资源名称:某公司的java培训教材 [点击查看]
- /**
- * This code was automatically generated at 16:30:06 on 2003-8-29
- * by weblogic.ejb20.cmp.rdbms.codegen.RDBMSCodeGenerator -- do not edit.
- *
- * @version WebLogic Server 8.1 Fri Jun 20 23:06:40 PDT 2003 271009
- * @author Copyright (c) 2003 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- */
- package cmpsample;
- import java.lang.reflect.Method;
- import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
- import java.sql.SQLException;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import javax.ejb.EntityContext;
- import javax.ejb.EJBException;
- import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
- import javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException;
- import javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException;
- import javax.ejb.Handle;
- import javax.ejb.HomeHandle;
- import javax.naming.Context;
- import javax.naming.InitialContext;
- import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
- import javax.naming.NameClassPair;
- import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
- import javax.transaction.Transaction;
- import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
- import weblogic.ejb.OptimisticConcurrencyException;
- import weblogic.ejb20.InternalException;
- import weblogic.ejb20.internal.EJBRuntimeUtils;
- import weblogic.ejb20.internal.EntityEJBContextImpl;
- import weblogic.ejb20.interfaces.WLEnterpriseBean;
- import weblogic.ejb20.interfaces.CachingManager;
- import weblogic.ejb20.persistence.RSInfoImpl;
- import weblogic.ejb20.persistence.spi.CMPBean;
- import weblogic.ejb20.persistence.spi.CMPBeanManager;
- import weblogic.ejb20.persistence.spi.PersistenceManager;
- import weblogic.ejb20.persistence.spi.PersistenceRuntimeException;
- import weblogic.ejb20.persistence.spi.RSInfo;
- import weblogic.ejb20.cmp.rdbms.RDBMSObjectInputStream;
- import weblogic.ejb20.cmp.rdbms.RDBMSPersistenceManager;
- import weblogic.ejb20.cmp.rdbms.RDBMSException;
- import weblogic.ejb20.cmp.rdbms.RDBMSUtils;
- import weblogic.ejb20.cmp.rdbms.RDBMSM2NSet;
- import weblogic.ejb20.cmp.rdbms.RDBMSSet;
- import weblogic.transaction.TransactionHelper;
- import weblogic.ejb20.dd.DDConstants;
- import weblogic.ejb20.EJBLogger;
- import weblogic.logging.Loggable;
- import weblogic.utils.Debug;
- public final class Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS extends cmpsample.StudentBean
- implements CMPBean, Student_z53p80_Intf
- {
- // =================================================================
- // Class variable(s)
- private static final boolean __WL_debug =
- (System.getProperty(RDBMSUtils.RDBMS_CODEGEN_DEBUG_PROP) != null);
- private static final boolean __WL_verbose =
- (System.getProperty(RDBMSUtils.RDBMS_CODEGEN_VERBOSE_PROP) != null);
- private static String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator");
- private javax.ejb.EJBContext __WL_EJBContext;
- private int __WL_method_state;
- private short __WL_bean_state;
- private boolean __WL_isRemoved = false;
- private boolean __WL_busy = false;
- private boolean __WL_isLocal = true;
- private boolean __WL_needsRemove;
- private Object __WL_loadUser;
- private boolean __WL_creatorOfTx;
- public javax.transaction.Transaction __WL_getBeanManagedTransaction() {
- throw new AssertionError("Entity beans can't have"
- + " bean-managed transactions");
- }
- public void __WL_setBeanManagedTransaction(javax.transaction.Transaction tx) {
- throw new AssertionError("Entity beans can't have"
- + " bean-managed transactions");
- }
- public boolean __WL_isBusy() { return __WL_busy; }
- public void __WL_setBusy(boolean b) { __WL_busy = b; }
- public boolean __WL_getIsLocal() { return __WL_isLocal; }
- public void __WL_setIsLocal(boolean b) { __WL_isLocal = b; }
- public int __WL_getMethodState() { return __WL_method_state; }
- public void __WL_setMethodState(int state) { __WL_method_state = state; }
- public boolean __WL_needsRemove() { return __WL_needsRemove; }
- public void __WL_setNeedsRemove(boolean b) { __WL_needsRemove = b; }
- public void __WL_setCreatorOfTx ( boolean b) { __WL_creatorOfTx = b; }
- public boolean __WL_isCreatorOfTx() { return __WL_creatorOfTx; }
- public javax.ejb.EJBContext __WL_getEJBContext() { return __WL_EJBContext; }
- public void __WL_setEJBContext(javax.ejb.EJBContext ctx) {
- __WL_EJBContext = ctx;
- }
- public void __WL_setLoadUser(Object o) { __WL_loadUser = o;}
- public Object __WL_getLoadUser() { return __WL_loadUser; }
- // =================================================================
- // ejbSelect Methods Defined on CMR Beans
- // =================================================================
- // Instance variable(s)
- private EntityContext __WL_ctx;
- private RDBMSPersistenceManager __WL_pm; private ClassLoader __WL_classLoader; private CMPBeanManager __WL_roster_bm; private CMPBeanManager __WL_address_bm;
- public java.lang.String studentID; public java.lang.String firstname; public java.lang.String lastname;
- public java.util.Collection __WL_roster_field_; public java.util.Collection __WL_address_field_;
- public java.lang.reflect.Method __WL_roster_finder_; public java.lang.reflect.Method __WL_address_finder_;
- private boolean[] __WL_isModified = new boolean[3]; private boolean __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered= false;
- private boolean __WL_invalidatedBeanIsRegistered= false;
- private boolean[] __WL_isLoaded = new boolean[3]; private boolean __WL_beanIsLoaded= false;
- public boolean __WL_roster_isLoaded_ = false; public boolean __WL_address_isLoaded_ = false;
- // for remote relationships
- // =================================================================
- // Constructor(s)
- public Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS() {
- super();
- __WL_initialize();
- }
- // This method is called by ejbLoad, ejbPassivate, and ejbRemove
- // to initialize the persistent state of the bean and its associated
- // variables.
- public void __WL_initialize()
- {
- __WL_initialize(true);
- }
- public void __WL_initialize(boolean __WL_initSnapshotVars)
- {
- __WL_initialize_persistent(__WL_initSnapshotVars);
- __WL_beanIsLoaded = false;
- __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered = false;
- __WL_roster_isLoaded_ = false; __WL_address_isLoaded_ = false;
- //cached relationship state
- __WL_roster_field_ = null; __WL_address_field_ = null;
- }
- private void __WL_initialize_persistent(boolean __WL_initSnapshotVars)
- {
- for (int __WL_i = 0; __WL_i < 3; __WL_i++) {
- __WL_isLoaded[__WL_i] = false;
- __WL_isModified[__WL_i] = false;
- }
- lastname = null; studentID = null; firstname = null;
- if (__WL_initSnapshotVars) {
- }
- }
- // ================================================================
- // Method(s)
- public void setEntityContext(javax.ejb.EntityContext arg0) {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_SET_CONTEXT;
- super.setEntityContext(arg0);
- this.__WL_ctx = arg0;
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public void unsetEntityContext()
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_UNSET_CONTEXT;
- super.unsetEntityContext();
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public void ejbActivate()
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_ACTIVATE;
- super.ejbActivate();
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- // ================================================================
- // Getter and Setter methods.
