资源名称:某公司的java培训教材 [点击查看]
- package sfsbsample;
- import javax.ejb.*;
- import java.util.*;
- public class ShoppingCartBean implements SessionBean {
- SessionContext sessionContext;
- private String userId;
- private String userName;
- private Vector MyScheduleList;
- public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {
- System.out.println(" *** ShoppingCartEJB - ejbCreate() ***");
- MyScheduleList = new Vector(10);
- }
- public void ejbCreateCustom(String aUserId, String aUserName) throws CreateException {
- System.out.println(" ***ShoppingCartEJB - ejbCreate(arg1, arg2) ****");
- userId = aUserId;
- userName = aUserName;
- MyScheduleList = new Vector(20);
- }
- public void ejbRemove() {
- /**@todo Complete this method*/
- }
- public void ejbActivate() {
- /**@todo Complete this method*/
- }
- public void ejbPassivate() {
- /**@todo Complete this method*/
- }
- public void setSessionContext(SessionContext sessionContext) {
- this.sessionContext = sessionContext;
- }
- public void addASchedule(ScheduleVO schedule) {
- System.out.println(
- " ***ShoppingCartEJB -- addASchedule() called schedID: " +
- schedule.getScheduleID());
- System.out.println(" ***ShoppingCartEJB - got a schedule " +
- schedule.getCourseTitle());
- MyScheduleList.add(schedule);
- System.out.println(" ***ShoppingCartEJB - added a schedule to the list");
- }
- public void deleteASchedule(String ScheduleId) {
- //delete a ScheduleVO from a Vector list
- System.out.println(" ***ShoppingCartEJB -- deleteASchedule() called ");
- for (int j = 0; j <= MyScheduleList.size(); j++) {
- ScheduleVO sched = (ScheduleVO) MyScheduleList.get(j);
- if ( (sched.getScheduleID()).equals(ScheduleId))
- MyScheduleList.removeElementAt(j);
- }
- }
- public java.util.Vector getMyScheduleList() {
- //return the updated ScheduleList vector
- System.out.println(" ***ShoppingCartEJB - returnig MyScheduleList size =>"+MyScheduleList.size());
- return MyScheduleList;
- }
- public void emptyMyScheduleList() {
- //clear the ScheduleList vector
- MyScheduleList.removeAllElements();
- System.out.println(" *** ShoppingCartEJB emptied out MyScheduleList size "+MyScheduleList.size());
- }
- public double getTotalCost() {
- //add option to read the local and state sales tax from the env.
- double taxRate = getTaxRate();
- //extract cost per schedules from the ScheduleList, add up the total and return
- double total = 0.0;
- double sum = 0.0;
- for (int i = 0; i <= MyScheduleList.size(); i++) {
- ScheduleVO sched = (ScheduleVO) MyScheduleList.elementAt(i);
- sum += (double) sched.getCost();
- }
- total = (sum * taxRate);
- System.out.println(" ***In ShoppingCartEJB total cost =" + total);
- return total;
- }
- private double getTaxRate()
- {
- //read the local state and local tax information from the env.
- return 1.0;
- }
- public void checkOut() {
- /**@todo Complete this method*/
- }
- }