资源名称:CMarkup.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // Markup.cpp: implementation of the CMarkup class.
- //
- // Markup Release 6.1 Lite
- // Copyright (C) 1999-2001 First Objective Software, Inc. All rights reserved
- // This entire notice must be retained in this source code
- // Redistributing this source code requires written permission
- // This software is provided "as is", with no warranty.
- // Latest fixes enhancements and documentation at
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "afxconv.h"
- #include "Markup.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- void CMarkup::operator=( const CMarkup& markup )
- {
- m_iPos = markup.m_iPos;
- m_iPosChild = markup.m_iPosChild;
- m_iPosFree = markup.m_iPosFree;
- m_aPos.RemoveAll();
- m_aPos.Append( markup.m_aPos );
- m_nLevel = markup.m_nLevel;
- m_csDoc = markup.m_csDoc;
- }
- void CMarkup::ResetPos()
- {
- // Reset the main and child positions
- m_iPos = 0;
- m_iPosChild = 0;
- m_nLevel = 0;
- };
- bool CMarkup::SetDoc( LPCTSTR szDoc )
- {
- // Reset indexes
- m_iPosFree = 1;
- ResetPos();
- // Set document text
- if ( szDoc )
- m_csDoc = szDoc;
- else
- m_csDoc.Empty();
- // Starting size of position array: 1 element per 64 bytes of document
- // Tight fit when parsing small doc, only 0 to 2 reallocs when parsing large doc
- // Start at 8 when creating new document
- int nStartSize = m_csDoc.GetLength() / 64 + 8;
- if ( m_aPos.GetSize() < nStartSize )
- m_aPos.SetSize( nStartSize );
- // Parse document
- bool bWellFormed = false;
- if ( m_csDoc.GetLength() )
- {
- m_aPos[0].Clear();
- int iPos = x_ParseElem( 0 );
- if ( iPos > 0 )
- {
- m_aPos[0].iElemChild = iPos;
- bWellFormed = true;
- }
- }
- // Clear indexes if parse failed or empty document
- if ( ! bWellFormed )
- {
- m_aPos[0].Clear();
- m_iPosFree = 1;
- }
- ResetPos();
- return bWellFormed;
- };
- bool CMarkup::IsWellFormed()
- {
- if ( m_aPos.GetSize() && m_aPos[0].iElemChild )
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- bool CMarkup::FindElem( LPCTSTR szName )
- {
- // If szName is NULL or empty, go to next sibling element
- // Otherwise go to next sibling element with matching tag name
- // If the current position is valid, start looking from next
- // Change current position only if found
- //
- int iPos = m_iPos;
- if ( ! iPos )
- {
- if ( m_aPos.GetSize() )
- iPos = m_aPos[0].iElemChild;
- }
- else
- {
- iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
- }
- while ( iPos )
- {
- // Compare tag name unless szName is not specified
- if ( szName == NULL || !szName[0] || x_GetTagName(iPos) == szName )
- {
- // Assign new position
- m_iPos = iPos;
- m_iPosChild = 0;
- return true;
- }
- iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CMarkup::FindChildElem( LPCTSTR szName )
- {
- // If szName is NULL or empty, go to next sibling child element
- // Otherwise go to next sibling child element with matching tag name
- // If the current child position is valid, start looking from next
- // Change current child position only if found
- //
- // Shorthand: call this with no current position means under root element
- if ( ! m_iPos )
- FindElem();
- // Is main position valid and not empty?
- if ( ! m_iPos || m_aPos[m_iPos].IsEmptyElement() )
- return false;
- // Is current child position valid?
