资源名称:某公司的java培训教材 [点击查看]
- /* compiled from JSP: /ShowSearchResult.jsp
- *
- * This code was automatically generated at 16:09:50 on 2003-8-29
- * by weblogic.servlet.jsp.Jsp2Java -- do not edit.
- */
- package jsp_servlet;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import javax.servlet.*;
- import javax.servlet.http.*;
- import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
- import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
- // User imports
- import java.util.Vector; //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 2] import sfsbsample.ScheduleVO; //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 2]
- // built-in init parameters:
- // boolean _verbose -- wants debugging
- // Well-known variables:
- // JspWriter out -- to write to the browser
- // HttpServletRequest request -- the request object.
- // HttpServletResponse response -- the response object.
- // PageContext pageContext -- the page context for this JSP
- // HttpSession session -- the session object for the client (if any)
- // ServletContext application -- The servlet (application) context
- // ServletConfig config -- The ServletConfig for this JSP
- // Object page -- the instance of this page's implementation class (i.e., 'this')
- /**
- * This code was automatically generated at 16:09:50 on 2003-8-29
- * by weblogic.servlet.jsp.Jsp2Java -- do not edit.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2003 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- */
- public final class __showsearchresult
- extends
- weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase
- implements weblogic.servlet.jsp.StaleIndicator
- {
- //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 2] // Servlet info directive. //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 2] public String getServletInfo() { //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 2] return "JavaCamp.com - ShowSearchResult.jsp "; //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 2] } //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 2] //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 2] // StaleIndicator interface public boolean _isStale() { weblogic.servlet.jsp.StaleChecker sci =(weblogic.servlet.jsp.StaleChecker)(getServletConfig().getServletContext()); java.io.File f = null; long lastModWhenBuilt = 0L; if (sci.isResourceStale("/ShowSearchResult.jsp", 1055919114000L, "")) return true; return false; } public static boolean _staticIsStale(weblogic.servlet.jsp.StaleChecker sci) { java.io.File f = null; long lastModWhenBuilt = 0L; if (sci.isResourceStale("/ShowSearchResult.jsp", 1055919114000L, "")) return true; return false; } private static void _writeText(ServletResponse rsp, JspWriter out, String block, byte[] blockBytes) throws IOException { if (!_WL_ENCODED_BYTES_OK || _hasEncodingChanged(rsp)) { out.print(block); } else { ((weblogic.servlet.jsp.ByteWriter)out).write(blockBytes, block); } } private static boolean _hasEncodingChanged(ServletResponse rsp) { if (_WL_ORIGINAL_ENCODING.equals(rsp.getCharacterEncoding())) { return false; } return true; } private static boolean _WL_ENCODED_BYTES_OK = true; private static final String _WL_ORIGINAL_ENCODING = "EUC_CN"; private static byte[] _getBytes(String block) { try { return block.getBytes(_WL_ORIGINAL_ENCODING); } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException u) { _WL_ENCODED_BYTES_OK = false; } return null; } private final static String _wl_block0 = "rn"; private final static byte[] _wl_block0Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block0); private final static String _wl_block1 = "rnrn<html>rn<body>rnrn<table border="5">rn<caption><font size="4">Search results of Java courses </font></caption>rn<tr>rn<th>Schedule ID</th>rn<th>Course Title</th>rn<th>Location</th>rn<th>Start Date</th>rn<th>End Date</th>rn<th>Cost</th>rn<th>Status</th>rn<th>Option</th>rn</tr>rnrn"; private final static byte[] _wl_block1Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block1); private final static String _wl_block2 = "rn<tr>rn<td>"; private final static byte[] _wl_block2Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block2); private final static String _wl_block3 = "</td>rn<td>"; private final static byte[] _wl_block3Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block3); private final static String _wl_block4 = "</td>rn<td>"; private final static byte[] _wl_block4Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block4); private final static String _wl_block5 = "</td>rn<td>"; private final static byte[] _wl_block5Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block5); private final static String _wl_block6 = "</td>rn<td>"; private final static byte[] _wl_block6Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block6); private final static String _wl_block7 = "</td>rn<td>"; private final static byte[] _wl_block7Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block7); private