资源名称:gateway-1.2.1 [点击查看]
- /*
- * smsc_cgw.c - Implements an interface to the Sonera ContentGateway software
- *
- * Anders Lindh, FlyerOne Ltd <>
- *
- *
- * Changelog:
- *
- * 22/02/2002: Preliminary support for the Euro character (req. ProviderServer 2.5.2)
- * 25/01/2002: Caught a potentially nasty bug
- * 16/01/2002: Some code cleanup
- * 10/01/2002: Fixed a bug in trn handling
- * 16/11/2001: Some minor fixes (Thanks to Tuomas Luttinen)
- * 12/11/2001: Delivery reports, better acking and numerous other small fixes
- * 05/11/2001: Initial release. Based heavily on smsc_emi2 and smsc_at2.
- *
- *
- * TO-DO: Do some real life testing
- * Squash bugs
- *
- * Usage: add the following to kannel.conf:
- *
- * group = smsc
- * smsc = cgw
- * host = x.x.x.x <- CGW server host
- * port = xxxx <- CGW server otp port (if omitted, defaults to 21772)
- * receive-port = xxxx <- our port for incoming messages
- * appname = xxxx <- Name of a "Send only" service. Defaults to "send".
- * All outgoing messages are routed through this service.
- *
- * Configure ContentGateway software to use the above port as text-port
- * (in provider.cnf). This is documented in their "Guide for Service
- * development 2.5", page 80.
- *
- * Add a new "Receive only" service (with the Remote Control tool), and set
- * the "Application for Incoming Message" to "text://kannelhost:receive-port".
- *
- *
- * Note:
- *
- * Do NOT define the service as a "Query/Reply" service, as it expects response
- * messages to have a matching session-id tag. Kannel does not store the
- * relation between a query and a reply, so the response message will not have
- * the session-id tag. Even though the messages are delivered successfully,
- * billing of premium priced services will fail.
- *
- *
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include "gwlib/gwlib.h"
- #include "smscconn.h"
- #include "smscconn_p.h"
- #include "bb_smscconn_cb.h"
- #include "msg.h"
- #include "sms.h"
- #include "dlr.h"
- #define CGW_DEFPORT 21772
- #define CGW_EOL 0x0A
- #define CGW_TRN_MAX 500 /* Size of our internal message buffer. */
- #define CGWOP_MAXARGS 10 /* max. number of name:value pairs in cgwop */
- /* Valid CGW operations */
- #define CGW_OP_NOP 0 /* this doesn't really exist.. */
- #define CGW_OP_MSG 1
- #define CGW_OP_OK 2
- #define CGW_OP_ERR 3
- #define CGW_OP_DELIVERY 4
- #define CGW_OP_HELLO 5
- #define CGW_OP_STATUS 6
- struct cgwop
- {
- int op; /* one of above */
- int num_fields;
- int trn; /* transaction number, used to ACK messages */
- Octstr **name; /* for storing name/value pairs */
- Octstr **value;
- };
- static char *cgw_ops[6] = {"nop", "msg", "ok", "err", "delivery", "hello"};
- typedef struct privdata
- {
- List *outgoing_queue;
- long receiver_thread;
- long sender_thread;
- int shutdown; /* Internal signal to shut down */
- int listening_socket; /* File descriptor */
- int send_socket;
- int port; /* SMSC port */
- int rport; /* port for receiving messages*/
- int our_port; /* Optional local port number in which to
- * bind our end of send connection */
- Octstr *host;
- Octstr *allow_ip, *deny_ip;
- Octstr *appname; /* Application name as defined in Sonera Remote manager */
- Msg *sendmsg[CGW_TRN_MAX];
- time_t sendtime[CGW_TRN_MAX];
- int dlr[CGW_TRN_MAX]; /* dlr = DLR_SMSC_SUCCESS || DLR_SMSC_FAIL */
- int unacked; /* Sent messages not acked */
- int waitack; /* Seconds to wait to ack */
