资源名称:gateway-1.2.1 [点击查看]
- /*
- *
- * wsstree.h
- *
- * Author: Markku Rossi <>
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 WAPIT OY LTD.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Syntax tree creation, manipulation and byte-code assembler
- * generation.
- *
- */
- #ifndef WSSTREE_H
- #define WSSTREE_H
- /********************* Linked list for syntax tree items ****************/
- /* A list item. */
- struct WsListItemRec
- {
- struct WsListItemRec *next;
- void *data;
- };
- typedef struct WsListItemRec WsListItem;
- /* The linked list object. */
- struct WsListRec
- {
- WsListItem *head;
- WsListItem *tail;
- WsUInt32 num_items;
- /* These are used in blocks to record the first and last line
- information. They might also be used in other grammar
- constructs. */
- WsUInt32 first_line;
- WsUInt32 last_line;
- };
- typedef struct WsListRec WsList;
- /* Create a new syntax tree linked list for the compiler `compiler'.
- The list is allocated from the `compiler->pool_stree' fast malloc
- pool. */
- WsList *ws_list_new(WsCompilerPtr compiler);
- /* Append the item `value' to the end of the list `list'. The item is
- allocated from the `compiler->pool_stree' fast malloc pool. */
- void ws_list_append(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsList *list, void *value);
- /********************* Namespace for arguments and locals ***************/
- /* A namespace record. */
- struct WsNamespaceRec
- {
- /* The line where this argument or local variable is declared. */
- WsUInt32 line;
- /* The index of this variable. */
- WsUInt8 vindex;
- };
- typedef struct WsNamespaceRec WsNamespace;
- /* Create a new variable hash. */
- WsHashPtr ws_variable_hash_create(void);
- /* Define the new local variable or argument `name' to the local
- variables namespace. The argument `line' specifies the location
- where the variable `name' is defined. The argument `variablep' is
- WS_TRUE for local variables and WS_FALSE for arguments. The
- function performs all necessary initializations and sanity checks
- needed. It will also report errors, etc. The function returns
- NULL if there were any errors. */
- WsNamespace *ws_variable_define(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- WsBool variablep, char *name);
- /* Lookup the variable `name' from the variables namespace. The
- function returns NULL if the variable `name' is undefined. The
- function does not report any errors. */
- WsNamespace *ws_variable_lookup(WsCompilerPtr compiler, char *name);
- /********************* Top-level declarations ***************************/
- /* An external compilation unit pragma. */
- struct WsPragmaUseRec
- {
- /* The line number of the pragma. */
- WsUInt32 line;
- /* The byte-code pool constant index of the external compilation
- unit URL. */
- WsUInt16 urlindex;
- };
- typedef struct WsPragmaUseRec WsPragmaUse;
- /* Create a hash for the external compilation unit pragmas. */
- WsHashPtr ws_pragma_use_hash_create(void);
- /* Add a new external compilation unit pragma to the compiler
- `compiler'. The function inserts the URL string `url' to the
- byte-code structure of the compiler `compiler'. It updates the
- external compilation unit hash to have mapping from the identifier
- `identifier' to the URL `url' (or its constant index). The
- function reports errors if the identifier `identifier' does already
- have a mapping the external compilation unit namespace. */
- void ws_pragma_use(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line, char *identifier,
- WsUtf8String *url);
- /* MetaBody handling of the `use meta' pragmas. */
- struct WsPragmaMetaBodyRec
- {
- WsUtf8String *property_name;
- WsUtf8String *content;
- WsUtf8String *scheme;
- };
- typedef struct WsPragmaMetaBodyRec WsPragmaMetaBody;
- /* Create a meta body pragma. */
- WsPragmaMetaBody *ws_pragma_meta_body(WsCompilerPtr compiler,
- WsUtf8String *property_name,
- WsUtf8String *content,
- WsUtf8String *scheme);
- /* Free the MetaBody `mb'. */
- void ws_pragma_meta_body_free(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsPragmaMetaBody *mb);
- /* A top-level function declaration. */
- struct WsFunctionRec
- {
- WsUInt8 findex;
- WsBool externp;
- char *name;
- WsUInt32 line;
- WsList *params;
- WsList *block;
- /* The usage count of this function. This is used when sorting the
- functions by their usage count. */
- WsUInt32 usage_count;
- };
- typedef struct WsFunctionRec WsFunction;
- /* Function hash item. The function hash contains mapping from the
- function names and their usage counts to the actual function
- declaration. */
- struct WsFunctionHashRec
- {
- /* Does this mapping have a function declaration. */
- WsBool defined;
- /* If declared, this is the index. */
- WsUInt8 findex;
- WsUInt32 usage_count;
- };
- typedef struct WsFunctionHashRec WsFunctionHash;
- /* Create a new hash for functions. */
- WsHashPtr ws_function_hash_create(void);
- /* Returns a pointer to the function hash item for the function name
- `name'. The function creates a new hash slot if the name `name' is
- currently unknown. The function returns NULL if the memory
- allocation failed. */
- WsFunctionHash *ws_function_hash(WsCompilerPtr compiler, char *name);
- /* Add a new function definition to the compiler `compiler'. The
- argument `externp' specifies whether the function is extern or not.
