资源名称:mpeg2编解码.zip [点击查看]
Windows Mobile
- /* getvlc.c, variable length decoding */
- /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
- /*
- * Disclaimer of Warranty
- *
- * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
- * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
- * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
- * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
- * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
- * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
- * arising from the use of these programs.
- *
- * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
- * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
- *
- * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
- * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
- * patents.
- *
- * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
- * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
- * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
- * design.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "global.h"
- #include "getvlc.h"
- /* private prototypes */
- /* generic picture macroblock type processing functions */
- static int Get_I_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
- static int Get_P_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
- static int Get_B_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
- static int Get_D_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
- /* spatial picture macroblock type processing functions */
- static int Get_I_Spatial_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
- static int Get_P_Spatial_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
- static int Get_B_Spatial_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
- static int Get_SNR_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
- int Get_macroblock_type()
- {
- int macroblock_type = 0;
- if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_SNR)
- macroblock_type = Get_SNR_macroblock_type();
- else
- {
- switch (picture_coding_type)
- {
- case I_TYPE:
- macroblock_type = ld->pict_scal ? Get_I_Spatial_macroblock_type() : Get_I_macroblock_type();
- break;
- case P_TYPE:
- macroblock_type = ld->pict_scal ? Get_P_Spatial_macroblock_type() : Get_P_macroblock_type();
- break;
- case B_TYPE:
- macroblock_type = ld->pict_scal ? Get_B_Spatial_macroblock_type() : Get_B_macroblock_type();
- break;
- case D_TYPE:
- macroblock_type = Get_D_macroblock_type();
- break;
- default:
- printf("Get_macroblock_type(): unrecognized picture coding typen");
- break;
- }
- }
- return macroblock_type;
- }
- static int Get_I_macroblock_type()
- {
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("macroblock_type(I) ");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- if (Get_Bits1())
- {
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("(1): Intra (1)n");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return 1;
- }
- if (!Get_Bits1())
- {
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- printf("Invalid macroblock_type coden");
- Fault_Flag = 1;
- }
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("(01): Intra, Quant (17)n");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return 17;
- }
- static char *MBdescr[]={
- "", "Intra", "No MC, Coded", "",
- "Bwd, Not Coded", "", "Bwd, Coded", "",
- "Fwd, Not Coded", "", "Fwd, Coded", "",
- "Interp, Not Coded", "", "Interp, Coded", "",
- "", "Intra, Quant", "No MC, Coded, Quant", "",
- "", "", "Bwd, Coded, Quant", "",
- "", "", "Fwd, Coded, Quant", "",
- "", "", "Interp, Coded, Quant", ""
- };
- static int Get_P_macroblock_type()
- {
- int code;
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("macroblock_type(P) (");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- if ((code = Show_Bits(6))>=8)
- {
- code >>= 3;
- Flush_Buffer(PMBtab0[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,3,PMBtab0[code].len);
- printf("): %s (%d)n",MBdescr[(int)PMBtab0[code].val],PMBtab0[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return PMBtab0[code].val;
- }
- if (code==0)
- {
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- printf("Invalid macroblock_type coden");
- Fault_Flag = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- Flush_Buffer(PMBtab1[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,6,PMBtab1[code].len);
- printf("): %s (%d)n",MBdescr[(int)PMBtab1[code].val],PMBtab1[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return PMBtab1[code].val;
- }
- static int Get_B_macroblock_type()
- {
- int code;
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("macroblock_type(B) (");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- if ((code = Show_Bits(6))>=8)
- {
- code >>= 2;
- Flush_Buffer(BMBtab0[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,4,BMBtab0[code].len);
- printf("): %s (%d)n",MBdescr[(int)BMBtab0[code].val],BMBtab0[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return BMBtab0[code].val;
- }
- if (code==0)
- {
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- printf("Invalid macroblock_type coden");
- Fault_Flag = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- Flush_Buffer(BMBtab1[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,6,BMBtab1[code].len);
- printf("): %s (%d)n",MBdescr[(int)BMBtab1[code].val],BMBtab1[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return BMBtab1[code].val;
- }
- static int Get_D_macroblock_type()
- {
- if (!Get_Bits1())
- {
