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- JavaMail 1.2
- ============
- Following is a description of the new APIs that are being
- introduced in JavaMail 1.2. The numbers in parentheses
- are bug numbers; you can find more information about the
- bug reports at:
- Please send comments and feedback to
- ===================================================================
- 1. New protected field and methods (4129743)
- --------------------------------------------
- To simplify creating subclasses of MimeMessage, the following
- field and method that were previously private are now protected:
- /**
- * A flag indicating whether the message has been modified.
- * If the message has not been modified, any data in the
- * <code>content</code> array is assumed to be valid and is used
- * directly in the <code>writeTo</code> method. This flag is
- * set to true when an empty message is created or when the
- * <code>saveChanges</code> method is called.
- */
- protected boolean modified = false;
- /**
- * Parse the InputStream setting the <code>headers</code> and
- * <code>content</code> fields appropriately. Also resets the
- * <code>modified</code> flag. <p>
- *
- * This method is intended for use by subclasses that need to
- * control when the InputStream is parsed.
- *
- * @param is The message input stream
- * @exception MessagingException
- */
- protected void parse(InputStream is) throws MessagingException
- The javadocs for the following exsting methods have been updated to
- describe the use of the modified flag:
- /**
- * Default constructor. An empty message object is created.
- * The <code>headers</code> field is set to an empty InternetHeaders
- * object. The <code>flags</code> field is set to an empty Flags
- * object. The <code>modified</code> flag is set to true.
- */
- public MimeMessage(Session session)
- /**
- * Output the message as an RFC 822 format stream, without
- * specified headers. If the <code>modified</code> flag is not
- * set and the <code>content</code> array is not null, the
- * <code>content</code> array is written directly, after
- * writing the appropriate message headers.
- *
- * @exception javax.mail.MessagingException
- * @exception IOException if an error occurs writing to the stream
- * or if an error is generated by the
- * javax.activation layer.
- * @see javax.activation.DataHandler#writeTo
- */
- public void writeTo(OutputStream os, String[] ignoreList)
- throws IOException, MessagingException
- /**
- * Updates the appropriate header fields of this message to be
- * consistent with the message's contents. If this message is
- * contained in a Folder, any changes made to this message are
- * committed to the containing folder. <p>
- *
- * If any part of a message's headers or contents are changed,
- * <code>saveChanges</code> must be called to ensure that those
- * changes are permanent. Otherwise, any such modifications may or
- * may not be saved, depending on the folder implementation. <p>
- *
- * Messages obtained from folders opened READ_ONLY should not be
- * modified and saveChanges should not be called on such messages. <p>
- *
- * This method sets the <code>modified</code> flag to true and then
- * calls the <code>updateHeaders<code> method.
- *
- * @exception IllegalWriteException if the underlying
- * implementation does not support modification
- * @exception IllegalStateException if this message is
- * obtained from a READ_ONLY folder.
- * @exception MessagingException
- */
- public void saveChanges() throws MessagingException
- The following method is added to MimeMessage:
- /**
- * Create and return an InternetHeaders object that loads the
- * headers from the given InputStream. Subclasses can override
- * this method to return a subclass of InternetHeaders, if
- * necessary. This implementation simply constructs and returns
- * an InternetHeaders object.
- *
- * @param is the InputStream to read the headers from
- * @exception MessagingException
- */
- protected InternetHeaders createInternetHeaders(InputStream is)
- throws MessagingException
- Likewise, to simplify creating subclasses of MimeMultipart, the parse
- method is made protected:
- /**
- * Parse the InputStream from our DataSource, constructing the
- * appropriate MimeBodyParts. The <code>parsed</code> flag is
- * set to true, and if true on entry nothing is done. This
- * method is called by all other methods that need data for
- * the body parts, to make sure the data has been parsed.
- */
- protected synchronized void parse() throws MessagingException
- and the following protected methods are added:
- /**
- * Create and return an InternetHeaders object that loads the
- * headers from the given InputStream. Subclasses can override
- * this method to return a subclass of InternetHeaders, if
- * necessary. This implementation simply constructs and returns
- * an InternetHeaders object.
