


Visual C++

  1. // Machine generated IDispatch wrapper class(es) created with ClassWizard
  2. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  3. // _Application wrapper class
  4. class _Application : public COleDispatchDriver
  5. {
  6. public:
  7. _Application() {} // Calls COleDispatchDriver default constructor
  8. _Application(LPDISPATCH pDispatch) : COleDispatchDriver(pDispatch) {}
  9. _Application(const _Application& dispatchSrc) : COleDispatchDriver(dispatchSrc) {}
  10. // Attributes
  11. public:
  12. // Operations
  13. public:
  14. LPDISPATCH GetApplication();
  15. long GetCreator();
  16. LPDISPATCH GetParent();
  17. CString GetName();
  18. LPDISPATCH GetDocuments();
  19. LPDISPATCH GetWindows();
  20. LPDISPATCH GetActiveDocument();
  21. LPDISPATCH GetActiveWindow();
  22. LPDISPATCH GetSelection();
  23. LPDISPATCH GetWordBasic();
  24. LPDISPATCH GetRecentFiles();
  25. LPDISPATCH GetNormalTemplate();
  26. LPDISPATCH GetSystem();
  27. LPDISPATCH GetAutoCorrect();
  28. LPDISPATCH GetFontNames();
  29. LPDISPATCH GetLandscapeFontNames();
  30. LPDISPATCH GetPortraitFontNames();
  31. LPDISPATCH GetLanguages();
  32. LPDISPATCH GetAssistant();
  33. LPDISPATCH GetBrowser();
  34. LPDISPATCH GetFileConverters();
  35. LPDISPATCH GetMailingLabel();
  36. LPDISPATCH GetDialogs();
  37. LPDISPATCH GetCaptionLabels();
  38. LPDISPATCH GetAutoCaptions();
  39. LPDISPATCH GetAddIns();
  40. BOOL GetVisible();
  41. void SetVisible(BOOL bNewValue);
  42. CString GetVersion();
  43. BOOL GetScreenUpdating();
  44. void SetScreenUpdating(BOOL bNewValue);
  45. BOOL GetPrintPreview();
  46. void SetPrintPreview(BOOL bNewValue);
  47. LPDISPATCH GetTasks();
  48. BOOL GetDisplayStatusBar();
  49. void SetDisplayStatusBar(BOOL bNewValue);
  50. BOOL GetSpecialMode();
  51. long GetUsableWidth();
  52. long GetUsableHeight();
  53. BOOL GetMathCoprocessorAvailable();
  54. BOOL GetMouseAvailable();
  55. VARIANT GetInternational(long Index);
  56. CString GetBuild();
  57. BOOL GetCapsLock();
  58. BOOL GetNumLock();
  59. CString GetUserName_();
  60. void SetUserName(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
  61. CString GetUserInitials();
  62. void SetUserInitials(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
  63. CString GetUserAddress();
  64. void SetUserAddress(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
  65. LPDISPATCH GetMacroContainer();
  66. BOOL GetDisplayRecentFiles();
  67. void SetDisplayRecentFiles(BOOL bNewValue);
  68. LPDISPATCH GetCommandBars();
  69. LPDISPATCH GetSynonymInfo(LPCTSTR Word, VARIANT* LanguageID);
  70. LPDISPATCH GetVbe();
  71. CString GetDefaultSaveFormat();
  72. void SetDefaultSaveFormat(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
  73. LPDISPATCH GetListGalleries();
  74. CString GetActivePrinter();
  75. void SetActivePrinter(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
  76. LPDISPATCH GetTemplates();
  77. LPDISPATCH GetCustomizationContext();
  78. void SetCustomizationContext(LPDISPATCH newValue);
  79. LPDISPATCH GetKeyBindings();
  80. LPDISPATCH GetKeysBoundTo(long KeyCategory, LPCTSTR Command, VARIANT* CommandParameter);
  81. LPDISPATCH GetFindKey(long KeyCode, VARIANT* KeyCode2);
  82. CString GetCaption();
  83. void SetCaption(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
  84. CString GetPath();
  85. BOOL GetDisplayScrollBars();
