资源名称:gateway-1.2.1 [点击查看]
- /*
- *
- * wsstdlib.c
- *
- * Author: Markku Rossi <>
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 WAPIT OY LTD.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Standard libraries.
- *
- */
- #include "wsint.h"
- /* TODO: the function registry could have argument type specifier
- * strings. These could be used to generate extra warnings when
- * functions are called with wrong arguments. However, this might not
- * be fully conformable to the WMLScript specification. I think that
- * the interpreter might do an automatic type conversion so the
- * warnings are less useful. But, these warnings could be enabled in
- * the `-Wpedantic' mode. */
- /********************* Types and definitions ****************************/
- /* Calculate the number of function registries in the array `f'. */
- #define NF(f) (sizeof(f) / sizeof(f[0]))
- /* Information about a standard library function. */
- struct WsStdLibFuncRegRec
- {
- char *name;
- /* The exact number of arguments. */
- int num_args;
- WsUInt8 function_id;
- };
- typedef struct WsStdLibFuncRegRec WsStdLibFuncReg;
- /* Information about a standard library. */
- struct WsStdLibRegRec
- {
- char *name;
- WsUInt16 library_id;
- /* The number of functions in this library. */
- WsUInt8 num_functions;
- /* The functions are given in their index order. */
- WsStdLibFuncReg *functions;
- };
- typedef struct WsStdLibRegRec WsStdLibReg;
- /********************* Static variables *********************************/
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_lang_functions[] =
- {
- {"abs", 1, 0},
- {"min", 2, 1},
- {"max", 2, 2},
- {"parseInt", 1, 3},
- {"parseFloat", 1, 4},
- {"isInt", 1, 5},
- {"isFloat", 1, 6},
- {"maxInt", 0, 7},
- {"minInt", 0, 8},
- {"float", 0, 9},
- {"exit", 1, 10},
- {"abort", 1, 11},
- {"random", 1, 12},
- {"seed", 1, 13},
- {"characterSet", 0, 14},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_float_functions[] =
- {
- {"int", 1, 0},
- {"floor", 1, 1},
- {"ceil", 1, 2},
- {"pow", 2, 3},
- {"round", 1, 4},
- {"sqrt", 1, 5},
- {"maxFloat", 0, 6},
- {"minFloat", 0, 7},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_string_functions[] =
- {
- {"length", 1, 0},
- {"isEmpty", 1, 1},
- {"charAt", 2, 2},
- {"subString", 3, 3},
- {"find", 2, 4},
- {"replace", 3, 5},
- {"elements", 2, 6},
- {"elementAt", 3, 7},
- {"removeAt", 3, 8},
- {"replaceAt", 4, 9},
- {"insertAt", 4, 10},
- {"squeeze", 1, 11},
- {"trim", 1, 12},
- {"compare", 2, 13},
- {"toString", 1, 14},
- {"format", 2, 15},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_url_functions[] =
- {
- {"isValid", 1, 0},
- {"getScheme", 1, 1},
- {"getHost", 1, 2},
- {"getPort", 1, 3},
- {"getPath", 1, 4},
- {"getParameters", 1, 5},
- {"getQuery", 1, 6},
- {"getFragment", 1, 7},
- {"getBase", 0, 8},
- {"getReferer", 0, 9},
- {"resolve", 2, 10},
- {"escapeString", 1, 11},
- {"unescapeString", 1, 12},
- {"loadString", 2, 13},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_wmlbrowser_functions[] =
- {
- {"getVar", 1, 0},
- {"setVar", 2, 1},
- {"go", 1, 2},
- {"prev", 0, 3},
- {"newContext", 0, 4},
- {"getCurrentCard", 0, 5},
- {"refresh", 0, 6},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_dialogs_functions[] =
- {
- {"prompt", 2, 0},
- {"confirm", 3, 1},
- {"alert", 1, 2},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_wtapublic_functions[] =
- {
- {"makeCall", 1, 0},
- {"sendDTMF", 1, 1},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_wtavoicecall_functions[] =
- {
- {"setup", 2, 0},
- {"accept", 2, 1},
- {"release", 1, 2},
- {"sendDTMF", 1, 3},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_wtanettext_functions[] =
- {
- {"send", 2, 0},
- {"read", 1, 1},
- {"remove", 1, 2},
- {"getFieldValue", 2, 3},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_phonebook_functions[] =
- {
- {"write", 3, 0},
- {"read", 2, 1},
- {"remove", 1, 2},
- {"getFieldValue", 2, 3},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_wtacalllog_functions[] =
- {
- {"dialled", 1, 0},
- {"missed", 1, 1},
- {"received", 1, 2},
- {"getFieldValue", 2, 3},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_wtamisc_functions[] =
- {
- {"indication", 3, 0},
- {"endcontext", 0, 1},
- {"protected", 1, 2},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_wtagsm_functions[] =
- {
- {"reject", 1, 0},
- {"hold", 1, 1},
- {"transfer", 1, 2},
- {"multiparty", 0, 3},
- {"retrieve", 1, 4},
- {"location", 0, 5},
- {"sendUSSD", 4, 6},
- };
- static WsStdLibFuncReg lib_crypto_functions[] =
- {
- {"signText", 4, 16},
- };
- static WsStdLibReg libraries[] =
- {
- {"Lang", 0, NF(lib_lang_functions), lib_lang_functions},
- {"Float", 1, NF(lib_float_functions), lib_float_functions},
- {"String", 2, NF(lib_string_functions), lib_string_functions},
- {"URL", 3, NF(lib_url_functions), lib_url_functions},
- {"WMLBrowser", 4, NF(lib_wmlbrowser_functions),
- lib_wmlbrowser_functions},
- {"Dialogs", 5, NF(lib_dialogs_functions), lib_dialogs_functions},
- {"Crypto", 6, NF(lib_crypto_functions), lib_crypto_functions},
- {"WTAPublic", 512, NF(lib_wtapublic_functions), lib_wtapublic_functions},
- {"WTAVoiceCall", 513, NF(lib_wtavoicecall_functions), lib_wtavoicecall_functions},
- {"WTANetText", 514, NF(lib_wtanettext_functions), lib_wtanettext_functions},
- {"PhoneBook", 515, NF(lib_phonebook_functions), lib_phonebook_functions},
- {"WTAMisc", 516, NF(lib_wtamisc_functions), lib_wtamisc_functions},
- {"WTAGSM", 518, NF(lib_wtagsm_functions), lib_wtagsm_functions},
- {"WTACallLog", 519, NF(lib_wtacalllog_functions), lib_wtacalllog_functions},
- {NULL, 0, 0, NULL}
- };
- /********************* Global functions *********************************/
- WsBool ws_stdlib_function(const char *library, const char *function,
- WsUInt16 *lindex_return, WsUInt8 *findex_return,
- WsUInt8 *num_args_return, WsBool *lindex_found_return,
- WsBool *findex_found_return)
- {
- WsUInt16 l;
- *lindex_found_return = WS_FALSE;
- *findex_found_return = WS_FALSE;
- for (l = 0; libraries[l].name != NULL; l++) {
- if (strcmp(libraries[l].name, library) == 0) {
- WsUInt8 f;
- *lindex_return = libraries[l].library_id;
- *lindex_found_return = WS_TRUE;
- for (f = 0; f < libraries[l].num_functions; f++) {
- if (strcmp(libraries[l].functions[f].name, function) == 0) {
- *findex_return = libraries[l].functions[f].function_id;
- *findex_found_return = WS_TRUE;
- *num_args_return = libraries[l].functions[f].num_args;
- return WS_TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return WS_FALSE;
- }
- WsBool ws_stdlib_function_name(WsUInt16 lindex, WsUInt8 findex,
- const char **library_return,
- const char **function_return)
- {
- WsUInt16 l;
- WsUInt8 f;
- *library_return = NULL;
- *function_return = NULL;
- for (l = 0; libraries[l].name != NULL; l++)
- if (libraries[l].library_id == lindex)
- for (f = 0; f < libraries[l].num_functions; f++) {
- if (libraries[l].functions[f].function_id == findex) {
- *library_return = libraries[l].name;
- *function_return = libraries[l].functions[f].name;
- return WS_TRUE;
- }
- }
- return WS_FALSE;
- }