- The argument `name' is the name of the function. The function name
- is ws_malloc() allocated and must be freed when it is not needed
- anymore. The argument `line' specifies the definition location of
- the function. It is the line where the function name was in the
- source stream. The argument `params' contains the formal
- parameters of the function and its body is specified in the
- argument `block'. */
- void ws_function(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsBool externp, char *name,
- WsUInt32 line, WsList *params, WsList *block);
- /********************* Expressions **************************************/
- /* Expression types. */
- typedef enum
- {
- } WsExpressionType;
- /* An expression. */
- struct WsExpressionRec
- {
- WsExpressionType type;
- WsUInt32 line;
- union
- {
- struct
- {
- struct WsExpressionRec *left;
- struct WsExpressionRec *right;
- }
- comma;
- struct
- {
- /* The identifier that is modified. */
- char *identifier;
- /* The type of the assignment. This is the assignment token
- value: '=', tMULA, tDA, ... */
- int op;
- /* The expression to assign to the identifier `identifier'. */
- struct WsExpressionRec *expr;
- }
- assign;
- struct
- {
- struct WsExpressionRec *e_cond;
- struct WsExpressionRec *e_then;
- struct WsExpressionRec *e_else;
- }
- conditional;
- struct
- {
- /* The type is the opcode of the short-circuit logical byte-code
- operand. */
- int type;
- struct WsExpressionRec *left;
- struct WsExpressionRec *right;
- }
- logical;
- struct
- {
- /* The type is the opcode of the binary byte-code operand. */
- int type;
- struct WsExpressionRec *left;
- struct WsExpressionRec *right;
- }
- binary;
- struct
- {
- /* The type is the opcode of the unary byte-code operand. */
- int type;
- struct WsExpressionRec *expr;
- }
- unary;
- struct
- {
- /* Is this an unary addition or substraction. */
- WsBool addp;
- char *variable;
- }
- unary_var;
- struct
- {
- /* Is this a postfix addition or substraction. */
- WsBool addp;
- char *variable;
- }
- postfix_var;
- struct
- {
- /* The type of the call: ' ', '#', '.' */
- int type;
- /* The name of the external module or library. */
- char *base;
- /* The name of the function to call. */
- char *name;
- /* The arguments of the call. */
- WsList *arguments;
- }
- call;
- struct
- {
- /* Separate sign bit, so that we can tell the difference
- * between -2147483648 and +2147483648. We have to deal
- * with both, because the former is parsed as "-" "2147483648".
- * Sign is 1 for positive numbers, -1 for negative numbers,
- * and can be either 1 or -1 for zero.
- */
- int sign;
- WsUInt32 ival;
- } integer;
- char *symbol;
- WsUInt16 cindex;
- WsFloat fval;
- WsUtf8String string;
- } u;
- };
- typedef struct WsExpressionRec WsExpression;
- /* Linearize the expression `expr' into symbolic byte-code
- assembler. */
- void ws_expr_linearize(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsExpression *expr);
- /* Constructors for different expression types. */
- /* Create a comma expression for `left' and `right'. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_comma(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- WsExpression *left, WsExpression *right);
- /* Create an assignment expression. The argument `type' specifies the
- type of the expression. It is the assignment token value. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_assign(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- char *identifier, int op, WsExpression *expr);
- /* Create a conditional expression with condition `e_cond' and
- expressions `e_then' and `e_else'. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_conditional(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- WsExpression *e_cond, WsExpression *e_then,
- WsExpression *e_else);
- /* Create a logical expression of type `type'. The argument `type' is
- the opcode of the logical shoft-circuit byte-code operand. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_logical(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- int type, WsExpression *left,
- WsExpression *right);
- /* Create a binary expression of type `type'. The argument `type' is
- the opcode of the binary byte-code operand. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_binary(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- int type, WsExpression *left,
- WsExpression *right);
- /* Create an unary expression of type `type'. The argument `type' is
- the opcode of the unary byte-code operand. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_unary(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- int type, WsExpression *expr);
- /* Create an unary variable modification expression. The argument
- `addp' specified whether the expression is an addition (++) or a
- substraction (--) expression. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_unary_var(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- WsBool addp, char *variable);
- /* Create a postfix variable modification expression. The argument
- `addp' specified whether the expression is an addition (++) or a
- substraction (--) expression. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_postfix_var(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- WsBool addp, char *variable);