final static String _wl_block8 = "</td>rn<td>"; private final static byte[] _wl_block8Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block8); private final static String _wl_block9 = "</td>rn<td>rn<Form Action="shoppingcartclient" method="POST">rn<input type="hidden" name="requestAction" value="AddASchedule">rn<input type="hidden" name="ScheduleID" value=""; private final static byte[] _wl_block9Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block9); private final static String _wl_block10 = "">rn<input type="submit" value="ADD to Cart">rn</form>rn</td>rn</tr>rn"; private final static byte[] _wl_block10Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block10); private final static String _wl_block11 = "rn</table>rn<p>rn<center>rn<a href="/WebApp3/shop.html">Show Search Result for Java training classes</a>rn</center>rnrn</body>rn</html>rn"; private final static byte[] _wl_block11Bytes = _getBytes(_wl_block11);
- public void _jspService(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response) throws java.io.IOException, javax.servlet.ServletException
- {
- // declare and set well-known variables:
- javax.servlet.ServletConfig config = getServletConfig();
- javax.servlet.ServletContext application = config.getServletContext();
- javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag _activeTag = null;
- // variables for Tag extension protocol
- Object page = this;
- javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out;
- javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext = javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory.getDefaultFactory().getPageContext(this, request, response, null, true, 8192, true);
- response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=EUC_CN"); out = pageContext.getOut(); JspWriter _originalOut = out;
- javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
- try { // error page try block response.setContentType("text/html; charset=EUC_CN"); _writeText(response, out, _wl_block0, _wl_block0Bytes); _writeText(response, out, _wl_block1, _wl_block1Bytes); if (request.getAttribute("vec") != null) //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 20] { //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 21] //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 22] Vector vList = (java.util.Vector) request.getAttribute("vec"); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 23] try //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 24] { //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 25] for( int i=0; i< vList.size(); i++ ) //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 26] { //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 27] ScheduleVO schedule = (ScheduleVO) vList.elementAt(i); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 28] _writeText(response, out, _wl_block2, _wl_block2Bytes); out.print(String.valueOf(schedule.getScheduleID())); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 31] _writeText(response, out, _wl_block3, _wl_block3Bytes); out.print(String.valueOf(schedule.getCourseTitle())); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 32] _writeText(response, out, _wl_block4, _wl_block4Bytes); out.print(String.valueOf(schedule.getLocation())); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 33] _writeText(response, out, _wl_block5, _wl_block5Bytes); out.print(String.valueOf(schedule.getStartDate())); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 34] _writeText(response, out, _wl_block6, _wl_block6Bytes); out.print(String.valueOf(schedule.getEndDate())); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 35] _writeText(response, out, _wl_block7, _wl_block7Bytes); out.print(String.valueOf(schedule.getCost())); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 36] _writeText(response, out, _wl_block8, _wl_block8Bytes); out.print(String.valueOf(schedule.getStatus())); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 37] _writeText(response, out, _wl_block9, _wl_block9Bytes); out.print(String.valueOf( schedule.getScheduleID() )); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 41] _writeText(response, out, _wl_block10, _wl_block10Bytes); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 46] } //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 47] //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 48] } catch(Exception e) { //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 49] System.out.println(" ******* exception "+e); //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 50] } //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 51] } //[ /ShowSearchResult.jsp; Line: 52] _writeText(response, out, _wl_block11, _wl_block11Bytes); } catch (Throwable __ee) { while (out != null && out != _originalOut) out = pageContext.popBody(); ((weblogic.servlet.jsp.PageContextImpl)pageContext).handlePageException((Throwable)__ee); }
- //before final close brace...
- }
- }