  86. void SetDisplayScrollBars(BOOL bNewValue);
  87. CString GetStartupPath();
  88. void SetStartupPath(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
  89. long GetBackgroundSavingStatus();
  90. long GetBackgroundPrintingStatus();
  91. long GetLeft();
  92. void SetLeft(long nNewValue);
  93. long GetTop();
  94. void SetTop(long nNewValue);
  95. long GetWidth();
  96. void SetWidth(long nNewValue);
  97. long GetHeight();
  98. void SetHeight(long nNewValue);
  99. long GetWindowState();
  100. void SetWindowState(long nNewValue);
  101. BOOL GetDisplayAutoCompleteTips();
  102. void SetDisplayAutoCompleteTips(BOOL bNewValue);
  103. LPDISPATCH GetOptions();
  104. long GetDisplayAlerts();
  105. void SetDisplayAlerts(long nNewValue);
  106. LPDISPATCH GetCustomDictionaries();
  107. CString GetPathSeparator();
  108. void SetStatusBar(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
  109. BOOL GetMAPIAvailable();
  110. BOOL GetDisplayScreenTips();
  111. void SetDisplayScreenTips(BOOL bNewValue);
  112. long GetEnableCancelKey();
  113. void SetEnableCancelKey(long nNewValue);
  114. BOOL GetUserControl();
  115. LPDISPATCH GetFileSearch();
  116. long GetMailSystem();
  117. CString GetDefaultTableSeparator();
  118. void SetDefaultTableSeparator(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
  119. BOOL GetShowVisualBasicEditor();
  120. void SetShowVisualBasicEditor(BOOL bNewValue);
  121. CString GetBrowseExtraFileTypes();
  122. void SetBrowseExtraFileTypes(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
  123. BOOL GetIsObjectValid(LPDISPATCH Object);
  124. LPDISPATCH GetHangulHanjaDictionaries();
  125. LPDISPATCH GetMailMessage();
  126. BOOL GetFocusInMailHeader();
  127. void Quit(VARIANT* SaveChanges, VARIANT* OriginalFormat, VARIANT* RouteDocument);
  128. void ScreenRefresh();
  129. void LookupNameProperties(LPCTSTR Name);
  130. void SubstituteFont(LPCTSTR UnavailableFont, LPCTSTR SubstituteFont);
  131. BOOL Repeat(VARIANT* Times);
  132. void DDEExecute(long Channel, LPCTSTR Command);
  133. long DDEInitiate(LPCTSTR App, LPCTSTR Topic);
  134. void DDEPoke(long Channel, LPCTSTR Item, LPCTSTR Data);
  135. CString DDERequest(long Channel, LPCTSTR Item);
  136. void DDETerminate(long Channel);
  137. void DDETerminateAll();
  138. long BuildKeyCode(long Arg1, VARIANT* Arg2, VARIANT* Arg3, VARIANT* Arg4);
  139. CString KeyString(long KeyCode, VARIANT* KeyCode2);
  140. void OrganizerCopy(LPCTSTR Source, LPCTSTR Destination, LPCTSTR Name, long Object);
  141. void OrganizerDelete(LPCTSTR Source, LPCTSTR Name, long Object);
  142. void OrganizerRename(LPCTSTR Source, LPCTSTR Name, LPCTSTR NewName, long Object);
  143. // method 'AddAddress' not emitted because of invalid return type or parameter type
  144. CString GetAddress(VARIANT* Name, VARIANT* AddressProperties, VARIANT* UseAutoText, VARIANT* DisplaySelectDialog, VARIANT* SelectDialog, VARIANT* CheckNamesDialog, VARIANT* RecentAddressesChoice, VARIANT* UpdateRecentAddresses);
  145. BOOL CheckGrammar(LPCTSTR String);
  146. BOOL CheckSpelling(LPCTSTR Word, VARIANT* CustomDictionary, VARIANT* IgnoreUppercase, VARIANT* MainDictionary, VARIANT* CustomDictionary2, VARIANT* CustomDictionary3, VARIANT* CustomDictionary4, VARIANT* CustomDictionary5,  VARIANT* CustomDictionary6, VARIANT* CustomDictionary7, VARIANT* CustomDictionary8, VARIANT* CustomDictionary9, VARIANT* CustomDictionary10);