- int iPosChild = m_iPosChild;
- if ( iPosChild )
- iPosChild = m_aPos[iPosChild].iElemNext;
- else
- iPosChild = m_aPos[m_iPos].iElemChild;
- // Search
- while ( iPosChild )
- {
- // Compare tag name unless szName is not specified
- if ( szName == NULL || !szName[0] || x_GetTagName(iPosChild) == szName )
- {
- // Assign new position
- m_iPosChild = iPosChild;
- return true;
- }
- iPosChild = m_aPos[iPosChild].iElemNext;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CMarkup::IntoElem()
- {
- // Find child element unless there is already a child element position
- if ( ! m_iPosChild )
- FindChildElem();
- if ( m_iPosChild )
- {
- m_iPos = m_iPosChild;
- m_iPosChild = 0;
- ++m_nLevel;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CMarkup::OutOfElem()
- {
- // Go to parent element
- if ( m_iPos && m_nLevel > 0 )
- {
- m_iPosChild = m_iPos;
- m_iPos = m_aPos[m_iPos].iElemParent;
- --m_nLevel;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CMarkup::GetOffsets( int& nStart, int& nEnd ) const
- {
- // Return document offsets of current main position element
- // This is not part of EDOM but is used by the Markup project
- if ( m_iPos )
- {
- nStart = m_aPos[m_iPos].nStartL;
- nEnd = m_aPos[m_iPos].nEndR;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CMarkup::AddElem( LPCTSTR szName, LPCTSTR szValue )
- {
- // Add an element after current main position
- int iPosParent = m_iPos? m_aPos[m_iPos].iElemParent : 0;
- m_iPosChild = 0;
- // Setting root element?
- if ( iPosParent == 0 )
- {
- if ( IsWellFormed() )
- return false;
- m_csDoc.Empty();
- }
- m_iPos = x_Add( iPosParent, m_iPos, szName, szValue );
- return true;
- }
- bool CMarkup::AddChildElem( LPCTSTR szName, LPCTSTR szValue )
- {
- // Add a child element under main position, after current child position
- if ( ! m_iPos )
- return false;
- // If no child position, add after last sibling
- int iPosLast = m_aPos[m_iPos].iElemChild;
- if ( ! m_iPosChild && iPosLast )
- {
- m_iPosChild = iPosLast;
- while ( (iPosLast=m_aPos[iPosLast].iElemNext) != 0 )
- m_iPosChild = iPosLast;
- }
- m_iPosChild = x_Add( m_iPos, m_iPosChild, szName, szValue );
- return true;
- }
- bool CMarkup::AddAttrib( LPCTSTR szAttrib, LPCTSTR szValue )
- {
- // Add attribute to current main position element
- if ( m_iPos )
- {
- x_AddAttrib( m_iPos, szAttrib, szValue );
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CMarkup::AddChildAttrib( LPCTSTR szAttrib, LPCTSTR szValue )
- {
- // Add attribute to current child position element
- if ( m_iPosChild )
- {
- x_AddAttrib( m_iPosChild, szAttrib, szValue );
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Private Methods
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int CMarkup::x_GetFreePos()
- {
- //
- // This returns the index of the next unused ElemPos in the array
- //
- if ( m_iPosFree == m_aPos.GetSize() )
- m_aPos.SetSize( m_iPosFree + m_iPosFree / 2 );
- ++m_iPosFree;
- return m_iPosFree - 1;
- }
- int CMarkup::x_ReleasePos()
- {
- //
- // This decrements the index of the next unused ElemPos in the array
- // allowing the element index returned by GetFreePos() to be reused
- //
- --m_iPosFree;
- return 0;
- }
- int CMarkup::x_ParseError( LPCTSTR szError, LPCTSTR szTag )
- {
- if ( szTag )
- m_csError.Format( szError, szTag );
- else
- m_csError = szError;
- x_ReleasePos();
- return -1;
- }
- int CMarkup::x_ParseElem( int iPosParent )
- {
- // This is either called by SetDoc, x_AddSubDoc, or itself recursively
- // m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL is where to start parsing for the child element
- // This returns the new position if a tag is found, otherwise zero
- // In all cases we need to get a new ElemPos, but release it if unused
- //
- int iPos = x_GetFreePos();
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartL = m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL;
- m_aPos[iPos].nNext = m_aPos[iPosParent].nStartR + 1;
