资源名称:gateway-1.2.1 [点击查看]
- /*
- * numhash.h - (telephone) number storing/hashing system
- *
- * Kalle Marjola 2000 for project Kannel
- *
- * !!! NOTE NOTE NOTE !!!
- *
- * Phone number precision is limited according to sizeof(long)
- * in host machine. that is usually either 32 or 64 bits. In a
- * case of 32 bit longs, only last 9 digits are checked, otherwise
- * last 18 digits. This means that in some places several numbers
- * might map to same hash entry, and thus some caution is needed
- * especially with telephone number black lists
- *
- * USAGE:
- * the system is not very dynamic; if you want to resize the table
- * or hash, you must first nuke all old data and then recreate it
- *
- * MEMORY NEEDED: (approximated)
- *
- * 2* (sizeof(long)+sizeof(void *)) bytes per number
- */
- #ifndef NUMHASH_H
- #define NUMHASH_H
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* number hashing/seeking functions
- * all return -1 on error and write to general Kannel log
- *
- * these 2 first are only required if you want to add the numbers
- * by hand - otherwise use the last function instead
- *
- * use prime_hash if you want an automatically generated hash size
- */
- typedef struct numhash_table Numhash;
- /* get numbers from 'url' and create a new database out of them
- * Return NULL if cannot open database or other error, error is logged
- *
- * Numbers to datafile are saved as follows:
- * - one number per line
- * - number might have white spaces, '+' and '-' signs
- * - number is ended with ':' or end-of-line
- * - there can be additional comment after ':'
- *
- * For example, all following ones are valid lines:
- * 040 1234
- * +358 40 1234
- * +358 40-1234 : Kalle Marjola
- */
- Numhash *numhash_create(char *url);
- /* destroy hash and all numbers in it */
- void numhash_destroy(Numhash *table);
- /* check if the number is in database, return 1 if found, 0 if not,
- * -1 on error */
- int numhash_find_number(Numhash *table, Octstr *nro);
- /* if we already have the key */
- int numhash_find_key(Numhash *table, long key);
- /* if we want to know the key */
- long numhash_get_key(Octstr *nro);
- long numhash_get_char_key(char *nro);
- /* Return hash fill percent. If 'longest' != NULL, set as longest
- * trail in hash */
- double numhash_hash_fill(Numhash *table, int *longest);
- /* return number of numbers in hash */
- int numhash_size(Numhash *table);
- #endif