  147. void ResetIgnoreAll();
  148. LPDISPATCH GetSpellingSuggestions(LPCTSTR Word, VARIANT* CustomDictionary, VARIANT* IgnoreUppercase, VARIANT* MainDictionary, VARIANT* SuggestionMode, VARIANT* CustomDictionary2, VARIANT* CustomDictionary3, VARIANT* CustomDictionary4,  VARIANT* CustomDictionary5, VARIANT* CustomDictionary6, VARIANT* CustomDictionary7, VARIANT* CustomDictionary8, VARIANT* CustomDictionary9, VARIANT* CustomDictionary10);
  149. void GoBack();
  150. void Help(VARIANT* HelpType);
  151. void AutomaticChange();
  152. void ShowMe();
  153. void HelpTool();
  154. LPDISPATCH NewWindow();
  155. void ListCommands(BOOL ListAllCommands);
  156. void ShowClipboard();
  157. void OnTime(VARIANT* When, LPCTSTR Name, VARIANT* Tolerance);
  158. void NextLetter();
  159. short MountVolume(LPCTSTR Zone, LPCTSTR Server, LPCTSTR Volume, VARIANT* User, VARIANT* UserPassword, VARIANT* VolumePassword);
  160. CString CleanString(LPCTSTR String);
  161. void SendFax();
  162. void ChangeFileOpenDirectory(LPCTSTR Path);
  163. void GoForward();
  164. void Move(long Left, long Top);
  165. void Resize(long Width, long Height);
  166. float InchesToPoints(float Inches);
  167. float CentimetersToPoints(float Centimeters);
  168. float MillimetersToPoints(float Millimeters);
  169. float PicasToPoints(float Picas);
  170. float LinesToPoints(float Lines);
  171. float PointsToInches(float Points);
  172. float PointsToCentimeters(float Points);
  173. float PointsToMillimeters(float Points);
  174. float PointsToPicas(float Points);
  175. float PointsToLines(float Points);
  176. void Activate();
  177. float PointsToPixels(float Points, VARIANT* fVertical);
  178. float PixelsToPoints(float Pixels, VARIANT* fVertical);
  179. void KeyboardLatin();
  180. void KeyboardBidi();
  181. void ToggleKeyboard();
  182. long Keyboard(long LangId);
  183. CString ProductCode();
  184. LPDISPATCH DefaultWebOptions();
  185. void SetDefaultTheme(LPCTSTR Name, long DocumentType);
  186. CString GetDefaultTheme(long DocumentType);
  187. LPDISPATCH GetEmailOptions();
  188. long GetLanguage();
  189. LPDISPATCH GetCOMAddIns();
  190. BOOL GetCheckLanguage();
  191. void SetCheckLanguage(BOOL bNewValue);
  192. LPDISPATCH GetLanguageSettings();
  193. LPDISPATCH GetAnswerWizard();
  194. long GetFeatureInstall();
  195. void SetFeatureInstall(long nNewValue);
  196. void PrintOut(VARIANT* Background, VARIANT* Append, VARIANT* Range, VARIANT* OutputFileName, VARIANT* From, VARIANT* To, VARIANT* Item, VARIANT* Copies, VARIANT* Pages, VARIANT* PageType, VARIANT* PrintToFile, VARIANT* Collate,  VARIANT* FileName, VARIANT* ActivePrinterMacGX, VARIANT* ManualDuplexPrint, VARIANT* PrintZoomColumn, VARIANT* PrintZoomRow, VARIANT* PrintZoomPaperWidth, VARIANT* PrintZoomPaperHeight);
  197. VARIANT Run(LPCTSTR MacroName, VARIANT* varg1, VARIANT* varg2, VARIANT* varg3, VARIANT* varg4, VARIANT* varg5, VARIANT* varg6, VARIANT* varg7, VARIANT* varg8, VARIANT* varg9, VARIANT* varg10, VARIANT* varg11, VARIANT* varg12, VARIANT* varg13,  VARIANT* varg14, VARIANT* varg15, VARIANT* varg16, VARIANT* varg17, VARIANT* varg18, VARIANT* varg19, VARIANT* varg20, VARIANT* varg21, VARIANT* varg22, VARIANT* varg23, VARIANT* varg24, VARIANT* varg25, VARIANT* varg26, VARIANT* varg27,  VARIANT* varg28, VARIANT* varg29, VARIANT* varg30);
  198. };