资源名称:某公司的java培训教材 [点击查看]
- package sfsbsample;
- //package j2eebootcamp.developingEJB.chapter7.web.servlet;
- /*
- *
- */
- import java.util.*;
- import java.lang.reflect.*;
- import*;
- import java.util.Vector;
- import javax.servlet.*;
- import javax.servlet.http.*;
- import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
- import javax.naming.*;
- /*import j2eebootcamp.developingEJB.common.ScheduleVO;
- import j2eebootcamp.developingEJB.common.ScheduleDAO;
- import j2eebootcamp.developingEJB.common.ScheduleDAOException;
- import*;*/
- //import j2eebootcamp.developingEJB.util.Logger;
- /**
- * MVC controller...web tier entry point to ShoppingCart application.
- *
- **/
- public class ShoppingCartClient
- extends HttpServlet {
- private ShoppingCart cart;
- private static String LOGIN_SCREEN = "/shop.htm";
- ScheduleDAO scheduleDAO;
- public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
- super.init(config);
- lookUpShoppingCart();
- }
- public void destroy() {}
- protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws
- ServletException, {
- processSearch(request, response);
- }
- protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
- HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
- {
- processRequest(request, response);
- }
- public String getServletInfo() {
- return
- "This servlet is the main controller for the ShoppingCart Application";
- }
- /*************************************************************************/
- protected void processSearch(HttpServletRequest request,
- HttpServletResponse response) throws
- ServletException, {
- log(" == Entering controller.processRequest()");
- String url = null;
- // retrieve/initialize action and display results in output screen
- String currAction = (request.getParameter("requestAction") != null) ?
- request.getParameter("requestAction") : null;
- log(" == The current action is: " +
- ( (currAction != null) ? currAction : "null"));
- if (currAction == null) {
- // display first screen...login screen
- log(" == currAction is null");
- }
- else {
- // call the shopping cart functionality -- code goes here
- String scheduleList = "";
- //ScheduleDAO scheduleDAO = new ScheduleDAO();
- String action = request.getParameter("requestAction");
- if (action.equals("SearchByTitle")) {
- log(" == Calling SearchByTitle");
- String searchToken = request.getParameter("searchBy");
- //scheduleList = "SearchByTitle:"+searchToken;
- Vector schedList = new Vector(20);
- try {
- if (scheduleDAO == null) {
- scheduleDAO = new ScheduleDAO();
- }
- schedList = scheduleDAO.searchByCourseTitle(searchToken);
- log(" == nafter calling scheduleDAO ");
- }
- catch (ScheduleDAOException se) {
- log(" == SearchByCourseTitle exception =" + se.getMessage());
- }
- log(" == n ****Servlet -- searchByCourseTitle returning Vector ");
- log(" == schedList size =>" + schedList.size());
- request.setAttribute("vec", schedList);
- // call the JSP
- RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
- "/ShowSearchResult.jsp");
- dispatcher.forward(request, response);
- }
- } //else
- } //end of processSearch
- //*****************************************************
- protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
- HttpServletResponse response) throws
- ServletException, {
- String scheduleList = "";
- if (cart == null) {
- lookUpShoppingCart();
- }
- String action = request.getParameter("requestAction");
- if (action.equals("AddASchedule")) {
- log(" == Servlet - Calling addASchedule");
- //int schedID = (new Integer(request.getParameter("ScheduleID"))).intValue();
- scheduleList = "AddASchedule";
- String schedID = request.getParameter("ScheduleID");
- log(" == Serlvet - selected sched id =>" + schedID);
- // retrieve the schedule from the ScheduleDAO and then send the scheduleVO to the EJB.
- try {
- if (scheduleDAO == null) {
- scheduleDAO = new ScheduleDAO();
- }
- ScheduleVO scheduleVO = scheduleDAO.searchByScheduleID(schedID);
- log(" == Servlet - after searchByScheduleID() ");
- cart.addASchedule(scheduleVO);
- log(" == n ***Servlet added a schedule to the cart **** ");
- Vector schedList = cart.getMyScheduleList();
- log(" == **** Servlet schedulelist size =" + schedList.size());
- //String cost = (new Double(cart.getTotalCost())).toString();
- //log(" == **** servlet cost ="+cost);
- request.setAttribute("vec", schedList);
- //request.setAttribute("cost", cost);
- }
- catch (ScheduleDAOException se) {
- log(" == Servlet - processRequest =" + se.getMessage());
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- log(" == Servlet AddSchedule() Exception " + e.getMessage());
- }
- // call the JSP
- RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
- "/ShowShoppingCart.jsp");
- dispatcher.forward(request, response);
- }
- else if (action.equals("DeleteASchedule")) {
- log(" == Calling deleteASchedule");
- scheduleList = "deleteASchedule";
- String schedID = request.getParameter("ScheduleID");
- cart.deleteASchedule(schedID);
- Vector schedList = cart.getMyScheduleList();
- //String cost = (new Double(cart.getTotalCost())).toString();
- request.setAttribute("vec", schedList);
- //request.setAttribute("cost", cost);
- // call the JSP
- RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
- "/ShowShoppingCart.jsp");
- dispatcher.forward(request, response);
- }
- else if (action.equals("EmptyMyScheduleList")) {
- log(" == calling emptyMyScheduleList");
- scheduleList = "emtpyMyScheduleList";
- cart.emptyMyScheduleList();
- Vector schedList = cart.getMyScheduleList();
- //String cost = (new Double(cart.getTotalCost())).toString();
- request.setAttribute("vec", schedList);
- //request.setAttribute("cost", cost);
- // call the JSP
- RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
- "/ShowShoppingCart.jsp");
- dispatcher.forward(request, response);
- }
- else if (action.equals("CheckOut")) {
- log(" == n --- Checking Out -- before jsp -- say Thank You --");
- RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
- "/ThankYou.jsp");
- dispatcher.forward(request, response);
- log(" == servlet CheckOut after calling jsp ");
- }
- else {
- log(" == invalid request");
- scheduleList = "invalid request";
- }
- } // end of processRequest()
- private void lookUpShoppingCart() {
- log(" == Entering Controller.lookUpShoppingCart()");
- try {
- //create the context, do a lookup home object
- Context ctx = new InitialContext();
- Object result = ctx.lookup("ShoppingCart");
- ShoppingCartHome cartHome =
- (ShoppingCartHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.
- narrow(result, ShoppingCartHome.class);
- //create an instance of the home.
- cart = cartHome.create();
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- System.out.println(e);
- }
- log(" == Leaving Controller.lookUpShoppingCart()");
- }
- } // end of controller