- /* A generic call expression. The argument `type' must be one of ' ',
- '#', or '.' for local, extern, or library function call
- respectively. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_call(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 linenum,
- int type, char *base, char *name,
- WsList *arguments);
- /* A symbol reference expression. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_symbol(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 linenum,
- char *identifier);
- /* Constant `invalid'. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_const_invalid(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 linenum);
- /* Constant `true'. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_const_true(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 linenum);
- /* Constant `false'. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_const_false(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 linenum);
- /* An unsigned 32 bit integer. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_const_integer(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 linenum,
- WsUInt32 ival);
- /* A floating point number. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_const_float(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 linenum,
- WsFloat fval);
- /* An UTF-8 encoded string. */
- WsExpression *ws_expr_const_string(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 linenum,
- WsUtf8String *string);
- /********************* Misc syntax tree structures **********************/
- /* A variable declaration */
- struct WsVarDecRec
- {
- char *name;
- WsExpression *expr;
- };
- typedef struct WsVarDecRec WsVarDec;
- /* Create a new variable declaration */
- WsVarDec *ws_variable_declaration(WsCompilerPtr compiler,
- char *name, WsExpression *expr);
- /* A function formal parameter */
- struct WsFormalParmRec
- {
- WsUInt32 line;
- char *name;
- };
- typedef struct WsFormalParmRec WsFormalParm;
- /* Create a new formal parameter */
- WsFormalParm *ws_formal_parameter(WsCompilerPtr compiler,
- WsUInt32 line, char *name);
- /********************* Statements ***************************************/
- /* Statement types. */
- typedef enum
- {
- } WsStatementType;
- /* A statement. */
- struct WsStatementRec
- {
- WsStatementType type;
- WsUInt32 first_line;
- WsUInt32 last_line;
- union
- {
- WsList *block;
- WsList *var;
- WsExpression *expr;
- struct
- {
- WsExpression *expr;
- struct WsStatementRec *s_then;
- struct WsStatementRec *s_else;
- }
- s_if ;
- struct
- {
- WsList *init;
- WsExpression *e1;
- WsExpression *e2;
- WsExpression *e3;
- struct WsStatementRec *stmt;
- }
- s_for ;
- struct
- {
- WsExpression *expr;
- struct WsStatementRec *stmt;
- }
- s_while ;
- } u;
- };
- typedef struct WsStatementRec WsStatement;
- /* Linearize the statement `stmt' into symbolic byte-code
- assembler. */
- void ws_stmt_linearize(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsStatement *stmt);
- /* Constructors for statements. */
- /* Create a new block statement from the statements `block'. The
- arguments `first_line' and `last_line' specify the first and last
- line numbers of the block (the line numbers of the '{' and '}'
- tokens). */
- WsStatement *ws_stmt_block(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 first_line,
- WsUInt32 last_line, WsList *block);
- /* Create a new variable initialization statement. */
- WsStatement *ws_stmt_variable(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- WsList *variables);
- /* Create a new empty statement. */
- WsStatement *ws_stmt_empty(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line);
- /* Create a new expression statement. */
- WsStatement *ws_stmt_expr(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- WsExpression *expr);
- /* Create a new if statement. */
- WsStatement *ws_stmt_if (WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- WsExpression *expr, WsStatement *s_then,
- WsStatement *s_else);
- /* Create a new for statement. Only one of the arguments `init' and
- `e1' can be defined. The init must be given for statements which
- has a VariableDeclarationList in the initialization block. For the
- C-like statements, the argument `e1' must be given for the
- initialization expression. */
- WsStatement *ws_stmt_for (WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line, WsList *init,
- WsExpression *e1, WsExpression *e2, WsExpression *e3,
- WsStatement *stmt);
- /* Create a new while statement. */
- WsStatement *ws_stmt_while (WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- WsExpression *expr, WsStatement *stmt);
- /* Create a new continue statement. */
- WsStatement *ws_stmt_continue(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line);
- /* Create a new break statement. */
- WsStatement *ws_stmt_break(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line);
- /* Create a new return statement. The argument `expr' is the
- expression to return. If it is NULL, the return statement returns
- an empty string. */
- WsStatement *ws_stmt_return(WsCompilerPtr compiler, WsUInt32 line,
- WsExpression *expr);
- #endif /* not WSSTREE_H */