- int nexttrn;
- long check_time; /* last checked ack/nack status */
- }
- PrivData;
- static int cgw_add_msg_cb(SMSCConn *conn, Msg *sms);
- static int cgw_shutdown_cb(SMSCConn *conn, int finish_sending);
- static void cgw_start_cb(SMSCConn *conn);
- static long cgw_queued_cb(SMSCConn *conn);
- static void cgw_sender(void *arg);
- static Connection *cgw_open_send_connection(SMSCConn *conn);
- static int cgw_send_loop(SMSCConn *conn, Connection *server);
- void cgw_check_acks(PrivData *privdata);
- int cgw_wait_command(PrivData *privdata, SMSCConn *conn, Connection *server, int timeout);
- static int cgw_open_listening_socket(PrivData *privdata);
- static void cgw_listener(void *arg);
- static void cgw_receiver(SMSCConn *conn, Connection *server);
- static int cgw_handle_op(SMSCConn *conn, Connection *server, struct cgwop *cgwop);
- struct cgwop *cgw_read_op(PrivData *privdata, SMSCConn *conn, Connection *server, time_t timeout);
- /******************************************************************************
- * Functions for handling cgwop -structures
- */
- static void cgwop_add(struct cgwop *cgwop, Octstr *name, Octstr *value)
- {
- if (cgwop->num_fields < CGWOP_MAXARGS)
- {
- cgwop->name[cgwop->num_fields] = octstr_duplicate(name);
- cgwop->value[cgwop->num_fields] = octstr_duplicate(value);
- cgwop->num_fields++;
- } else
- {
- info(0, "cgw: CGWOP_MAXARGS exceeded.");
- }
- }
- static struct cgwop *cgwop_create(int op, int trn)
- {
- struct cgwop *ret;
- Octstr *trnstr;
- ret = gw_malloc(sizeof(struct cgwop));
- ret->op = op;
- ret->num_fields = 0;
- ret->trn = trn;
- ret->name = gw_malloc(CGWOP_MAXARGS * sizeof(Octstr *));
- ret->value = gw_malloc(CGWOP_MAXARGS * sizeof(Octstr *));
- if (trn != -1)
- {
- trnstr = octstr_create("");
- octstr_append_decimal(trnstr, trn);
- cgwop_add(ret, octstr_imm("client-id"), trnstr);
- octstr_destroy(trnstr);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static void cgwop_destroy(struct cgwop *cgwop)
- {
- int len;
- len = cgwop->num_fields;
- while (--len >= 0)
- {
- octstr_destroy(cgwop->name[len]); /* octstr_destroy(NULL) is ok */
- octstr_destroy(cgwop->value[len]);
- }
- gw_free(cgwop->name);
- gw_free(cgwop->value);
- gw_free(cgwop);
- }
- static Octstr *cgwop_get(struct cgwop *cgwop, Octstr *name)
- {
- int len = cgwop->num_fields;
- while (--len >= 0)
- if (octstr_compare(name, cgwop->name[len]) == 0)
- return cgwop->value[len];
- return NULL;
- }
- static Octstr *cgwop_tostr(struct cgwop *cgwop)
- {
- int len = cgwop->num_fields;
- Octstr *str;
- if (cgw_ops[cgwop->op] == NULL) return NULL; // invalid operation
- str = octstr_create("");
- octstr_append(str, octstr_imm("op:"));
- octstr_append(str, octstr_imm(cgw_ops[cgwop->op]));
- octstr_append_char(str, CGW_EOL);
- while (--len >= 0)
- {
- octstr_append(str, cgwop->name[len]);
- octstr_append_char(str, ':');
- octstr_append(str, cgwop->value[len]);
- octstr_append_char(str, CGW_EOL);
- }
- octstr_append(str, octstr_imm("end:"));
- octstr_append(str, octstr_imm(cgw_ops[cgwop->op]));
- octstr_append_char(str, CGW_EOL);
- return str;
- }
- static int cgwop_send(Connection *conn, struct cgwop *cgwop)
- {
- Octstr *dta = cgwop_tostr(cgwop);
- if (dta == NULL) return -1; /* couldn't convert to string */
- if (conn_write(conn, dta) == -1)
- {
- octstr_destroy(dta);
- return -1;
- }
- octstr_destroy(dta);