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- printf("Invalid macroblock_type coden");
- Fault_Flag=1;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* macroblock_type for pictures with spatial scalability */
- static int Get_I_Spatial_macroblock_type()
- {
- int code;
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("macroblock_type(I,spat) (");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- code = Show_Bits(4);
- if (code==0)
- {
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- printf("Invalid macroblock_type coden");
- Fault_Flag = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,4,spIMBtab[code].len);
- printf("): %02xn",spIMBtab[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- Flush_Buffer(spIMBtab[code].len);
- return spIMBtab[code].val;
- }
- static int Get_P_Spatial_macroblock_type()
- {
- int code;
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("macroblock_type(P,spat) (");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- code = Show_Bits(7);
- if (code<2)
- {
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- printf("Invalid macroblock_type coden");
- Fault_Flag = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (code>=16)
- {
- code >>= 3;
- Flush_Buffer(spPMBtab0[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,4,spPMBtab0[code].len);
- printf("): %02xn",spPMBtab0[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return spPMBtab0[code].val;
- }
- Flush_Buffer(spPMBtab1[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,7,spPMBtab1[code].len);
- printf("): %02xn",spPMBtab1[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return spPMBtab1[code].val;
- }
- static int Get_B_Spatial_macroblock_type()
- {
- int code;
- VLCtab *p;
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("macroblock_type(B,spat) (");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- code = Show_Bits(9);
- if (code>=64)
- p = &spBMBtab0[(code>>5)-2];
- else if (code>=16)
- p = &spBMBtab1[(code>>2)-4];
- else if (code>=8)
- p = &spBMBtab2[code-8];
- else
- {
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- printf("Invalid macroblock_type coden");
- Fault_Flag = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- Flush_Buffer(p->len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,9,p->len);
- printf("): %02xn",p->val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return p->val;
- }
- static int Get_SNR_macroblock_type()
- {
- int code;
- #ifdef TRACE /* *CH* */
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("macroblock_type(SNR) (");
- #endif TRACE
- code = Show_Bits(3);
- if (code==0)
- {
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- printf("Invalid macroblock_type coden");
- Fault_Flag = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- Flush_Buffer(SNRMBtab[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE /* *CH* */
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,3,SNRMBtab[code].len);
- printf("): %s (%d)n",MBdescr[(int)SNRMBtab[code].val],SNRMBtab[code].val);
- }
- #endif TRACE
- return SNRMBtab[code].val;
- }
- int Get_motion_code()
- {
- int code;
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("motion_code (");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- if (Get_Bits1())
- {
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("0): 0n");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return 0;
- }
- if ((code = Show_Bits(9))>=64)
- {
- code >>= 6;
- Flush_Buffer(MVtab0[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,3,MVtab0[code].len);
- printf("%d): %dn",
- Show_Bits(1),Show_Bits(1)?-MVtab0[code].val:MVtab0[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return Get_Bits1()?-MVtab0[code].val:MVtab0[code].val;
- }
- if (code>=24)
- {
- code >>= 3;
- Flush_Buffer(MVtab1[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,6,MVtab1[code].len);
- printf("%d): %dn",
- Show_Bits(1),Show_Bits(1)?-MVtab1[code].val:MVtab1[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return Get_Bits1()?-MVtab1[code].val:MVtab1[code].val;
- }
- if ((code-=12)<0)
- {
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- /* HACK */
- printf("Invalid motion_vector code (MBA %d, pic %d)n", global_MBA, global_pic);
- Fault_Flag=1;
- return 0;
- }
- Flush_Buffer(MVtab2[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code+12,9,MVtab2[code].len);
- printf("%d): %dn",
- Show_Bits(1),Show_Bits(1)?-MVtab2[code].val:MVtab2[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return Get_Bits1() ? -MVtab2[code].val : MVtab2[code].val;
- }
- /* get differential motion vector (for dual prime prediction) */
- int Get_dmvector()
- {
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("dmvector (");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- if (Get_Bits(1))
- {
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf(Show_Bits(1) ? "11): -1n" : "10): 1n");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return Get_Bits(1) ? -1 : 1;
- }
- else
- {
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("0): 0n");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int Get_coded_block_pattern()
- {
- int code;
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("coded_block_pattern_420 (");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- if ((code = Show_Bits(9))>=128)
- {
- code >>= 4;
- Flush_Buffer(CBPtab0[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,5,CBPtab0[code].len);
- printf("): ");
- Print_Bits(CBPtab0[code].val,6,6);
- printf(" (%d)n",CBPtab0[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return CBPtab0[code].val;
- }
- if (code>=8)
- {
- code >>= 1;
- Flush_Buffer(CBPtab1[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,8,CBPtab1[code].len);
- printf("): ");
- Print_Bits(CBPtab1[code].val,6,6);
- printf(" (%d)n",CBPtab1[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return CBPtab1[code].val;
- }
- if (code<1)
- {
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- printf("Invalid coded_block_pattern coden");
- Fault_Flag = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- Flush_Buffer(CBPtab2[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,9,CBPtab2[code].len);
- printf("): ");
- Print_Bits(CBPtab2[code].val,6,6);
- printf(" (%d)n",CBPtab2[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return CBPtab2[code].val;
- }
- int Get_macroblock_address_increment()
- {
- int code, val;
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("macroblock_address_increment (");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- val = 0;
- while ((code = Show_Bits(11))<24)
- {
- if (code!=15) /* if not macroblock_stuffing */
- {
- if (code==8) /* if macroblock_escape */
- {
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("00000001000 ");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- val+= 33;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- printf("Invalid macroblock_address_increment coden");
- Fault_Flag = 1;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else /* macroblock suffing */
- {
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("00000001111 ");
- #endif /* TRACE */
- }
- Flush_Buffer(11);
- }
- /* macroblock_address_increment == 1 */
- /* ('1' is in the MSB position of the lookahead) */
- if (code>=1024)
- {
- Flush_Buffer(1);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("1): %dn",val+1);
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return val + 1;
- }
- /* codes 00010 ... 011xx */
- if (code>=128)
- {
- /* remove leading zeros */
- code >>= 6;
- Flush_Buffer(MBAtab1[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,5,MBAtab1[code].len);
- printf("): %dn",val+MBAtab1[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return val + MBAtab1[code].val;
- }
- /* codes 00000011000 ... 0000111xxxx */
- code-= 24; /* remove common base */
- Flush_Buffer(MBAtab2[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code+24,11,MBAtab2[code].len);
- printf("): %dn",val+MBAtab2[code].val);
- }
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return val + MBAtab2[code].val;
- }
- /* combined MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 stage. parse VLC and
- perform dct_diff arithmetic.
- MPEG-1: ISO/IEC 11172-2 section
- MPEG-2: ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.2.1
- Note: the arithmetic here is presented more elegantly than
- the spec, yet the results, dct_diff, are the same.
- */
- int Get_Luma_DC_dct_diff()
- {
- int code, size, dct_diff;
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("dct_dc_size_luminance: (");
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- /* decode length */
- code = Show_Bits(5);
- if (code<31)
- {
- size = DClumtab0[code].val;
- Flush_Buffer(DClumtab0[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,5,DClumtab0[code].len);
- printf("): %d",size);
- }
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- }
- else
- {
- code = Show_Bits(9) - 0x1f0;
- size = DClumtab1[code].val;
- Flush_Buffer(DClumtab1[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code+0x1f0,9,DClumtab1[code].len);
- printf("): %d",size);
- }
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- }
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf(", dct_dc_differential (");
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- if (size==0)
- dct_diff = 0;
- else
- {
- dct_diff = Get_Bits(size);
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- Print_Bits(dct_diff,size,size);
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- if ((dct_diff & (1<<(size-1)))==0)
- dct_diff-= (1<<size) - 1;
- }
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("): %dn",dct_diff);
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return dct_diff;
- }
- int Get_Chroma_DC_dct_diff()
- {
- int code, size, dct_diff;
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("dct_dc_size_chrominance: (");
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- /* decode length */
- code = Show_Bits(5);
- if (code<31)
- {
- size = DCchromtab0[code].val;
- Flush_Buffer(DCchromtab0[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code,5,DCchromtab0[code].len);
- printf("): %d",size);
- }
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- }
- else
- {
- code = Show_Bits(10) - 0x3e0;
- size = DCchromtab1[code].val;
- Flush_Buffer(DCchromtab1[code].len);
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- {
- Print_Bits(code+0x3e0,10,DCchromtab1[code].len);
- printf("): %d",size);
- }
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- }
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf(", dct_dc_differential (");
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- if (size==0)
- dct_diff = 0;
- else
- {
- dct_diff = Get_Bits(size);
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- Print_Bits(dct_diff,size,size);
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- if ((dct_diff & (1<<(size-1)))==0)
- dct_diff-= (1<<size) - 1;
- }
- #ifdef TRACE
- /*
- if (Trace_Flag)
- printf("): %dn",dct_diff);
- */
- #endif /* TRACE */
- return dct_diff;
- }