- *
- * @param is the InputStream to read the headers from
- * @exception MessagingException
- */
- protected InternetHeaders createInternetHeaders(InputStream is)
- throws MessagingException
- /**
- * Create and return a MimeBodyPart object to represent a
- * body part parsed from the InputStream. Subclasses can override
- * this method to return a subclass of MimeBodyPart, if
- * necessary. This implementation simply constructs and returns
- * a MimeBodyPart object.
- *
- * @param headers the headers for the body part
- * @param content the content ofthe body part
- * @exception MessagingException
- */
- protected MimeBodyPart createMimeBodyPart(InternetHeaders headers,
- byte[] content) throws MessagingException
- /**
- * Create and return a MimeBodyPart object to represent a
- * body part parsed from the InputStream. Subclasses can override
- * this method to return a subclass of MimeBodyPart, if
- * necessary. This implementation simply constructs and returns
- * a MimeBodyPart object.
- *
- * @param is InputStream containing the body part
- * @exception MessagingException
- */
- protected MimeBodyPart createMimeBodyPart(InputStream is)
- throws MessagingException
- ===================================================================
- 2. MimeMessage and MimeBodyPart getRawInputStream method (4124840)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- In some cases it is desirable to get the data for a body part
- before JavaMail attempts to decode it. This is particularly important
- if the Content-Transfer-Encoding header is incorrect. (For example,
- some mail software is known to use "7-bit" instead of the MIME
- defined "7bit".) Access to this data is currently provided
- through the protected getContentStream method. Since simply
- making this method public has the potential to cause a source
- incompatibility for any subclasses that declare this method as
- protected, we instead add a new public method that calls this
- protected method:
- /**
- * Return an InputStream to the raw data with any Content-Transfer-Encoding
- * intact. This method is useful if the "Content-Transfer-Encoding"
- * header is incorrect or corrupt, which would prevent the
- * <code>getInputStream</code> method or <code>getContent</code> method
- * from returning the correct data. In such a case the application may
- * use this method and attempt to decode the raw data itself. <p>
- *
- * This implementation simply calls the <code>getContentStream</code>
- * method.
- *
- * @see #getInputStream
- * @see #getContentStream
- */
- public InputStream getRawInputStream() throws MessagingException
- ===================================================================
- 3. ReadOnlyFolderException (4163360)
- ------------------------------------
- A new MessagingException subclass to indicate a read-only folder
- is needed.
- Currently, if a client attempts to open a folder in read-write mode
- and the folder is read-only, a MessagingException is thrown. This
- exception type does not indicate that the anomaly was caused due to
- the lack of write-permissions.
- /**
- * This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to open a folder
- * with read-write access when the folder is marked read-only. <p>
- */
- public class ReadOnlyFolderException extends MessagingException {
- /**
- * Constructor.
- * @param folder the Folder
- */
- public ReadOnlyFolderException(Folder folder)
- /**
- * Constructor.
- * @param folder the Folder
- * @param message the detailed error message
- */
- public ReadOnlyFolderException(Folder folder, String message)
- /**
- * Returns the Folder object.
- */
- public Folder getFolder()
- }
- ===================================================================
- 4. InternetAddress implements Cloneable (4181144)
- -------------------------------------------------
- To simplify copying of InternetAddress objects, the InternetAddress
- class will implement the Cloneable interface and will provide a
- public clone method.
- public class InternetAddress extends Address implements Cloneable {
- /**
- * Return a copy of this InternetAddress object.
- */
- public Object clone()
- }
- ===================================================================
- 5. MimeMessage copy constructor (4107752)
- -----------------------------------------
- When forwarding or saving a message retrieved from a Store, it is
- sometimes desirable to be able to modify the message first. Since
- most Stores do not allow their Message objects to be modified, the
- message must first be copied. To simplify copying a MimeMessage,
- we introduce a copy constructor that allows a new MimeMessage to
- be created and initialized with a copy of another MimeMessage.