- public java.lang.String getStudentID()
- {
- try {
- if (!(__WL_isLoaded[0] || __WL_isModified[0])) {
- __WL_loadGroup0();
- }
- return studentID;
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- }
- public void setStudentID(
- java.lang.String studentID)
- {
- if (__WL_method_state!=STATE_EJB_CREATE) { Loggable l = EJBLogger.logcannotCallSetOnPkLoggable();throw new IllegalStateException(l.getMessage());}
- this.studentID = studentID;
- __WL_isModified[0] = true;
- if (! __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered) {
- __WL_pm.registerModifiedBean(__WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey());
- __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered = true;
- }
- }
- public java.lang.String getFirstname()
- {
- try {
- if (!(__WL_isLoaded[1] || __WL_isModified[1])) {
- __WL_loadGroup0();
- }
- return firstname;
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- }
- public void setFirstname(
- java.lang.String firstname)
- {
- if ((this.firstname == firstname || (this.firstname!=null && this.firstname.equals(firstname))) && __WL_isLoaded[1]) return;
- this.firstname = firstname;
- __WL_isModified[1] = true;
- if (! __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered) {
- __WL_pm.registerModifiedBean(__WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey());
- __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered = true;
- }
- }
- public java.lang.String getLastname()
- {
- try {
- if (!(__WL_isLoaded[2] || __WL_isModified[2])) {
- __WL_loadGroup0();
- }
- return lastname;
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- }
- public void setLastname(
- java.lang.String lastname)
- {
- if ((this.lastname == lastname || (this.lastname!=null && this.lastname.equals(lastname))) && __WL_isLoaded[2]) return;
- this.lastname = lastname;
- __WL_isModified[2] = true;
- if (! __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered) {
- __WL_pm.registerModifiedBean(__WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey());
- __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered = true;
- }
- }
- public java.util.Collection getRoster() { try {
- if (__WL_roster_field_==null) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("t__WL_roster_field_ was null.");
- }
- __WL_roster_field_ = new Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_roster_Set(this, __WL_roster_bm, __WL_roster_finder_);
- }
- Transaction currentTx =
- TransactionHelper.getTransactionHelper().getTransaction();
- if(currentTx != null && ((RDBMSSet)__WL_roster_field_)
- .checkIfCurrentTxEqualsCreateTx(currentTx)) {
- return __WL_roster_field_;
- } else {
- __WL_roster_field_ = (Set)(((Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_roster_Set)
- __WL_roster_field_).clone());
- ((RDBMSSet)__WL_roster_field_).setTransaction(currentTx);
- return __WL_roster_field_;
- }
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- } public void setRoster(java.util.Collection roster) { if (__WL_method_state==STATE_EJB_CREATE) { Loggable l = EJBLogger.logsetCheckForCmrFieldDuringEjbCreateLoggable();throw new IllegalStateException(l.getMessage()); } if (roster==null) {
- Loggable l = EJBLogger.lognullAssignedToCmrFieldLoggable();
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(l.getMessage());
- }
- try {
- getRoster();
- if (roster==__WL_roster_field_)
- return;
- __WL_roster_field_.clear();
- __WL_roster_field_.addAll(roster);
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- } public void __WL_add__WL_roster_field_(Object roster) { if (__WL_roster_field_ == null) { __WL_roster_field_ = new Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_roster_Set(this, __WL_roster_bm, __WL_roster_finder_); } ((RDBMSSet)__WL_roster_field_).doAddToCache(roster); __WL_roster_isLoaded_ = true; } public java.util.Collection getAddress() { try {
- if (__WL_address_field_==null) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("t__WL_address_field_ was null.");
- }
- __WL_address_field_ = new Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_address_Set(this, __WL_address_bm, __WL_address_finder_);
- }
- Transaction currentTx =
- TransactionHelper.getTransactionHelper().getTransaction();
- if(currentTx != null && ((RDBMSSet)__WL_address_field_)
- .checkIfCurrentTxEqualsCreateTx(currentTx)) {
- return __WL_address_field_;
- } else {
- __WL_address_field_ = (Set)(((Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_address_Set)
- __WL_address_field_).clone());
- ((RDBMSSet)__WL_address_field_).setTransaction(currentTx);
- return __WL_address_field_;
- }
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- } public void setAddress(java.util.Collection address) { if (__WL_method_state==STATE_EJB_CREATE) { Loggable l = EJBLogger.logsetCheckForCmrFieldDuringEjbCreateLoggable();throw new IllegalStateException(l.getMessage()); } if (address==null) {
- Loggable l = EJBLogger.lognullAssignedToCmrFieldLoggable();
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(l.getMessage());
- }
- try {
- getAddress();
- if (address==__WL_address_field_)
- return;
- __WL_address_field_.clear();
- __WL_address_field_.addAll(address);
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- } public void __WL_add__WL_address_field_(Object address) { if (__WL_address_field_ == null) { __WL_address_field_ = new Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_address_Set(this, __WL_address_bm, __WL_address_finder_); } ((RDBMSSet)__WL_address_field_).doAddToCache(address); __WL_address_isLoaded_ = true; }
- //=================================================================
- //Finder methods.
- public java.util.Collection ejbFindByFirstName(java.lang.String param0) throws javax.ejb.FinderException
- { if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("called findByFirstName");
- }
- java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
- java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
- java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs = null;
- int __WL_offset = 0;
- __WL_pm.flushModifiedBeans();
- int selectForUpdateVal = __WL_pm.getSelectForUpdateValue();
- java.lang.String __WL_query = null;
- switch(selectForUpdateVal) {
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.firstname = ? )";
- break;
- case DDConstants.SELECT_FOR_UPDATE:
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.firstname = ? ) FOR UPDATE ";
- break;
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.firstname = ? ) FOR UPDATE NOWAIT ";
- break;
- default:
- throw new AssertionError(
- "Unknown selectForUpdate type: '"+selectForUpdateVal+"'");
- }
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("Finder produced statement string " + __WL_query);
- }
- try {
- __WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
- }
- catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException("Couldn't get connection: " + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- }
- try {
- __WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query);
- // preparedStatementParamIndex reset.
- if (param0 == null) { __WL_stmt.setNull(1,java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } else { __WL_stmt.setString(1, param0); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+1+" binded with value :"+param0); } }
- __WL_rs = __WL_stmt.executeQuery();
- }
- catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Exception in findByFirstName while preparing or executing " +
- "statement: '" + __WL_stmt + "'" + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- }
- try {
- java.util.Collection __WL_collection = new java.util.ArrayList(); cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = null; Object __WL_eo = null; Object __WL_eo_rc = null;
- Map __WL_pkMap = new HashMap();
- while ( {
- Integer __WL_offsetIntObj = new Integer(0); Object __WL_pk = __WL_getPKFromRS(__WL_rs, __WL_offsetIntObj, __WL_classLoader); __WL_eo = null; if (__WL_pk != null) { RSInfo __WL_rsInfo = new RSInfoImpl(__WL_rs, 0, 0); __WL_bean = (cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)__WL_pm.getBeanFromRS(__WL_pk, __WL_rsInfo); __WL_eo = __WL_pm.finderGetEoFromBeanOrPk(__WL_bean, __WL_pk, __WL_getIsLocal()); if (__WL_verbose) Debug.say("bean after finder load: " + __WL_bean); __WL_collection.add(__WL_eo); Object __WL_retVal = __WL_pkMap.put(__WL_pk, __WL_bean); }
- }
- return __WL_collection;
- } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Exception in 'findByFirstName' while using " +
- "result set: '" + __WL_rs + "'" + EOL +
- sqle.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(sqle));
- } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Exception executing finder 'findByFirstName': " + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- } finally {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- }
- } public java.util.Collection ejbFindByLastName(java.lang.String param0) throws javax.ejb.FinderException
- { if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("called findByLastName");
- }
- java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
- java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
- java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs = null;
- int __WL_offset = 0;
- __WL_pm.flushModifiedBeans();
- int selectForUpdateVal = __WL_pm.getSelectForUpdateValue();
- java.lang.String __WL_query = null;
- switch(selectForUpdateVal) {
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.lastname = ? )";
- break;
- case DDConstants.SELECT_FOR_UPDATE:
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.lastname = ? ) FOR UPDATE ";
- break;
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.lastname = ? ) FOR UPDATE NOWAIT ";
- break;
- default:
- throw new AssertionError(
- "Unknown selectForUpdate type: '"+selectForUpdateVal+"'");
- }
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("Finder produced statement string " + __WL_query);
- }
- try {
- __WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
- }
- catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException("Couldn't get connection: " + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- }
- try {
- __WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query);
- // preparedStatementParamIndex reset.