- return 1;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * cgw_encode_msg - Encode a msg according to specifications
- */
- static Octstr *cgw_encode_msg(Octstr* str)
- {
- int i;
- char esc = 27;
- char e = 'e';
- /* Euro char (0x80) -> ESC + e. We do this conversion as long as the message
- length is under 160 chars (the checking could probably be done better) */
- while ((i = octstr_search_char(str, 0x80, 0)) != -1) {
- octstr_delete(str, i, 1); // delete Euro char
- if (octstr_len(str) < 160) {
- octstr_insert_data(str, i, &esc, 1); // replace with ESC + e
- octstr_insert_data(str, i+1, &e, 1);
- } else {
- octstr_insert_data(str, i, &e, 1); // no room for ESC + e, just replace with an e
- }
- }
- /* Escape backslash characters */
- while ((i = octstr_search_char(str, '\', 0)) != -1) {
- octstr_insert(str, octstr_imm("\"), i);
- }
- /* Remove Line Feed characters */
- while ((i = octstr_search_char(str, CGW_EOL, 0)) != -1) {
- octstr_delete(str, i, 1); // delete EOL char
- octstr_insert(str, octstr_imm("\n"), i);
- }
- /* Remove Carriage return characters */
- while ((i = octstr_search_char(str, 13, 0)) != -1) {
- octstr_delete(str, i, 1); // delete EOL char
- octstr_insert(str, octstr_imm("\r"), i);
- }
- return str;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * cgw_decode_msg - Decode an incoming msg
- */
- static Octstr *cgw_decode_msg(Octstr* str)
- {
- int i;
- /* make n -> linefeed */
- while ((i = octstr_search(str, octstr_imm("\n"), 0)) != -1) {
- octstr_delete(str, i, 2); // delete "n" str
- octstr_insert(str, octstr_imm("n"), i);
- }
- /* make r -> carriage return */
- while ((i = octstr_search(str, octstr_imm("\r"), 0)) != -1) {
- octstr_delete(str, i, 2); // delete EOL char
- octstr_insert(str, octstr_imm("r"), i);
- }
- /* remove double backslashes */
- while ((i = octstr_search(str, octstr_imm("\\"), 0)) != -1) {
- octstr_delete(str, i, 1);
- }
- return str;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * msg_to_cgwop - Create a send cgwop from a message
- */
- static struct cgwop *msg_to_cgwop(PrivData *privdata, Msg *msg, int trn)
- {
- struct cgwop *cgwop;
- Octstr *sender, *udh, *dta;
- cgwop = cgwop_create(CGW_OP_MSG, trn);
- if (cgwop == NULL) return NULL;
- if (!octstr_check_range(msg->sms.sender, 0, octstr_len(msg->sms.sender), gw_isdigit))
- {
- /* If alphanumeric, simply prefix sender with '$' char */
- sender = octstr_create("$");
- octstr_append(sender, msg->sms.sender);
- } else sender = octstr_duplicate(msg->sms.sender);
- cgwop_add(cgwop, octstr_imm("app"), privdata->appname);
- cgwop_add(cgwop, octstr_imm("from"), sender);
- cgwop_add(cgwop, octstr_imm("to"), msg->sms.receiver);
- /* If delivery reports are asked, ask for them by adding a nrq:anything field */
- if (msg->sms.dlr_mask & 0x07)
- cgwop_add(cgwop, octstr_imm("nrq"), octstr_imm("true"));
- octstr_destroy(sender);
- if (octstr_len(msg->sms.udhdata))
- {
- udh = octstr_duplicate(msg->sms.udhdata);
- octstr_binary_to_hex(udh, 1);
- cgwop_add(cgwop, octstr_imm("udh"), udh);
- octstr_destroy(udh);
- dta = octstr_duplicate(msg->sms.msgdata);
- octstr_binary_to_hex(dta, 1);
- cgwop_add(cgwop, octstr_imm("msg"), dta);
- cgwop_add(cgwop, octstr_imm("type"), octstr_imm("bin"));
- octstr_destroy(dta);
- } else
- {
- cgwop_add(cgwop, octstr_imm("msg"), cgw_encode_msg(msg->sms.msgdata));
- }
- return cgwop;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * Called to create the SMSC. This is our entry point.
