资源名称:考勤6.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- Attribute VB_Name = "modPrint"
- Option Explicit
- Private Const ColDistance = 400
- Private Const RowDistance = 150
- Private Totalwidth As Long
- Private FixedX As Long
- Private FixedY As Long
- Private LinesPerPage As Integer
- Private Lineheight As Integer
- Private Curx As Long
- Private Cury As Long
- Private LineStartx As Long
- Private LineStarty As Long
- Private LineEndy As Long
- Private MaxColWidth As Long
- '区别于PrintGridNormal: 它打印时题头为第一列而不是第一行
- 'Title: 标题, 将被醒目打印
- 'GridToPrint: 待打印的 Grid 控件名称, 注意必须是 MSFlexGrid 控件
- 'SubTitle: 附加标题
- Public Sub PrintGridRoutate(Title As String, Gridtoprint As MSFlexGrid, SubTitle As String)
- On Error GoTo PrinTErr
- If MsgBox("请准备好打印机,单击[确定]开始打印...", vbExclamation + vbOKCancel, "准备打印") = vbOK Then
- Dim T_str As String
- Dim P As Integer
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim k As Integer
- Dim StartRow As Long
- Dim EndRow As Long
- Dim L As Integer
- 'Printer.PaperSize = 9 'A4纸 210 x 297 毫米
- P = 0
- With Gridtoprint
- StartRow = 1
- EndRow = .Rows - 1
- i = 0
- Printer.Orientation = 1
- LinesPerPage = 3
- For k = 0 To EndRow - StartRow
- If (k Mod LinesPerPage) = 0 Then
- ' Call PrintTitleRoutate(Gridtoprint, Title, SubTitle)
- End If
- Cury = FixedY
- .row = k + StartRow
- Printer.CurrentY = Cury
- For j = 0 To .Cols - 1
- If .ColWidth(j) <> 0 Then
- .col = j
- Printer.CurrentX = Curx
- Printer.Print .Text
- Cury = Printer.CurrentY + RowDistance * 2
- Printer.CurrentY = Cury
- End If
- Next j
- Curx = Curx + ColDistance * 1.5 + MaxColWidth
- Cury = Printer.CurrentY + Lineheight
- i = i + 1
- If i = LinesPerPage Then
- i = 0
- P = P + 1
- T_str = "第" & P & "/" & (EndRow - StartRow + 1) LinesPerPage + 1 & "页"
- Call PrintFooter(FixedX, Cury, T_str)
- Call PrintTableRoutate(Gridtoprint, Gridtoprint.Cols)
- Printer.EndDoc
- Printer.Orientation = 1
- LinesPerPage = 3
- End If
- Next k
- End With
- P = P + 1
- T_str = "第" & P & "/" & (EndRow - StartRow + 1) LinesPerPage + 1 & "页"
- Call PrintFooter(FixedX, Cury, T_str)
- Call PrintTableRoutate(Gridtoprint, Gridtoprint.Cols)
- Printer.EndDoc
- End If
- Exit Sub
- PrinTErr:
- On Error GoTo 0
- Call MsgBox("打印机未准备好或有故障!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "错误")
- Printer.KillDoc
- End Sub
- '区别于PrintTitleRoutate: 它打印时题头为第一行而不是第一列
- Private Sub PrintTitleNormal(Gridtoprint As MSFlexGrid, Title As String, SubTitle As String)
- Dim j As Integer
- On Error GoTo PrinTErr
- Title = Trim(Title)
- Printer.FontSize = 16
- Totalwidth = 0
- For j = 0 To Gridtoprint.Cols - 1
- If Gridtoprint.ColWidth(j) <> 0 Then
- Gridtoprint.col = j
- Totalwidth = Totalwidth + Gridtoprint.ColWidth(j) + ColDistance
- End If
- Next j
- FixedX = (Printer.Width - Totalwidth) 2
- FixedX = IIf(FixedX > 500, FixedX - 200, FixedX)