- m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent = iPosParent;
- m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild = 0;
- m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = 0;
- // Start Tag
- // A loop is used to ignore all remarks tags and special tags
- // i.e. <?xml version="1.0"?>, and <!-- comment here -->
- // So any tag beginning with ? or ! is ignored
- // Loop past ignored tags
- TokenPos token;
- token.nNext = m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL;
- CString csName;
- while ( csName.IsEmpty() )
- {
- // Look for left angle bracket of start tag
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartL = token.nNext;
- if ( ! x_FindChar( m_aPos[iPos].nStartL, _T('<') ) )
- return x_ParseError( _T("Element tag not found") );
- // Set parent's End tag to start looking from here (or later)
- m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL;
- // Determine whether this is an element, comment or version tag
- LPCTSTR szEndOfTag = NULL;
- token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + 1;
- if ( x_FindToken( token ) )
- {
- if ( token.bIsString )
- return x_ParseError( _T("Tag starts with quote") );
- TCHAR cFirstChar = m_csDoc[token.nL];
- if ( cFirstChar == _T('?') )
- szEndOfTag = _T("?>"); // version
- else if ( cFirstChar == _T('!') )
- {
- TCHAR cSecondChar = 0;
- if ( token.nL+1 < m_csDoc.GetLength() )
- cSecondChar = m_csDoc[token.nL+1];
- if ( cSecondChar == _T('[') )
- szEndOfTag = _T("]]>"); // CDATA section
- else if ( cSecondChar == _T('-') )
- szEndOfTag = _T("-->"); // comment
- else
- szEndOfTag = _T(">"); // DTD
- }
- else if ( cFirstChar != _T('/') )
- {
- csName = x_GetToken( token );
- szEndOfTag = _T(">");
- }
- else
- return x_ReleasePos(); // probably end tag of parent
- }
- else
- return x_ParseError( _T("Abrupt end within tag") );
- // Look for end of tag
- token.nNext = m_csDoc.Find( szEndOfTag, token.nNext );
- if ( token.nNext == -1 )
- return x_ParseError( _T("End of tag not found") );
- }
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartR = token.nNext;
- // Is ending mark within start tag, i.e. empty element?
- if ( m_csDoc[m_aPos[iPos].nStartR-1] == _T('/') )
- {
- // Empty element
- // Close tag left is set to ending mark, and right to open tag right
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR-1;
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndR = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR;
- }
- else // look for end tag
- {
- // Element probably has contents
- // Determine where to start looking for left angle bracket of end tag
- // This is done by recursively parsing the contents of this element
- int iInner, iInnerPrev = 0;
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR + 1;
- while ( (iInner = x_ParseElem( iPos )) > 0 )
- {
- // Set links to iInner
- if ( iInnerPrev )
- m_aPos[iInnerPrev].iElemNext = iInner;
- else
- m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild = iInner;
- iInnerPrev = iInner;
- // Set offset to reflect child
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndL = m_aPos[iInner].nEndR + 1;
- }
- if ( iInner == -1 )
- return -1;
- // Look for left angle bracket of end tag
- if ( ! x_FindChar( m_aPos[iPos].nEndL, _T('<') ) )
- return x_ParseError( _T("End tag of %s element not found"), csName );
- // Look through tokens of end tag
- token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nEndL + 1;
- int nTokenCount = 0;
- while ( x_FindToken( token ) )
- {
- ++nTokenCount;
- if ( ! token.bIsString )
- {
- // Is first token not an end slash mark?
- if ( nTokenCount == 1 && m_csDoc[token.nL] != _T('/') )
- return x_ParseError( _T("Expecting end tag of element %s"), csName );
- else if ( nTokenCount == 2 && csName != x_GetToken( token ) )
- return x_ParseError( _T("End tag does not correspond to %s"), csName );
- // Else is it a right angle bracket?
- else if ( m_csDoc[token.nL] == _T('>') )
- break;
- }
- }
- // Was a right angle bracket not found?
- if ( ! token.IsValid() || nTokenCount < 2 )
- return x_ParseError( _T("End tag not completed for element %s"), csName );
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndR = token.nL;
- }
- // Successfully found positions of angle brackets
- m_aPos[iPos].nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nEndR;
- x_FindChar( m_aPos[iPos].nNext, _T('<') );
- return iPos;
- }
- bool CMarkup::x_FindChar( int&n, _TCHAR c ) const
- {
- // Look for char c starting at n, and set n to point to it
- // c is always the first char of a multi-byte char
- // Return false if not found before end of document
- LPCTSTR szDoc = (LPCTSTR)m_csDoc;
- while ( szDoc[n] && szDoc[n] != c )
- n += _tclen( &szDoc[n] );
- if ( ! szDoc[n] )
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- bool CMarkup::x_FindToken( CMarkup::TokenPos& token ) const
- {
- // Starting at token.nNext, find the next token
- // upon successful return, token.nNext points after the retrieved token
- LPCTSTR szDoc = (LPCTSTR)m_csDoc;
- int n = token.nNext;
- // Statically defined CStrings for whitespace and special chars
- static CString csWhitespace = _T(" tnr");
- static CString csSpecial = _T("<>=\/?!");
- // By-pass leading whitespace
- while ( szDoc[n] && csWhitespace.Find(szDoc[n]) > -1 )
- ++n;
- // Are we still within the document?
- token.bIsString = false;
- if ( szDoc[n] )
- {
- // Is it an opening quote?
- if ( szDoc[n] == _T('"') )
- {
- // Move past opening quote
- ++n;
- token.nL = n;
- // Look for closing quote
- x_FindChar( n, _T('"') );
- // Set right to before closing quote
- token.nR = n-1;
- // Set n past closing quote unless at end of document
- if ( szDoc[n] )
- ++n;
- // Set flag
- token.bIsString = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // Go until special char or whitespace
- token.nL = n;
- while ( szDoc[n] &&
- csSpecial.Find(m_csDoc[n]) == -1 &&
- csWhitespace.Find(m_csDoc[n]) == -1
- )
- n += _tclen(&szDoc[n]);
- // Adjust end position if it is one special char
- if ( n == token.nL )
- ++n; // it is a special char
- token.nR = n-1;
- }
- }
- token.nNext = n;
- if ( ! szDoc[n] )
- return false;
- // nNext points to one past last char of token
- return true;
- }
- CString CMarkup::x_GetToken( const CMarkup::TokenPos& token ) const
- {
- // The token contains indexes into the document identifying a small substring
- // Build the substring from those indexes and return it
- if ( ! token.IsValid() )
- return _T("");
- return m_csDoc.Mid( token.nL,
- token.nR - token.nL + ((token.nR<m_csDoc.GetLength())? 1:0) );
- }
- CString CMarkup::x_GetTagName( int iPos ) const
- {
- // Return the tag name at specified element
- TokenPos token;
- token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + 1;
- if ( ! iPos || ! x_FindToken( token ) )
- return _T("");
- // Return substring of document
- return x_GetToken( token );
- }
- bool CMarkup::x_FindAttrib( CMarkup::TokenPos& token, LPCTSTR szAttrib ) const
- {
- // If szAttrib is NULL find next attrib, otherwise find named attrib
- // Return true if found
- int nAttrib = 0;
- for ( int nCount = 0; x_FindToken(token); ++nCount )
- {
- if ( ! token.bIsString )
- {
- // Is it the right angle bracket?
- if ( m_csDoc[token.nL] == _T('>') || m_csDoc[token.nL] == _T('/') )
- break; // attrib not found
- // Equal sign
- if ( m_csDoc[token.nL] == _T('=') )
- continue;
- // Potential attribute
- if ( ! nAttrib && nCount )
- {
- // Attribute name search?
- if ( ! szAttrib || ! szAttrib[0] )
- return true; // return with token at attrib name
- // Compare szAttrib
- if ( x_GetToken(token) == szAttrib )
- nAttrib = nCount;
- }
- }
- else if ( nAttrib && nCount == nAttrib + 2 )
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Not found
- return false;
- }
- CString CMarkup::x_GetAttrib( int iPos, LPCTSTR szAttrib ) const
- {
- // Return the value of the attrib at specified element
- TokenPos token;
- token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + 1;
- if ( szAttrib && x_FindAttrib( token, szAttrib ) )
- return x_TextFromDoc( token.nL, token.nR - ((token.nR<m_csDoc.GetLength())?0:1) );
- return _T("");
- }
- CString CMarkup::x_GetData( int iPos ) const
- {
- // Return a string representing data between start and end tag
- // Return empty string if there are any children elements
- if ( ! m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild && ! m_aPos[iPos].IsEmptyElement() )
- {
- // See if it is a CDATA section
- TokenPos token;
- token.nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR+1;
- if ( x_FindToken( token ) && m_csDoc[token.nL] == _T('<')
- && token.nL + 11 < m_aPos[iPos].nEndL
- && _tcsncmp( &((LPCTSTR)m_csDoc)[token.nL+1], _T("![CDATA["), 8 ) == 0 )
- {
- int nEndCDATA = m_csDoc.Find( _T("]]>"), token.nNext );
- if ( nEndCDATA != -1 && nEndCDATA < m_aPos[iPos].nEndL )
- {
- return m_csDoc.Mid( token.nL+9, nEndCDATA-token.nL-9 );
- }
- }
- return x_TextFromDoc( m_aPos[iPos].nStartR+1, m_aPos[iPos].nEndL-1 );
- }
- return "";
- }
- CString CMarkup::x_TextToDoc( LPCTSTR szText, bool bAttrib ) const
- {
- // Convert text as seen outside XML document to XML friendly
- // replacing special characters with ampersand escape codes
- // E.g. convert "6>7" to "6>7"
- //
- // < less than
- // & ampersand
- // > greater than
- //
- // and for attributes:
- //
- // ' apostrophe or single quote
- // " double quote
- //
- static _TCHAR* szaReplace[] = { _T("<"),_T("&"),_T(">"),_T("'"),_T(""") };
- const _TCHAR* pFind = bAttrib?_T("<&>'""):_T("<&>");
- CString csText;
- const _TCHAR* pSource = szText;
- int nDestSize = _tcslen(pSource);
- nDestSize += nDestSize / 10 + 7;
- _TCHAR* pDest = csText.GetBuffer(nDestSize);
- int nLen = 0;
- _TCHAR cSource = *pSource;
- _TCHAR* pFound;
- while ( cSource )
- {
- if ( nLen > nDestSize - 6 )
- {
- csText.ReleaseBuffer(nLen);
- nDestSize *= 2;
- pDest = csText.GetBuffer(nDestSize);
- }
- if ( (pFound=_tcschr(pFind,cSource)) != NULL )
- {
- pFound = szaReplace[pFound-pFind];
- _tcscpy(&pDest[nLen],pFound);
- nLen += _tcslen(pFound);
- }
- else
- {
- _tccpy( &pDest[nLen], pSource );
- ++nLen;
- }
- pSource += _tclen( pSource );
- cSource = *pSource;
- }
- csText.ReleaseBuffer(nLen);
- return csText;
- }
- CString CMarkup::x_TextFromDoc( int nLeft, int nRight ) const
- {
- // Convert XML friendly text to text as seen outside XML document
- // replacing ampersand escape codes with special characters
- // E.g. convert "6>7" to "6>7"
- //
- // Conveniently the result is always the same or shorter in length
- //
- static _TCHAR* szaCode[] = { _T("lt;"),_T("amp;"),_T("gt;"),_T("apos;"),_T("quot;") };
- static int anCodeLen[] = { 3,4,3,5,5 };
- static _TCHAR* szSymbol = _T("<&>'"");
- CString csText;
- const _TCHAR* pSource = m_csDoc;
- int nDestSize = nRight - nLeft + 1;
- _TCHAR* pDest = csText.GetBuffer(nDestSize);
- int nLen = 0;
- int nCharLen;
- int nChar = nLeft;
- while ( nChar <= nRight )
- {
- if ( pSource[nChar] == _T('&') )
- {
- // Look for matching &code;
- for ( int nMatch = 0; nMatch < 5; ++nMatch )
- {
- if ( nChar <= nRight - anCodeLen[nMatch]
- && _tcsncmp(szaCode[nMatch],&pSource[nChar+1],anCodeLen[nMatch]) == 0 )
- {
- pDest[nLen++] = szSymbol[nMatch];
- nChar += anCodeLen[nMatch] + 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- // If no match is found it means XML doc is invalid
- // no devastating harm done, ampersand code will just be left in result
- if ( nMatch == 5 )
- {
- pDest[nLen++] = _T('&');
- ++nChar;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- nCharLen = _tclen(&pSource[nChar]);
- _tccpy( &pDest[nLen], &pSource[nChar] );
- nLen += nCharLen;
- nChar += nCharLen;
- }
- }
- csText.ReleaseBuffer(nLen);
- return csText;
- }
- void CMarkup::x_DocChange( int nLeft, int nReplace, const CString& csInsert )
- {
- // Insert csInsert int m_csDoc at nLeft replacing nReplace chars
- // Do this with only one buffer reallocation if it grows
- //
- int nDocLength = m_csDoc.GetLength();
- int nInsLength = csInsert.GetLength();
- // Make sure nLeft and nReplace are within bounds
- nLeft = max( 0, min( nLeft, nDocLength ) );
- nReplace = max( 0, min( nReplace, nDocLength-nLeft ) );
- // Get pointer to buffer with enough room
- int nNewLength = nInsLength + nDocLength - nReplace;
- int nBufferLen = nNewLength;
- _TCHAR* pDoc = m_csDoc.GetBuffer( nBufferLen );
- // Move part of old doc that goes after insert
- if ( nLeft+nReplace < nDocLength )
- memmove( &pDoc[nLeft+nInsLength], &pDoc[nLeft+nReplace], (nDocLength-nLeft-nReplace)*sizeof(_TCHAR) );
- // Copy insert
- memcpy( &pDoc[nLeft], csInsert, nInsLength*sizeof(_TCHAR) );
- // Release
- m_csDoc.ReleaseBuffer( nNewLength );
- }
- void CMarkup::x_Adjust( int iPos, int nShift )
- {
- // Loop through affected elements and adjust indexes
- // Does not affect iPos itself
- // Algorithm:
- // 1. update next siblings and all their children
- // 2. then go up a level update end points and to step 1
- int iPosTop = m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent;
- while ( iPos )
- {
- // Were we at containing parent of affected position?
- bool bPosTop = false;
- if ( iPos == iPosTop )
- {
- // Move iPosTop up one towards root
- iPosTop = m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent;
- bPosTop = true;
- }
- // Traverse to the next update position
- if ( ! bPosTop && m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild )
- {
- // Depth first
- iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild;
- }
- else if ( m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext )
- {
- iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
- }
- else
- {
- // Look for next sibling of a parent of iPos
- // When going back up, parents have already been done except iPosTop
- while ( (iPos=m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent) != 0 && iPos != iPosTop )
- if ( m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext )
- {
- iPos = m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Shift indexes at iPos
- if ( iPos != iPosTop )
- {
- // Move the start tag indexes
- // Don't do this for containing parent tag
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartL += nShift;
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartR += nShift;
- }
- // Move end tag indexes
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndL += nShift;
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndR += nShift;
- m_aPos[iPos].nNext += nShift;
- }
- }
- int CMarkup::x_Add( int iPosParent, int iPosBefore, LPCTSTR szName, LPCTSTR szValue )
- {
- // Create element and modify positions of affected elements
- // if iPosBefore is NULL, insert as first element under parent
- // If no szValue is specified, an empty element is created
- // i.e. either <NAME>value</NAME> or <NAME/>
- //
- int iPos = x_GetFreePos();
- bool bEmptyParent = false;
- if ( iPosBefore )
- {
- // Follow iPosBefore
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartL = m_aPos[iPosBefore].nNext;
- }
- else if ( m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild )
- {
- // Insert before first child of parent
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartL = m_aPos[m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild].nStartL;
- }
- else if ( m_aPos[iPosParent].IsEmptyElement() )
- {
- // Parent has no separate end tag
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartL = m_aPos[iPosParent].nStartR + 2;
- bEmptyParent = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // Parent has content, but no children
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartL = m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL;
- }
- // Set links
- m_aPos[iPos].iElemParent = iPosParent;
- m_aPos[iPos].iElemChild = 0;
- if ( iPosBefore )
- {
- m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = m_aPos[iPosBefore].iElemNext;
- m_aPos[iPosBefore].iElemNext = iPos;
- }
- else
- {
- m_aPos[iPos].iElemNext = m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild;
- m_aPos[iPosParent].iElemChild = iPos;
- }
- // Create string for insert
- CString csInsert;
- int nLenName = _tcslen(szName);
- int nLenValue = szValue? _tcslen(szValue) : 0;
- if ( ! nLenValue )
- {
- // <NAME/> empty element
- csInsert.Format( _T("<%s/>rn"), szName );
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartR = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + nLenName + 2;
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR - 1;
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndR = m_aPos[iPos].nEndL + 1;
- m_aPos[iPos].nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nEndR + 3;
- }
- else
- {
- // <NAME>value</NAME>
- CString csValue = x_TextToDoc( szValue );
- nLenValue = csValue.GetLength();
- csInsert.Format( _T("<%s>%s</%s>rn"), szName, csValue, szName );
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartR = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL + nLenName + 1;
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR + nLenValue + 1;
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndR = m_aPos[iPos].nEndL + nLenName + 2;
- m_aPos[iPos].nNext = m_aPos[iPos].nEndR + 3;
- }
- // Insert
- int nReplace = 0, nLeft = m_aPos[iPos].nStartL;
- if ( bEmptyParent )
- {
- CString csParentTagName = x_GetTagName(iPosParent);
- csInsert = _T(">rn") + csInsert + _T("</") + csParentTagName;
- nLeft -= 3;
- nReplace = 1;
- // x_Adjust is going to update all affected indexes by one amount
- // This will satisfy all except the empty parent
- // Here we pre-adjust for the empty parent
- // The empty tag slash is removed
- m_aPos[iPosParent].nStartR -= 1;
- // For the newly created end tag, see the following example:
- // <A/> (len 4) becomes <A><B/></A> (len 11)
- // In x_Adjust everything will be adjusted 11 - 4 = 7
- // But the nEndL of element A should only be adjusted 5
- m_aPos[iPosParent].nEndL -= (csParentTagName.GetLength() + 1);
- }
- x_DocChange( nLeft, nReplace, csInsert );
- x_Adjust( iPos, csInsert.GetLength() - nReplace );
- // Return the index of the new element
- return iPos;
- }
- int CMarkup::x_AddAttrib( int iPos, LPCTSTR szAttrib, LPCTSTR szValue )
- {
- // Add attribute to iPos element
- CString csInsert;
- if ( iPos )
- {
- // Insert string taking into account whether it is a single tag
- CString csValue = x_TextToDoc( szValue, true );
- csInsert.Format( _T(" %s="%s""), szAttrib, csValue );
- int nL = m_aPos[iPos].nStartR - (m_aPos[iPos].IsEmptyElement()?1:0);
- x_DocChange( nL, 0, csInsert );
- int nLen = csInsert.GetLength();
- m_aPos[iPos].nStartR += nLen;
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndL += nLen;
- m_aPos[iPos].nEndR += nLen;
- m_aPos[iPos].nNext += nLen;
- x_Adjust( iPos, nLen );
- }
- return csInsert.GetLength();
- }