- */
- int smsc_cgw_create(SMSCConn *conn, CfgGroup *cfg)
- {
- PrivData *privdata;
- Octstr *allow_ip, *deny_ip, *host, *appname;
- long portno, our_port, waitack;
- int i;
- privdata = gw_malloc(sizeof(PrivData));
- privdata->outgoing_queue = list_create();
- privdata->listening_socket = -1;
- if (cfg_get_integer(&portno, cfg, octstr_imm("port")) == -1)
- portno = 0;
- privdata->port = portno;
- if (cfg_get_integer(&portno, cfg, octstr_imm("receive-port")) < 0)
- portno = 0;
- privdata->rport = portno;
- host = cfg_get(cfg, octstr_imm("host"));
- appname = cfg_get(cfg, octstr_imm("appname"));
- if (cfg_get_integer(&our_port, cfg, octstr_imm("our-port")) == -1)
- privdata->our_port = 0; /* 0 means use any port */
- else
- privdata->our_port = our_port;
- allow_ip = cfg_get(cfg, octstr_imm("connect-allow-ip"));
- if (allow_ip)
- deny_ip = octstr_create("*.*.*.*");
- else
- deny_ip = NULL;
- if (cfg_get_integer(&waitack, cfg, octstr_imm("wait-ack")) < 0)
- privdata->waitack = 60;
- else
- privdata->waitack = waitack;
- if (privdata->port <= 0 || privdata->port > 65535) {
- info(1, "No port defined for cgw -> using default (%d)", CGW_DEFPORT);
- privdata->port = CGW_DEFPORT;
- }
- if (host == NULL) {
- error(0, "'host' missing in cgw configuration.");
- goto error;
- }
- if (appname == NULL)
- appname = octstr_create("send");
- privdata->allow_ip = allow_ip;
- privdata->deny_ip = deny_ip;
- privdata->host = host;
- privdata->appname = appname;
- privdata->nexttrn = 0;
- privdata->check_time = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < CGW_TRN_MAX; i++) {
- privdata->sendtime[i] = 0;
- privdata->dlr[i] = 0;
- }
- if (privdata->rport > 0 && cgw_open_listening_socket(privdata) < 0) {
- gw_free(privdata);
- privdata = NULL;
- goto error;
- }
- conn->data = privdata;
- conn->name = octstr_format("CGW:%d", privdata->port);
- privdata->shutdown = 0;
- conn->status = SMSCCONN_CONNECTING;
- conn->connect_time = time(NULL);
- if (privdata->rport > 0 && (privdata->receiver_thread = gwthread_create(cgw_listener, conn)) == -1)
- goto error;
- if ((privdata->sender_thread = gwthread_create(cgw_sender, conn)) == -1) {
- privdata->shutdown = 1;
- goto error;
- }
- conn->shutdown = cgw_shutdown_cb;
- conn->queued = cgw_queued_cb;
- conn->start_conn = cgw_start_cb;
- conn->send_msg = cgw_add_msg_cb;
- return 0;
- error:
- error(0, "Failed to create CGW smsc connection");
- if (privdata != NULL)
- list_destroy(privdata->outgoing_queue, NULL);
- gw_free(privdata);
- octstr_destroy(host);
- octstr_destroy(allow_ip);
- octstr_destroy(deny_ip);
- octstr_destroy(appname);
- conn->status = SMSCCONN_DEAD;
- info(0, "exiting");
- return -1;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * Callbacks for startup, shutdown, incoming and outgoing messages
- */
- static int cgw_add_msg_cb(SMSCConn *conn, Msg *sms)
- {
- PrivData *privdata = conn->data;
- Msg *copy;
- copy = msg_duplicate(sms);
- list_produce(privdata->outgoing_queue, copy);
- gwthread_wakeup(privdata->sender_thread);
- return 0;
- }
- static int cgw_shutdown_cb(SMSCConn *conn, int finish_sending)
- {
- PrivData *privdata = conn->data;
- debug("bb.sms", 0, "Shutting down SMSCConn CGW, %s",
- finish_sending ? "slow" : "instant");
- /* Documentation claims this would have been done by smscconn.c,
- but isn't when this code is being written. */
- conn->why_killed = SMSCCONN_KILLED_SHUTDOWN;
- privdata->shutdown = 1; /* Separate from why_killed to avoid locking, as
- * why_killed may be changed from outside? */
- if (finish_sending == 0) {
- Msg *msg;
- while ((msg = list_extract_first(privdata->outgoing_queue)) != NULL) {
- bb_smscconn_send_failed(conn, msg, SMSCCONN_FAILED_SHUTDOWN);
- }
- }
- if (privdata->rport > 0)
- gwthread_wakeup(privdata->receiver_thread);
- return 0;
- }
- static void cgw_start_cb(SMSCConn *conn)
- {
- PrivData *privdata = conn->data;
- /* in case there are messages in the buffer already */
- if (privdata->rport > 0)
- gwthread_wakeup(privdata->receiver_thread);
- debug("smsc.cgw", 0, "smsc_cgw: start called");
- }
- static long cgw_queued_cb(SMSCConn *conn)
- {
- PrivData *privdata = conn->data;
- long ret = list_len(privdata->outgoing_queue);
- /* use internal queue as load, maybe something else later */
- conn->load = ret;
- return ret;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * This is the entry point for out sender thread. This function is responsible
- * for sending and acking messages in queue
- */
- static void cgw_sender(void *arg)
- {
- SMSCConn *conn = arg;