- /**
- * Constructs a new MimeMessage with content initialized form the
- * <code>source</code> MimeMessage. The new message is independent
- * of the original. <p>
- *
- * @param source the message to copy content from
- * @exception MessagingException
- */
- public MimeMessage(MimeMessage source) throws MessagingException
- ===================================================================
- 6. AuthenticationFailedException includes server message (4230553)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- When authentication with a server fails, the server often supplies
- some information in its protocol message that indicates the reason
- for the failure. To allow a service provider to return this information
- to the user, we now allow the Service.protocolConnect() method to
- throw an AuthenticationFailedException in this case. The exception
- may contain a string message that includes the additional information
- from the server.
- /**
- * The service implementation should override this method to
- * perform the actual protocol-specific connection attempt.
- * The default implementation of the <code>connect</code> method
- * calls this method as needed. <p>
- *
- * The <code>protocolConnect</code> method should return
- * <code>false</code> if a user name or password is required
- * for authentication but the corresponding parameter is null;
- * the <code>connect</code> method will prompt the user when
- * needed to supply missing information. This method may
- * also return <code>false</code> if authentication fails for
- * the supplied user name or password. Alternatively, this method
- * may throw an AuthenticationFailedException when authentication
- * fails. This exception may include a String message with more
- * detail about the failure. <p>
- *
- * The <code>protocolConnect</code> method should throw an
- * exception to report failures not related to authentication,
- * such as an invalid host name or port number, loss of a
- * connection during the authentication process, unavailability
- * of the server, etc.
- *
- * @param host the name of the host to connect to
- * @param port the port to use (-1 means use default port)
- * @param user the name of the user to login as
- * @param password the user's password
- * @return true if connection successful, false if authentication failed
- * @exception AuthenticationFailedException for authentication failures
- * @exception MessagingException for non-authentication failures
- */
- protected boolean protocolConnect(String host, int port, String user,
- String password) throws MessagingException
- ===================================================================
- 7. Support ESMTP 8BITMIME extension (4132029)
- ---------------------------------------------
- JavaMail chooses the encoding for body parts when the Message.saveChanges()
- method is called. At the time this method is called, JavaMail has no
- information about the Transport that might be used to send the message.
- Thus, communicating the Transport's capabilities to the part of JavaMail
- that chooses body part encodings is problematic.
- To provide some minimal support for the 8BITMIME extension, the SMTP
- protocol provider is extended in the following way. Note that this
- capability is part of Sun's SMTP protocol provider, and is *not* a
- part of the JavaMail API spec. We include it here for convenience only.
- If the property "mail.smtp.allow8bitmime" is set to "true", and the
- SMTP server supports the 8BITMIME extension, the SMTP Transport will
- traverse the message and adjust the Content-Transfer-Encoding of text
- body parts from "quoted-printable" or "base64" to "8bit" as appropriate.
- Note that if the same message is subsequently sent over a Transport
- or to a server that does not support 8bit MIME, the message will *not*
- be converted back to a non-8bit encoding. Normally this will not be a
- problem. Note also that a message using "8bit" encoding can be safely
- appended to an IMAP folder.
- ===================================================================
- 8. Make MailDateFormat class public (4266390)
- ---------------------------------------------
- It would be useful to have the MailDateFormat class available as part
- of the javax.mail.internet package to allow parsing and formatting
- dates in other MIME headers.
