_len(*body_part)) {
- octstr_format_append(*header, "%c", c);
- ++pos;
- }
- if (pos == octstr_len(*body_part))
- return -1;
- return pos;
- }
- static long pass_field_name(Octstr **body_part, Octstr **field_part,
- long pos)
- {
- int c;
- while (((c = octstr_get_char(*body_part, pos)) != ':') &&
- pos < octstr_len(*body_part)) {
- octstr_format_append(*field_part, "%c", c);
- ++pos;
- }
- if (pos == octstr_len(*body_part))
- return -1;
- return pos;
- }
- static void parse_epilogue(Octstr **mime_content)
- {
- if (octstr_len(*mime_content) == 0)
- return;
- debug("wap.push.pap.mime", 0, "our epilogue was");
- octstr_dump(*mime_content, 0);
- octstr_delete(*mime_content, 0, octstr_len(*mime_content));
- }