- PrivData *privdata = conn->data;
- Msg *msg = NULL;
- Connection *server = NULL;
- int l = 0;
- int ret = 0;
- conn->status = SMSCCONN_CONNECTING;
- while (!privdata->shutdown) {
- // check that connection is active
- if (conn->status != SMSCCONN_ACTIVE) {
- if ((server = cgw_open_send_connection(conn)) == NULL) {
- privdata->shutdown = 1;
- error(0, "Unable to connect to CGW server");
- return ;
- }
- conn->status = SMSCCONN_ACTIVE;
- bb_smscconn_connected(conn);
- } else {
- ret = 0;
- l = list_len(privdata->outgoing_queue);
- if (l > 0)
- ret = cgw_send_loop(conn, server); /* send any messages in queue */
- if (ret != -1) ret = cgw_wait_command(privdata, conn, server, 1); /* read ack's and delivery reports */
- if (ret != -1) cgw_check_acks(privdata); /* check un-acked messages */
- if (ret == -1) {
- mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex);
- mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex);
- }
- }
- }
- conn_destroy(server);
- while ((msg = list_extract_first(privdata->outgoing_queue)) != NULL)
- bb_smscconn_send_failed(conn, msg, SMSCCONN_FAILED_SHUTDOWN);
- mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex);
- conn->status = SMSCCONN_DEAD;
- list_destroy(privdata->outgoing_queue, NULL);
- octstr_destroy(privdata->host);
- octstr_destroy(privdata->allow_ip);
- octstr_destroy(privdata->deny_ip);
- gw_free(privdata);
- conn->data = NULL;
- mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex);
- debug("bb.sms", 0, "smsc_cgw connection has completed shutdown.");
- bb_smscconn_killed();
- }
- static Connection *cgw_open_send_connection(SMSCConn *conn)
- {
- PrivData *privdata = conn->data;
- int wait;
- Connection *server;
- Msg *msg;
- wait = 0;
- while (!privdata->shutdown) {
- /* Change status only if the first attempt to form a
- * connection fails, as it's possible that the SMSC closed the
- * connection because of idle timeout and a new one will be
- * created quickly. */
- if (wait) {
- if (conn->status == SMSCCONN_ACTIVE) {
- mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex);
- mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex);
- }
- while ((msg = list_extract_first(privdata->outgoing_queue)))
- bb_smscconn_send_failed(conn, msg, SMSCCONN_FAILED_TEMPORARILY);
- info(0, "smsc_cgw: waiting for %d minutes before trying to connect again", wait);
- gwthread_sleep(wait * 60);
- wait = wait > 5 ? 10 : wait * 2;
- } else
- wait = 1;
- server = conn_open_tcp_with_port(privdata->host, privdata->port,
- privdata->our_port, NULL /* privdata->our_host */);
- if (privdata->shutdown) {
- conn_destroy(server);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (server == NULL) {
- error(0, "smsc_cgw: opening TCP connection to %s failed", octstr_get_cstr(privdata->host));
- continue;
- }
- if (conn->status != SMSCCONN_ACTIVE) {
- mutex_lock(conn->flow_mutex);
- conn->status = SMSCCONN_ACTIVE;
- conn->connect_time = time(NULL);
- mutex_unlock(conn->flow_mutex);
- bb_smscconn_connected(conn);
- }
- return server;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * Send messages in queue.
- */
- static int cgw_send_loop(SMSCConn *conn, Connection *server)
- {
- PrivData *privdata = conn->data;
- struct cgwop *cgwop;
- Msg *msg;
- int firsttrn;
- /* Send messages in queue */
- while ((msg = list_extract_first(privdata->outgoing_queue)) != NULL) {
- firsttrn = privdata->nexttrn;
- while (privdata->sendtime[privdata->nexttrn] != 0) {
- if (++privdata->nexttrn >= CGW_TRN_MAX) privdata->nexttrn = 0;
- if (privdata->nexttrn == firsttrn) { /* no available trn */
- /* this happens too many messages are sent, and old messages
- * haven't been acked. In this case, increase size of
- * CGW_TRN_MAX */
- info(0, "cgw: Saturated, increase size of CGW_TRN_MAX!");
- list_produce(privdata->outgoing_queue, msg);
- return 1; /* re-insert, and go check for acks */
- }
- }
- cgwop = msg_to_cgwop(privdata, msg, privdata->nexttrn);
- if (cgwop == NULL) {
- info(0, "cgw: cgwop == NULL");
- return 0;
- }
- privdata->sendmsg[privdata->nexttrn] = msg;
- privdata->sendtime[privdata->nexttrn] = time(NULL);
- if (cgwop_send(server, cgwop) == -1) {
- cgwop_destroy(cgwop);
- info(0, "cgw: Unable to send (cgwop_send() == -1)");
- return -1;
- }
- privdata->unacked++;
- cgwop_destroy(cgwop);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Check whether there are messages the server hasn't acked in a
- * reasonable time */
- void cgw_check_acks(PrivData *privdata)
- {
- time_t current_time;
- int i;
- current_time = time(NULL);