- Curx = (Printer.Width - Len(Title) * Printer.FontSize * 20.2) 2
- Cury = 1000
- Printer.CurrentX = Curx
- Printer.CurrentY = Cury
- Printer.Print Title
- Printer.FontSize = 10
- Lineheight = RowDistance + Printer.FontSize * 20.2
- Gridtoprint.row = 0
- Curx = FixedX
- Cury = Cury + 1000
- LineStartx = FixedX - ColDistance 2
- LineStarty = Cury - RowDistance 2
- If SubTitle <> "" Then
- Printer.CurrentX = Curx
- Printer.CurrentY = Cury - RowDistance - Printer.FontSize * 20.2
- Printer.Print SubTitle
- End If
- Printer.CurrentX = Curx
- Dim OldFontSize As Single
- OldFontSize = Printer.FontSize
- Printer.FontSize = 11
- Printer.Font.Bold = True
- For j = 0 To Gridtoprint.Cols - 1
- If Gridtoprint.ColWidth(j) <> 0 Then
- Gridtoprint.col = j
- Printer.CurrentY = Cury
- Printer.Print Gridtoprint.Text
- Curx = Curx + Gridtoprint.ColWidth(j) + ColDistance
- Printer.CurrentX = Curx
- End If
- Next j
- Printer.Font.Bold = False
- Printer.FontSize = OldFontSize
- Exit Sub
- PrinTErr:
- On Error GoTo 0
- Call MsgBox("打印机未准备好或有故障!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "错误")
- Printer.KillDoc
- End Sub
- Private Sub PrintFooter(X As Long, Y As Long, MyStr As String)
- On Error GoTo PrinTErr
- Printer.CurrentX = X
- Printer.CurrentY = Y
- Printer.Print "打印时间:" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & " " & Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss")
- Printer.CurrentX = X + Totalwidth - Printer.FontSize * 10.1 * LenB(MyStr)
- Printer.CurrentY = Y
- Printer.Print MyStr
- Exit Sub
- PrinTErr:
- On Error GoTo 0
- Call MsgBox("打印机未准备好或有故障!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "错误")
- Printer.KillDoc
- End Sub
- Private Sub PrintTableRoutate(Gridtoprint As Control, R As Integer)
- Dim L As Integer
- Dim TableRowCol As Long
- On Error GoTo PrinTErr
- TableRowCol = LineStarty
- For L = 0 To R
- Printer.Line (LineStartx, TableRowCol)-(LineStartx + Totalwidth, TableRowCol)
- TableRowCol = TableRowCol + Lineheight
- Next L
- Printer.Line (LineStartx, TableRowCol)-(LineStartx + Totalwidth, TableRowCol)
- LineEndy = TableRowCol
- TableRowCol = LineStartx
- Printer.Line (TableRowCol, LineStarty)-(TableRowCol, LineEndy)
- TableRowCol = TableRowCol + Totalwidth - 3 * MaxColWidth - ColDistance * 3
- For L = 0 To 3
- Printer.Line (TableRowCol, LineStarty)-(TableRowCol, LineEndy)
- TableRowCol = TableRowCol + ColDistance + MaxColWidth
- Next L
- Exit Sub
- PrinTErr:
- On Error GoTo 0
- Call MsgBox("打印机未准备好或有故障!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "错误")
- Printer.KillDoc
- End Sub
- '区别于PrintRoutate: 它打印时题头为第一行而不是第一列
- 'Title: 标题, 将被醒目打印
- 'GridToPrint: 代打印的 Grid 控件名称, 注意必须是 Grid 控件
- 'myOrientation: 决定输出是纵向还是横向, 1:纵向, 2:横向
- 'SubTitle: 附加标题
- Public Sub PrintGridNormal(Title As String, Gridtoprint As MSFlexGrid, myOrientation As Integer, SubTitle As String, Optional IsHasLine As Boolean = True)