- if (param0 == null) { __WL_stmt.setNull(1,java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } else { __WL_stmt.setString(1, param0); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+1+" binded with value :"+param0); } }
- __WL_rs = __WL_stmt.executeQuery();
- }
- catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Exception in findByLastName while preparing or executing " +
- "statement: '" + __WL_stmt + "'" + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- }
- try {
- java.util.Collection __WL_collection = new java.util.ArrayList(); cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = null; Object __WL_eo = null; Object __WL_eo_rc = null;
- Map __WL_pkMap = new HashMap();
- while ( {
- Integer __WL_offsetIntObj = new Integer(0); Object __WL_pk = __WL_getPKFromRS(__WL_rs, __WL_offsetIntObj, __WL_classLoader); __WL_eo = null; if (__WL_pk != null) { RSInfo __WL_rsInfo = new RSInfoImpl(__WL_rs, 0, 0); __WL_bean = (cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)__WL_pm.getBeanFromRS(__WL_pk, __WL_rsInfo); __WL_eo = __WL_pm.finderGetEoFromBeanOrPk(__WL_bean, __WL_pk, __WL_getIsLocal()); if (__WL_verbose) Debug.say("bean after finder load: " + __WL_bean); __WL_collection.add(__WL_eo); Object __WL_retVal = __WL_pkMap.put(__WL_pk, __WL_bean); }
- }
- return __WL_collection;
- } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Exception in 'findByLastName' while using " +
- "result set: '" + __WL_rs + "'" + EOL +
- sqle.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(sqle));
- } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Exception executing finder 'findByLastName': " + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- } finally {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- }
- } public java.lang.Object ejbFindByPrimaryKey(java.lang.String param0) throws javax.ejb.FinderException
- { if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("called findByPrimaryKey.");
- }
- java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
- java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
- java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs = null;
- int __WL_offset = 0;
- cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = null; Object __WL_eo = null; Object __WL_eo_rc = null;
- int selectForUpdateVal = __WL_pm.getSelectForUpdateValue();
- java.lang.String __WL_query = null;
- switch(selectForUpdateVal) {
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.studentID = ? )";
- break;
- case DDConstants.SELECT_FOR_UPDATE:
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.studentID = ? ) FOR UPDATE ";
- break;
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.studentID = ? ) FOR UPDATE NOWAIT ";
- break;
- default:
- throw new AssertionError(
- "Unknown selectForUpdate type: '"+selectForUpdateVal+"'");
- }
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("Finder produced statement string " + __WL_query);
- }
- try {
- __WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
- }
- catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException("Couldn't get connection: " + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- }
- try {
- __WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query);
- // preparedStatementParamIndex reset.
- if (param0 == null) { __WL_stmt.setNull(1,java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } else { __WL_stmt.setString(1, param0); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+1+" binded with value :"+param0); } }
- __WL_rs = __WL_stmt.executeQuery();
- Map __WL_pkMap = new HashMap();
- boolean __WL_isMulti = false;
- while ( {
- Integer __WL_offsetIntObj = new Integer(0); Object __WL_pk = __WL_getPKFromRS(__WL_rs, __WL_offsetIntObj, __WL_classLoader); __WL_eo = null; if (__WL_pk != null) { RSInfo __WL_rsInfo = new RSInfoImpl(__WL_rs, 0, 0); __WL_bean = (cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)__WL_pm.getBeanFromRS(__WL_pk, __WL_rsInfo); __WL_eo = __WL_pm.finderGetEoFromBeanOrPk(__WL_bean, __WL_pk, __WL_getIsLocal()); if (__WL_verbose) Debug.say("bean after finder load: " + __WL_bean); Object __WL_retVal = __WL_pkMap.put(__WL_pk, __WL_bean); if (__WL_retVal!=null) __WL_isMulti=true; }
- }
- if (__WL_pkMap.size() == 0) {
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("Throwing FinderException because bean wasn't found.");
- }
- throw new javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException("Bean with primary key '" + param0.toString() + "' was not found by 'findByPrimaryKey'.");
- }
- if (__WL_isMulti || __WL_pkMap.size() > 1) {
- Loggable l = EJBLogger.logfinderReturnedMultipleValuesLoggable("findByPrimaryKey");
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(l.getMessage());
- }
- return __WL_eo;
- } catch (javax.ejb.FinderException fe) {
- throw fe;
- } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Problem in findByPrimaryKey while preparing or executing " +
- "statement: '" +
- __WL_stmt + "': " + EOL +
- sqle.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(sqle));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Exception raised in findByPrimaryKey " + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- } finally {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- }
- } public java.lang.Object ejbFindByRoster_2prm6y__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_roster__WL_
- (java.lang.String param0
- ) throws java.lang.Exception
- { if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("called findByRoster_2prm6y__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_roster__WL_.");
- }
- java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
- java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
- java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs = null;
- int __WL_offset = 0;
- cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = null; Object __WL_eo = null; Object __WL_eo_rc = null;
- int selectForUpdateVal = __WL_pm.getSelectForUpdateValue();
- java.lang.String __WL_query = null;
- switch(selectForUpdateVal) {
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.studentID = ? )";
- break;
- case DDConstants.SELECT_FOR_UPDATE:
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.studentID = ? ) FOR UPDATE ";
- break;
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.studentID = ? ) FOR UPDATE NOWAIT ";
- break;
- default:
- throw new AssertionError(
- "Unknown selectForUpdate type: '"+selectForUpdateVal+"'");
- }
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("Finder produced statement string " + __WL_query);
- }
- try {
- __WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
- }
- catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException("Couldn't get connection: " + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- }
- try {
- __WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query);
- // preparedStatementParamIndex reset.
- if (param0 == null) { __WL_stmt.setNull(1,java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } else { __WL_stmt.setString(1, param0); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+1+" binded with value :"+param0); } }
- __WL_rs = __WL_stmt.executeQuery();
- Map __WL_pkMap = new HashMap();
- boolean __WL_isMulti = false;
- while ( {
- Integer __WL_offsetIntObj = new Integer(0); Object __WL_pk = __WL_getPKFromRS(__WL_rs, __WL_offsetIntObj, __WL_classLoader); __WL_eo = null; if (__WL_pk != null) { RSInfo __WL_rsInfo = new RSInfoImpl(__WL_rs, 0, 0); __WL_bean = (cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)__WL_pm.getBeanFromRS(__WL_pk, __WL_rsInfo); __WL_eo = __WL_pm.finderGetEoFromBeanOrPk(__WL_bean, __WL_pk, __WL_getIsLocal()); if (__WL_verbose) Debug.say("bean after finder load: " + __WL_bean); Object __WL_retVal = __WL_pkMap.put(__WL_pk, __WL_bean); if (__WL_retVal!=null) __WL_isMulti=true; }
- }
- if (__WL_pkMap.size() == 0) {
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("Throwing FinderException because bean wasn't found.");
- }
- throw new javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException("Bean not found in 'findByRoster_2prm6y__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_roster__WL_'.");
- }
- if (__WL_isMulti || __WL_pkMap.size() > 1) {
- Loggable l = EJBLogger.logfinderReturnedMultipleValuesLoggable("findByRoster_2prm6y__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_roster__WL_");
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(l.getMessage());
- }
- return __WL_eo;
- } catch (javax.ejb.FinderException fe) {
- throw fe;
- } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Problem in findByRoster_2prm6y__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_roster__WL_ while preparing or executing " +
- "statement: '" +
- __WL_stmt + "': " + EOL +
- sqle.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(sqle));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Exception raised in findByRoster_2prm6y__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_roster__WL_ " + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- } finally {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- }
- } public java.lang.Object ejbFindByAddress_n6e4pc__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_address__WL_
- (java.lang.String param0
- ) throws java.lang.Exception
- { if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("called findByAddress_n6e4pc__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_address__WL_.");
- }
- java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
- java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
- java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs = null;
- int __WL_offset = 0;
- cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = null; Object __WL_eo = null; Object __WL_eo_rc = null;
- int selectForUpdateVal = __WL_pm.getSelectForUpdateValue();
- java.lang.String __WL_query = null;
- switch(selectForUpdateVal) {
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.studentID = ? )";
- break;
- case DDConstants.SELECT_FOR_UPDATE:
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.studentID = ? ) FOR UPDATE ";
- break;
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.studentID, WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname FROM student WL0 WHERE ( WL0.studentID = ? ) FOR UPDATE NOWAIT ";
- break;
- default:
- throw new AssertionError(
- "Unknown selectForUpdate type: '"+selectForUpdateVal+"'");
- }
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("Finder produced statement string " + __WL_query);
- }
- try {
- __WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
- }
- catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException("Couldn't get connection: " + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- }
- try {
- __WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query);
- // preparedStatementParamIndex reset.
- if (param0 == null) { __WL_stmt.setNull(1,java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } else { __WL_stmt.setString(1, param0); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+1+" binded with value :"+param0); } }
- __WL_rs = __WL_stmt.executeQuery();
- Map __WL_pkMap = new HashMap();
- boolean __WL_isMulti = false;
- while ( {
- Integer __WL_offsetIntObj = new Integer(0); Object __WL_pk = __WL_getPKFromRS(__WL_rs, __WL_offsetIntObj, __WL_classLoader); __WL_eo = null; if (__WL_pk != null) { RSInfo __WL_rsInfo = new RSInfoImpl(__WL_rs, 0, 0); __WL_bean = (cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)__WL_pm.getBeanFromRS(__WL_pk, __WL_rsInfo); __WL_eo = __WL_pm.finderGetEoFromBeanOrPk(__WL_bean, __WL_pk, __WL_getIsLocal()); if (__WL_verbose) Debug.say("bean after finder load: " + __WL_bean); Object __WL_retVal = __WL_pkMap.put(__WL_pk, __WL_bean); if (__WL_retVal!=null) __WL_isMulti=true; }
- }
- if (__WL_pkMap.size() == 0) {
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("Throwing FinderException because bean wasn't found.");
- }
- throw new javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException("Bean not found in 'findByAddress_n6e4pc__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_address__WL_'.");
- }
- if (__WL_isMulti || __WL_pkMap.size() > 1) {
- Loggable l = EJBLogger.logfinderReturnedMultipleValuesLoggable("findByAddress_n6e4pc__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_address__WL_");
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(l.getMessage());
- }
- return __WL_eo;
- } catch (javax.ejb.FinderException fe) {
- throw fe;
- } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Problem in findByAddress_n6e4pc__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_address__WL_ while preparing or executing " +
- "statement: '" +
- __WL_stmt + "': " + EOL +
- sqle.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(sqle));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new javax.ejb.FinderException(
- "Exception raised in findByAddress_n6e4pc__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_studentBean_address__WL_ " + EOL +
- e.toString() + EOL +
- RDBMSUtils.throwable2StackTrace(e));
- } finally {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- }
- }
- // loadGroup method for the 'defaultGroup' group. public void __WL_loadGroup0() throws Exception { java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
- java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
- java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs = null;
- int __WL_offset = 0;
- int selectForUpdateVal = __WL_pm.getSelectForUpdateValue();
- java.lang.String __WL_query;
- //
- //
- // optimization.
- switch(selectForUpdateVal) {
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname, WL0.studentID FROM student WL0 WHERE WL0.studentID = ? ";
- break;
- case DDConstants.SELECT_FOR_UPDATE:
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname, WL0.studentID FROM student WL0 WHERE WL0.studentID = ? FOR UPDATE ";
- break;
- __WL_query = "SELECT WL0.firstname, WL0.lastname, WL0.studentID FROM student WL0 WHERE WL0.studentID = ? FOR UPDATE NOWAIT ";
- break;
- default:
- throw new AssertionError(
- "Unknown selectForUpdate type: '"+selectForUpdateVal+"'");
- }
- try {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("__WL_loadGroup0 for pk=" + __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey());
- }
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = (java.lang.String) __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey();
- __WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
- __WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query);
- // preparedStatementParamIndex reset.
- if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt, 1, __WL_pk, "studentID")) { __WL_stmt.setString(1, __WL_pk); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+1+" binded with value :"+__WL_pk); } }
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("__WL_loadGroup0 for pk=" + __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey() +
- ", executeQuery: "+__WL_query);
- }
- __WL_rs = __WL_stmt.executeQuery();
- if ( {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("__WL_loadGroup0 for pk=" + __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey() +
- " now read columns from Results.");
- }
- if (!(this.__WL_isLoaded[1] || this.__WL_isModified[1])) { this.firstname = (java.lang.String)__WL_rs.getString(1+__WL_offset); if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { this.firstname = null; } } else { __WL_rs.getString(1+__WL_offset); } if (!(this.__WL_isLoaded[2] || this.__WL_isModified[2])) { this.lastname = (java.lang.String)__WL_rs.getString(2+__WL_offset); if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { this.lastname = null; } } else { __WL_rs.getString(2+__WL_offset); } if (!(this.__WL_isLoaded[0] || this.__WL_isModified[0])) { this.studentID = (java.lang.String)__WL_rs.getString(3+__WL_offset); if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { this.studentID = null; } } else { __WL_rs.getString(3+__WL_offset); } this.__WL_isLoaded[1] = true; this.__WL_isLoaded[2] = true; this.__WL_isLoaded[0] = true; this.__WL_beanIsLoaded = true;
- __WL_beanIsLoaded = true;
- } else {
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("__WL_loadGroup0 could not find primary key " +
- __WL_pk);
- }
- Loggable l = EJBLogger.lognoSuchEntityExceptionLoggable(__WL_pk.toString());
- throw new NoSuchEntityException(l.getMessage());
- }
- } finally {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- }
- }
- // loadGroup from ResultSet to bean method for the 'defaultGroup' group. public void __WL_loadGroup0FromRS (java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs, java.lang.Integer __WL_offsetIntObj, cmpsample.Student_z53p80_Intf beanIntf) throws java.sql.SQLException, java.lang.Exception { cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = (cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)beanIntf; if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("__WL_loadGroup0FromRS"); } int __WL_offset = __WL_offsetIntObj.intValue(); if (!(__WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[0] || __WL_bean.__WL_isModified[0])) { __WL_bean.studentID = (java.lang.String)__WL_rs.getString(1+__WL_offset); if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { __WL_bean.studentID = null; } } else { __WL_rs.getString(1+__WL_offset); } if (!(__WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[1] || __WL_bean.__WL_isModified[1])) { __WL_bean.firstname = (java.lang.String)__WL_rs.getString(2+__WL_offset); if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { __WL_bean.firstname = null; } } else { __WL_rs.getString(2+__WL_offset); } if (!(__WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[2] || __WL_bean.__WL_isModified[2])) { __WL_bean.lastname = (java.lang.String)__WL_rs.getString(3+__WL_offset); if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { __WL_bean.lastname = null; } } else { __WL_rs.getString(3+__WL_offset); } __WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[1] = true; __WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[2] = true; __WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[0] = true; __WL_bean.__WL_beanIsLoaded = true; __WL_beanIsLoaded = true; }
- public void __WL_loadCMRFieldFromRS_address (java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs, java.lang.Integer __WL_offsetIntObj, cmpsample.Student_z53p80_Intf beanIntf) throws java.sql.SQLException, java.lang.Exception { cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = (cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)beanIntf; if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("__WL_loadCMRFieldFromRS_address"); } int __WL_offset = __WL_offsetIntObj.intValue(); if (!(__WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[0] || __WL_bean.__WL_isModified[0])) { __WL_bean.studentID = (java.lang.String)__WL_rs.getString(1+__WL_offset); if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { __WL_bean.studentID = null; } } else { __WL_rs.getString(1+__WL_offset); } __WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[0] = true; } public void __WL_loadCMRFieldFromRS_roster (java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs, java.lang.Integer __WL_offsetIntObj, cmpsample.Student_z53p80_Intf beanIntf) throws java.sql.SQLException, java.lang.Exception { cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = (cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)beanIntf; if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("__WL_loadCMRFieldFromRS_roster"); } int __WL_offset = __WL_offsetIntObj.intValue(); if (!(__WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[0] || __WL_bean.__WL_isModified[0])) { __WL_bean.studentID = (java.lang.String)__WL_rs.getString(1+__WL_offset); if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { __WL_bean.studentID = null; } } else { __WL_rs.getString(1+__WL_offset); } __WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[0] = true; }
- public static Object __WL_getPKFromRS(java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs, java.lang.Integer __WL_offsetIntObj, ClassLoader __WL_classLoader)
- throws java.sql.SQLException, java.lang.Exception
- {
- int __WL_offset = __WL_offsetIntObj.intValue();
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = null;
- __WL_pk = (java.lang.String)__WL_rs.getString(1+__WL_offset); if (__WL_rs.wasNull()) { __WL_pk = null; }
- return __WL_pk;
- }
- public Object __WL_getPKFromRSInstance(java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs, java.lang.Integer __WL_offsetIntObj, ClassLoader __WL_classLoader)
- throws java.sql.SQLException, java.lang.Exception
- {
- return __WL_getPKFromRS(__WL_rs, __WL_offsetIntObj, __WL_classLoader);
- }
- //End finder methods.
- //=================================================================
- //=================================================================
- //Home methods.
- //End home methods.
- //=================================================================
- //=================================================================
- // ejbSelect methods defined in this Bean's abstract class
- //=================================================================
- // ejbSelectInternal methods that are to run in this Bean
- //=================================================================
- // ================================================================
- // Implementation of CMPBean
- public void __WL_setup(java.util.Map bmMap, PersistenceManager __WL_pm) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.setup called.");
- }
- if (__WL_debug) {
- Debug.assertion(bmMap!=null);
- Debug.assertion(__WL_pm !=null);
- }
- this.__WL_pm = (RDBMSPersistenceManager)__WL_pm;
- this.__WL_classLoader = this.__WL_pm.getClassLoader();
- if (__WL_debug) {
- Debug.assertion(this.__WL_classLoader != null);
- }
- try {__WL_roster_finder_ = cmpsample.Roster_2prm6y_Intf.class.getMethod("ejbFindByStudent_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_roster__WL_", new Class[] {java.lang.String.class }); __WL_address_finder_ = cmpsample.Address_n6e4pc_Intf.class.getMethod("ejbFindByStudent_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_address__WL_", new Class[] {java.lang.String.class }); __WL_address_bm = (CMPBeanManager)bmMap.get("Address"); if (__WL_debug) Debug.assertion(bmMap.get("Address")!=null); __WL_roster_bm = (CMPBeanManager)bmMap.get("Roster"); if (__WL_debug) Debug.assertion(bmMap.get("Roster")!=null); } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- }
- public EntityContext __WL_getEntityContext() {
- return __WL_ctx;
- }
- public Object __WL_getPrimaryKey() {
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = null; __WL_pk = this.studentID; return __WL_pk;
- }
- public void __WL_superEjbLoad() {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJBLOAD;
- super.ejbLoad();
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public void __WL_superEjbStore() {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJBSTORE;
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("__WL_superEjbStore "+ __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey());
- }
- super.ejbStore();
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public void __WL_superEjbRemove() throws javax.ejb.RemoveException {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_REMOVE;
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("__WL_superEjbRemove " + __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey());
- }
- super.ejbRemove();
- getRoster(); ((Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_roster_Set)__WL_roster_field_).clear(true); getAddress(); ((Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_address_Set)__WL_address_field_).clear(true);
- // initialize state before this instance goes back into the pool
- if (!__WL_getIsRemoved()) __WL_initialize();
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public void __WL_copyFrom(CMPBean otherBean, boolean __WL_initSnapshotVars) {
- Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = null; try { __WL_bean = (Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)otherBean; } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- if (!(this.__WL_isLoaded[0] || this.__WL_isModified[0])) { if (__WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[0]) { if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("copying field 'studentID' to bean '" + __WL_bean.__WL_getPrimaryKey() + "'."); } this.studentID = __WL_bean.studentID; this.__WL_isLoaded[0] = true; if (!__WL_initSnapshotVars) this.__WL_isModified[0] = true; } } if (!(this.__WL_isLoaded[1] || this.__WL_isModified[1])) { if (__WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[1]) { if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("copying field 'firstname' to bean '" + __WL_bean.__WL_getPrimaryKey() + "'."); } this.firstname = __WL_bean.firstname; this.__WL_isLoaded[1] = true; if (!__WL_initSnapshotVars) this.__WL_isModified[1] = true; } } if (!(this.__WL_isLoaded[2] || this.__WL_isModified[2])) { if (__WL_bean.__WL_isLoaded[2]) { if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("copying field 'lastname' to bean '" + __WL_bean.__WL_getPrimaryKey() + "'."); } this.lastname = __WL_bean.lastname; this.__WL_isLoaded[2] = true; if (!__WL_initSnapshotVars) this.__WL_isModified[2] = true; } } this.__WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered = __WL_bean.__WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered; this.__WL_beanIsLoaded = __WL_bean.__WL_beanIsLoaded; if (!this.__WL_address_isLoaded_) { if (__WL_bean.__WL_address_isLoaded_==true) { if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("copying cmr field 'address' to bean '" + __WL_bean.__WL_getPrimaryKey() + "'."); } this.__WL_address_field_ = __WL_bean.__WL_address_field_; this.__WL_address_isLoaded_ = true; } } if (!this.__WL_roster_isLoaded_) { if (__WL_bean.__WL_roster_isLoaded_==true) { if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("copying cmr field 'roster' to bean '" + __WL_bean.__WL_getPrimaryKey() + "'."); } this.__WL_roster_field_ = __WL_bean.__WL_roster_field_; this.__WL_roster_isLoaded_ = true; } }
- }
- public void __WL_loadGroupByIndex(int index, java.sql.ResultSet rs,
- Integer offset, javax.ejb.EntityBean eb) throws Exception
- {
- switch(index) {
- case 0: __WL_loadGroup0FromRS(rs, offset,(cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)eb); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Bad Group index: "+index);
- }
- }
- public void __WL_loadCMRFieldByCmrField(String cmrField, java.sql.ResultSet rs,
- Integer offset, javax.ejb.EntityBean eb) throws Exception
- {
- if ("address".equalsIgnoreCase(cmrField)) __WL_loadCMRFieldFromRS_address(rs, offset,(cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)eb); if ("roster".equalsIgnoreCase(cmrField)) __WL_loadCMRFieldFromRS_roster(rs, offset,(cmpsample.Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)eb);
- }
- public PersistenceManager __WL_getPersistenceManager() {
- return __WL_pm;
- }
- public void __WL_makeCascadeDelList(java.util.Map mapCascadeDelBeans,
- java.util.List listCascadeDelBeans,
- java.util.List listCascadeDelBeansWithoutDBUpdate,
- boolean withoutDBUpdate)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_REMOVE;
- // create a unique mapKey to map beans to mapCascadeDelBeans
- // re-use weblogic.ejb20.cache.CacheKey class since it take two
- // objects to create the key
- Object pk = __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey();
- Object beanManager = __WL_pm.getBeanManager();
- weblogic.ejb20.cache.CacheKey mapKey =
- new weblogic.ejb20.cache.CacheKey(pk, (CachingManager)beanManager);
- // step 1:
- // keep track of all of the beans been visited is the map to detect the circular case
- if (mapCascadeDelBeans.get(mapKey) == null) {
- mapCascadeDelBeans.put(mapKey, this);
- }
- else {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("Trying to add " + mapKey + " to list during cascade delete, " +
- "but it already exists in the list, a possible circular detect, ignored.");
- }
- return;
- }
- // step 2:
- // This is the place every bean bean added to the list.
- // true if don't need a database update, db-cascade-delete is specified
- // false if do need a database update, db-cascade-detelet isn't specified
- if (withoutDBUpdate) {
- listCascadeDelBeansWithoutDBUpdate.add(this);
- } else {
- listCascadeDelBeans.add(this);
- }
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- public void __WL_setBeanParamsForCreateArray(
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array)
- throws Exception
- {
- // preparedStatementParamIndex reset. if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt_array[0], 1, this.studentID, "studentID")) { __WL_stmt_array[0].setString(1, this.studentID); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+1+" binded with value :"+this.studentID); } } if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt_array[0], 2, this.firstname, "firstname")) { __WL_stmt_array[0].setString(2, this.firstname); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+2+" binded with value :"+this.firstname); } } if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt_array[0], 3, this.lastname, "lastname")) { __WL_stmt_array[0].setString(3, this.lastname); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+3+" binded with value :"+this.lastname); } }
- }
- public void __WL_setBeanParamsForUpdateArray(
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array,
- boolean[] __WL_isModified,
- java.lang.String __WL_pk,
- int curTableIndex)
- throws Exception
- {
- // set all __WL_stmt_array when curTableIndex == -1
- if ((__WL_stmt_array[0] != null) && ((curTableIndex == 0) || (curTableIndex == -1))) {
- int __WL_num = 1;
- if (__WL_isModified[1]) { if(__WL_verbose) Debug.say("setting("+this+") 'firstname' using column " +__WL_num + ". Value is " + this.firstname); if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt_array[0], __WL_num, this.firstname, "firstname")) { __WL_stmt_array[0].setString(__WL_num, this.firstname); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+__WL_num+" binded with value :"+this.firstname); } } __WL_num++; }; if (__WL_isModified[2]) { if(__WL_verbose) Debug.say("setting("+this+") 'lastname' using column " +__WL_num + ". Value is " + this.lastname); if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt_array[0], __WL_num, this.lastname, "lastname")) { __WL_stmt_array[0].setString(__WL_num, this.lastname); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+__WL_num+" binded with value :"+this.lastname); } } __WL_num++; };
- if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt_array[0], __WL_num, __WL_pk, "studentID")) { __WL_stmt_array[0].setString(__WL_num, __WL_pk); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+__WL_num+" binded with value :"+__WL_pk); } } __WL_num++;
- }
- }
- public void __WL_setBeanParamsForDeleteArray(
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array,
- boolean[] __WL_isModified,
- java.lang.String __WL_pk)
- throws Exception
- {
- int __WL_num = 0; __WL_num = 1; if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt_array[0], __WL_num, __WL_pk, "studentID")) { __WL_stmt_array[0].setString(__WL_num, __WL_pk); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+__WL_num+" binded with value :"+__WL_pk); } } __WL_num++;
- }
- public java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_getStmtArray(
- java.sql.Connection __WL_con,
- boolean[] __WL_isModified,
- int operation)
- throws SQLException
- {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("called __WL_getStmtArray.");
- }
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array = new java.sql.PreparedStatement[1]; java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt_student_0 = null; __WL_stmt_array[0] = __WL_stmt_student_0;
- String[] __WL_query_array = new String[1];
- if (operation == DDConstants.INSERT) {
- __WL_query_array[0] = "INSERT INTO student (studentID, firstname, lastname) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
- } else if (operation == DDConstants.UPDATE) {
- int __WL_count = 0;
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- __WL_count = 0; sb.setLength(0); if (__WL_isModified[1]) { if (__WL_count > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("firstname = ? "); __WL_count++; } if (__WL_isModified[2]) { if (__WL_count > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("lastname = ? "); __WL_count++; } if (__WL_count != 0) { __WL_query_array[0] = "UPDATE student SET " + sb.toString() + " WHERE studentID = ?"; }
- } else if (operation == DDConstants.DELETE) {
- __WL_query_array[0] = "DELETE FROM student WHERE studentID = ?" ;
- }
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- for (int i = 0 ; i < 1 ; i++) {
- Debug.say("__WL_getStmtArray() for " + operation + " produced sqlString: " + __WL_query_array[i]);
- }
- }
- if (__WL_query_array[0] != null) __WL_stmt_array[0] = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query_array[0]);
- return __WL_stmt_array;
- }
- public void __WL_setBeanParamsForStmtArray(
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array,
- boolean[] __WL_isModified,
- int operation)
- throws Exception
- {
- if (operation == DDConstants.INSERT) {
- __WL_setBeanParamsForCreateArray(__WL_stmt_array);
- } else if (operation == DDConstants.UPDATE) {
- __WL_setBeanParamsForBulkUpdateArray(__WL_stmt_array, __WL_isModified);
- } else if (operation == DDConstants.DELETE) {
- __WL_setBeanParamsForBulkDeleteArray(__WL_stmt_array, __WL_isModified);
- }
- }
- public void __WL_setBeanParamsForBulkUpdateArray(
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array,
- boolean[] __WL_isModified)
- throws Exception
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJBSTORE;
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = (java.lang.String) __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey();
- __WL_setBeanParamsForUpdateArray(__WL_stmt_array, __WL_isModified, __WL_pk, -1);
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public void __WL_setBeanParamsForBulkDeleteArray(
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array,
- boolean[] __WL_isModified)
- throws Exception
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_REMOVE;
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = (java.lang.String) __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey();
- __WL_setBeanParamsForDeleteArray(__WL_stmt_array, __WL_isModified, __WL_pk);
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public boolean[] __WL_getIsModifiedUnion(boolean[] __WL_isModifiedUnion) {
- if (__WL_isModifiedUnion == null) return __WL_isModified;
- for (int i=0; i<__WL_isModified.length; i++) {
- __WL_isModifiedUnion[i] |= __WL_isModified[i];
- }
- return __WL_isModifiedUnion;
- }
- public void __WL_setIsModifiedVars(boolean __WL_isModifiedFlag,
- java.sql.Connection __WL_con)
- throws Exception
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJBSTORE;
- int __WL_num = 1;
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = (java.lang.String) __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey();
- for (int __WL_i = 0; __WL_i < __WL_isModified.length; __WL_i++) {
- __WL_isModified[__WL_i] = __WL_isModifiedFlag;
- }
- __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered = __WL_isModifiedFlag;
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public void __WL_perhapsTakeSnapshot() {
- }
- public boolean __WL_exists(Object __WL_key) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("exists: " + __WL_key);
- }
- java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
- java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
- java.sql.ResultSet __WL_rs = null;
- try {
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = (java.lang.String) __WL_key;
- __WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
- java.lang.String __WL_query =
- "select studentID from student where studentID = ?";
- __WL_stmt = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query);
- // preparedStatementParamIndex reset.
- if(!__WL_pm.setParamNull(__WL_stmt, 1, __WL_pk, "studentID")) { __WL_stmt.setString(1, __WL_pk); if (__WL_verbose) { Debug.say("paramIdx :"+1+" binded with value :"+__WL_pk); } }
- __WL_rs = __WL_stmt.executeQuery();
- if ( {
- return true;
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- finally {
- __WL_pm.releaseResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt, __WL_rs);
- }
- }
- public void __WL_checkExistsOnMethod() throws NoSuchEntityException
- {
- if (__WL_getIsRemoved()) {
- Loggable l = EJBLogger.lognoSuchEntityExceptionLoggable(
- ((EntityEJBContextImpl)__WL_ctx).__WL_getPrimaryKey().toString());
- NoSuchEntityException nsee = new NoSuchEntityException(l.getMessage());
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("throwing RuntimeException.");
- nsee.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw nsee;
- }
- if (__WL_beanIsLoaded()) return;
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = WLEnterpriseBean.STATE_BUSINESS_METHOD;
- __WL_pm.disableTransactionStatusCheck();
- __WL_loadGroup0();
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- __WL_pm.enableTransactionStatusCheck();
- }
- }
- public short __WL_getBeanState()
- {
- return __WL_bean_state;
- }
- public void __WL_setBeanState(short value)
- {
- __WL_bean_state = value;
- }
- public boolean __WL_getIsRemoved() { return __WL_isRemoved; }
- public void __WL_setIsRemoved(boolean b) { __WL_isRemoved = b; }
- public int __WL_appendVerifySqlForBatch(java.util.List verifyPk,
- StringBuffer[] verifySql,
- int[] verifyCount,
- int verifyMax)
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJBSTORE;
- }
- finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- return verifyMax;
- }
- public void __WL_setVerifyParamsForBatch(java.sql.Connection con,
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array,
- int[] verifyCount)
- throws SQLException
- {
- }
- public int __WL_appendVerifySql(java.util.List verifyPk,
- StringBuffer[] verifySql,
- int[] verifyCount,
- int verifyMax)
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJBSTORE;
- }
- finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- return verifyMax;
- }
- public void __WL_setVerifyParams(java.sql.Connection con,
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array,
- int[] verifyCount)
- throws SQLException
- {
- }
- public String __WL_getM2NSQL(String cmrf, int operation)
- {
- throw new AssertionError(" in __WL_getM2NSQL: unknown Many To Many cmr-field "+cmrf+".");
- }
- public Collection __WL_getCmrBeansForCmrField(String cmrf)
- {
- throw new AssertionError(" in __WL_getCmrBeansForCmrField: unknown Many To Many cmr-field "+cmrf+".");
- }
- // end of CMPBean
- // ================================================================
- //=================================================================
- // implementation of javax.ejb.EntityBean
- public boolean __WL_beanIsLoaded() {
- return __WL_beanIsLoaded;
- }
- void pkCheck()
- throws javax.ejb.CreateException
- {
- // check that 'studentID' was set if (!__WL_isModified[0]) { Loggable l = EJBLogger.logpkNotSetLoggable("Student","studentID");throw new javax.ejb.CreateException(l.getMessage()); }
- }
- public java.lang.String ejbCreate(java.lang.String arg0, java.lang.String arg1, java.lang.String arg2)
- throws javax.ejb.CreateException
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_CREATE;
- for (int __WL_i = 0; __WL_i < 3; __WL_i++) {
- __WL_isLoaded[__WL_i] = true;
- __WL_isModified[__WL_i] = false;
- }
- __WL_beanIsLoaded = true;
- // set true, this prevents us from registering the bean until after the
- // database insert
- __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered = true;
- __WL_roster_isLoaded_ = false; __WL_address_isLoaded_ = false;
- // initialize persistent and cached relationship variables, this
- // is done here purely to ensure robustness as the CMP variables
- // are also initialized whenever the bean enters the pooled state
- lastname = null; studentID = null; firstname = null;
- __WL_roster_field_ = null; __WL_address_field_ = null;
- super.ejbCreate( arg0, arg1, arg2);
- pkCheck();
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = null; __WL_pk = (java.lang.String) __WL_getPrimaryKey(); return __WL_pk; } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) { throw ce; } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public java.lang.String ejbCreate(java.lang.String arg0)
- throws javax.ejb.CreateException
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_CREATE;
- for (int __WL_i = 0; __WL_i < 3; __WL_i++) {
- __WL_isLoaded[__WL_i] = true;
- __WL_isModified[__WL_i] = false;
- }
- __WL_beanIsLoaded = true;
- // set true, this prevents us from registering the bean until after the
- // database insert
- __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered = true;
- __WL_roster_isLoaded_ = false; __WL_address_isLoaded_ = false;
- // initialize persistent and cached relationship variables, this
- // is done here purely to ensure robustness as the CMP variables
- // are also initialized whenever the bean enters the pooled state
- lastname = null; studentID = null; firstname = null;
- __WL_roster_field_ = null; __WL_address_field_ = null;
- super.ejbCreate( arg0);
- pkCheck();
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = null; __WL_pk = (java.lang.String) __WL_getPrimaryKey(); return __WL_pk; } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) { throw ce; } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public void ejbPostCreate(java.lang.String arg0, java.lang.String arg1, java.lang.String arg2)
- throws javax.ejb.CreateException
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_POSTCREATE;
- super.ejbPostCreate( arg0, arg1, arg2);
- if (!__WL_pm.getOrderDatabaseOperations()) __WL_create();
- } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) { throw ce;
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public void ejbPostCreate(java.lang.String arg0)
- throws javax.ejb.CreateException
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_POSTCREATE;
- super.ejbPostCreate( arg0);
- if (!__WL_pm.getOrderDatabaseOperations()) __WL_create();
- } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce) { throw ce;
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- private Object __WL_create() throws Exception {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("called __WL_create.");
- }
- java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array = new java.sql.PreparedStatement[1]; java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt_student_0 = null; __WL_stmt_array[0] = __WL_stmt_student_0;
- String[] __WL_query_array = new String[1];
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = null;
- try {
- __WL_pk = this.studentID;
- __WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("__WL_create() got connection.");
- }
- __WL_query_array[0] = "INSERT INTO student (studentID, firstname, lastname) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- for (int i = 0 ; i < 1 ; i++) {
- Debug.say("__WL_create() produced sqlString " + __WL_query_array[i]);
- }
- }
- if (__WL_query_array[0] != null) __WL_stmt_array[0] = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query_array[0]);
- __WL_setBeanParamsForCreateArray(__WL_stmt_array);
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("__WL_create() about to execute sql.");
- }
- for (int i = 0 ; i < 1 ; i++) {
- if (__WL_stmt_array[i].executeUpdate() != 1) {
- throw new java.lang.Exception("Failed to CREATE Bean. Primary Key Value: '" + __WL_pk + "'");
- }
- }
- for (int __WL_i = 0; __WL_i < __WL_isModified.length; __WL_i++) {
- __WL_isModified[__WL_i] = false;
- }
- __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered = false;
- return __WL_pk;
- } catch (java.sql.SQLException se) {
- //ejb wants a duplicate key exception if that was what happened
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("__WL_create() "+
- "checking for duplicate key " + __WL_pk);
- }
- boolean exists = false;
- try {
- exists = __WL_exists(__WL_pk);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- throw se;
- }
- if (exists) {
- Loggable l = EJBLogger.logduplicateKeyFoundLoggable(__WL_pk.toString());
- throw new javax.ejb.DuplicateKeyException(
- l.getMessage());
- }
- else {
- throw se;
- }
- } finally {
- __WL_pm.releaseArrayResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt_array, null);
- }
- }
- public void ejbRemove() throws javax.ejb.RemoveException { java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array = new java.sql.PreparedStatement[1]; java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt_student_0 = null; __WL_stmt_array[0] = __WL_stmt_student_0;
- String[] __WL_query_array = new String[1];
- java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt = null;
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_REMOVE;
- int __WL_num = 0;
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("ejbRemove " + __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey());
- }
- super.ejbRemove();
- try {
- getRoster(); ((Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_roster_Set)__WL_roster_field_).clear(true); getAddress(); ((Student_z53p80__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS_address_Set)__WL_address_field_).clear(true);
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = (java.lang.String) __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey();
- __WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
- __WL_query_array[0] = "DELETE FROM student WHERE studentID = ?" ;
- if (__WL_query_array[0] != null) __WL_stmt_array[0] = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query_array[0]);
- __WL_setBeanParamsForDeleteArray(__WL_stmt_array, __WL_isModified, __WL_pk);
- for (int i = 0 ; i < 1 ; i++) {
- int j = __WL_stmt_array[i].executeUpdate();
- if (j == 0) {
- Loggable l = EJBLogger.logbeanDoesNotExistLoggable("Student",__WL_pk.toString()); throw new NoSuchEntityException(l.getMessage());
- }
- }
- // initialize state before this instance goes back into the pool
- __WL_initialize();
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- __WL_pm.releaseArrayResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt_array, null);
- }
- }
- public void ejbLoad()
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJBLOAD;
- __WL_initialize();
- super.ejbLoad();
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- public void ejbStore() { __WL_store(true);
- }
- public void __WL_store(boolean unregister)
- {
- java.sql.Connection __WL_con = null;
- java.sql.PreparedStatement[] __WL_stmt_array = new java.sql.PreparedStatement[1]; java.sql.PreparedStatement __WL_stmt_student_0 = null; __WL_stmt_array[0] = __WL_stmt_student_0;
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJBSTORE;
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("ejbStore "+ __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey());
- }
- super.ejbStore();
- try {
- int __WL_num = 0;
- int __WL_count = 0;
- int __WL_total = 0;
- java.lang.String __WL_pk = (java.lang.String) __WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey();
- String __WL_query = null;
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- __WL_count = 0;
- sb.setLength(0); if (__WL_isModified[1]) { if (__WL_count > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("firstname = ? "); __WL_count++; } if (__WL_isModified[2]) { if (__WL_count > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("lastname = ? "); __WL_count++; }
- __WL_total = __WL_total + __WL_count + 0;
- if ( (__WL_count > 0) || (0 > 0) ) {
- __WL_con = __WL_pm.getConnection();
- if (__WL_count > 0) {
- // we have modified non-Blob/Clob Columns
- __WL_query = "UPDATE student SET " +
- sb.toString() +
- " WHERE studentID = ?"
- ;
- if(__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("WL_store sql: " + __WL_query);
- }
- __WL_stmt_array[0] = __WL_con.prepareStatement(__WL_query);
- __WL_setBeanParamsForUpdateArray(__WL_stmt_array, __WL_isModified, __WL_pk, 0);
- int __WL_i = __WL_stmt_array[0].executeUpdate();
- if (__WL_i == 0) {
- Loggable l = EJBLogger.logbeanDoesNotExistLoggable("Student",__WL_pk.toString()); throw new NoSuchEntityException(l.getMessage());
- }
- }
- if (0 > 0) {
- // we have modified Blob/Clob Columns
- }
- }
- if (__WL_total == 0) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("ejbStore: avoided a store. ejbStore: complete");
- }
- return;
- }
- for (int __WL_i = 0; __WL_i < __WL_isModified.length; __WL_i++) {
- if (__WL_isModified[__WL_i]) {
- __WL_isModified[__WL_i] = false;
- __WL_isLoaded[__WL_i] = true;
- }
- }
- if (unregister) {
- __WL_pm.unregisterModifiedBean(__WL_ctx.getPrimaryKey());
- }
- __WL_modifiedBeanIsRegistered = false;
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("ejbStore: complete");
- }
- } catch (RuntimeException re) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("rethrowing RuntimeException.");
- re.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw re;
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- if (__WL_verbose) {
- Debug.say("wrapping Exception in PersistenceRuntimeException.");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- throw new PersistenceRuntimeException(ex);
- }
- }
- finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- __WL_pm.releaseArrayResources(__WL_con, __WL_stmt_array, null);
- }
- }
- public void ejbPassivate()
- {
- int oldState = __WL_method_state;
- try {
- __WL_method_state = STATE_EJB_PASSIVATE;
- super.ejbPassivate();
- __WL_initialize();
- } finally {
- __WL_method_state = oldState;
- }
- }
- // Blob/Clob methods
- // end javax.ejb.EntityBean
- //=================================================================
- }