- if (privdata->unacked && (current_time > privdata->check_time + 30)) {
- privdata->check_time = current_time;
- for (i = 0; i < CGW_TRN_MAX; i++)
- if (privdata->sendtime[i] && privdata->sendtime[i] < (current_time - privdata->waitack)) {
- privdata->sendtime[i] = 0;
- privdata->unacked--;
- warning(0, "smsc_cgw: received neither OK nor ERR for message %d "
- "in %d seconds, resending message", i, privdata->waitack);
- list_produce(privdata->outgoing_queue, privdata->sendmsg[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * cgw_wait_command - Used by cgw_sender thread to read delivery reports
- */
- int cgw_wait_command(PrivData *privdata, SMSCConn *conn, Connection *server, int timeout)
- {
- int ret;
- struct cgwop *cgwop;
- /* is there data to be read? */
- ret = gwthread_pollfd(privdata->send_socket, POLLIN, 0.2);
- if (ret != -1) {
- /* read all waiting ops */
- cgwop = cgw_read_op(privdata, conn, server, timeout);
- if (cgwop != NULL) {
- do {
- if (conn_eof(server)) {
- info(0, "cgw: Connection closed by SMSC");
- if (cgwop != NULL) cgwop_destroy(cgwop);
- return -1;
- }
- if (conn_read_error(server)) {
- error(0, "cgw: Error trying to read ACKs from SMSC");
- if (cgwop != NULL) cgwop_destroy(cgwop);
- return -1;
- }
- cgw_handle_op(conn, server, cgwop);
- cgwop_destroy(cgwop);
- } while ((cgwop = cgw_read_op(privdata, conn, server, timeout)) != NULL);
- } else
- conn_wait(server, 1); /* added because gwthread_pollfd
- seems to always return 1. This will keep
- the load on a reasonable level */
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * cgw_read_op - read an operation, and return it as a *cgwop structure
- *
- * This function will not lock and wait for data if none is available. It will
- * however lock until a whole op has been read. Timeout not implemented yet.
- */
- struct cgwop *cgw_read_op(PrivData *privdata, SMSCConn *conn, Connection *server, time_t timeout)
- {
- Octstr *line, *name, *value;
- int finished = 0;
- int c = 0;
- struct cgwop *cgwop = NULL;
- int op = CGW_OP_NOP;
- if ((line = conn_read_line(server)) == NULL)
- return NULL; /* don't block */
- do
- {
- while (line == NULL)
- line = conn_read_line(server); /* wait for more data */
- c = octstr_search_char(line, ':', 0);
- if (c != -1) {
- name = octstr_copy(line, 0, c);
- value = octstr_copy(line, c + 1, octstr_len(line) - (c + 1));
- if (octstr_compare(name, octstr_imm("hello")) == 0) {
- /* A connection is started by CGW by sending a
- * "hello: Provider Server..." line. */
- cgwop = cgwop_create(CGW_OP_HELLO, 0);
- cgwop_add(cgwop, octstr_imm("hello"), value);
- octstr_destroy(name);
- octstr_destroy(value);
- octstr_destroy(line);
- return cgwop;
- }
- if (octstr_compare(name, octstr_imm("op")) == 0) {
- /* check different ops */
- if (octstr_compare(value, octstr_imm("msg")) == 0)
- op = CGW_OP_MSG;
- else
- if (octstr_compare(value, octstr_imm("ok")) == 0)
- op = CGW_OP_OK;
- else
- if (octstr_compare(value, octstr_imm("delivery")) == 0)
- else
- if (octstr_compare(value, octstr_imm("err")) == 0)
- op = CGW_OP_ERR;
- else
- if (octstr_compare(value, octstr_imm("status")) == 0)
- else
- info(0, "CGW: Received unknown op: %s", octstr_get_cstr(value));
- if (cgwop == NULL)
- cgwop = cgwop_create(op, 0);
- else
- info(0, "cgw: cgwop != null");
- }
- if (op != CGW_OP_NOP) {
- /* All commands have to be inside an op:xx ... end:xx statement */
- if (octstr_compare(name, octstr_imm("end")) == 0) { // found end of op
- finished = 1;
- } else {
- // store in name/value fields in cgwop
- if (cgwop != NULL) {
- cgwop_add(cgwop, name, value);
- }
- }
- }
- octstr_destroy(name);
- octstr_destroy(value);
- octstr_destroy(line);
- if (!finished) line = conn_read_line(server);
- } else {
- info(0, "cgw: Received invalid input: %s", octstr_get_cstr(line));
- octstr_destroy(line);
- finished = 1;
- }
- } while (!finished);
- return cgwop;
- }
- static int cgw_open_listening_socket(PrivData *privdata)
- {
- int s;
- if ((s = make_server_socket(privdata->rport, NULL)) == -1) {
- /* XXX add interface_name if required */
- error(0, "smsc_cgw: could not create listening socket in port %d", privdata->rport);
- return -1;
- }
- if (socket_set_blocking(s, 0) == -1) {
- error(0, "smsc_cgw: couldn't make listening socket port %d non-blocking", privdata->rport);
- close(s);
- return -1;
- }
- privdata->listening_socket = s;
- return 0;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * This is the entry point for our receiver thread. Listens for incoming
- * connections and handles operations.