- /**
- * Formats and parses date specification based on the
- * draft-ietf-drums-msg-fmt-08 dated January 26, 2000. This is a followup
- * spec to RFC822.<p>
- *
- * This class does not take pattern strings. It always formats the
- * date based on the specification below.<p>
- *
- * 3.3 Date and Time Specification<p>
- *
- * Date and time occur in several header fields of a message. This section
- * specifies the syntax for a full date and time specification. Though folding
- * whitespace is permitted throughout the date-time specification, it is
- * recommended that only a single space be used where FWS is required and no
- * space be used where FWS is optional in the date-time specification; some
- * older implementations may not interpret other occurrences of folding
- * whitespace correctly.<p>
- *
- * date-time = [ day-of-week "," ] date FWS time [CFWS]<p>
- *
- * day-of-week = ([FWS] day-name) / obs-day-of-week<p>
- *
- * day-name = "Mon" / "Tue" / "Wed" / "Thu" / "Fri" / "Sat" / "Sun"<p>
- *
- * date = day month year<p>
- *
- * year = 4*DIGIT / obs-year<p>
- *
- * month = (FWS month-name FWS) / obs-month<p>
- *
- *<pre>month-name = "Jan" / "Feb" / "Mar" / "Apr" /
- * "May" / "Jun" / "Jul" / "Aug" /
- * "Sep" / "Oct" / "Nov" / "Dec"
- * </pre><p>
- * day = ([FWS] 1*2DIGIT) / obs-day<p>
- *
- * time = time-of-day FWS zone<p>
- *
- * time-of-day = hour ":" minute [ ":" second ]<p>
- *
- * hour = 2DIGIT / obs-hour<p>
- *
- * minute = 2DIGIT / obs-minute<p>
- *
- * second = 2DIGIT / obs-second<p>
- *
- * zone = (( "+" / "-" ) 4DIGIT) / obs-zone<p>
- *
- *
- * The day is the numeric day of the month. The year is any numeric year in
- * the common era.<p>
- *
- * The time-of-day specifies the number of hours, minutes, and optionally
- * seconds since midnight of the date indicated.<p>
- *
- * The date and time-of-day SHOULD express local time.<p>
- *
- * The zone specifies the offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC,
- * formerly referred to as "Greenwich Mean Time") that the date and
- * time-of-day represent. The "+" or "-" indicates whether the time-of-day is
- * ahead of or behind Universal Time. The first two digits indicate the number
- * of hours difference from Universal Time, and the last two digits indicate
- * the number of minutes difference from Universal Time. (Hence, +hhmm means
- * +(hh * 60 + mm) minutes, and -hhmm means -(hh * 60 + mm) minutes). The form
- * "+0000" SHOULD be used to indicate a time zone at Universal Time. Though
- * "-0000" also indicates Universal Time, it is used to indicate that the time
- * was generated on a system that may be in a local time zone other than
- * Universal Time.<p>
- *
- * A date-time specification MUST be semantically valid. That is, the
- * day-of-the week (if included) MUST be the day implied by the date, the
- * numeric day-of-month MUST be between 1 and the number of days allowed for
- * the specified month (in the specified year), the time-of-day MUST be in the
- * range 00:00:00 through 23:59:60 (the number of seconds allowing for a leap
- * second; see [STD-12]), and the zone MUST be within the range -9959 through
- * +9959.<p>
- *
- */
- public class MailDateFormat extends SimpleDateFormat {
- public MailDateFormat()
- /**
- * Formats the given date in the format specified by
- * draft-ietf-drums-msg-fmt-08 in the current TimeZone
- *
- * @param date the Date object
- * @param dateStrBuf the formatted string
- * @param fieldPosition the current field position
- * @returns StringBuffer the formatted String
- */
- public StringBuffer format(Date date, StringBuffer dateStrBuf,
- FieldPosition fieldPosition)
- /**
- * Parses the given date in the format specified by
- * draft-ietf-drums-msg-fmt-08 in the current TimeZone
- *
- * @param text the formatted date to be parsed
- * @param pos the current parse position
- * @returns Date the parsed date in a Date object
- */
- public Date parse(String text, ParsePosition pos)
- }
- ===================================================================
- 9. String-based MimeMessage setRecipients and addRecipients methods (4328824)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following convenience methods will be added to MimeMessage. They take a
- String for setting/adding a recipient (instead of javax.mail.Address objects).
- /**
- * Set the specified recipient type to the given addresses.
- * If the address parameter is <code>null</code>, the corresponding
- * recipient field is removed.
- *
- * @param type Recipient type
- * @param addresses Addresses
- * @exception IllegalWriteException if the underlying
- * implementation does not support modification
- * of existing values
- * @exception IllegalStateException if this message is
- * obtained from a READ_ONLY folder.