- On Error GoTo PrinTErr
- If MsgBox("请准备好打印机,单击[确定]开始打印...", vbInformation + vbOKCancel, "准备打印") = vbOK Then
- Dim T_str As String
- Dim P As Integer
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim k As Integer
- Dim StartRow As Long
- Dim EndRow As Long
- Dim L As Integer
- 'Printer.PaperSize = 9 'A4纸 210 x 297 毫米
- P = 0
- With Gridtoprint
- StartRow = 1
- EndRow = .Rows - 1
- i = 0
- Printer.Orientation = myOrientation
- LinesPerPage = IIf(myOrientation = 1, 38, 24)
- 'ShowProgress 0, EndRow - StartRow
- For k = 0 To EndRow - StartRow
- If (k Mod LinesPerPage) = 0 Then
- Call PrintTitleNormal(Gridtoprint, Title, SubTitle)
- End If
- Cury = Printer.CurrentY + RowDistance
- Curx = FixedX
- .row = k + StartRow
- Printer.CurrentX = Curx
- For j = 0 To .Cols - 1
- If .ColWidth(j) <> 0 Then
- .col = j
- Printer.CurrentY = Cury
- Printer.Print .Text
- Curx = Curx + .ColWidth(j) + ColDistance
- Printer.CurrentX = Curx
- End If
- Next j
- Cury = Printer.CurrentY + RowDistance
- i = i + 1
- If i = LinesPerPage Then
- LineEndy = Printer.CurrentY + RowDistance 2
- i = 0
- P = P + 1
- T_str = "第" & P & "/" & (EndRow - StartRow + 1) LinesPerPage + 1 & "页"
- Call PrintFooter(FixedX, Cury, T_str)
- If IsHasLine Then
- Call PrintTable(Gridtoprint, LinesPerPage)
- End If
- Printer.EndDoc
- Printer.Orientation = myOrientation
- LinesPerPage = IIf(myOrientation = 1, 38, 24)
- End If
- ' Progress.ProgressBar1.Value = k
- Next k
- End With
- LineEndy = Printer.CurrentY + RowDistance 2
- P = P + 1
- T_str = "第" & P & "/" & (EndRow - StartRow + 1) LinesPerPage + 1 & "页"
- Call PrintFooter(FixedX, Cury, T_str)
- If IsHasLine Then
- Call PrintTable(Gridtoprint, (EndRow - StartRow + 1) Mod LinesPerPage)
- End If
- Printer.EndDoc
- 'Progress.Hide
- End If
- Exit Sub
- PrinTErr:
- On Error GoTo 0
- Call MsgBox("打印机未准备好或有故障!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "错误")
- Printer.KillDoc
- End Sub
- Private Sub PrintTable(Gridtoprint As MSFlexGrid, R As Integer)
- Dim L As Integer
- Dim TableRowCol As Long
- On Error GoTo PrinTErr
- TableRowCol = LineStarty
- For L = 0 To R
- Printer.Line (LineStartx, TableRowCol)-(LineStartx + Totalwidth, TableRowCol)
- TableRowCol = TableRowCol + Lineheight
- Next L
- Printer.Line (LineStartx, TableRowCol)-(LineStartx + Totalwidth, TableRowCol)
- LineEndy = TableRowCol
- TableRowCol = LineStartx
- For L = 0 To Gridtoprint.Cols - 1
- If Gridtoprint.ColWidth(L) <> 0 Then
- Printer.Line (TableRowCol, LineStarty)-(TableRowCol, LineEndy)
- TableRowCol = TableRowCol + ColDistance + Gridtoprint.ColWidth(L)
- End If
- Next L
- Printer.Line (TableRowCol, LineStarty)-(TableRowCol, LineEndy)
- Exit Sub
- PrinTErr:
- On Error GoTo 0
- Call MsgBox("打印机未准备好或有故障!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "错误")
- Printer.KillDoc
- End Sub