- */
- static void cgw_listener(void *arg)
- {
- SMSCConn *conn = arg;
- PrivData *privdata = conn->data;
- struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
- socklen_t server_addr_len;
- Octstr *ip;
- Connection *server;
- int s, ret;
- while (!privdata->shutdown) {
- server_addr_len = sizeof(server_addr);
- ret = gwthread_pollfd(privdata->listening_socket, POLLIN, -1);
- if (ret == -1) {
- if (errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- error(0, "Poll for cgw smsc connections failed, shutting down");
- break;
- }
- if (privdata->shutdown)
- break;
- if (ret == 0) /* This thread was woken up from elsewhere, but
- * if we're not shutting down nothing to do here. */
- continue;
- s = accept(privdata->listening_socket, (struct sockaddr *) & server_addr,
- &server_addr_len);
- if (s == -1) {
- warning(errno, "cgw_listener: accept() failed, retrying...");
- continue;
- }
- ip = host_ip(server_addr);
- if (!is_allowed_ip(privdata->allow_ip, privdata->deny_ip, ip)) {
- info(0, "CGW smsc connection tried from denied host <%s>, disconnected", octstr_get_cstr(ip));
- octstr_destroy(ip);
- close(s);
- continue;
- }
- server = conn_wrap_fd(s, 0);
- if (server == NULL) {
- error(0, "cgw_listener: conn_wrap_fd failed on accept()ed fd");
- octstr_destroy(ip);
- close(s);
- continue;
- }
- conn_claim(server);
- info(0, "cgw: smsc connected from %s", octstr_get_cstr(ip));
- octstr_destroy(ip);
- cgw_receiver(conn, server);
- conn_destroy(server);
- }
- if (close(privdata->listening_socket) == -1)
- warning(errno, "smsc_cgw: couldn't close listening socket at shutdown");
- gwthread_wakeup(privdata->sender_thread);
- }
- static void cgw_receiver(SMSCConn *conn, Connection *server)
- {
- PrivData *privdata = conn->data;
- Octstr *str = NULL;
- struct cgwop *cgwop;
- while (1) {
- if (conn_eof(server)) {
- info(0, "cgw: receive connection closed by SMSC");
- return ;
- }
- if (conn_read_error(server)) {
- error(0, "cgw: receive connection broken");
- return ;
- }
- if (conn->is_stopped)
- str = NULL;
- cgwop = cgw_read_op(conn->data, conn, server, 0);
- if (cgwop != NULL) {
- cgw_handle_op(conn, server, cgwop);
- cgwop_destroy(cgwop);
- } else
- conn_wait(server, -1);
- if (privdata->shutdown)
- break;
- }
- return ;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * This function handles incoming operations. Used by both receiver and sender
- * threads (i.e. sender thread uses this function for delivery and ack
- * operations).
