- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "ipStats"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder6" ,"Yes"
- Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes"
- Option Explicit
- 'Gives stats on IP connections - TCP, UDP and ICMP.
- 'This code is copyright 2000 Nick Johnson.
- 'This code may be reused and modified for non-commercial
- 'purposes only as long as credit is given to the author
- 'in the programmes about box and it's documentation.
- 'If you use this code, please email me at:
- 'arachnid@mad.scientist.com and let me know what you think
- 'and what you are doing with it.
- 'Winapi calls
- Private Declare Function GetTcpTable Lib "IPhlpAPI" (pTcpTable As MIB_TCPTABLE, pdwSize As Long, bOrder As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function FormatMessage Lib "kernel32" Alias "FormatMessageA" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpSource As Any, ByVal dwMessageId As Long, ByVal dwLanguageId As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long, Arguments As Long) As Long
- 'Winapi structures
- Private Type MIB_TCPROW
- dwState As tcpStates
- dwLocalAddr(0 To 3) As Byte
- dwLocalPort As String * 4
- dwRemoteAddr(0 To 3) As Byte
- dwRemotePort As String * 4
- End Type
- Private Type MIB_TCPTABLE
- dwNumEntries As Long 'number of entries in the table
- table(100) As MIB_TCPROW 'array of TCP connections
- End Type
- 'Property variables
- Private trRows() As tcpRow
- 'Function to get active & listening TCP connections
- Public Function getTCPConnections() As Boolean
- Dim lngSize As Long
- Dim lngReturn As Long
- Dim tcpTable As MIB_TCPTABLE
- Dim intCount As Integer
- 'The size of the tcpTable structure
- lngSize = 20 * 100 + 4
- lngReturn = GetTcpTable(tcpTable, lngSize, True)
- Select Case lngReturn
- Case 0
- 'Success - copy structure to the array of ipStats
- ReDim trRows(0 To tcpTable.dwNumEntries - 1)
- For intCount = 0 To tcpTable.dwNumEntries - 1
- Set trRows(intCount) = New tcpRow
- trRows(intCount).LocalIP = tcpTable.table(intCount).dwLocalAddr
- trRows(intCount).RemoteIP = tcpTable.table(intCount).dwRemoteAddr
- trRows(intCount).LocalPort = c_port(tcpTable.table(intCount).dwLocalPort)
- If tcpTable.table(intCount).dwState = TCP_STATE_ESTAB Then
- trRows(intCount).RemotePort = c_port(tcpTable.table(intCount).dwRemotePort)
- Else
- trRows(intCount).RemotePort = 0
- End If
- trRows(intCount).State = tcpTable.table(intCount).dwState
- Next intCount
- getTCPConnections = True
- Case 122
- 'Structure too small - can't gather. Solution on the way?
- getTCPConnections = False
- Case 232
- 'Not connected to a network. Return an empty array and set connected to false.
- ReDim trRows(0 To 0)
- getTCPConnections = True
- Case Else
- 'Unknown error. Get the message and report it
- Err.Raise 1 + vbObjectError, "ipStats", "Error getting connections:" & vbCrLf & "Number: " & Str(lngReturn) & vbCrLf & "Description: " & getErrorMessage(lngReturn)
- getTCPConnections = False
- End Select
- End Function
- Public Property Get RowData(index As Integer) As tcpRow
- Set RowData = trRows(index)
- End Property
- Public Property Get RowCount() As Integer
- RowCount = UBound(trRows) - LBound(trRows) + 1
- End Property
- 'Retrieves the windows error message for a specific code
- Private Function getErrorMessage(lngError As Long)
- Dim lngLen As Long
- Dim strOut As String
- strOut = Space(256)
- lngLen = FormatMessage(&H1000, 0, lngError, 0, strOut, 255, 0)
- getErrorMessage = Left(strOut, lngLen - 1)
- End Function
- 'Extracts the port number
- Private Function c_port(s) As Long
- c_port = Asc(Mid(s, 1, 1))
- c_port = c_port * 256
- c_port = c_port + Asc(Mid(s, 2, 1))
- 'c_port = Asc(Mid(s, 1, 1)) * 256 + Asc(Mid(s, 2, 1))
- End Function