- * @exception MessagingException
- * @see #getRecipients
- */
- public void setRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, String addresses)
- throws MessagingException
- /**
- * Add the given addresses to the specified recipient type.
- *
- * @param type Recipient type
- * @param addresses Addresses
- * @exception IllegalWriteException if the underlying
- * implementation does not support modification
- * of existing values.
- * @exception IllegalStateException if this message is
- * obtained from a READ_ONLY folder.
- * @exception MessagingException
- */
- public void addRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, String addresses)
- throws MessagingException
- ===================================================================
- 10. Add Session.getDefaultInstance(Properties props) and
- Session.getInstance(Properties props) methods (4328826)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- These are convenience methods for retrieving the default Session or a new
- Session object which does not require an Authenticator parameter
- (it is assumed to be null).
- /**
- * Get the default Session object. If a default has not yet been
- * setup, a new Session object is created and installed as the
- * default.<p>
- *
- * Note that a default session created with no Authenticator is
- * available to all code executing in the same Java virtual
- * machine, and the session can contain security sensitive
- * information such as user names and passwords.
- *
- * @param props Properties object. Used only if a new Session
- * object is created.<br>
- * It is expected that the client supplies values
- * for the properties listed in Appendix A of the
- * JavaMail spec (particularly,
- * mail.transport.protocol,, mail.user,
- * and mail.from) as the defaults are unlikely to
- * work in all cases.
- * @return the default Session object
- */
- public static Session getDefaultInstance(Properties props)
- /**
- * Get a new Session object.
- *
- * @param props Properties object that hold relevant properties.<br>
- * It is expected that the client supplies values
- * for the properties listed in Appendix A of the
- * JavaMail spec (particularly,
- * mail.transport.protocol,, mail.user,
- * and mail.from) as the defaults are unlikely to
- * work in all cases.
- * @return a new Session object
- * @see javax.mail.Authenticator
- */
- public static Session getInstance(Properties props)
- ===================================================================
- 11. Allow for providing a filename when using MimeUtility.encode() (4140579)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The UUEncode encoder requires the filename to be inserted into the encoded
- stream. The public access point to the encoder is thru the MimeUtility.encode()
- method, which does not have any parameter that can provide the filename.
- Hence the uuencoded stream always has "encode.buf" as filename. This new
- method allows the setting of the filename.
- /**
- * Wrap an encoder around the given output stream.
- * All the encodings defined in RFC 2045 are supported here.
- * They include "base64", "quoted-printable", "7bit", "8bit" and
- * "binary". In addition, "uuencode" is also supported.
- * The <code>filename</code> parameter is used with the "uuencode"
- * encoding and is included in the encoded output.
- *
- * @param os output stream
- * @param encoding the encoding of the stream.
- * @param filename name for the file being encoded
- * @exception MessagingException
- * @return output stream that applies the
- * specified encoding.
- */
- public static OutputStream encode(OutputStream os, String encoding,
- String filename)
- throws MessagingException
- ===================================================================
- 12. New exception constructors (4259211)
- ----------------------------------------
- The FolderNotFoundException constructors are not consistant with other
- exceptions defined in the API. New constructors are needed to eliminate
- these inconsistencies.
- /**
- * Constructs a MessagingException with the specified folder
- * @param folder the Folder
- */
- public FolderNotFoundException(Folder folder)
- /**
- * Constructs a MessagingException with the specified detail message
- * and the specified folder.
- * @param folder the Folder
- * @param s the detail message
- */
- public FolderNotFoundException(Folder folder, String s)
- ===================================================================
- 13. InternetAddress.toUnicodeString() method (4281729)
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Problem: AddressStringTerm.match does not return the correct results
- in some situations.
- AddressStringTerm wants to do the match against the formatted address
- string in Unicode, not the ASCII version that might include charset
- encoding information. To do this it attempts to format the address
- itself, but it's not smart enough to know all the rules about
- formatting an address (e.g., when to quote the personal name) so it
- does this formatting differently than InternetAddress.toString does.
- When the address contains only ASCII characters, the formatting should
- be identical.
- /**
- * Returns a properly formatted address (RFC 822 syntax) of
- * Unicode characters.
- *
- * @return Unicode address string
- */
- public String toUnicodeString()
- ===================================================================
- 14. Call saveChanges automatically on newly constructed message (4339203)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- One of the most common errors when constructing new messages is forgetting
- to call the saveChanges() method before writing out the message or calling
- the Transport.sendMessage() method. To solve this problem we add a flag
- to MimeMessage and change the writeTo() method accordingly:
- /**
- * Does the <code>saveChanges</code> method need to be called on
- * this message? This flag is set to false by the public constructor
- * and set to true by the <code>saveChanges</code> method. The
- * <code>writeTo</code> method checks this flag and calls the
- * <code>saveChanges</code> method as necessary. This avoids the
- * common mistake of forgetting to call the <code>saveChanges</code>
- * method on a newly constructed message.
- */
- protected boolean saved = false;
- /**
- * Updates the appropriate header fields of this message to be
- * consistent with the message's contents. If this message is
- * contained in a Folder, any changes made to this message are
- * committed to the containing folder. <p>
- *
- * If any part of a message's headers or contents are changed,
- * <code>saveChanges</code> must be called to ensure that those
- * changes are permanent. Otherwise, any such modifications may or
- * may not be saved, depending on the folder implementation. <p>
- *
- * Messages obtained from folders opened READ_ONLY should not be
- * modified and saveChanges should not be called on such messages. <p>
- *
- * This method sets the <code>modified</code> flag to true, the
- * <code>save</code> flag to true, and then calls the
- * <code>updateHeaders<code> method.
- *
- * @exception IllegalWriteException if the underlying
- * implementation does not support modification
- * @exception IllegalStateException if this message is
- * obtained from a READ_ONLY folder.
- * @exception MessagingException
- */
- public void saveChanges() throws MessagingException
- /**
- * Output the message as an RFC 822 format stream, without
- * specified headers. If the <code>saved</code> flag is not set,
- * the <code>saveChanges</code> method is called.
- * If the <code>modified</code> flag is not
- * set and the <code>content</code> array is not null, the
- * <code>content</code> array is written directly, after
- * writing the appropriate message headers.
- *
- * @exception javax.mail.MessagingException
- * @exception IOException if an error occurs writing to the stream
- * or if an error is generated by the
- * javax.activation layer.
- * @see javax.activation.DataHandler#writeTo
- */
- public void writeTo(OutputStream os, String[] ignoreList)
- throws IOException, MessagingException
- ===================================================================
- 15. New MimeUtility.getEncoding(DataHandler) method (4340648)
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- To improve the performance of JavaMail, we previously added a (package
- private) getEncoding() method to MimeUtility. This method is now public:
- /**
- * Same as <code>getEncoding(DataSource)</code> except that instead
- * of reading the data from an <code>InputStream</code> it uses the
- * <code>writeTo</code> method to examine the data. This is more
- * efficient in the common case of a <code>DataHandler</code>
- * created with an object and a MIME type (for example, a
- * "text/plain" String) because all the I/O is done in this
- * thread. In the case requiring an <code>InputStream</code> the
- * <code>DataHandler</code> uses a thread, a pair of pipe streams,
- * and the <code>writeTo</code> method to produce the data. <p>
- */
- public static String getEncoding(DataHandler dh)
- ===================================================================
- 16. New TransportEvent.getMessage() method (4331674)
- -----------------------------------------------------
- The TransportEvent class saves the message that caused the error,
- but provides no getMessage method for the listener to retrieve the
- Message object. The following method will be added:
- /**
- * Get the Message object associated with this Transport Event.
- *
- * @return the Message object
- */
- public Message getMessage()
- ===================================================================
- 17. terms should be serializable (4126013)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- The package allows you to programmatically construct
- a search term. It would be convenient if those terms could be saved
- in persistent storage and restored in a later session. Using
- serialization to store these expressions is the simplest approach.
- Many of the search terms reference other objects that must also be
- serializable. The most problematic such objects are of the class
- Message.RecipientType. This class uses the java "type-safe enum"
- idiom, which involves a number of static final instances of the class.
- Applications are allowed to test for equivalence with these "constants"
- by using the "==" equality operator. Thus, it's critical that only a
- single instance of each constant exist in the Java virtual machine.
- To ensure that this constraint is met when deserializing an object
- of this class, we must take advantage of the JDK 1.2 readReplace()
- method. Since this method is not available on JDK 1.1, objects of
- this class, and thus search terms that reference them, can not be
- correctly deserialized on JDK 1.1. This is a limitation of this
- new capability.
- To provide this support, the following classes and all their subclasses
- now implement the Serializable interface:
- javax.mail.Address
- javax.mail.Flags
- javax.mail.Message.RecipientType
- In addition, to allow comparison between search terms, the equals
- and hashCode methods on SearchTerm (and all subclasses) now implement
- "value" equivalence rather than identity equivalence.
- ===================================================================
- 18. Support IMAP NAMESPACE extension (4364827)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- We propose the following new APIs to be added to javax.mail.Store to
- provide namespace information. If the IMAP server supports the
- NAMESPACE extension, it will be used to return this information.
- /**
- * Return a set of folders representing the <i>personal</i> namespaces
- * for the current user. A personal namespace is a set of names that
- * is considered within the personal scope of the authenticated user.
- * Typically, only the authenticated user has access to mail folders
- * in their personal namespace. If an INBOX exists for a user, it
- * must appear within the user's personal namespace. In the
- * typical case, there should be only one personal namespace for each
- * user in each Store. <p>
- *
- * This implementation returns an array with a single entry containing
- * the return value of the <code>getDefaultFolder</code> method.
- * Subclasses should override this method to return appropriate information.
- *
- * @exception IllegalStateException if this Store is not connected.
- * @return array of Folder objects
- */
- public Folder[] getPersonalNamespaces() throws MessagingException
- /**
- * Return a set of folders representing the namespaces for
- * <code>user</code>. The namespaces returned represent the
- * personal namespaces for the user. To access mail folders in the
- * other user's namespace, the currently authenticated user must be
- * explicitly granted access rights. For example, it is common for
- * a manager to grant to their secretary access rights to their
- * mail folders. <p>
- *
- * This implementation returns an empty array. Subclasses should
- * override this method to return appropriate information.
- *
- * @exception IllegalStateException if this Store is not connected.
- * @return array of Folder objects
- */
- public Folder[] getUserNamespaces(String user) throws MessagingException
- /**
- * Return a set of folders representing the <i>shared</i> namespaces.
- * A shared namespace is a namespace that consists of mail folders
- * that are intended to be shared amongst users and do not exist
- * within a user's personal namespace. <p>
- *
- * This implementation returns an empty array. Subclasses should
- * override this method to return appropriate information.
- *
- * @exception IllegalStateException if this Store is not connected.
- * @return array of Folder objects
- */
- public Folder[] getSharedNamespaces() throws MessagingException
- ===================================================================
- 19. Make ContentDisposition class public (4366373)
- --------------------------------------------------
- The javax.mail.internet.ContentDisposition class is package private
- and should be made public. The API is:
- /**
- * This class represents a MIME ContentDisposition value. It provides
- * methods to parse a ContentDisposition string into individual components
- * and to generate a MIME style ContentDisposition string.
- */
- public class ContentDisposition
- /**
- * No-arg Constructor.
- */
- public ContentDisposition()
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param disposition disposition
- * @param list ParameterList
- */
- public ContentDisposition(String disposition, ParameterList list)
- /**
- * Constructor that takes a ContentDisposition string. The String
- * is parsed into its constituents: dispostion and parameters.
- * A ParseException is thrown if the parse fails.
- *
- * @param s the ContentDisposition string.
- * @exception ParseException if the parse fails.
- */
- public ContentDisposition(String s) throws ParseException
- /**
- * Return the disposition value.
- * @return the disposition
- */
- public String getDisposition()
- /**
- * Return the specified parameter value. Returns <code>null</code>
- * if this parameter is absent.
- * @return parameter value
- */
- public String getParameter(String name)
- /**
- * Return a ParameterList object that holds all the available
- * parameters. Returns null if no parameters are available.
- *
- * @return ParameterList
- */
- public ParameterList getParameterList()
- /**
- * Set the primary type. Overrides existing primary type.
- * @param primaryType primary type
- */
- public void setDisposition(String disposition)
- /**
- * Set the specified parameter. If this parameter already exists,
- * it is replaced by this new value.
- *
- * @param name parameter name
- * @param value parameter value
- */
- public void setParameter(String name, String value)
- /**
- * Set a new ParameterList.
- * @param list ParameterList
- */
- public void setParameterList(ParameterList list)
- /**
- * Retrieve a RFC2045 style string representation of
- * this ContentDisposition. Returns <code>null</code> if
- * the conversion failed.
- *
- * @return RFC2045 style string
- */
- public String toString()
- }
- ===================================================================
- 20. Improve performance of MimeMessage (4371862)
- --------------------------------------------------
- To allow us to improve the performance of the MimeMessage and MimeMultipart
- classes when parsing data from an InputStream, we introduce a new
- interface that allows the data in the InputStream to be shared instead
- of copied, and we use this new interface in key parts of the implementation.
- The following field is added to MimeMessage:
- /**
- * If the data for this message was supplied by an
- * InputStream that implements the SharedInputStream interface,
- * <code>contentStream</code> is another such stream representing
- * the content of this message. In this case, <code>content</code>
- * will be null.
- */
- protected InputStream contentStream;
- The following field is added to MimeBodyPart:
- /**
- * If the data for this body part was supplied by an
- * InputStream that implements the SharedInputStream interface,
- * <code>contentStream</code> is another such stream representing
- * the content of this body part. In this case, <code>content</code>
- * will be null.
- */
- protected InputStream contentStream;
- The following interface is added:
- package javax.mail.internet;
- /**
- * An InputStream that is backed by data that can be shared by multiple
- * readers may implement this interface. This allows users of such an
- * InputStream to determine the current positionin the InputStream, and
- * to create new InputStreams representing a subset of the data in the
- * original InputStream. The new InputStream will access the same
- * underlying data as the original, without copying the data.
- */
- public interface SharedInputStream {
- /**
- * Return the current position in the InputStream, as an
- * offset from the beginning of the InputStream.
- *
- * @return the current position
- */
- public long getPosition();
- /**
- * Return a new InputStream representing a subset of the data
- * from this InputStream, starting at <code>start</code> (inclusive)
- * up to <code>end</code> (exclusive). <code>start</code> must be
- * non-negative. If <code>end</code> is -1, the new stream ends
- * at the same place as this stream. The returned InputStream
- * will also implement the SharedInputStream interface.
- *
- * @param start the starting position
- * @param end the ending position + 1
- * @return the new stream
- */
- public InputStream newStream(long start, long end);
- }
- ===================================================================
- 21. New ParameterList.toString(int used) method.
- --------------------------------------------------
- The ParameterList.toString() method returns its results "unfolded". It
- would be useful to have the results "folded" in certain situations. A
- new method will be added to the ParamterList class which will return
- "folded" results. Folding is defined by RFC 822 as the process of splitting
- a header field into multiple lines. "The general rule is that wherever there
- may be linear-white-space (NOT simply LWSP-chars), a CRLF immediately
- followed by AT LEAST one LWSP-char may instead be inserted." Unfolding is
- the process of returning to a single line representation. "Unfolding is
- accomplished by regarding CRLF immediately followed by a LWSP-char as
- equivalent to the LWSP-char."
- /**
- * Convert this ParameterList into a MIME String. If this is
- * an empty list, an empty string is returned.
- *
- * The 'used' parameter specifies the number of character positions
- * already taken up in the field into which the resulting address
- * sequence string is to be inserted. It's used to determine where
- * to "fold" the resulting parameter list.
- *
- * @param used number of character positions already used, in
- * the field into which the parameter list is to
- * be inserted.
- * @return String
- */
- public String toString(int used)