- * Returns 1 if successfull, otherwise 0
- */
- static int cgw_handle_op(SMSCConn *conn, Connection *server, struct cgwop *cgwop)
- {
- PrivData *privdata = conn->data;
- Msg *msg = NULL;
- Octstr *from, *app, *sid, *to, *msgtype, *msgdata; /* for messages */
- Octstr *msid, *status, *txt; /* delivery reports */
- Octstr *clid; /* for acks */
- struct cgwop *reply = NULL;
- long trn, stat; /* transaction number for ack */
- Msg *dlrmsg = NULL, *origmsg = NULL;
- Octstr *ts;
- if (cgwop == NULL) return 0;
- from = cgwop_get(cgwop, octstr_imm("from"));
- app = cgwop_get(cgwop, octstr_imm("app"));
- sid = cgwop_get(cgwop, octstr_imm("session-id"));
- to = cgwop_get(cgwop, octstr_imm("to"));
- msgtype = cgwop_get(cgwop, octstr_imm("type"));
- msgdata = cgwop_get(cgwop, octstr_imm("msg"));
- txt = cgwop_get(cgwop, octstr_imm("txt"));
- msid = cgwop_get(cgwop, octstr_imm("msid"));
- status = cgwop_get(cgwop, octstr_imm("status"));
- clid = cgwop_get(cgwop, octstr_imm("client-id"));
- if (clid != NULL)
- {
- octstr_parse_long(&trn, clid, 0, 10);
- if ((trn < 0) || (trn >= CGW_TRN_MAX)) { /* invalid transaction number */
- info(0, "cgw: Invalid transaction number: %d", (int) trn);
- trn = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- switch (cgwop->op)
- {
- case CGW_OP_MSG:
- msg = msg_create(sms);
- time(&msg->sms.time);
- msg->sms.msgdata = cgw_decode_msg(octstr_duplicate(msgdata));
- msg->sms.sender = octstr_duplicate(from);
- msg->sms.receiver = octstr_duplicate(to);
- msg->sms.smsc_id = octstr_duplicate(conn->id);
- bb_smscconn_receive(conn, msg);
- reply = cgwop_create(CGW_OP_OK, -1);
- cgwop_add(reply, octstr_imm("session-id"), sid);
- cgwop_send(server, reply); // send reply
- cgwop_destroy(reply);
- break;
- if (privdata->dlr[trn]) {
- octstr_parse_long(&stat, status, 0, 10);
- origmsg = privdata->sendmsg[trn];
- if (origmsg == NULL) break;
- ts = octstr_create("");
- octstr_append(ts, conn->id);
- octstr_append_char(ts, '-');
- octstr_append_decimal(ts, trn);
- switch (stat) {
- case 0: /* delivered */
- dlrmsg = dlr_find(octstr_get_cstr(conn->id),
- octstr_get_cstr(ts), /* timestamp */
- octstr_get_cstr(msid), /* destination */
- break;
- case 1: /* buffered */
- dlrmsg = dlr_find(octstr_get_cstr(conn->id),
- octstr_get_cstr(ts), /* timestamp */
- octstr_get_cstr(msid), /* destination */
- break;
- case 2: /* not delivered */
- dlrmsg = dlr_find(octstr_get_cstr(conn->id),
- octstr_get_cstr(ts), /* timestamp */
- octstr_get_cstr(msid), /* destination */
- break;
- }
- octstr_destroy(ts);
- if (dlrmsg != NULL) {
- dlrmsg->sms.msgdata = octstr_duplicate(txt);
- bb_smscconn_receive(conn, dlrmsg);
- }
- }
- break;
- case CGW_OP_OK:
- if (trn == -1) break; /* invalid transaction number */
- /* info(0, "cgw: Got ACK: %s", octstr_get_cstr(clid)); */
- privdata->sendtime[trn] = 0;
- privdata->unacked--;
- /* add delivery notification request if wanted */
- msg = privdata->sendmsg[trn];
- if (msg && msg->sms.dlr_url && (msg->sms.dlr_mask & 0x07)) {
- Octstr *ts;
- ts = octstr_create("");
- octstr_append(ts, conn->id);
- octstr_append_char(ts, '-');
- octstr_append_decimal(ts, trn);
- dlr_add(octstr_get_cstr(conn->id),
- octstr_get_cstr(ts),
- octstr_get_cstr(msg->sms.sender),
- octstr_get_cstr(msg->sms.receiver),
- octstr_get_cstr(msg->sms.service),
- octstr_get_cstr(msg->sms.dlr_url),
- msg->sms.dlr_mask);
- octstr_destroy(ts);
- privdata->dlr[trn] = 1;
- } else {
- privdata->dlr[trn] = 0;
- }
- bb_smscconn_sent(conn, msg); /* mark as successfully sent */
- break;
- info(0, "CGW: Warning: Got session status");
- /* op:status messages are sent by ProviderServer to tell if there are problems with
- the session status. These are not wanted, and should never occur, as the delivery is
- cancelled, and no end-user billing is done. */
- break;
- case CGW_OP_HELLO:
- info(0, "CGW: Server said: %s", octstr_get_cstr(cgwop_get(cgwop, octstr_imm("hello"))));
- break;
- case CGW_OP_ERR:
- if (trn == -1) break; /* invalid transaction number */
- info(0, "CGW: Received error: %s", octstr_get_cstr(txt));
- privdata->sendtime[trn] = 0;
- privdata->unacked--;
- bb_smscconn_send_failed(conn, privdata->sendmsg[trn],
- break;
- default:
- info(0, "cgw: Unknown operation: %d", cgwop->op);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }